blob: 1efcf36bfbb2cd47365422f8c657fc7cade58eb9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use diagnostics_reader::{ArchiveReader, Inspect};
use fidl_fuchsia_component::BinderMarker;
use fidl_fuchsia_diagnostics_persist::{
DataPersistenceMarker, DataPersistenceProxy, PersistResult,
use fidl_fuchsia_samplertestcontroller::{SamplerTestControllerMarker, SamplerTestControllerProxy};
use fuchsia_component_test::RealmInstance;
use fuchsia_zircon::{Duration, Time};
use serde_json::{self, Value};
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::Read;
use std::{thread, time};
use tracing::*;
mod mock_filesystems;
mod test_topology;
// When to give up on polling for a change and fail the test. DNS if less than 120 sec.
static GIVE_UP_POLLING_SECS: i64 = 120;
static METADATA_KEY: &str = "metadata";
static TIMESTAMP_METADATA_KEY: &str = "timestamp";
// Each persisted tag contains a "@timestamps" object with four timestamps that need to be zeroed.
static PAYLOAD_KEY: &str = "payload";
static ROOT_KEY: &str = "root";
static PERSIST_KEY: &str = "persist";
static TIMESTAMP_STRUCT_KEY: &str = "@timestamps";
static BEFORE_MONOTONIC_KEY: &str = "before_monotonic";
static AFTER_MONOTONIC_KEY: &str = "after_monotonic";
static PUBLISHED_TIME_KEY: &str = "published";
static TIMESTAMP_STRUCT_ENTRIES: [&str; 4] =
["before_utc", BEFORE_MONOTONIC_KEY, "after_utc", AFTER_MONOTONIC_KEY];
/// If the "single_counter" Inspect source is publishing Inspect data, the stringified JSON
/// version of that data should include this string. Waiting for it to appear avoids a race
/// condition.
static KEY_FROM_INSPECT_SOURCE: &str = "integer_1";
pub(crate) const TEST_PERSISTENCE_SERVICE_NAME: &str =
enum Published {
enum FileState {
struct FileChange<'a> {
old: FileState,
after: Option<Time>,
new: FileState,
file_name: &'a str,
struct TestRealm {
instance: RealmInstance,
persistence: DataPersistenceProxy,
inspect: SamplerTestControllerProxy,
/// Runs Persistene and a test component that can have its inspect properties
/// manipulated by the test via fidl.
async fn diagnostics_persistence_integration() {
let persisted_data_path = "/tmp/cache/current/test-service/test-component-metric";
let persisted_too_big_path = "/tmp/cache/current/test-service/test-component-too-big";
// Verify that the backoff mechanism works by observing the time between first and second
// persistence to verify that the change doesn't happen too soon.
// backoff_time should be the same as "min_seconds_between_fetch" in
let backoff_time = Time::get_monotonic() + Duration::from_seconds(1);
// For development it may be convenient to set this to 5. For production, slow virtual devices
// may cause test flakes even with surprisingly long timeouts.
assert!(GIVE_UP_POLLING_SECS >= 120);
let realm = TestRealm::create().await;
assert_eq!(realm.request_persistence("wrong_component_metric").await, PersistResult::BadName);
expect_file_change(FileChange {
old: FileState::None,
new: FileState::None,
file_name: persisted_data_path,
after: None,
assert_eq!(realm.request_persistence("test-component-metric").await, PersistResult::Queued);
expect_file_change(FileChange {
old: FileState::None,
new: FileState::Int(19),
file_name: persisted_data_path,
after: None,
// Valid data can be replaced by missing data.
assert_eq!(realm.request_persistence("test-component-metric").await, PersistResult::Queued);
expect_file_change(FileChange {
old: FileState::Int(19),
new: FileState::NoInt,
file_name: persisted_data_path,
after: Some(backoff_time),
// Missing data can be replaced by new data.
assert_eq!(realm.request_persistence("test-component-metric").await, PersistResult::Queued);
expect_file_change(FileChange {
old: FileState::NoInt,
new: FileState::Int(42),
file_name: persisted_data_path,
after: None,
// The persisted data shouldn't be published until Diagnostics Persistence is killed and
// restarted.
let realm = realm.restart().await;
expect_file_change(FileChange {
old: FileState::None,
new: FileState::None,
file_name: persisted_data_path,
after: None,
// After another restart, no data should be published.
let realm = realm.restart().await;
// The "too-big" tag should save a short error string instead of the data.
assert_eq!(realm.request_persistence("test-component-too-big").await, PersistResult::Queued);
expect_file_change(FileChange {
old: FileState::None,
new: FileState::TooBig,
file_name: persisted_too_big_path,
after: None,
let _realm = realm.restart().await;
/// The Inspect source may not publish Inspect (via take_and_serve_directory_handle()) until
/// some time after the FIDL call that woke it up has returned. This function verifies that
/// the Inspect source is actually publishing data to avoid a race condition.
