blob: 27fe321c45ccc0144d65b733c2a8d1ad4fa2ef77 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Build arguments used in the context of verified boot.
# See [this document](
# for more information.
declare_args() {
# If true, then a vbmeta image will be generated for provided ZBI
# and the paving script will pave vbmeta images to the target device.
use_vbmeta = false
# If true, /config/devmgr config will be included into a vbmeta image
# instead of bootfs.
include_devmgr_config_in_vbmeta = false
# a key which will be used to sign VBMETA and images for AVB
avb_key = ""
# AVB metadata which will be used to validate public key
avb_atx_metadata = ""
# AVB algorithm type.Supported options:
# SHA256_RSA2048
# SHA256_RSA4096
# SHA256_RSA8192
# SHA512_RSA2048
# SHA512_RSA4096
# SHA512_RSA8192
avb_algorithm = "SHA512_RSA4096"
# Partition name from where image will be verified
zvb_partition_name = "zircon"
# Board level extra vbmeta images to be combined into the top-level vbmeta
# struct.
board_extra_vbmeta_images = []
# Template for producing VBMETA image for AVB
# Parameters
# output_name (optional, default: target_name)
# zbi (required)
# [list-of-strings] path to a ZBI image to be included in AVB chain.
# Must only contain a single entry.
# prop_from_file (required)
# [list of type/file] a list of pairs |type| and |file|.
# |type| is one of ZBI item types (w/o ZBI_TYPE_ prefix);
# |file| is a path to file to be stored in a vbmeta image
# as ZBI_TYPE_|type| items in 'zbi' property.
# deps (usually required)
# testonly, metadata
# Usual GN meaning.
template("vbmeta") {
if (defined(invoker.output_name)) {
output_file = invoker.output_name
} else {
output_file = target_name
output_file += ".vbmeta"
zbi = invoker.zbi
assert([ zbi[0] ] == zbi, "zbi parameter must contain a single entry")
assert(avb_key != "", "avb_key must be specified")
assert(avb_atx_metadata != "", "avb metadata must be specified")
output_file = "$root_out_dir/$output_file"
output_vbmeta_desc_file = "${output_file}.desc"
if (defined(invoker.prop_from_file)) {
output_vbmeta_props_zbi_file = "${output_file}.props.zbi"
if (defined(invoker.prop_from_file)) {
action("${target_name}__zbi_props") {
script = zbi_tool_path
outputs = [ output_vbmeta_props_zbi_file ]
args = [
rebase_path(outputs[0], root_build_dir),
sources = []
foreach(entry, invoker.prop_from_file) {
file = rebase_path(entry.file, root_build_dir)
sources += [ entry.file ]
args += [
if (!defined(deps)) {
deps = []
deps += [ zbi_tool_target ]
target_name_avbtool = "${target_name}.avbtool"
output_file_avbtool = "${output_file}.avbtool"
target_name_ffx = "${target_name}.ffx"
output_file_ffx = "${output_file}.ffx"
salt_action = target_name_ffx
salt_file = "$target_out_dir/$salt_action.salt"
action("${target_name_avbtool}__vb_desc") {
# TODO( This is a "stamping" action, figure out how to
# handle this class of actions.
hermetic_deps = false
script = "//third_party/android/platform/external/avb/"
if (!defined(deps)) {
deps = []
deps += [ ":$salt_action" ]
inputs = [
outputs = [ output_vbmeta_desc_file ]
args = [
"@" + rebase_path(salt_file, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(inputs[0], root_build_dir),
rebase_path(outputs[0], root_build_dir),
# we are not going to add footer into image,
# so, we do not care about a partition size checking.
# `partition_size' is a mandatory option, thus let
# use obviously big number for the partition size to pass
# verification. 200M should be good enough.
# TODO (dmitryya@) fix avbtool to do not check partition
# size if --do_not_append_vbmeta_image is specified.
action(target_name_avbtool) {
script = "//third_party/android/platform/external/avb/"
deps += [ ":${target_name}__vb_desc" ]
if (defined(invoker.prop_from_file)) {
deps += [ ":${target_name}__zbi_props" ]
inputs = [
outputs = [ output_file_avbtool ]
args = [
"--output", # output of VBMETA image
rebase_path(outputs[0], root_build_dir),
"--key", # a key for signing
rebase_path(avb_key, root_build_dir),
"--algorithm", # an algorithm for signing
"--public_key_metadata", # avb metadata
rebase_path(avb_atx_metadata, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(output_vbmeta_desc_file, root_build_dir),
foreach(entry, board_extra_vbmeta_images) {
file = rebase_path(entry, root_build_dir)
args += [
if (defined(invoker.prop_from_file)) {
inputs += [ output_vbmeta_props_zbi_file ]
args += [
"zbi:" + rebase_path(output_vbmeta_props_zbi_file, root_build_dir),
additional_descriptor_labels = []
foreach(entry, board_extra_vbmeta_images) {
extra_vbmeta_filename = get_path_info(entry, "file")
descriptor_output_filename =
descriptor_output_file = "$target_out_dir/$descriptor_output_filename"
additional_descriptor_labels += [ ":$descriptor_output_filename" ]
action(descriptor_output_filename) {
script = "//build/images/assembly/"
avbtool = "//third_party/android/platform/external/avb/"
args = [
rebase_path(avbtool, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(entry, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(descriptor_output_file, root_build_dir),
inputs = [
outputs = [ descriptor_output_file ]
# TODO( Remove these build_args in a separate cleanup pass
assert(include_devmgr_config_in_vbmeta == false,
"placing the devmgr config in vbmeta is not supported at this time")
assert(avb_algorithm == "SHA512_RSA4096",
"setting 'avb_algorithm' is not supported at this time")
ffx_action(target_name_ffx) {
args = [
rebase_path(avb_key, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(avb_atx_metadata, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(zbi[0], root_build_dir),
rebase_path(output_file_ffx, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(salt_file, root_build_dir),
inputs = [
foreach(descriptor_target, additional_descriptor_labels) {
descriptor_outputs = get_target_outputs(descriptor_target)
descriptor_file = descriptor_outputs[0]
args += [
rebase_path(descriptor_file, root_build_dir),
inputs += [ descriptor_file ]
deps += [ descriptor_target ]
outputs = [
verify_files_match("$target_name.avbtool.matches") {
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "testonly" ])
deps = [
first = output_file_avbtool
second = output_file_ffx
# the final copy action
copy(target_name) {
deps += [
sources = [ output_file_ffx ]
outputs = [ output_file ]