blob: d4719a0a286ac98bed98d43d6e2a9d9df87d167f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! Schedule pings when they need to be scheduled, provide an estimation of round trip time
use std::collections::{HashMap, VecDeque};
use std::convert::TryInto;
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
const MIN_PING_SPACING: Duration = Duration::from_millis(100);
const MAX_PING_SPACING: Duration = Duration::from_secs(20);
const MAX_SAMPLE_AGE: Duration = Duration::from_secs(2 * 60);
const MAX_PING_AGE: Duration = Duration::from_secs(15);
/// A pong record includes an id and the amount of time taken to schedule the pong
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Pong {
/// The requestors ping id
pub id: u64,
/// The queue time (in microseconds) before responding
pub queue_time: u64,
struct Sample {
when: Instant,
rtt_us: i64,
/// Schedule pings when they need to be scheduled, provide an estimation of round trip time
pub struct PingTracker {
round_trip_time: Option<Duration>,
send_ping: bool,
send_pong: Option<(u64, Instant)>,
next_ping_id: u64,
samples: VecDeque<Sample>,
variance: i64,
sent_ping_map: HashMap<u64, Instant>,
sent_ping_list: VecDeque<(u64, Instant)>,
ping_spacing: Duration,
last_ping_sent: Instant,
fn square(a: i64) -> Option<i64> {
impl PingTracker {
/// Setup a new (empty) PingTracker
pub fn new() -> PingTracker {
let ping_spacing = Duration::from_millis(100);
Self {
round_trip_time: None,
send_ping: true,
send_pong: None,
next_ping_id: 1,
samples: VecDeque::new(),
variance: 0i64,
sent_ping_map: HashMap::new(),
sent_ping_list: VecDeque::new(),
last_ping_sent: Instant::now() - ping_spacing,
pub fn round_trip_time(&self) -> Option<Duration> {
pub fn on_received_frame(&mut self, ping: Option<u64>, pong: Option<Pong>) {
let now = Instant::now();
if let Some(Pong { id, queue_time }) = pong {
if let Some(rtt) = self.sent_ping_map.get(&id).and_then(|ping_sent| {
(now - *ping_sent).checked_sub(Duration::from_micros(queue_time))
}) {
self.samples.push_back(Sample {
when: now,
rtt_us: rtt.as_micros().try_into().unwrap_or(std::i64::MAX),
if let Some(ping) = ping {
self.send_pong = Some((ping, now));
pub fn needs_send(&self) -> bool {
self.send_ping || self.send_pong.is_some()
pub fn pull_send(&mut self) -> (Option<u64>, Option<Pong>) {
let out = (
if std::mem::replace(&mut self.send_ping, false) {
let id = self.next_ping_id;
self.next_ping_id += 1;
let now = Instant::now();
self.last_ping_sent = now;
self.sent_ping_map.insert(id, now);
self.sent_ping_list.push_back((id, now));
self.sent_ping_map.insert(id, now);
} else {
self.send_pong.take().map(|(id, ping_received)| {
let queue_time = (Instant::now() - ping_received)
Pong { id, queue_time }
if out.0.is_some() || out.1.is_some() {
pub fn next_timeout(&self) -> Option<Instant> {
if self.send_ping {
} else {
Some(self.last_ping_sent + self.ping_spacing)
pub fn on_timeout(&mut self) {
self.send_ping = true;
let now = Instant::now();
if let Some(epoch) = now.checked_sub(MAX_SAMPLE_AGE) {
while self.samples.len() > 3 && self.samples[0].when < epoch {
if let Some(epoch) = now.checked_sub(MAX_PING_AGE) {
while self.sent_ping_list.len() > 1 && self.sent_ping_list[0].1 < epoch {
fn recalculate(&mut self) {
self.round_trip_time = (|| {
let variance_before = self.variance;
let mut mean = 0i64;
let mut total = 0i64;
let n = self.samples.len() as i64;
if n == 0i64 {
self.variance = 0;
} else {
for Sample { rtt_us, .. } in self.samples.iter() {
total = total.checked_add(*rtt_us)?;
mean = total / n;
if n == 1i64 {
self.variance = 0;
} else {
let mut numer = 0i64;
for Sample { rtt_us, .. } in self.samples.iter() {
numer = numer.checked_add(square(rtt_us - mean)?)?;
self.variance = numer / (n - 1i64);
// Publish state
if self.variance > variance_before {
self.ping_spacing /= 2;
if self.ping_spacing < MIN_PING_SPACING {
self.ping_spacing = MIN_PING_SPACING;
} else if self.variance < variance_before {
self.ping_spacing = self.ping_spacing * 5 / 4;
if self.ping_spacing > MAX_PING_SPACING {
self.ping_spacing = MAX_PING_SPACING;
if mean > 0 {
Some(Duration::from_micros(mean as u64))
} else {
mod test {
use super::*;
fn published_mean_updates() {
let mut pt = PingTracker::new();
assert_eq!(pt.round_trip_time(), None);
let (ping, pong) = pt.pull_send();
assert_eq!(pt.round_trip_time(), None);
assert_eq!(pong, None);
assert_eq!(ping, Some(1));
pt.on_received_frame(None, Some(Pong { id: 1, queue_time: 100 }));
assert_ne!(pt.round_trip_time(), None);