async fn wait_for_inspect_source() {
let mut inspect_fetcher = ArchiveReader::new();
let start_time = Time::get_monotonic();
loop {
assert!(start_time + Duration::from_seconds(GIVE_UP_POLLING_SECS) > Time::get_monotonic());
let published_inspect =
if published_inspect.contains(KEY_FROM_INSPECT_SOURCE) {
impl TestRealm {
async fn create() -> TestRealm {
let instance = test_topology::create().await.expect("initialized topology");
// Start up the Persistence component during realm creation - as happens during startup
// in a real system - so that it can publish the previous boot's stored data, if any.
let _persistence_binder = instance
// `inspect` is the source of Inspect data that Persistence will read and persist.
let inspect = instance
// `persistence` is the connection to ask for new data to be read and persisted.
let persistence = instance
TestRealm { instance, persistence, inspect }
/// Set the `optional` value to a given number, or remove it from the Inspect tree.
async fn set_inspect(&self, value: Option<i64>) {
match value {
Some(value) => {
self.inspect.set_optional(value).await.expect("set_optional should work")
None => self.inspect.remove_optional().await.expect("remove_optional should work"),
/// Ask for a tag's associated data to be persisted.
async fn request_persistence(&self, tag: &str) -> PersistResult {
/// Tear down the realm to make sure everything is gone before you restart it.
/// Then create and return a new realm.
async fn restart(self) -> TestRealm {
self.instance.destroy().await.expect("destroy should work");
/// Given a mut map from a JSON object that's presumably sourced from Inspect, if it contains a
/// timestamp record entry, this function validates that "before" <= "after", then zeros them.
fn clean_and_test_timestamps(map: &mut serde_json::Map<String, Value>) {
if let Some(Value::Object(map)) = map.get_mut(TIMESTAMP_STRUCT_KEY) {
if let (Some(Value::Number(before)), Some(Value::Number(after))) =
assert!(before.as_u64() <= after.as_u64(), "Monotonic timestamps must increase");
} else {
assert!(false, "Timestamp map must contain before/after monotonic values");
for key in TIMESTAMP_STRUCT_ENTRIES.iter() {
let key = key.to_string();
if let Some(Value::Number(_)) = map.get_mut(&key) {
map.insert(key, serde_json::json!(0));
let matcher = regex::Regex::new("realm_builder\\\\:auto-[a-f0-9]*?/").unwrap();
let keys = map
.filter_map(|key| if matcher.is_match(key) { Some(key.to_owned()) } else { None })
for key in keys {
let value = map.remove(&key).unwrap();
let new_key = matcher.replace(&key, "realm_builder/").to_string();
map.insert(new_key, value);
/// The number of bytes reported in the "too big" case may vary. It should be a 2-digit
/// number. Replace with underscores.
fn unbrittle_too_big_message(contents: Option<String>) -> Option<String> {
match contents {
None => None,
Some(contents) => {
let matcher = regex::Regex::new(r"Data too big: \d{2} > max length 10").unwrap();
Some(matcher.replace(&contents, "Data too big: __ > max length 10").to_string())
// Verifies that the file changes from the old state to the new state within the specified time
// window. This involves polling; the granularity for retries is 100 msec.
fn expect_file_change(rules: FileChange<'_>) {
// Returns None if the file isn't there. If the file is there but contains "[]" then it tries
// again (this avoids a file-writing race condition). Any other string will be returned.
fn file_contents(persisted_data_path: &str) -> Option<String> {
loop {
let file = File::open(persisted_data_path);
if file.is_err() {
return None;
let mut contents = String::new();
file.unwrap().read_to_string(&mut contents).unwrap();
// Just because the file was present doesn't mean we persisted. Creation and
// writing isn't atomic, and we sometimes flake as we race between the creation and write.
if contents == "[]" {
warn!("No data has been written to the persisted file (yet)");
let parse_result: Result<Value, serde_json::Error> = serde_json::from_str(&contents);
if let Err(_) = parse_result {
warn!("Bad JSON data in the file. Partial writes happen sometimes. Retrying.");
return Some(contents);
fn zero_file_timestamps(contents: Option<String>) -> Option<String> {
match contents {
None => None,
Some(contents) => {
let mut obj: Value = serde_json::from_str(&contents).expect("parsing json failed.");
if let Value::Object(ref mut map) = obj {
fn expected_string(state: &FileState) -> Option<String> {
match state {
FileState::None => None,
FileState::NoInt => Some(expected_stored_data(None)),
FileState::Int(i) => Some(expected_stored_data(Some(*i))),
FileState::TooBig => Some(expected_size_error()),
fn strings_match(left: &Option<String>, right: &Option<String>, context: &str) -> bool {
match (left, right) {
(None, None) => true,
(Some(left), Some(right)) => json_strings_match(left, right, context),
_ => false,
let start_time = Time::get_monotonic();
let old_string = expected_string(&rules.old);
let new_string = expected_string(&;
loop {
assert!(start_time + Duration::from_seconds(GIVE_UP_POLLING_SECS) > Time::get_monotonic());
let contents =
if rules.old != && strings_match(&contents, &old_string, "old file (likely OK)") {
if strings_match(&contents, &new_string, "new file check") {
if let Some(after) = rules.after {
assert!(Time::get_monotonic() > after);
error!("File contents don't match old or new target.");
error!("Old : {:?}", old_string);
error!("New : {:?}", new_string);
error!("File: {:?}", contents);
fn json_strings_match(observed: &str, expected: &str, context: &str) -> bool {
fn parse_json(string: &str, context1: &str, context2: &str) -> Value {
let parse_result: Result<Value, serde_json::Error> = serde_json::from_str(&string);
match parse_result {
Ok(json) => json,
Err(badness) => {
error!("Error parsing json in {} {}: {}", context1, context2, badness);
let mut observed_json = parse_json(observed, "observed", context);
let expected_json = parse_json(expected, "expected", context);
// Remove health nodes if they exist.
