blob: df7a213adf680f86bf1532a2de9c9a8b9a53f476 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use crate::labels::NodeId;
use crate::router::security_context::SecurityContext;
use anyhow::Error;
use std::sync::Arc;
/// Generates node id's for tests in a repeatable fashion.
pub struct NodeIdGenerator {
test_id: u64,
test_name: &'static str,
run: u64,
n: u64,
impl Iterator for NodeIdGenerator {
type Item = NodeId;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<NodeId> {
let id = self.n;
if id >= 100 {
return None;
self.n += 1;
impl NodeIdGenerator {
/// Create a new generator; uses the test name as salt for the node id's generated.
pub fn new(test_name: &'static str, run: usize) -> NodeIdGenerator {
NodeIdGenerator {
test_id: crc::crc16::checksum_x25(test_name.as_bytes()) as u64,
run: run as u64,
n: 1,
/// Create a new router with a unique (within this test run) node id.
pub fn new_router(&mut self) -> Result<Arc<crate::router::Router>, Error> {
.set_node_id(!("No more node ids available"))?),
/// Returns a string describing this test (including the base node id so it can be grepped).
pub fn test_desc(&self) -> String {
format!("({}) {}", self.node_id(0).0, self.test_name)
/// Generate the `idx` node id in this set.
pub fn node_id(&self, idx: u64) -> NodeId {
(self.test_id * 10000 * 100000 + * 10000 + idx).into()
mod test {
fn node_id_generator_works() {
let n = super::NodeIdGenerator::new("foo", 3);
assert_eq!(n.node_id(1), 26676000030001.into());
assert_eq!(&n.test_desc(), "(26676000030000) foo");
/// Create a security context that can be used for testing.
pub fn test_security_context() -> impl SecurityContext {
#[cfg(not(target_os = "fuchsia"))]
let path_for = |name| {
let relative_path = &format!("overnet_test_certs/{}", name);
let mut path = std::env::current_exe().unwrap();
// We don't know exactly where the binary is in the out directory (varies by target platform and
// architecture), so search up the file tree for the certificate file.
loop {
if path.join(relative_path).exists() {
if !path.pop() {
// Reached the root of the file system
"Couldn't find {} near {:?}",
#[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
let path_for = |name| format!("/pkg/data/{}", name);
return crate::router::security_context::StringSecurityContext {
node_cert: path_for("cert.crt"),
node_private_key: path_for("cert.key"),
root_cert: path_for("rootca.crt"),