blob: bc1112755932895cce7362fb05d6124a66536021 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/sysmem/c/fidl.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
namespace camera {
// DmaFormat is a local format that is compatible with the sysmem::ImageFormat.
// DmaFormat provides a single point of conversion between sysmem and the ISP
// driver.
class DmaFormat {
static constexpr uint8_t kPlaneSelectShift = 6;
enum PixelType {
RGB32 = 1,
A2R10G10B10 = 2,
RGB565 = 3,
RGB24 = 4,
GEN32 = 5,
RAW16 = 6,
RAW12 = 7,
AYUV = 8,
Y410 = 9,
YUY2 = 10,
UYVY = 11,
Y210 = 12,
// The NV12 and YV12 formats are only used internally. They should not be
// passed to DmaFormat during initialization.
NV12 = 13,
YV12 = 14,
// The types below are variants of NV12 and YV12 used to specify the
// configuration of the UV planes. These formats should be used in the
// constructor.
NV12_YUV = NV12 | (1 << kPlaneSelectShift),
NV12_YVU = NV12 | (2 << kPlaneSelectShift),
NV12_GREY = NV12 | (3 << kPlaneSelectShift),
YV12_YU = YV12 | (1 << kPlaneSelectShift),
YV12_YV = YV12 | (2 << kPlaneSelectShift),
explicit DmaFormat(const fuchsia_sysmem_ImageFormat& format);
DmaFormat(uint32_t width, uint32_t height, PixelType pixel_format,
bool flip_vertical);
// Indicates whether the format produces a second plane of output.
bool HasSecondaryChannel() const;
uint32_t GetBytesPerPixel() const;
// Gets the value that should be written into the line_offset register.
// This value corresponds to the stride.
// Note that the register expects a negative value if the frame is vertically
// flipped.
uint32_t GetLineOffset() const;
// Gets the offset into our address space of the location to which we start
// the DMA engine.
uint32_t GetBank0Offset() const;
uint32_t GetBank0OffsetUv() const;
size_t GetImageSize() const;
// Gets the value that should be written to the plane_select register when
// configuring the format of the ISP.
uint8_t GetPlaneSelect() const;
uint8_t GetPlaneSelectUv() const;
// Gets the value that should be written to the base_mode register when
// configuring the format of the ISP.
uint8_t GetBaseMode() const;
uint32_t width() const { return width_; }
uint32_t height() const { return height_; }
uint32_t width_, height_;
bool flip_vertical_ = false;
uint8_t base_mode_ = PixelType::INVALID;
uint8_t secondary_plane_select_ = 0;
} // namespace camera