blob: 3aaf8957a4c83220d0e6e673cdced25c57417423 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <lib/arch/backtrace.h>
#include <lib/elfldltl/note.h>
#include <lib/elfldltl/preallocated-vector.h>
#include <lib/symbolizer-markup/writer.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ktl/algorithm.h>
#include <ktl/byte.h>
#include <ktl/declval.h>
#include <ktl/optional.h>
#include <ktl/span.h>
#include <ktl/string_view.h>
#include <phys/main.h>
#include <phys/stack.h>
#include "zircon/assert.h"
class ElfImage;
struct PhysExceptionState;
class Symbolize;
// The Symbolize instance registered by MainSymbolize.
extern Symbolize* gSymbolize;
class Symbolize {
template <class BootStackType>
struct Stack {
BootStackType& boot_stack;
std::string_view name;
struct IsOnStackFunction {
bool operator()(const void* ptr) const {
return gSymbolize && gSymbolize->IsOnStack(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(ptr));
using FramePointerBacktrace = arch::FramePointerBacktrace<IsOnStackFunction>;
using ModuleList = elfldltl::PreallocatedVector<const ElfImage*>;
Symbolize() = delete;
Symbolize(const Symbolize&) = delete;
explicit Symbolize(const char* name, FILE* f = stdout)
: name_(name), output_(f), writer_(Sink{output_}) {}
const char* name() const { return name_; }
void set_name(const char* new_name) { name_ = new_name; }
auto modules() const { return modules_.as_span(); }
// Return the ELF build ID note for the currently executing module (i.e., the
// first module to call OnLoad or the last module to call OnHandoff).
elfldltl::ElfNote build_id() const;
// This reads the existing modules to the new storage and then
// replaces it as the storage to be used by future OnLoad calls.
void ReplaceModulesStorage(ModuleList modules);
void set_stacks(ktl::span<const Stack<BootStack>> stacks) { stacks_ = stacks; }
void set_shadow_call_stacks(ktl::span<const Stack<BootShadowCallStack>> stacks) {
shadow_call_stacks_ = stacks;
bool IsOnStack(uintptr_t sp) const;
arch::ShadowCallStackBacktrace GetShadowCallStackBacktrace(
uintptr_t scsp = arch::GetShadowCallStackPointer()) const;
FramePointerBacktrace GetFramePointerBacktrace(
const arch::CallFrame* fp = static_cast<arch::CallFrame*>(__builtin_frame_address(0))) const {
return FramePointerBacktrace::BackTrace(fp);
// Print the contextual markup elements describing each loaded module.
void ContextAlways(FILE* log = nullptr);
// Same, but idempotent: the first call prints and others do nothing.
void Context();
// Adds the new module to the list. If Context() has run, then emit context
// for the new module.
void OnLoad(const ElfImage& loaded);
// Registers the next, just-handed-of-to module as the currently executing
// one.
void OnHandoff(ElfImage& next);
void LogHandoff(ktl::string_view name, uintptr_t entry_pc);
// Print the presentation markup element for one frame of a backtrace.
void BackTraceFrame(unsigned int n, uintptr_t pc, bool interrupt = false);
// Print a backtrace, ensuring context has been printed beforehand.
// This takes any container of uintptr_t, so FramePointer works.
template <typename T>
PHYS_SINGLETHREAD void BackTrace(const T& pcs, unsigned int n, unsigned int max) {
for (uintptr_t pc : pcs) {
if (max != 0 && n >= max) {
.Literal("Backtrace truncated before frame #")
BackTraceFrame(n++, pc);
// Print both flavors of backtrace together. If the optional interrupt_pc
// argument is supplied, then it's inserted as frame 0 and marked as exact PC
// (whereas all frame-pointer and shadow-call-stack frames are marked as RA).
PHYS_SINGLETHREAD void PrintBacktraces(const FramePointerBacktrace& frame_pointers,
const arch::ShadowCallStackBacktrace& shadow_call_stack,
ktl::optional<uintptr_t> interrupt_pc = ktl::nullopt);
// Print the trigger markup element for a dumpfile.
void DumpFile(ktl::string_view announce, size_t size_bytes, ktl::string_view sink_name,
ktl::string_view vmo_name, ktl::string_view vmo_name_suffix = "");
// Dump some stack up to the SP.
PHYS_SINGLETHREAD void PrintStack(uintptr_t sp,
ktl::optional<size_t> max_size_bytes = ktl::nullopt);
// Print out register values.
PHYS_SINGLETHREAD void PrintRegisters(const PhysExceptionState& regs);
// Print out useful details at an exception.
PHYS_SINGLETHREAD void PrintException(uint64_t vector, const char* vector_name,
const PhysExceptionState& regs);
void set_main_module(const ElfImage& main) {
main_module_ = &main;
struct Sink {
FILE* f;
int operator()(std::string_view str) const { return f->Write(str); }
void Printf(const char* fmt, ...);
void AddModule(const ElfImage* module);
const char* name_;
FILE* output_;
ModuleList modules_;
ktl::span<const Stack<BootStack>> stacks_;
ktl::span<const Stack<BootShadowCallStack>> shadow_call_stacks_;
symbolizer_markup::Writer<Sink> writer_;
// The currently executing module, set on the first call to LoadModule() or
// the last to call OnHandoff().
const ElfImage* main_module_ = nullptr;
bool context_done_ = false;
// MainSymbolize represents the singleton Symbolize instance to be used by the
// current program. On construction, it regsters itself as `gSymbolize` and
// emits symbolization markup context.
class MainSymbolize : public Symbolize {
explicit MainSymbolize(const char* name);
const ElfImage& self() const { return *self_; }
void set_self(const ElfImage* self);
const ElfImage* self_ = nullptr;