blob: 5123c70b77424b55a60a520bc22375927bbe35ca [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string_view>
#include <vector>
#include "tools/fidl/fidlc/src/diagnostic_types.h"
#include "tools/fidl/fidlc/src/flat_ast.h"
#include "tools/fidl/fidlc/src/source_span.h"
#include "tools/fidl/fidlc/src/versioning_types.h"
namespace fidlc {
constexpr ErrorDef<1, std::string_view> ErrInvalidCharacter("invalid character '{0}'");
constexpr ErrorDef<2> ErrUnexpectedLineBreak("unexpected line-break in string literal");
constexpr ErrorDef<3, std::string_view> ErrInvalidEscapeSequence("invalid escape sequence '{0}'");
constexpr ErrorDef<4, char> ErrInvalidHexDigit("invalid hex digit '{0}'");
constexpr RetiredDef<5> ErrInvalidOctDigit;
constexpr ErrorDef<6, std::string_view> ErrExpectedDeclaration("invalid declaration type {0}");
constexpr ErrorDef<7> ErrUnexpectedToken("found unexpected token");
constexpr ErrorDef<8, Token::KindAndSubkind, Token::KindAndSubkind> ErrUnexpectedTokenOfKind(
"unexpected token {0}, was expecting {1}");
constexpr ErrorDef<9, Token::KindAndSubkind, Token::KindAndSubkind> ErrUnexpectedIdentifier(
"unexpected identifier {0}, was expecting {1}");
constexpr ErrorDef<10, std::string_view> ErrInvalidIdentifier("invalid identifier '{0}'");
constexpr ErrorDef<11, std::string_view> ErrInvalidLibraryNameComponent(
"Invalid library name component {0}");
constexpr ErrorDef<12> ErrInvalidLayoutClass(
"layouts must be of the class: bits, enum, struct, table, or union.");
constexpr ErrorDef<13> ErrInvalidWrappedType("wrapped type for bits/enum must be an identifier");
constexpr ErrorDef<14> ErrAttributeWithEmptyParens(
"attributes without arguments must omit the trailing empty parentheses");
constexpr ErrorDef<15> ErrAttributeArgsMustAllBeNamed(
"attributes that take multiple arguments must name all of them explicitly");
constexpr ErrorDef<16> ErrMissingOrdinalBeforeMember("missing ordinal before member");
constexpr ErrorDef<17> ErrOrdinalOutOfBound("ordinal out-of-bound");
constexpr ErrorDef<18> ErrOrdinalsMustStartAtOne("ordinals must start at 1");
constexpr ErrorDef<19> ErrMustHaveOneMember("must have at least one member");
constexpr ErrorDef<20> ErrInvalidProtocolMember("invalid protocol member");
constexpr RetiredDef<21> ErrExpectedProtocolMember;
constexpr ErrorDef<22> ErrCannotAttachAttributeToIdentifier(
"cannot attach attributes to identifiers");
constexpr ErrorDef<23> ErrRedundantAttributePlacement(
"cannot specify attributes on the type declaration and the corresponding layout at the same "
"time; please merge them into one location instead");
constexpr ErrorDef<24> ErrDocCommentOnParameters("cannot have doc comment on parameters");
constexpr ErrorDef<25> ErrLibraryImportsMustBeGroupedAtTopOfFile(
"library imports must be grouped at top-of-file");
constexpr WarningDef<26> WarnCommentWithinDocCommentBlock(
"cannot have comment within doc comment block");
constexpr WarningDef<27> WarnBlankLinesWithinDocCommentBlock(
"cannot have blank lines within doc comment block");
constexpr WarningDef<28> WarnDocCommentMustBeFollowedByDeclaration(
"doc comment must be followed by a declaration");
constexpr ErrorDef<29> ErrMustHaveOneProperty("must have at least one property");
constexpr ErrorDef<30, Token::KindAndSubkind, Token::KindAndSubkind> ErrCannotSpecifyModifier(
"cannot specify modifier {0} for {1}");
constexpr ErrorDef<31, Token::KindAndSubkind> ErrCannotSpecifySubtype(
"cannot specify subtype for {0}");
constexpr ErrorDef<32, Token::KindAndSubkind> ErrDuplicateModifier(
