blob: e87b140ae683585230673645b929b1117c3069d1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:zircon/zircon.dart';
import 'codec.dart';
import 'error.dart';
import 'types.dart';
// ignore_for_file: public_member_api_docs
const int kMessageHeaderSize = 16;
const int kMessageTxidOffset = 0;
const int kMessageFlagOffset = 4;
const int kMessageMagicOffset = 7;
const int kMessageOrdinalOffset = 8;
const int kMagicNumberInitial = 1;
class _BaseMessage {
_BaseMessage(, this.handles);
final ByteData data;
final List<Handle> handles;
int get txid => data.getUint32(kMessageTxidOffset, Endian.little);
int get ordinal => data.getUint64(kMessageOrdinalOffset, Endian.little);
int get magic => data.getUint8(kMessageMagicOffset);
bool isCompatible() => magic == kMagicNumberInitial;
void hexDump() {
const int width = 16;
Uint8List list = Uint8List.view(data.buffer, 0);
StringBuffer buffer = StringBuffer();
final RegExp isPrintable = RegExp(r'\w');
for (int i = 0; i < data.lengthInBytes; i += width) {
StringBuffer hex = StringBuffer();
StringBuffer printable = StringBuffer();
for (int j = 0; j < width && i + j < data.lengthInBytes; j++) {
int v = list[i + j];
String s = v.toRadixString(16);
if (s.length == 1)
hex.write('0$s ');
hex.write('$s ');
s = String.fromCharCode(v);
if (isPrintable.hasMatch(s)) {
} else {
buffer.write('${hex.toString().padRight(3 * width)} $printable\n');
void closeHandles() {
for (int i = 0; i < handles.length; ++i) {
String toString() {
return 'Message(numBytes=${data.lengthInBytes}, numHandles=${handles.length})';
class IncomingMessage extends _BaseMessage {
IncomingMessage(data, handles) : super(data, handles);
IncomingMessage.fromReadResult(ReadResult result)
: assert(result.status == ZX.OK),
super(result.bytes, result.handles);
IncomingMessage.fromOutgoingMessage(OutgoingMessage outgoingMessage)
: super(, outgoingMessage.handles);
class OutgoingMessage extends _BaseMessage {
OutgoingMessage(data, handles) : super(data, handles);
set txid(int value) =>
data.setUint32(kMessageTxidOffset, value, Endian.little);
/// Encodes a FIDL message that contains a single parameter.
void encodeMessage<T>(
Encoder encoder, int inlineSize, MemberType typ, T value) {
encoder.alloc(inlineSize, 0);
typ.encode(encoder, value, kMessageHeaderSize, 1);
/// Encodes a FIDL message with multiple parameters. The callback parameter
/// provides a decoder that is initialized on the provided Message, which
/// callers can use to decode specific types. This functionality (encoding
/// multiple parameters) is implemented using a callback because each call to
/// MemberType.encode() must pass in a concrete type, rather than an element
/// popped from a List<FidlType>.
void encodeMessageWithCallback(Encoder encoder, int inlineSize, Function() f) {
encoder.alloc(inlineSize, 0);
void _validateDecoding(Decoder decoder) {
if (decoder.countUnclaimedHandles() > 0) {
// If there are unclaimed handles at the end of the decoding, close all
// handles to the best of our ability, and throw an error.
for (var handle in decoder.handles) {
try {
// ignore: avoid_catches_without_on_clauses
} catch (e) {
// best effort
int unclaimed = decoder.countUnclaimedHandles();
int total = decoder.handles.length;
throw FidlError(
'Message contains extra handles (unclaimed: $unclaimed, total: $total)',
/// Decodes a FIDL message that contains a single parameter.
T decodeMessage<T>(IncomingMessage message, int inlineSize, MemberType typ) {
final Decoder decoder = Decoder(message)
..claimMemory(kMessageHeaderSize + inlineSize, 0);
T decoded = typ.decode(decoder, kMessageHeaderSize, 1);
return decoded;
/// Decodes a FIDL message with multiple parameters. The callback parameter
/// provides a decoder that is initialized on the provided Message, which
/// callers can use to decode specific types. The return result of the callback
/// (e.g. the decoded parameters, wrapped in a containing class/struct) is
/// returned as the result of the function. This functionality (decoding
/// multiple parameters) is implemented using a callback because returning a
/// list would be insufficient: the list would be of type List<FidlType>,
/// whereas we want to retain concrete types of each decoded parameter. The
/// only way to accomplish this in Dart is to pass in a function that collects
/// these multiple values into a bespoke, properly typed class.
A decodeMessageWithCallback<A>(
IncomingMessage message, int inlineSize, A Function(Decoder decoder) f) {
final Decoder decoder = Decoder(message)
..claimMemory(kMessageHeaderSize + inlineSize, 0);
A out = f(decoder);
return out;
typedef IncomingMessageSink = void Function(IncomingMessage message);
typedef OutgoingMessageSink = void Function(OutgoingMessage message);