blob: 3cbbed38b01c3684fd9ad103fa43477d5b4c36f5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.ui.remotewidgets;
using fuchsia.fonts;
/// Defines special actions that are used on Values to control QuickUi
/// navigation or provide extra semantics to actions associated with them.
enum QuickAction {
/// Can be set on a button spec. Tells the client to navigate to a details
/// view reserved exclusively for specs from this server.
DETAILS = 0x80000000;
/// Can be set on a button spec. Tells the client to return to the previous
/// view and discard any changes in flight.
CANCEL = 0x40000000;
/// Can be set on a button spec. Tells the client to return to the previous
/// view and send all changes in flight to the server.
SUBMIT = 0x20000000;
/// Can be set on a text spec used in a ListValue. Tells the client to
/// consider the associated list item as selected.
SELECT = 0x10000000;
/// The value to hold these numeric types.
union Number {
1: int64 int_value;
2: uint64 uint_value;
3: float64 double_value;
/// Represents a number type in a ui spec with an associated action.
struct NumberValue {
Number value;
int32 action = 0;
/// Represents a string type in a ui spec with an associated action.
struct TextValue {
string:64 text;
int32 action = 0;
/// Represents a button type in a ui spec with an associated action.
struct ButtonValue {
string:64 label;
int32 action = 0;
/// Represents a progress indicator type in a ui spec with an associated action.
struct ProgressValue {
// [0..1] inclusive.
float32 value;
int32 action = 0;
/// Represents an input type in a ui spec with an associated action.
struct InputValue {
string:1024 text;
// 0 = multiline. 1 = Default.
int32 lines = 1;
int32 action = 0;
/// Represents an icon type in a ui spec with an associated action.
struct IconValue {
int32 code_point;
fuchsia.fonts.FamilyName? font_family;
int32 action = 0;
/// Represents a grid of strings type in a ui spec with an associated action.
struct GridValue {
byte columns;
vector<TextValue>:256 values;
/// Represents a list of strings type in a ui spec.
struct ListValue {
bool multiselect = false;
bool popup = false;
string:128 title;
vector<TextValue>:1024 items;
/// Represents a graph type in a ui spec with an associated action.
struct GraphValue {
// [0..1] inclusive.
float32 value;
// Unit of progress in the x-axis.
int32 step;
int32 action = 0;
/// Represents a Value that is union of all types.
union Value {
1: NumberValue number;
2: TextValue text;
3: ProgressValue progress;
4: ButtonValue button;
5: InputValue input;
6: IconValue icon;
7: GridValue grid;
8: GraphValue graph;
9: ListValue list;
/// Represents a group of [Value]s with a title.
table Group {
// The title to show for this group.
1: string:128 title;
// The icon to show for this spec.
2: IconValue icon;
// List of [Value] objects that form part of this spec.
3: vector<Value>:16 values;
/// Describes a specification of quick UI.
table Spec {
// The title to show for this spec.
1: string:128 title;
// List of [Group] objects that form part of this spec.
2: vector<Group>:8 groups;
/// Defines a protocol for a component to provide specs for building UI for
/// quick settings or notifications, independent of any platform.
protocol QuickUi {
/// Request [Spec] from the provider. The provider should return Spec
/// whenever it is ready to. Until then this request remains outstanding,
/// aka "hanging get". The provider can return completely different set of
/// status on every invocation. The client can provide an optional [Value]
/// to allow the provider to customize the returned UI spec. Typically,
/// this value was part of previous [Spec] and identifies the part of
/// [Spec] the user interacted with.
GetSpec(Value? value) -> (Spec spec);