"duplicate occurrence of modifier {0}");
constexpr ErrorDef<33, Token::KindAndSubkind, Token::KindAndSubkind> ErrConflictingModifier(
"modifier {0} conflicts with modifier {1}");
constexpr ErrorDef<34, Element::Kind, std::string_view, Element::Kind, SourceSpan> ErrNameCollision(
"{0} '{1}' has the same name as the {2} declared at {3}");
constexpr ErrorDef<35, Element::Kind, std::string_view, Element::Kind, std::string_view, SourceSpan,
"{0} '{1}' conflicts with {2} '{3}' declared at {4}; both names are "
"represented by the canonical form '{5}'");
constexpr ErrorDef<36, Element::Kind, std::string_view, Element::Kind, SourceSpan, VersionSet,
"{0} '{1}' has the same name as the {2} declared at {3}; both are "
"available {4} of platform '{5}'");
constexpr ErrorDef<37, Element::Kind, std::string_view, Element::Kind, std::string_view, SourceSpan,
std::string_view, VersionSet, Platform>
"{0} '{1}' conflicts with {2} '{3}' declared at {4}; both names are "
"represented by the canonical form '{5}' and are available {6} of "
"platform '{7}'");
constexpr ErrorDef<38, Name> ErrDeclNameConflictsWithLibraryImport(
"Declaration name '{0}' conflicts with a library import. Consider using the "
"'as' keyword to import the library under a different name.");
constexpr ErrorDef<39, Name, std::string_view> ErrDeclNameConflictsWithLibraryImportCanonical(
"Declaration name '{0}' conflicts with a library import due to its "
"canonical form '{1}'. Consider using the 'as' keyword to import the "
"library under a different name.");
constexpr ErrorDef<40> ErrFilesDisagreeOnLibraryName(
"Two files in the library disagree about the name of the library");
constexpr ErrorDef<41, std::string_view> ErrMultipleLibrariesWithSameName(
"There are multiple libraries named '{0}'");
constexpr ErrorDef<42, std::string_view> ErrDuplicateLibraryImport(
"Library {0} already imported. Did you require it twice?");
constexpr ErrorDef<43, std::string_view> ErrConflictingLibraryImport(
"import of library '{0}' conflicts with another library import");
constexpr ErrorDef<44, std::string_view, std::string_view> ErrConflictingLibraryImportAlias(
"import of library '{0}' under alias '{1}' conflicts with another library import");
constexpr ErrorDef<45> ErrAttributesNotAllowedOnLibraryImport(
"attributes and doc comments are not allowed on `using` statements");
constexpr ErrorDef<46, std::string_view> ErrUnknownLibrary(
"Could not find library named {0}. Did you include its sources with --files?");
constexpr RetiredDef<47> ErrProtocolComposedMultipleTimes;
constexpr ErrorDef<48> ErrOptionalTableMember("Table members cannot be optional");
constexpr ErrorDef<49> ErrOptionalUnionMember("Union members cannot be optional");
constexpr ErrorDef<50> ErrDeprecatedStructDefaults(
"Struct defaults are deprecated and should not be used (see RFC-0160)");
constexpr ErrorDef<51, std::string_view, std::string_view> ErrUnknownDependentLibrary(
"Unknown dependent library {0} or reference to member of "
"library {1}. Did you require it with `using`?");
constexpr ErrorDef<52, std::string_view, const Library *> ErrNameNotFound(
"cannot find '{0}' in {1}");
constexpr ErrorDef<53, const Decl *> ErrCannotReferToMember("cannot refer to member of {0}");
constexpr ErrorDef<54, const Decl *, std::string_view> ErrMemberNotFound("{0} has no member '{1}'");
constexpr ErrorDef<55, const Element *, VersionRange, Platform, const Element *>
"invalid reference to {0}, which is deprecated {1} of platform '{2}' while {3} "
"is not; either remove this reference or mark {3} as deprecated");
