blob: aa40763ebe724966537072a2085cb22701ba2c50 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/message_storage.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/result.h>
#include <lib/fidl/txn_header.h>
#include <lib/fit/nullable.h>
#include <lib/stdcompat/span.h>
#include <lib/stdcompat/variant.h>
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <zircon/fidl.h>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/client_end.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/server_end.h>
#include <lib/zx/channel.h>
#endif // __Fuchsia__
namespace fidl {
namespace internal {
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
class ClientBase;
class ResponseContext;
#endif // __Fuchsia__
// Create a type for the 1-element iovec buffer used as the output of fidl_encode_iovec.
// TODO( Replace this with a resizable buffer type.
constexpr size_t IovecBufferSize = 1;
using IovecBuffer = zx_channel_iovec_t[IovecBufferSize];
} // namespace internal
// Class representing a FIDL message on the write path.
class OutgoingMessage : public ::fidl::Result {
struct ConstructorArgs {
zx_channel_iovec_t* iovecs;
uint32_t iovec_capacity;
zx_handle_disposition_t* handles;
uint32_t handle_capacity;
uint8_t* backing_buffer;
uint32_t backing_buffer_capacity;
// Creates an object which can manage a FIDL message.
// |args.iovecs|, |args.handles| and |args.backing_buffer| contain undefined data that will be
// populated during |Encode|.
explicit OutgoingMessage(ConstructorArgs args);
// Copy and move is disabled for the sake of avoiding double handle close.
// It is possible to implement the move operations with correct semantics if they are
// ever needed.
OutgoingMessage(const OutgoingMessage&) = delete;
OutgoingMessage(OutgoingMessage&&) = delete;
OutgoingMessage& operator=(const OutgoingMessage&) = delete;
OutgoingMessage& operator=(OutgoingMessage&&) = delete;
OutgoingMessage() = delete;
// Creates an object which can manage a FIDL message.
// |c_msg| must contain an already-encoded message.
static OutgoingMessage FromEncodedCMessage(const fidl_outgoing_msg_t* c_msg);
// Set the txid in the message header.
// Requires that there are sufficient bytes to store the header in the buffer.
void set_txid(zx_txid_t txid) {
ZX_ASSERT(iovec_actual() >= 1 && iovecs()[0].capacity >= sizeof(fidl_message_header_t));
// The byte buffer is const becuase the kernel only reads the bytes.
// const_cast is needed to populate it here.
reinterpret_cast<fidl_message_header_t*>(const_cast<void*>(iovecs()[0].buffer))->txid = txid;
zx_channel_iovec_t* iovecs() const { return iovec_message().iovecs; }
uint32_t iovec_actual() const { return iovec_message().num_iovecs; }
zx_handle_disposition_t* handles() const { return iovec_message().handles; }
uint32_t handle_actual() const { return iovec_message().num_handles; }
fidl_outgoing_msg_t* message() { return &message_; }
const fidl_outgoing_msg_t* message() const { return &message_; }
// Returns true iff the bytes in this message are identical to the bytes in the argument.
bool BytesMatch(const OutgoingMessage& other) const;
// Holds a heap-allocated continguous copy of the bytes in this message.
// This owns the allocated buffer and frees it when the object goes out of scope.
// To create a |CopiedBytes|, use |CopyBytes|.
class CopiedBytes {
CopiedBytes() = default;
CopiedBytes(CopiedBytes&&) = default;
CopiedBytes& operator=(CopiedBytes&&) = default;
CopiedBytes(const CopiedBytes&) = delete;
CopiedBytes& operator=(const CopiedBytes&) = delete;
uint8_t* data() { return; }
size_t size() const { return bytes_.size(); }
explicit CopiedBytes(const OutgoingMessage& msg);
std::vector<uint8_t> bytes_;
friend class OutgoingMessage;
// Create a heap-allocated contiguous copy of the bytes in this message.
CopiedBytes CopyBytes() const { return CopiedBytes(*this); }
// Release the handles to prevent them to be closed by CloseHandles. This method is only useful
// when interfacing with low-level channel operations which consume the handles.
void ReleaseHandles() { iovec_message().num_handles = 0; }
// Encodes the data.
template <typename FidlType>
void Encode(FidlType* data) {
EncodeImpl(FidlType::Type, data);
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
// Uses |zx_channel_write_etc| to write the message.
