blob: 3ab19adaab06e761923123773e3f2dab18e5a4a4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fdio/io.h>
#include <lib/fdio/vfs.h>
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include <lib/fit/result.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <string_view>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <fbl/intrusive_double_list.h>
#include <fbl/intrusive_single_list.h>
#include <fbl/macros.h>
#include <fbl/ref_counted_internal.h>
#include <fbl/ref_ptr.h>
#include "src/lib/storage/vfs/cpp/ref_counted.h"
#include "src/lib/storage/vfs/cpp/shared_mutex.h"
#include "src/lib/storage/vfs/cpp/vfs_types.h"
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
#include <fuchsia/io/llcpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/zx/channel.h>
#include <lib/zx/stream.h>
#include <zircon/device/vfs.h>
#include "src/lib/storage/vfs/cpp/mount_channel.h"
#endif // __Fuchsia__
namespace fs {
class Vfs;
struct VdirCookie;
inline bool vfs_valid_name(std::string_view name) {
return name.length() > 0 && name.length() <= NAME_MAX &&
memchr(, '/', name.length()) == nullptr && name != "." && name != "..";
// The VFS interface declares a default abstract Vnode class with common operations that may be
// overridden.
// The ops are used for dispatch and the lifecycle of Vnodes are owned by RefPtrs.
// All names passed to the Vnode class are valid according to "vfs_valid_name".
class Vnode : public VnodeRefCounted<Vnode>, public fbl::Recyclable<Vnode> {
virtual ~Vnode();
virtual void fbl_recycle() { delete this; }
template <typename T>
class Validated {
Validated(const Validated&) = default;
Validated& operator=(const Validated&) = default;
Validated(Validated&&) noexcept = default;
Validated& operator=(Validated&&) noexcept = default;
const T& value() const { return value_; }
const T* operator->() const { return &value(); }
const T& operator*() const { return value(); }
explicit Validated(T value) : value_(value) {}
friend class Vnode; // Such that only |Vnode| methods may mint new instances of |Validated<T>|.
T value_;
using ValidatedOptions = Validated<VnodeConnectionOptions>;
// Implementations should override |GetProtocols| to express which representation(s) are supported
// by the vnode. Implementations may optionally override |Negotiate| to insert custom tie-breaking
// behavior when the vnode supports multiple protocols, and the client requested multiple at open
// time.
// Returns the set of all protocols supported by the vnode.
virtual VnodeProtocolSet GetProtocols() const = 0;
// Returns true iff the vnode supports _any_ protocol requested by |protocols|.
bool Supports(VnodeProtocolSet protocols) const;
// To be overridden by implementations to check that it is valid to access the vnode with the
// given |rights|. The default implementation always returns true. The vnode will only be opened
// for a particular request if the validation passes.
virtual bool ValidateRights(Rights rights);
// Ensures that it is valid to access the vnode with given connection options. The vnode will only
// be opened for a particular request if the validation returns |fit::ok(...)|.
// The |fit::ok| variant of the return value is a |ValidatedOptions| object that encodes the fact
// that |options| has been validated. It may be used to call other functions that only accepts
// validated options.
// The |fit::error| variant of the return value contains a suitable error code
// when validation fails.
fit::result<ValidatedOptions, zx_status_t> ValidateOptions(VnodeConnectionOptions options);
// Picks one protocol from |protocols|, when the intersection of the protocols requested by the
// client and the ones supported by the vnode has more than one elements i.e. tie-breaking is
// required to determine the resultant protocol.
// This method is only called when tie-breaking is required. |protocols| is guaranteed to be a
// subset of the supported protocols. The default implementation performs tie-breaking in the
// order of element declaration within |VnodeProtocol|.
virtual VnodeProtocol Negotiate(VnodeProtocolSet protocols) const;
// Opens the vnode. This is a callback to signal that a new connection is about to be created and
// I/O operations will follow. In addition, it provides an opportunity to redirect subsequent I/O.
// If the open fails, the file will be deemed to be not opened and Close() will not be called.
// Vnode implementations should override OpenNode() which this function calls after some
// bookeeping.
// |options| contain the flags and rights supplied by the client, parsed into a struct with
// individual fields. It will have already been validated by |ValidateOptions|.
// Open is never invoked if |options.flags| includes |node_reference|. This behavior corresponds
// to Posix open()'s O_PATH flag which will create a thing representing the path to the file
// without giving the ability to do most operations like read or write. In the future, we may want
// the ability to track these connections, in which case we should add a Connect()/Disconnect()
// pair that would surround the Open()/Close() for the normal case, but would be called regardless
// of the flags to cover the node-reference case.