constexpr ErrorDef<56, const Element *, VersionRange, Platform, const Element *, VersionRange,
"invalid reference to {0}, which is deprecated {1} of platform '{2}' while {3} "
"is not deprecated {4} of platform '{5}'; either remove this reference or mark {3} as "
constexpr ErrorDef<57, std::vector<const Decl *>> ErrIncludeCycle(
"There is an includes-cycle in declarations: {0}");
constexpr ErrorDef<58, Name> ErrAnonymousNameReference("cannot refer to anonymous name {0}");
constexpr ErrorDef<59, const Type *> ErrInvalidConstantType("invalid constant type {0}");
constexpr ErrorDef<60> ErrCannotResolveConstantValue("unable to resolve constant value");
constexpr ErrorDef<61> ErrOrOperatorOnNonPrimitiveValue(
"Or operator can only be applied to primitive-kinded values");
constexpr ErrorDef<62, Name, std::string_view> ErrNewTypesNotAllowed(
"newtypes not allowed: type declaration {0} defines a new type of the "
"existing {1} type, which is not yet supported");
constexpr ErrorDef<63, Name> ErrExpectedValueButGotType("{0} is a type, but a value was expected");
constexpr ErrorDef<64, Name, Name> ErrMismatchedNameTypeAssignment(
"mismatched named type assignment: cannot define a constant or default "
"value of type {0} using a value of type {1}");
constexpr ErrorDef<65, const Constant *, const Type *, const Type *> ErrTypeCannotBeConvertedToType(
"{0} (type {1}) cannot be converted to type {2}");
constexpr ErrorDef<66, const Constant *, const Type *> ErrConstantOverflowsType(
"{0} overflows type {1}");
constexpr ErrorDef<67> ErrBitsMemberMustBePowerOfTwo("bits members must be powers of two");
constexpr ErrorDef<68, std::string_view> ErrFlexibleEnumMemberWithMaxValue(
"flexible enums must not have a member with a value of {0}, which is "
"reserved for the unknown value. either: remove the member, change its "
"value to something else, or explicitly specify the unknown value with "
"the @unknown attribute. see "
"<> "
"for more info.");
constexpr ErrorDef<69, const Type *> ErrBitsTypeMustBeUnsignedIntegralPrimitive(
"bits may only be of unsigned integral primitive type, found {0}");
constexpr ErrorDef<70, const Type *> ErrEnumTypeMustBeIntegralPrimitive(
"enums may only be of integral primitive type, found {0}");
constexpr ErrorDef<71> ErrUnknownAttributeOnStrictEnumMember(
"the @unknown attribute can be only be used on flexible enum members.");
constexpr ErrorDef<72> ErrUnknownAttributeOnMultipleEnumMembers(
"the @unknown attribute can be only applied to one enum member.");
constexpr ErrorDef<73> ErrComposingNonProtocol("This declaration is not a protocol");
constexpr ErrorDef<74, Decl::Kind> ErrInvalidMethodPayloadLayoutClass(
"cannot use {0} as a request/response; must use a struct, table, or union");
constexpr ErrorDef<75, const Type *> ErrInvalidMethodPayloadType(
"invalid request/response type '{0}'; must use a struct, table, or union");
constexpr RetiredDef<76> ErrResponsesWithErrorsMustNotBeEmpty;
constexpr ErrorDef<77> ErrEmptyPayloadStructs(
"(struct {}) is not allowed as a request or response, use () instead");
constexpr RetiredDef<78> ErrDuplicateElementName;
constexpr RetiredDef<79> ErrDuplicateElementNameCanonical;
constexpr ErrorDef<80> ErrGeneratedZeroValueOrdinal("Ordinal value 0 disallowed.");
constexpr ErrorDef<81, SourceSpan> ErrDuplicateMethodOrdinal(
"Multiple methods with the same ordinal in a protocol; previous was at {0}.");
constexpr ErrorDef<82> ErrInvalidSelectorValue(
"invalid selector value, must be a method name or a fully qualified method name");
constexpr ErrorDef<83> ErrFuchsiaIoExplicitOrdinals(