// The message must be in an encoded state before calling |Write|.
void Write(zx_handle_t channel) { WriteImpl(channel); }
// Various helper functions for writing to other channel-like types.
void Write(const ::zx::channel& channel) { Write(channel.get()); }
void Write(const ::zx::unowned_channel& channel) { Write(channel->get()); }
template <typename Protocol>
void Write(::fidl::UnownedClientEnd<Protocol> client_end) {
template <typename Protocol>
void Write(const ::fidl::ServerEnd<Protocol>& server_end) {
// For requests with a response, uses zx_channel_call_etc to write the message.
// Before calling Call, Encode must be called.
// If the call succeed, |result_bytes| contains the decoded result.
template <typename FidlType>
void Call(zx_handle_t channel, uint8_t* result_bytes, uint32_t result_capacity,
zx_time_t deadline = ZX_TIME_INFINITE) {
CallImpl(FidlType::Type, channel, result_bytes, result_capacity, deadline);
// Helper function for making a call over other channel-like types.
template <typename FidlType, typename Protocol>
void Call(::fidl::UnownedClientEnd<Protocol> client_end, uint8_t* result_bytes,
uint32_t result_capacity, zx_time_t deadline = ZX_TIME_INFINITE) {
CallImpl(FidlType::Type, client_end.handle(), result_bytes, result_capacity, deadline);
// For asynchronous clients, writes a request.
::fidl::Result Write(::fidl::internal::ClientBase* client,
::fidl::internal::ResponseContext* context);
OutgoingMessage(fidl_outgoing_msg_t msg, uint32_t handle_capacity)
: ::fidl::Result(::fidl::Result::Ok()), message_(msg), handle_capacity_(handle_capacity) {}
void EncodeImpl(const fidl_type_t* message_type, void* data);
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
void WriteImpl(zx_handle_t channel);
void CallImpl(const fidl_type_t* response_type, zx_handle_t channel, uint8_t* result_bytes,
uint32_t result_capacity, zx_time_t deadline);
uint32_t iovec_capacity() const { return iovec_capacity_; }
uint32_t handle_capacity() const { return handle_capacity_; }
uint32_t backing_buffer_capacity() const { return backing_buffer_capacity_; }
uint8_t* backing_buffer() const { return backing_buffer_; }
explicit OutgoingMessage(const fidl_outgoing_msg_t* msg);
fidl_outgoing_msg_iovec_t& iovec_message() {
return message_.iovec;
const fidl_outgoing_msg_iovec_t& iovec_message() const {
return message_.iovec;
using Result::SetResult;
fidl_outgoing_msg_t message_ = {};
uint32_t iovec_capacity_ = 0;
uint32_t handle_capacity_ = 0;
uint32_t backing_buffer_capacity_ = 0;
uint8_t* backing_buffer_ = nullptr;
// If OutgoingMessage is constructed with a fidl_outgoing_msg_t* that contains bytes
// rather than iovec, it is converted to a single-element iovec pointing to the bytes.
zx_channel_iovec_t converted_byte_message_iovec_ = {};
namespace internal {
template <typename T>
class DecodedMessageBase;
} // namespace internal
// |IncomingMessage| represents a FIDL message on the read path.
// Each instantiation of the class should only be used for one message.
// |IncomingMessage|s are created with the results from reading from a channel.
// By default, it assumes it is a transactional message, and automatically
// performs necessary validation on the message header - users may opt out
// via the |kSkipMessageHeaderValidation| constructor overload in the case of
// regular FIDL type encoding/decoding.
// |IncomingMessage| relinquishes the ownership of the handles after decoding.
// Instead, callers must adopt the decoded content into another RAII class, such
// as |fidl::DecodedMessage<FidlType>|.
// Functions that take |IncomingMessage&| conditionally take ownership of the
// message. For functions in the public API, they must then indicate through
// their return value if they took ownership. For functions in the binding
// internals, it is sufficient to only document the conditions where minimum
// overhead is desired.
// Functions that take |IncomingMessage&&| always take ownership of the message.
// In practice, this means that they must either decode the message, or close
// the handles, or move the message into a deeper function that takes
// |IncomingMessage&&|.
// For efficiency, errors are stored inside this object. Callers must check for
// errors after construction, and after performing each operation on the object.
