blob: ec0e8289e1ad8191a80ef0a50044a66ee5b9c808 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <lib/arch/x86/cpuid.h>
#include <optional>
#include <type_traits>
namespace arch {
// Represents a single cache.
struct CpuCacheLevelInfo {
size_t level;
X86CacheType type;
// The size, in KiB, of the cache available to each processor. In the case of
// the last-level cache, however, this field might report the aggregate size
// of all such caches on the package.
size_t size_kb;
// The number of sets in the cache available to each processor. In the case
// of the last-level cache, however, this field might report the aggregate
// number of sets across all such caches in the package.
size_t number_of_sets; // Indeterminate if zero.
size_t ways_of_associativity; // Indeterminate if zero.
std::optional<bool> fully_associative; // Indeterminate if std::nullopt.
// The number of bits to shift an APIC ID to get the associated "share ID":
// processors with coinciding share IDs share this cache. If std::nullopt,
// then it is indeterminate what the cache's shift is.
std::optional<size_t> share_id_shift;
// Gives information on the set of caches in a package.
class CpuCacheInfo {
using iterator = const CpuCacheLevelInfo*;
using const_iterator = iterator;
template <typename CpuidIoProvider,
// To avoid precedence over copy and move constructors.
typename = std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v<CpuidIoProvider, CpuCacheInfo>>>
explicit CpuCacheInfo(CpuidIoProvider&& io) {
// We first try the Intel v2 leaves - and then the AMD v2 leaves.
// Hypervisors on AMD hosts might lay CPUID values in the Intel style - and
// there is no harm in doing this in general as AMD hardware will tend to
// reserve these Intel leaves as zero.
if (TryV2Topology<CpuidIntelCacheTopologyA, CpuidIntelCacheTopologyB, CpuidIntelCacheTopologyC,
CpuidMaximumLeaf>(io)) {
// [amd/vol3]: E.4.15 Function 8000_001Dh—Cache Topology Information.
// CpuidAmdCacheTopologyA's leaf (0x8000'001d) is reserved if the
// topology extension feature is not implemented.
if (io.template Read<CpuidAmdFeatureFlagsC>().topology_extensions() &&
TryV2Topology<CpuidAmdCacheTopologyA, CpuidAmdCacheTopologyB, //
CpuidAmdCacheTopologyC, CpuidMaximumExtendedLeaf>(io)) {
// The extended leaves explicitly enumerate information about L1d, L1i, L2,
// and L3, which was the original means of figuring out cache topology on
// AMD.
if (io.template Read<CpuidMaximumExtendedLeaf>().leaf() >= CpuidL3CacheInformation::kLeaf) {
const auto l1d = io.template Read<CpuidL1DataCacheInformation>();
const auto l1i = io.template Read<CpuidL1InstructionCacheInformation>();
const auto l2 = io.template Read<CpuidL2CacheInformation>();
const auto l3 = io.template Read<CpuidL3CacheInformation>();
caches_[0] = {
.level = 1,
.type = X86CacheType::kData,
.size_kb = l1d.size_kb(),
.ways_of_associativity = l1d.ways_of_associativity(),
.fully_associative = l1d.fully_associative(),
caches_[1] = {
.level = 1,
.type = X86CacheType::kInstruction,
.size_kb = l1i.size_kb(),
.ways_of_associativity = l1i.ways_of_associativity(),
.fully_associative = l1i.fully_associative(),
caches_[2] = {
.level = 2,
.type = X86CacheType::kUnified,
.size_kb = l2.size_kb(),
.ways_of_associativity = l2.ways_of_associativity(),
.fully_associative = l2.fully_associative(),
size_ = 3;
if (l3.size()) {
caches_[3] = {
.level = 3,
.type = X86CacheType::kUnified,
// [amd/vol3]: E.4.5 Function 8000_0006h—L2 Cache and TLB and L3 Cache Information.
// `l3.size()` actually provides bounds for the total size of L3
// cache across the package, in terms of 512 KiB blocks:
// l3.size() * 512 ≤ total size KiB < (l3.size() + 1) * 512
// In practice, the total size is a multiple of 512 and this
// reports the actual total size.
.size_kb = 512 * l3.size(),
.ways_of_associativity = l3.ways_of_associativity(),
.fully_associative = l3.fully_associative(),
size_ = 4;
CpuCacheInfo() = delete;
iterator begin() const { return caches_; }
iterator end() const { return caches_ + size_; }
size_t size() const { return size_; }
bool empty() const { return size_ == 0; }
// Returns information on the last-level cache.
const CpuCacheLevelInfo& back() const {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(size_ > 0);
return caches_[size_ - 1];
// A split L1 and unified L2, L3, L4 caches makes five.
static constexpr size_t kMaxNumCaches = 5;
// We templatize this so that we can supply either the Intel or AMD V2 cache
// topology leaves (0x4 and 0x8000'001d, respectively), which are identically
// laid out.
template <template <uint32_t> class CacheTopologyA, //
template <uint32_t> class CacheTopologyB, //
template <uint32_t> class CacheTopologyC, //
typename MaximumLeaf, //
typename CpuidIoProvider>
bool TryV2Topology(CpuidIoProvider&& io) {
if (io.template Read<MaximumLeaf>().leaf() < CacheTopologyA<0>::kLeaf) {
return false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < kMaxNumCaches; ++i, ++size_) {
const auto eax = Read<CacheTopologyA>(io, i);
const auto ebx = Read<CacheTopologyB>(io, i);
const auto ecx = Read<CacheTopologyC>(io, i);
if (eax.cache_type() == X86CacheType::kNull) {
const size_t size_bytes = (ebx.ways() + 1) * (ebx.physical_line_partitions() + 1) *
(ebx.system_coherency_line_size() + 1) * (ecx.sets() + 1);
caches_[i] = {
.level = eax.cache_level(),
.type = eax.cache_type(),
.size_kb = size_bytes / 1024,
.number_of_sets = ecx.sets() + 1,
.ways_of_associativity = ebx.ways() + 1,
.fully_associative = eax.fully_associative() != 0,
.share_id_shift = CeilLog2(eax.max_sharing_logical_processors() + 1),
// We expect at least split L1 caches and a L2 cache. If, for whatever reason,
// less than expected was encoded, fall back to other means to populate
// `caches`.
return size_ >= 3;
// A shim to dynamically look up statically parametrized values.
template <template <uint32_t> class CpuidValueType, //
typename CpuidIoProvider>
static auto Read(CpuidIoProvider&& io, size_t n) {
switch (n) {
case 0:
return io.template Read<CpuidValueType<0>>();
case 1:
return io.template Read<CpuidValueType<1>>();
case 2:
return io.template Read<CpuidValueType<2>>();
case 3:
return io.template Read<CpuidValueType<3>>();
case 4:
return io.template Read<CpuidValueType<4>>();
static_assert(kMaxNumCaches == 5);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(n < kMaxNumCaches);
// TODO(C++20): use `cpp20::bit_ceil()` instead.
static size_t CeilLog2(size_t n) {
size_t exp = 0;
while ((size_t{1} << exp) < n) {
return exp;
CpuCacheLevelInfo caches_[kMaxNumCaches];
// Gives the actual number of `caches_` on which we have information.
size_t size_ = 0;
} // namespace arch