blob: 9b1918a14b45ff770d3b5d6eab1e03f9c7555348 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "benchmarks.h"
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <lib/async/cpp/task.h>
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include <lib/trace-engine/buffer_internal.h>
#include <lib/trace-engine/instrumentation.h>
#include <lib/trace/event.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <trace-vthread/event_vthread.h>
#include "handler.h"
#include "runner.h"
namespace {
using Benchmark = fit::function<void()>;
class Runner {
Runner(bool enabled, const BenchmarkSpec* spec) : enabled_(enabled), spec_(spec) {}
void Run(const char* name, Benchmark benchmark) {
if (enabled_) {
// The trace engine needs to run in its own thread in order to
// process buffer full requests in streaming mode while the
// benchmark is running. Note that records will still get lost
// if the engine thread is not scheduled frequently enough. This
// is a stress test so all the app is doing is filling the trace
// buffer. :-)
async::Loop loop(&kAsyncLoopConfigNoAttachToCurrentThread);
BenchmarkHandler handler(&loop, spec_->mode, spec_->buffer_size);
loop.StartThread("trace-engine loop", nullptr);
name, spec_->name, spec_->num_iterations, benchmark, [&handler]() { handler.Start(); },
[&handler]() { handler.Stop(); });
} else {
// For the disabled benchmarks we just use the default number
// of iterations.
name, spec_->name, benchmark, []() {}, []() {});
// Utility to print a line of text in the same format as RunAndMeasure.
void Print(const char* fmt, ...) {
fputs(kTestOutputPrefix, stdout);
va_list args;
va_start(args, fmt);
vprintf(fmt, args);
const bool enabled_;
// nullptr if |!enabled_|.
const BenchmarkSpec* spec_;
} // namespace
#define MAKE_TEST_SYMBOL_NAME(prefix, DURATION_MACRO, test_symbol_name, category) \
// clang-format doesn't understand the leading #
// clang-format off
#define MAKE_TEST_SYMBOL_STRING(prefix, DURATION_MACRO, test_symbol_name, category) \
#prefix #DURATION_MACRO #test_symbol_name #category
// clang-format on
// N.B. In order for this to work, this code cannot live in the anonymous
// namespace. Otherwise the compiler attaches that namespace to the section
// name which will no longer be a valid C symbol (which is what we need in
// order for the linker to generate the __{start,stop}_SECNAME symbols.
#define RUN_TEST(test_name, pretty_test_name, macro_name, enabled_prefix, category, expression) \
do { \
const char* full_test_name = #macro_name " macro with " pretty_test_name ": " #category; \
struct Test { \
static void Run() \
__attribute__((__section__(MAKE_TEST_SYMBOL_STRING(test_, macro_name, test_name, \
category)))) { \
expression; \
} \
}; \
runner.Run(full_test_name, Test::Run); \
extern const char MAKE_TEST_SYMBOL_NAME(__start_test_, macro_name, test_name, category)[]; \
extern const char MAKE_TEST_SYMBOL_NAME(__stop_test_, macro_name, test_name, category)[]; \
size_t test_size = (MAKE_TEST_SYMBOL_NAME(__stop_test_, macro_name, test_name, category) - \
MAKE_TEST_SYMBOL_NAME(__start_test_, macro_name, test_name, category)); \
runner.Print("test size: %zu bytes\n", test_size); \
} while (0)
// The niladic version is needed to portably work around the trailing comma
// problem when using __VA_ARGS__.