// An |IncomingMessage| may be created from |fidl::ChannelReadEtc|:
// fidl::IncomingMessage msg = fidl::ChannelReadEtc(handle, 0, byte_span, handle_span);
// if (!msg.ok()) { /* ... error handling ... */ }
class IncomingMessage : public ::fidl::Result {
// Creates an object which can manage a FIDL message. Allocated memory is not owned by
// the |IncomingMessage|, but handles are owned by it and cleaned up when the
// |IncomingMessage| is destructed.
// The bytes must represent a transactional message. See
IncomingMessage(uint8_t* bytes, uint32_t byte_actual, zx_handle_info_t* handles,
uint32_t handle_actual);
// Creates an |IncomingMessage| from a C |fidl_incoming_msg_t| already in
// encoded form. This should only be used when interfacing with C APIs.
// The handles in |c_msg| are owned by the returned |IncomingMessage| object.
// The bytes must represent a transactional message.
static IncomingMessage FromEncodedCMessage(const fidl_incoming_msg_t* c_msg);
struct SkipMessageHeaderValidationTag {};
// A marker that instructs the constructor of |IncomingMessage| to skip
// validating the message header. This is useful when the message is not a
// transactional message.
constexpr inline static auto kSkipMessageHeaderValidation = SkipMessageHeaderValidationTag{};
// An overload for when the bytes do not represent a transactional message.
// This constructor should be rarely used in practice. When decoding
// FIDL types that are not transactional messages (e.g. tables), consider
// using the constructor in |FidlType::DecodedMessage|, which delegates
// here appropriately.
IncomingMessage(uint8_t* bytes, uint32_t byte_actual, zx_handle_info_t* handles,
uint32_t handle_actual, SkipMessageHeaderValidationTag);
// Creates an empty incoming message representing an error (e.g. failed to read from
// a channel).
// |failure| must contain an error result.
explicit IncomingMessage(const ::fidl::Result& failure);
IncomingMessage(const IncomingMessage&) = delete;
IncomingMessage& operator=(const IncomingMessage&) = delete;
IncomingMessage(IncomingMessage&& other) noexcept : ::fidl::Result(other) {
IncomingMessage& operator=(IncomingMessage&& other) noexcept {
if (this != &other) {
return *this;
fidl_message_header_t* header() const {
return reinterpret_cast<fidl_message_header_t*>(bytes());
// If the message is an epitaph, returns a pointer to the epitaph structure.
// Otherwise, returns null.
fit::nullable<fidl_epitaph_t*> maybe_epitaph() const {
if (unlikely(header()->ordinal == kFidlOrdinalEpitaph)) {
return fit::nullable(reinterpret_cast<fidl_epitaph_t*>(bytes()));
return fit::nullable<fidl_epitaph_t*>{};
uint8_t* bytes() const { return reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(message_.bytes); }
uint32_t byte_actual() const { return message_.num_bytes; }
zx_handle_info_t* handles() const { return message_.handles; }
uint32_t handle_actual() const { return message_.num_handles; }
// Convert the incoming message to its C API counterpart, releasing the
// ownership of handles to the caller in the process. This consumes the
// |IncomingMessage|.
// This should only be called while the message is in its encoded form.
fidl_incoming_msg_t ReleaseToEncodedCMessage() &&;
// Closes the handles managed by this message. This may be used when the
// code would like to consume a |IncomingMessage&&| and close its handles,
// but does not want to incur the overhead of moving it into a regular
// |IncomingMessage| object, and running the destructor.
// This consumes the |IncomingMessage|.
void CloseHandles() &&;
// Only |fidl::DecodedMessage<T>| instances may decode this message.
template <typename T>
friend class internal::DecodedMessageBase;
// Decodes the message using |FidlType|. If this operation succeed, |status()| is ok and
// |bytes()| contains the decoded object.
// On success, the handles owned by |IncomingMessage| are transferred to the decoded bytes.
// This method should be used after a read.
template <typename FidlType>
void Decode() {
// Release the handle ownership after the message has been converted to its
// decoded form. When used standalone and not as part of a |Decode|, this
// method is only useful when interfacing with C APIs.
void ReleaseHandles() { message_.num_handles = 0; }
void MoveImpl(IncomingMessage&& other) noexcept {
message_ = other.message_;
// Decodes the message using |message_type|. If this operation succeed, |status()| is ok and
// |bytes()| contains the decoded object.