// If the implementation of |Open()| sets |out_redirect| to a non-null value, all following I/O
// operations on the opened object will be redirected to the indicated vnode instead of being
// handled by this instance. This is useful when implementing lazy files/pseudo files, where a
// different vnode may be used for each new connection to a file. Note that the |out_redirect|
// vnode is not |Open()|ed further for the purpose of creating this connection. Furthermore, the
// redirected vnode must support the same set of protocols as the original vnode.
zx_status_t Open(ValidatedOptions options, fbl::RefPtr<Vnode>* out_redirect)
// Same as |Open|, but calls |ValidateOptions| on |options| automatically. Errors from
// |ValidateOptions| are propagated via the return value. This is convenient when serving a
// connection with the validated options is unnecessary e.g. when used from a non-Fuchsia
// operating system.
zx_status_t OpenValidating(VnodeConnectionOptions options, fbl::RefPtr<Vnode>* out_redirect)
// The following operations will not be invoked unless the Vnode has been "Open()"-ed
// successfully.
// For files opened with O_PATH (as a file descriptor only) the base classes' implementation of
// some of these functions may be invoked anyway.
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
// Serves a custom FIDL protocol over the specified |channel|, when the node protocol is
// |VnodeProtocol::kConnector|.
// The default implementation returns |ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED|.
// Subclasses may override this behavior to serve custom protocols over the channel.
virtual zx_status_t ConnectService(zx::channel channel);
// Dispatches incoming FIDL messages which aren't recognized by |Connection::HandleMessage|.
// The default implementation just closes the connection through |txn|.
// This implementation may be overridden to support additional FIDL protocols.
virtual void HandleFsSpecificMessage(fidl::IncomingMessage& msg, fidl::Transaction* txn);
// Extract handle, type, and extra info from a vnode.
// The |protocol| argument specifies which protocol the connection is negotiated to speak. For
// vnodes which only support a single protocol, the method may safely ignore this argument.
// Callers should make sure to supply one of the supported protocols, or call |GetNodeInfo| if the
// vnode is know to support a single protocol.
// The |rights| argument contain the access rights requested by the client, and should determine
// corresponding access rights on the returned handles if applicable.
// The returned variant in |info| should correspond to the |protocol|.
virtual zx_status_t GetNodeInfoForProtocol(VnodeProtocol protocol, Rights rights,
VnodeRepresentation* info) = 0;
// Extract handle, type, and extra info from a vnode. This version differs from
// |GetNodeInfoForProtocol| that it is a convenience wrapper for vnodes which only support a
// single protocol. If the vnode supports multiple protocols, clients should always call
// |GetNodeInfoForProtocol| and specify a protocol.
// The |rights| argument contain the access rights requested by the client, and should determine
// corresponding access rights on the returned handles if applicable.
// The returned variant in |info| should correspond to the |protocol|.
zx_status_t GetNodeInfo(Rights rights, VnodeRepresentation* info);
virtual zx_status_t WatchDir(Vfs* vfs, uint32_t mask, uint32_t options, zx::channel watcher);
// Create a |zx::stream| for reading and writing this vnode.
// If this function returns |ZX_OK|, then all |Read|, |Write|, and |Append| operations will be
// directed to the stream returned via |out_stream| rather than to the |Read|, |Write|, and
// |Append| methods on the vnode. The |zx::stream| might be transported to a remote process to
// improve performance.
// If the client modifies the underlying data for this node via the returned |zx::stream|, the
// node will be notified via |DidModifyStream|.
// Implementations should pass the given |stream_options| as the options to |zx::stream::create|.
// These options ensure that the created |zx::stream| object has the appropriate rights for the
// given connection.
// If the vnode does not support reading and writing using a |zx::stream|, return
// ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, which will cause |Read|, |Write|, and |Append| operations to be called as
// methods on the vnode. Other errors are considered fatal and will terminate the connection.
virtual zx_status_t CreateStream(uint32_t stream_options, zx::stream* out_stream);
// Closes the vnode. Will be called once for each successful Open().
// Vnode implementations should override CloseNode() which this function calls after some
// bookkeeping.
zx_status_t Close() __TA_EXCLUDES(mutex_);
// Read data from the vnode at offset.
// If successful, returns the number of bytes read in |out_actual|. This must be less than or
// equal to |len|.
// See |CreateStream| for a mechanism to offload |Read| to a |zx::stream| object.
virtual zx_status_t Read(void* data, size_t len, size_t off, size_t* out_actual);
// Write |len| bytes of |data| to the file, starting at |offset|.
