blob: 4183072a283b84f1e99ba967f25b8ea1bead9cd0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fidl/fuchsia.hardware.block.verified/cpp/wire.h>
#include <lib/zx/channel.h>
#include <fbl/unique_fd.h>
#include "src/lib/digest/digest.h"
namespace block_verity {
// `VerifiedVolumeClient` is a client library to ease interacting with
// `fuchsia.hardware.block.verified` devices and their children.
class VerifiedVolumeClient {
VerifiedVolumeClient(zx::channel verity_chan, fbl::unique_fd devfs_root_fd);
// Disallow copy, assign, and move
VerifiedVolumeClient(const VerifiedVolumeClient&) = delete;
VerifiedVolumeClient& operator=(const VerifiedVolumeClient&) = delete;
VerifiedVolumeClient(VerifiedVolumeClient&&) = delete;
VerifiedVolumeClient& operator=(VerifiedVolumeClient&&) = delete;
enum Disposition {
// Given a borrowed fd to a block device (`block_dev_fd`) and an owned fd for
// the the devfs root (`devfs_root_fd`), prepare a `VerifiedVolumeClient` by
// possibly binding the driver according to `disposition` and waiting up to
// `timeout` for the `verity` child of `block_dev_fd` to appear.
static zx_status_t CreateFromBlockDevice(int block_dev_fd, fbl::unique_fd devfs_root_fd,
Disposition disposition, const zx::duration& timeout,
std::unique_ptr<VerifiedVolumeClient>* out);
// Requests that the volume be opened for authoring. If successful,
// `mutable_block_fd_out` will contain an open handle to the mutable block
// device.
zx_status_t OpenForAuthoring(const zx::duration& timeout, fbl::unique_fd& mutable_block_fd_out);
// Requests that any child device (mutable or verified) created by
// `OpenForAuthoring` or `OpenForVerifiedRead` be unbound.
zx_status_t Close();
// Requests that the volume unbind the `mutable` child, regenerated integrity
// data, update the superblock, and return a seal for future use with
// `OpenForVerifiedRead`. If successful, the result of the seal operation is
// allocated in a caller-owned `arena` and returned via `out`, so the caller
// can persist it somewhere.
zx_status_t CloseAndGenerateSeal(
fidl::AnyArena& arena,
fuchsia_hardware_block_verified::wire::DeviceManagerCloseAndGenerateSealResponse* out);
// Requests that the volume be opened for verified reads, with the expectation
// that the volume superblock matches the seal provided. If successful,
// `verified_block_fd_out` will contain a handle to the verified block device.
zx_status_t OpenForVerifiedRead(const digest::Digest& expected_seal, const zx::duration& timeout,
fbl::unique_fd& verified_block_fd_out);
zx::channel verity_chan_;
fbl::unique_fd devfs_root_fd_;
} // namespace block_verity