// On success, the handles owned by |IncomingMessage| are transferred to the decoded bytes.
// This method should be used after a read.
void Decode(const fidl_type_t* message_type);
// Performs basic transactional message header validation and sets the |fidl::Result| fields
// accordingly.
void Validate();
fidl_incoming_msg_t message_;
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
// Wrapper around |zx_channel_read_etc| that instantiates an |IncomingMessage|
// with the contents read from the |channel|, referencing the |bytes_storage|
// and |handles_storage| buffers. The channel should contain transactional FIDL
// messages, which the instantiated |IncomingMessage| will automatically validate.
// Error information is embedded in the returned |IncomingMessage| when applicable.
IncomingMessage ChannelReadEtc(zx_handle_t channel, uint32_t options,
::fidl::BufferSpan bytes_storage,
cpp20::span<zx_handle_info_t> handles_storage);
#endif // __Fuchsia__
namespace internal {
// DecodedMessageBase implements the common behavior to all
// |fidl::DecodedMessage<T>| subclasses. They may be created from an incoming
// message in encoded form, in which case they would perform the necessary
// decoding and own the decoded handles via RAII.
// |DecodedMessageBase| should never be instantiated directly. Rather, a
// subclass should be defined which adds the FIDL type-specific handle RAII
// behavior.
template <typename FidlType>
class DecodedMessageBase : public ::fidl::Result {
// Creates an |DecodedMessageBase| by decoding the incoming message |msg|.
// Consumes |msg|.
explicit DecodedMessageBase(::fidl::IncomingMessage&& msg) {
bytes_ = msg.bytes();
DecodedMessageBase(const DecodedMessageBase&) = delete;
DecodedMessageBase(DecodedMessageBase&&) = delete;
DecodedMessageBase& operator=(const DecodedMessageBase&) = delete;
DecodedMessageBase& operator=(DecodedMessageBase&&) = delete;
~DecodedMessageBase() = default;
uint8_t* bytes() const { return bytes_; }
void ResetBytes() { bytes_ = nullptr; }
uint8_t* bytes_ = nullptr;
} // namespace internal
// This class owns a message of |FidlType| and encodes the message automatically upon construction
// into a byte buffer.
template <typename FidlType>
using OwnedEncodedMessage = typename FidlType::OwnedEncodedMessage;
// This class manages the handles within |FidlType| and encodes the message automatically upon
// construction. Different from |OwnedEncodedMessage|, it takes in a caller-allocated buffer and
// uses that as the backing storage for the message. The buffer must outlive instances of this
// class.
template <typename FidlType>
using UnownedEncodedMessage = typename FidlType::UnownedEncodedMessage;
// This class manages the handles within |FidlType| and decodes the message automatically upon
// construction. It always borrows external buffers for the backing storage of the message.
// This class should mostly be used for tests.
template <typename FidlType>
using DecodedMessage = typename FidlType::DecodedMessage;
// Holds the result of converting an outgoing message to an incoming message.
// |OutgoingToIncomingMessage| objects own the bytes and handles resulting from
// conversion.
class OutgoingToIncomingMessage {
// Converts an outgoing message to an incoming message.
// In doing so, it will make syscalls to fetch rights and type information
// of any provided handles. The caller is responsible for ensuring that
// returned handle rights and object types are checked appropriately.
// The constructed |OutgoingToIncomingMessage| will take ownership over
// handles from the input |OutgoingMessage|.
explicit OutgoingToIncomingMessage(OutgoingMessage& input);
~OutgoingToIncomingMessage() = default;
fidl::IncomingMessage& incoming_message() & {
return incoming_message_;
[[nodiscard]] zx_status_t status() const { return incoming_message_.status(); }
[[nodiscard]] bool ok() const { return incoming_message_.ok(); }
[[nodiscard]] const char* error_message() const { return incoming_message_.error_message(); }
static fidl::IncomingMessage ConversionImpl(OutgoingMessage& input,
OutgoingMessage::CopiedBytes& buf_bytes,
std::unique_ptr<zx_handle_info_t[]>& buf_handles);
OutgoingMessage::CopiedBytes buf_bytes_;
std::unique_ptr<zx_handle_info_t[]> buf_handles_ = {};
fidl::IncomingMessage incoming_message_;
} // namespace fidl