// If successful, returns the number of bytes written in |out_actual|. This must be less than or
// equal to |len|.
// See |CreateStream| for a mechanism to offload |Write| to a |zx::stream| object.
virtual zx_status_t Write(const void* data, size_t len, size_t offset, size_t* out_actual);
// Write |len| bytes of |data| to the end of the file.
// If successful, returns the number of bytes written in |out_actual|, and
// returns the new end of file offset in |out_end|.
// See |CreateStream| for a mechanism to offload |Append| to a |zx::stream| object.
virtual zx_status_t Append(const void* data, size_t len, size_t* out_end, size_t* out_actual);
// The data for this node was modified via the |zx::stream| returned by |CreateStream|.
// When a client writes to the |zx::stream| returned by |CreateStream|, there is currently no
// mechanism for the node to observe this modification and update its internal state (e.g., the
// modification time of the file represented by this node). This method provides that notification
// for the time being. In the future, we might switch to using a usermode pager to provide that
// notification.
virtual void DidModifyStream();
// Change the size of the vnode.
virtual zx_status_t Truncate(size_t len);
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
// Acquire a vmo from a vnode.
// At the moment, mmap can only map files from read-only filesystems, since (without paging) there
// is no mechanism to update either
// 1) The file by writing to the mapping, or
// 2) The mapping by writing to the underlying file.
virtual zx_status_t GetVmo(int flags, zx::vmo* out_vmo, size_t* out_size);
#endif // __Fuchsia__
// Syncs the vnode with its underlying storage.
// Returns the result status through a closure. The closure may be executed on a different thread
// than called the Sync() function, or reentrantly from the same thread.
using SyncCallback = fit::callback<void(zx_status_t status)>;
virtual void Sync(SyncCallback closure);
// Read directory entries of vn, error if not a directory. FS-specific Cookie must be a buffer of
// VdirCookie size or smaller. Cookie must be zero'd before first call and will be used by the
// readdir implementation to maintain state across calls. To "rewind" and start from the
// beginning, cookie may be zero'd.
virtual zx_status_t Readdir(VdirCookie* cookie, void* dirents, size_t len, size_t* out_actual);
// The following operations may be invoked on a Vnode, even if it has not been "Open()"-ed.
// Attempt to find child of vn, child returned on success. Name is len bytes long, and does not
// include a null terminator.
virtual zx_status_t Lookup(std::string_view name, fbl::RefPtr<Vnode>* out);
// Read attributes of the vnode.
virtual zx_status_t GetAttributes(fs::VnodeAttributes* a);
// Set attributes of the vnode.
virtual zx_status_t SetAttributes(VnodeAttributesUpdate a);
// Create a new node under vn. The vfs layer assumes that upon success, the |out| vnode has been
// already opened i.e. |Open()| is not called again on the created vnode. Name is len bytes long,
// and does not include a null terminator. Mode specifies the type of entity to create.
virtual zx_status_t Create(std::string_view name, uint32_t mode, fbl::RefPtr<Vnode>* out);
// Removes name from directory vn
virtual zx_status_t Unlink(std::string_view name, bool must_be_dir);
// Renames the path at oldname in olddir to the path at newname in newdir. Called on the "olddir"
// vnode.
// Unlinks any prior newname if it already exists.
virtual zx_status_t Rename(fbl::RefPtr<Vnode> newdir, std::string_view oldname,
std::string_view newname, bool src_must_be_dir, bool dst_must_be_dir);
// Creates a hard link to the 'target' vnode with a provided name in vndir
virtual zx_status_t Link(std::string_view name, fbl::RefPtr<Vnode> target);
// Invoked by the VFS layer whenever files are added or removed.
virtual void Notify(std::string_view name, unsigned event);
// Called when the Vfs associated with this node is shutting down. The associated VFS will still
// be valid at the time of the call.
// Derived classes can implement this to do cleanup that requires the Vfs. Because Vnodes are
// reference-counted, they can outlive their associated Vfs.
// The default implementation will clear the vfs_ back-pointer, it should always be called by
// overridden implementations.
virtual void WillDestroyVfs();
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
// Return information about the underlying filesystem, if desired.
virtual zx_status_t QueryFilesystem(fuchsia_io::wire::FilesystemInfo* out);
// Returns the name of the device backing the filesystem, if one exists.
virtual zx_status_t GetDevicePath(size_t buffer_len, char* out_name, size_t* out_len);
// Attaches a handle to the vnode, if possible. Otherwise, returns an error.
virtual zx_status_t AttachRemote(MountChannel h);
// The following methods are required to mount sub-filesystems. The logic (and storage) necessary
// to implement these functions exists within the "RemoteContainer" class, which may be composed
// inside Vnodes that wish to act as mount points.