if let Some(v) = observed_json.as_array_mut() {
for hierarchy in v.iter_mut() {
if let Some(Some(root)) =
hierarchy.pointer_mut("/payload/root").map(|r| r.as_object_mut())
if observed_json != expected_json {
warn!("Observed != expected in {}", context);
warn!("Observed: {:?}", observed_json);
warn!("Expected: {:?}", expected_json);
observed_json == expected_json
fn zero_and_test_timestamps(contents: &str) -> String {
fn for_all_entries<F>(map: &mut serde_json::Map<String, Value>, func: F)
F: Fn(&mut serde_json::Map<String, Value>),
for (_key, value) in map.iter_mut() {
if let Value::Object(inner_map) = value {
let result_json: Value = serde_json::from_str(contents).expect("parsing json failed.");
let mut string_result_array = result_json
.expect("result json is an array of objs.")
.filter_map(|val| {
let mut val = val.clone();
val.as_object_mut().map(|obj: &mut serde_json::Map<String, serde_json::Value>| {
let metadata_obj = obj.get_mut(METADATA_KEY).unwrap().as_object_mut().unwrap();
metadata_obj.insert(TIMESTAMP_METADATA_KEY.to_string(), serde_json::json!(0));
let payload_obj = obj.get_mut(PAYLOAD_KEY).unwrap();
if let Value::Object(map) = payload_obj {
if let Some(Value::Object(map)) = map.get_mut(ROOT_KEY) {
if map.contains_key(PUBLISHED_TIME_KEY) {
map.insert(PUBLISHED_TIME_KEY.to_string(), serde_json::json!(0));
if let Some(Value::Object(persist_contents)) = map.get_mut(PERSIST_KEY) {
for_all_entries(persist_contents, |service_contents| {
for_all_entries(service_contents, clean_and_test_timestamps);
.expect("All entries in the array are valid.")
format!("[{}]", string_result_array.join(","))
fn collapse_realm_builder_strings(data: &str) -> String {
let matcher = regex::Regex::new("realm([_-])builder.*?/persistence").unwrap();
matcher.replace_all(data, "realm${1}builder/persistence").to_string()
/// Verify that the expected data is published by Persistence in its Inspect hierarchy.
async fn verify_diagnostics_persistence_publication(published: Published) {
let mut inspect_fetcher = ArchiveReader::new();
loop {
let published_inspect =
if published_inspect.contains(PUBLISHED_TIME_KEY) {
"persistence publication"
fn expected_stored_data(number: Option<i32>) -> String {
let variant = match number {
None => "".to_string(),
Some(number) => format!("\"optional\": {},", number),
{"realm_builder/single_counter": { "samples" : { %VARIANT% "integer_1": 10 } },
"@timestamps": {"before_utc":0, "after_utc":0, "before_monotonic":0, "after_monotonic":0}
.replace("%VARIANT%", &variant)
fn expected_size_error() -> String {
// unbrittle_too_big_message() will replace a 2-digit number after "big: " with __
":error": {
"description": "Data too big: __ > max length 10"
"@timestamps": {
"before_utc":0, "after_utc":0, "before_monotonic":0, "after_monotonic":0
fn expected_diagnostics_persistence_inspect(published: Published) -> String {
let variant = match published {
Published::Nothing => "".to_string(),
Published::SizeError => r#"
"test-service": {
"test-component-too-big": %SIZE_ERROR%
.replace("%SIZE_ERROR%", &expected_size_error()),
Published::Int(_) => {
let number_text = match published {
Published::Int(number) => format!("\"optional\": {},", number),
_ => "".to_string(),
"test-service": {
"test-component-metric": {
"@timestamps": {
"realm_builder/single_counter": {
"samples": {
"integer_1": 10
.replace("%NUMBER_TEXT%", &number_text)
"data_source": "Inspect",
"metadata": {
"component_url": "realm-builder/persistence",
"filename": "fuchsia.inspect.Tree",
"timestamp": 0
"moniker": "realm_builder/persistence",
"payload": {
"root": {
"startup_delay_seconds": 1
"version": 1
.replace("%VARIANT%", &variant)