#define RUN_NILADIC_DURATION_TEST(test_name, pretty_test_name, DURATION_MACRO, enabled_prefix, \
category) \
RUN_TEST(test_name, pretty_test_name, DURATION_MACRO, enabled_prefix, category, \
DURATION_MACRO(enabled_prefix #category, "name"))
#define RUN_DURATION_TEST(test_name, pretty_test_name, DURATION_MACRO, enabled_prefix, category, \
...) \
RUN_TEST(test_name, pretty_test_name, DURATION_MACRO, enabled_prefix, category, \
DURATION_MACRO(enabled_prefix #category, "name", __VA_ARGS__))
#define DURATION_TEST(DURATION_MACRO, enabled_prefix, category) \
RUN_NILADIC_DURATION_TEST(zero_args, "0 arguments", DURATION_MACRO, enabled_prefix, category); \
RUN_DURATION_TEST(one_int32_arg, "1 int32 argument", DURATION_MACRO, enabled_prefix, category, \
"k1", 1); \
RUN_DURATION_TEST(one_double_arg, "1 double argument", DURATION_MACRO, enabled_prefix, category, \
"k1", 1.); \
RUN_DURATION_TEST(one_string_arg, "1 string argument", DURATION_MACRO, enabled_prefix, category, \
"k1", "string1"); \
RUN_DURATION_TEST(four_int32_args, "4 int32 arguments", DURATION_MACRO, enabled_prefix, \
category, "k1", 1, "k2", 2, "k3", 3, "k4", 4); \
RUN_DURATION_TEST(four_double_args, "4 double arguments", DURATION_MACRO, enabled_prefix, \
category, "k1", 1., "k2", 2., "k3", 3., "k4", 4.); \
RUN_DURATION_TEST(four_string_args, "4 string arguments", DURATION_MACRO, enabled_prefix, \
category, "k1", "string1", "k2", "string2", "k3", "string3", "k4", "string4"); \
RUN_DURATION_TEST(eight_int32_args, "8 int32 arguments", DURATION_MACRO, enabled_prefix, \
category, "k1", 1, "k2", 2, "k3", 3, "k4", 4, "k5", 5, "k6", 6, "k7", 7, "k8", \
8); \
RUN_DURATION_TEST(eight_double_args, "8 double arguments", DURATION_MACRO, enabled_prefix, \
category, "k1", 1., "k2", 2., "k3", 3., "k4", 4., "k5", 4., "k6", 5., "k7", \
7., "k8", 8.); \
RUN_DURATION_TEST(eight_string_args, "8 string arguments", DURATION_MACRO, enabled_prefix, \
category, "k1", "string1", "k2", "string2", "k3", "string3", "k4", "string4", \
"k5", "string5", "k6", "string6", "k7", "string7", "k8", "string8");
// This is not in the anonymous namespace so that the namespace name
// doesn't enter into the computation of the location of Test::Run which
// is put in its own section.
static void RunBenchmarks(bool tracing_enabled, const BenchmarkSpec* spec) {
Runner runner(tracing_enabled, spec);
runner.Run("is enabled", [] { trace_is_enabled(); });
runner.Run("is category enabled", [] { trace_is_category_enabled("+enabled"); });
if (tracing_enabled) {
runner.Run("is category enabled for disabled category",
[] { trace_is_category_enabled("-disabled"); });
runner.Run("acquire / release context", [] {
trace_context_t* context = trace_acquire_context();
if (unlikely(context))
runner.Run("acquire / release context for category", [] {
trace_string_ref_t category_ref;
trace_context_t* context = trace_acquire_context_for_category("+enabled", &category_ref);
if (unlikely(context))
if (tracing_enabled) {
runner.Run("acquire / release context for disabled category", [] {
trace_string_ref_t category_ref;
trace_context_t* context = trace_acquire_context_for_category("-disabled", &category_ref);
// There's no real need (yet) to test vthread support with multiple
// variations of arguments. If we did that for all macros the S/N ratio
// of the output would drop too much.
RUN_TEST(zero_args, "0 arguments", TRACE_VTHREAD_DURATION_BEGIN, "+", enabled,
TRACE_VTHREAD_DURATION_BEGIN("+enabled", "name", "vthread", 1, zx_ticks_get()));
if (tracing_enabled) {
RUN_TEST(zero_args, "0 arguments", TRACE_VTHREAD_DURATION_BEGIN, "-", disabled,
TRACE_VTHREAD_DURATION_BEGIN("+enabled", "name", "vthread", 1, zx_ticks_get()));
void RunTracingDisabledBenchmarks() {
static const BenchmarkSpec spec = {
"tracing off",
RunBenchmarks(false, &spec);
void RunTracingEnabledBenchmarks(const BenchmarkSpec* spec) { RunBenchmarks(true, spec); }