// The vnode is acting as a mount point for a remote filesystem or device.
virtual bool IsRemote() const;
virtual fidl::ClientEnd<fuchsia_io::Directory> DetachRemote();
virtual fidl::UnownedClientEnd<fuchsia_io::Directory> GetRemote() const;
virtual void SetRemote(fidl::ClientEnd<fuchsia_io::Directory> remote);
#endif // __Fuchsia__
// Invoked by internal Connections to account transactions
void RegisterInflightTransaction() __TA_EXCLUDES(mutex_);
void UnregisterInflightTransaction() __TA_EXCLUDES(mutex_);
// Number of FIDL messages issued on this vnode that have been dispatched, but for which a reply
// has not been made.
size_t GetInflightTransactions() const __TA_EXCLUDES(mutex_);
// Opens/Closes the vnode. These are the callbacks that the Vnode implementation overrides to do
// the open and close work. They are called by the public Open() and Close() functions which
// handles bookeeping for the base class.
// The open_count() will be updated BEFORE each call. If OpenNode fails, the open count will be
// rolled back.
// See Open() above for documentation.
virtual zx_status_t OpenNode(ValidatedOptions options, fbl::RefPtr<Vnode>* out_redirect)
__TA_EXCLUDES(mutex_) {
return ZX_OK;
virtual zx_status_t CloseNode() __TA_EXCLUDES(mutex_) { return ZX_OK; }
// The associated Vfs pointer is optional. Subclasses should require this if they need to access
// the Vfs, but can leave null if not. See vfs() getter for more.
explicit Vnode(Vfs* vfs = nullptr);
// Mutex for the data of this vnode. This is a shared mutex to support derived classes
// implementing multiple simultaneous readers if desired.
mutable SharedMutex mutex_;
// The Vfs associated with this node, if any.
// The Vfs doesn't need to be set. It is tracked on the Vnode because some subclasses need it,
// but it is not directly used by the Vnode. Therefore, subclasses should enforce through their
// own constructors whether the vfs_ is set or not during construction.
// Additionally, this will be null when the Vfs is destroyed (since Vnodes are reference-counted
// they can outlive the Vfs). Uses should always be inside the mutex_.
Vfs* vfs() __TA_REQUIRES_SHARED(mutex_) { return vfs_; }
// Returns the number of open connections, not counting node_reference connections. See Open().
size_t open_count() const __TA_REQUIRES_SHARED(mutex_) { return open_count_; }
Vfs* vfs_ __TA_GUARDED(mutex_) = nullptr; // Possibly null, see getter above.
size_t inflight_transactions_ __TA_GUARDED(mutex_) = 0;
size_t open_count_ __TA_GUARDED(mutex_) = 0;
// Opens a vnode by reference.
// The |vnode| reference is updated in-place if redirection occurs.
inline zx_status_t OpenVnode(Vnode::ValidatedOptions options, fbl::RefPtr<Vnode>* vnode) {
fbl::RefPtr<Vnode> redirect;
zx_status_t status = (*vnode)->Open(options, &redirect);
if (status == ZX_OK && redirect != nullptr) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT((*vnode)->GetProtocols() == redirect->GetProtocols());
*vnode = std::move(redirect);
return status;
// Helper class used to fill direntries during calls to Readdir.
class DirentFiller {
DirentFiller(void* ptr, size_t len);
// Attempts to add the name to the end of the dirent buffer
// which is returned by readdir.
zx_status_t Next(std::string_view name, uint8_t type, uint64_t ino);
zx_status_t BytesFilled() const { return static_cast<zx_status_t>(pos_); }
char* ptr_;
size_t pos_;
const size_t len_;
// Helper class to track outstanding operations associated to a
// particular Vnode.
class VnodeToken : public fbl::SinglyLinkedListable<std::unique_ptr<VnodeToken>> {
VnodeToken(zx_koid_t koid, fbl::RefPtr<Vnode> vnode) : koid_(koid), vnode_(std::move(vnode)) {}
zx_koid_t get_koid() const { return koid_; }
fbl::RefPtr<Vnode> get_vnode() const { return vnode_; }
// Trait implementation for fbl::HashTable
zx_koid_t GetKey() const { return koid_; }
static size_t GetHash(zx_koid_t koid) { return koid; }
zx_koid_t koid_;
fbl::RefPtr<Vnode> vnode_;
} // namespace fs