blob: 165b6f5c1902b1dbc3714a7c31d8749573cd8382 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.bluetooth.gatt;
using fuchsia.bluetooth as bt;
/// Interface for responding to requests on a local service.
protocol LocalServiceDelegate {
/// Notifies the delegate when a remote device with `peer_id` enables or
/// disables notifications or indications on the characteristic with the given
/// `characteristic_id`.
OnCharacteristicConfiguration(uint64 characteristic_id, bt.PeerIdString peer_id,
bool notify, bool indicate);
/// Called when a remote device issues a request to read the value of the
/// of the characteristic or descriptor with given identifier. The delegate
/// must respond to the request by returning the characteristic value. If the
/// read request resulted in an error it should be returned in `error_code`.
/// On success, `error_code` should be set to NO_ERROR and a `value` should be
/// provided.
OnReadValue(uint64 id, int32 offset) -> (bytes? value, ErrorCode status);
/// Called when a remote device issues a request to write the value of the
/// characteristic or descriptor with the given identifier.
OnWriteValue(uint64 id, uint16 offset, bytes value) -> (ErrorCode status);
/// Called when a remote device issues a request to write the value of the
/// characteristic with the given identifier. This can be called on a
/// characteristic with the WRITE_WITHOUT_RESPONSE property.
OnWriteWithoutResponse(uint64 id, uint16 offset, bytes value);
/// Interface for communicating with a published service.
protocol LocalService {
/// Removes the service that this interface instance corresponds to. Does
/// nothing if the service is already removed.
/// Sends a notification carrying the `value` of the characteristic with the
/// given `characteristic_id` to the device with `peer_id`.
/// If `confirm` is true, then this method sends an indication instead. If the
/// peer fails to confirm the indication, the link between the peer and the
/// local adapter will be closed.
/// This method has no effect if the peer has not enabled notifications or
/// indications on the requested characteristic.
NotifyValue(uint64 characteristic_id, bt.PeerIdString peer_id, bytes value, bool confirm);
protocol Server {
/// Publishes the given service so that it is available to all remote peers.
/// A LocalServiceDelegate must be provided over which to receive service requests.
/// The caller must assign distinct identifiers to the characteristics and
/// descriptors listed in `info`. These identifiers will be used in requests
/// sent to `delegate`.
/// `service` can be used to interact with the pubished service. If this
/// service cannot be published then the handle for `service` will be closed.
/// Returns the success or failure status of the call and a unique identifier
/// that can be used to unregister the service.
PublishService(ServiceInfo info, LocalServiceDelegate delegate, request<LocalService> service) -> (fuchsia.bluetooth.Status status);