blob: ff2365296b40d4f7deca74c4d815c61a0419d12c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fidl/fuchsia.hardware.block.verified/cpp/wire.h>
#include <lib/ddk/device.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <ddktl/device.h>
#include <fbl/macros.h>
#include <fbl/mutex.h>
#include "src/devices/block/drivers/block-verity/driver-sealer.h"
#include "src/devices/block/drivers/block-verity/superblock-verifier.h"
#include "src/devices/block/drivers/block-verity/superblock.h"
namespace block_verity {
class Device;
class VerifiedDevice;
class DeviceManager;
using DeviceManagerType =
ddk::Device<DeviceManager, ddk::Unbindable,
// A device that consumes a block device and implements
// `fuchsia.hardware.block.verified`. It manages the lifecycle of a child block
// device which represents either a mutable or verified view of another block
// device.
class DeviceManager final : public DeviceManagerType {
explicit DeviceManager(zx_device_t* parent)
: DeviceManagerType(parent),
state_(kBinding) {}
// Disallow copy, assign, and move.
DeviceManager(const DeviceManager&) = delete;
DeviceManager(DeviceManager&&) = delete;
DeviceManager& operator=(const DeviceManager&) = delete;
DeviceManager& operator=(DeviceManager&&) = delete;
~DeviceManager() = default;
static zx_status_t Create(void* ctx, zx_device_t* parent);
// Adds the device
zx_status_t Bind();
// ddk::Device methods; see ddktl/device.h
void DdkUnbind(ddk::UnbindTxn txn) __TA_EXCLUDES(mtx_);
void DdkRelease();
// ddk::ChildPreRelease methods
void DdkChildPreRelease(void* child_ctx);
// implement `fidl::WireServer<DeviceManager>`
void OpenForWrite(OpenForWriteRequestView request,
OpenForWriteCompleter::Sync& completer) override __TA_EXCLUDES(mtx_);
void CloseAndGenerateSeal(CloseAndGenerateSealRequestView request,
CloseAndGenerateSealCompleter::Sync& completer) override
void OpenForVerifiedRead(OpenForVerifiedReadRequestView request,
OpenForVerifiedReadCompleter::Sync& completer) override
void Close(CloseRequestView request, CloseCompleter::Sync& completer) override
void OnSealCompleted(zx_status_t status, const uint8_t* seal_buf, size_t seal_len)
void OnSuperblockVerificationCompleted(zx_status_t status, const Superblock* superblock)
void CompleteOpenForVerifiedRead(zx_status_t status) __TA_REQUIRES(mtx_);
// Represents the state of this device.
enum State {
// Initial state upon allocation. Transitions to `kClosed` during `Bind()`.
// No child devices exist. Can transition to `kAuthoring` or `kVerifiedReadCheck`
// in response to FIDL request to open.
// The `mutable` child device is present and available for read/write
// access. This state can transition to `kClosing` via a `Close()` call or
// to `kClosingForSeal` via a `CloseAndGenerateSeal()` call.
// We have requested that the child device be closed, but it hasn't been
// torn down yet. When it does (which we'll be notified of via
// `DdkChildPreRelease`), we'll transition to `kSealing`.
// The child device has been torn down. We are recomputing all integrity
// information and writing it out to the underlying block device, then we
// will transition to `kClosed` and return the seal to the
// `CloseAndGenerateSeal()` caller.
// We have received a request to open for verified read, and are reading the
// superblock from the backing storage. Upon completion of the read, we
// will transition to either `kClosed` (if the seal provided by the client did
// not match, or specified a different config than the one in the superblock)
// or `kVerifiedRead` (if the seal matched).
// The `verified` child device is present and available for readonly,
// verified access. This state can transition to `kClosing` via a `Close()`
// call.
// Either the `mutable` or `verified` child device is present. We have
// requested that it be unbound, but have not yet heard via
// `DdkChildPreRelease` that it has been unbound. When we do, we will
// transition to the `kClosed` state.
// Some underlying failure has left this device in an inconsistent state and
// we refuse to go on.
// TODO: still working out the exact lifecycle implications of these states
// If we are currently exposing a mutable child device, this will be a
// reference to the child so we can request it be removed. This is expected
// to be nonnull when `state_` is kAuthoring or kClosing.
std::optional<block_verity::Device*> mutable_child_;
// A place to hold a FIDL transaction completer so we can asynchronously
// complete the transaction when we see the child device disappear, via the
// `ChildPreRelease` hook. This is expected to be valid when `state_` is
// `kClosing` and nullopt all other times.
std::optional<CloseCompleter::Async> close_completer_;
// If we are currently sealing, this holds the DriverSealer which is responsible for
// scheduling and performing that computation, then calling a callback. This
// is expected to be valid when `state_` is `kSealing` and nullopt all other
// times.
std::unique_ptr<DriverSealer> sealer_;
// A place to hold a FIDL transaction completer so we can asynchronously
// complete the transaction after doing a bunch of I/O to regenerate the
// integrity data, superblock, and seal. This is expected to be valid when
// `state_` is `kClosingForSeal` and `kSealing`, and nullopt all other times.
std::optional<CloseAndGenerateSealCompleter::Async> seal_completer_;
// If we are currently exposing a verified child device, this will be a
// reference to the child so we can request it be removed when Close() is
// called. This is expected to be nonnull when `state_` is kVerifiedRead or
// kClosing.
std::optional<block_verity::VerifiedDevice*> verified_child_;
// If we are currently verifying the superblock seal given by a client that
// called OpenForVerifiedRead, this will be a reference to that verifier while
// it performs I/O. This is expected to be valid when `state_` is
// kVerifiedReadCheck and nullptr all other times.
std::unique_ptr<SuperblockVerifier> superblock_verifier_;
// A place to hold a FIDL transaction completer so we can asynchronously
// complete the transaction when we successfully verify the superblock matches
// the seal the user provided. This is expected to be valid when `state_` is
// `kVerifiedReadCheck
std::optional<OpenForVerifiedReadCompleter::Async> open_for_verified_read_completer_;
// Used to ensure FIDL calls are exclusive to each other, and protects access to `state_`.
fbl::Mutex mtx_;
// What state is this device in? See more details for the state machine above
// where `State` is defined.
State state_ __TA_GUARDED(mtx_);
} // namespace block_verity