blob: 167f1a69945f5735717c633d31175e6bb8b5c7a2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:googleapis/vision/v1.dart' as gcloud;
import 'package:image/image.dart';
import 'package:matcher/matcher.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:logging/logging.dart';
import 'package:sl4f/sl4f.dart' as sl4f;
import 'gcloud_exceptions.dart';
final _log = Logger('image_matchers');
/// The number of times to retry a Cloud Vision call.
const _visionMaxTries = 2;
/// The amount of time to wait between attempts at talking to the vision server.
/// We should switch to exponential backoff if we want more than 2 attempts.
const _visionTryDelay = Duration(seconds: 2);
/// Error codes that can be retried:
/// DEADLINE_EXCEEDED (4) - Operation took longer than deadline.
/// ABORTED (10) - Operation was aborted due to transaction (or similar).
/// INTERNAL (13) - Server went kaput.
/// UNAVAILABLE (14) - Server went temporarily kaput.
/// We retry on INTERNAL because based on unscientific anecdata it seems that
/// whenever it happens for Cloud Vision the next request is still done
/// successfully.
/// We don't retry on RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED (8) as is unlikely we'll have quota
/// on the next retry.
/// Note that non-idempotent requests may not be retriable despite this.
bool _isRetriableError(int code) =>
code == 4 || code == 10 || code == 13 || code == 14;
/// Calls Cloud Vision's vision.images.annotate API with retries.
/// Throws [VisionException] if there's a non-retriable error or if it fails
/// after retrying.
Future<gcloud.AnnotateImageResponse> invokeAnnotate(gcloud.VisionApi vision,
{@required String $fields,
@required gcloud.BatchAnnotateImagesRequest request,
String dumpName,
sl4f.Dump dump}) async {
final output = dump ?? sl4f.Dump();
final jsonEncoder = JsonUtf8Encoder(' ');
gcloud.AnnotateImageResponse response;
for (int attempt = 1; attempt <= _visionMaxTries; attempt++) {
_log.fine('Calling vision.images.annotate for ${$fields}');
final batchResponse =
await vision.images.annotate(request, $fields: $fields);
if (dumpName != null && dumpName.isNotEmpty) {
// ignore: unawaited_futures
output.writeAsBytes('$dumpName-image-annotate', 'json',
final response = batchResponse.responses.single;
if (response.error == null) {
return response;
if (!_isRetriableError(response.error.code)) {
throw VisionException(response.error);
if (attempt < _visionMaxTries) {
_log.warning('Retrying Cloud Vision request after $_visionTryDelay.');
await Future.delayed(_visionTryDelay);
throw VisionException(response.error);
/// Annotates an [image] with web entities and OCR.
/// Throws [VisionException] if there's a problem communicating with Cloud
/// Vision.
Future<gcloud.AnnotateImageResponse> annotateImage(
gcloud.VisionApi vision, Image image,
{sl4f.Dump dump}) async {
// Field selector constructed using
// fields editor.
const $fields = 'responses(error,textAnnotations/'
final request = gcloud.BatchAnnotateImagesRequest()
..requests = [
..image = (gcloud.Image()..content = base64Encode(encodePng(image)))
..features = [
..type = 'WEB_DETECTION'
..maxResults = 3,
..maxResults = 1
return invokeAnnotate(vision, $fields: $fields, request: request, dump: dump);
// Log JSON formatted AnnotateImageResponse
void dumpAnnotateImageResponse(gcloud.AnnotateImageResponse response) =>'AnnotateImageResponse: '
'${JsonEncoder.withIndent(' ').convert(response)}');
/// Matches a [gcloud.AnnotateImageResponse] with annotated text ([String])
/// that matches the given [matcher].
Matcher textAnnotations(Matcher matcher) =>
TypeMatcher<gcloud.AnnotateImageResponse>().having((response) {
// Assumptions:
// * the first text annotation seems to contain all the recognized text
// * textAnnotations is either null or nonempty
final text = response.textAnnotations?.first?.description;'Text: $text');
return text;
}, 'text', matcher);
/// Matches a [gcloud.AnnotateImageResponse] with a primary web entity
/// description that matches the given [matcher].
Matcher imageWebEntity(Matcher matcher) =>
TypeMatcher<gcloud.AnnotateImageResponse>().having((response) {
// Assumptions:
// * the first entity has the highest confidence
// * webEntities is either null or nonempty
final entity = response.webDetection?.webEntities?.first;'Image of: '
'${entity == null ? 'null' : '${entity.description} '
'(score: ${entity.score})'}');
return entity?.description;
}, 'primary entity', matcher);