" must have explicit ordinals (");
constexpr ErrorDef<84> ErrPayloadStructHasDefaultMembers(
"default values are not allowed on members of request/response structs");
constexpr RetiredDef<85> ErrDuplicateServiceMemberName;
constexpr RetiredDef<86> ErrStrictUnionMustHaveNonReservedMember;
constexpr RetiredDef<87> ErrDuplicateServiceMemberNameCanonical;
constexpr ErrorDef<88> ErrOptionalServiceMember("service members cannot be optional");
constexpr RetiredDef<89> ErrDuplicateStructMemberName;
constexpr RetiredDef<90> ErrDuplicateStructMemberNameCanonical;
constexpr ErrorDef<91, std::string_view, const Type *> ErrInvalidStructMemberType(
"struct field {0} has an invalid default type {1}");
constexpr ErrorDef<92> ErrTableOrdinalTooLarge(
"ordinal is too large; table ordinals cannot be greater than 64");
constexpr ErrorDef<93> ErrMaxOrdinalNotTable(
"the 64th ordinal of a table may only contain a table type");
constexpr ErrorDef<94, SourceSpan> ErrDuplicateTableFieldOrdinal(
"multiple table fields with the same ordinal; previous was at {0}");
constexpr RetiredDef<95> ErrDuplicateTableFieldName;
constexpr RetiredDef<96> ErrDuplicateTableFieldNameCanonical;
constexpr ErrorDef<97, SourceSpan> ErrDuplicateUnionMemberOrdinal(
"multiple union fields with the same ordinal; previous was at {0}");
constexpr RetiredDef<98> ErrDuplicateUnionMemberName;
constexpr RetiredDef<99> ErrDuplicateUnionMemberNameCanonical;
constexpr RetiredDef<100> ErrNonDenseOrdinal;
constexpr ErrorDef<101> ErrCouldNotResolveSizeBound("unable to resolve size bound");
constexpr ErrorDef<102, Decl::Kind> ErrCouldNotResolveMember("unable to resolve {0} member");
constexpr ErrorDef<103, std::string_view> ErrCouldNotResolveMemberDefault(
"unable to resolve {0} default value");
constexpr ErrorDef<104> ErrCouldNotResolveAttributeArg("unable to resolve attribute argument");
constexpr RetiredDef<105> ErrDuplicateMemberName;
constexpr RetiredDef<106> ErrDuplicateMemberNameCanonical;
constexpr ErrorDef<107, Decl::Kind, std::string_view, std::string_view, SourceSpan>
"value of {0} member '{1}' conflicts with previously declared member '{2}' at {3}");
constexpr RetiredDef<108> ErrDuplicateResourcePropertyName;
constexpr RetiredDef<109> ErrDuplicateResourcePropertyNameCanonical;
constexpr ErrorDef<110, Decl::Kind, Name, std::string_view, SourceSpan> ErrTypeMustBeResource(
"{0} '{1}' may contain handles (due to member '{2}' at {3}), so it must "
"be declared with the `resource` modifier: `resource {0} {1}`");
constexpr ErrorDef<111, Name, uint32_t, uint32_t> ErrInlineSizeExceedsLimit(
"'{0}' has an inline size of {1} bytes, which exceeds the maximum allowed "
"inline size of {2} bytes");
constexpr ErrorDef<112> ErrOnlyClientEndsInServices("service members must be client_end:P");
constexpr ErrorDef<113, std::string_view, std::string_view, std::string_view, std::string_view>
"service member {0} is over the {1} transport, but member {2} is over "
"the {3} transport. Multiple transports are not allowed.");
constexpr ErrorDef<114, Openness, Name, Openness, Name> ErrComposedProtocolTooOpen(
"{0} protocol '{1}' cannot compose {2} protocol '{3}'; composed protocol "
"may not be more open than composing protocol");
constexpr ErrorDef<115, Openness> ErrFlexibleTwoWayMethodRequiresOpenProtocol(
"flexible two-way method may only be defined in an open protocol, not {0}");
constexpr ErrorDef<116, Protocol::Method::Kind> ErrFlexibleOneWayMethodInClosedProtocol(
"flexible {0} may only be defined in an open or ajar protocol, not closed");
constexpr ErrorDef<117, std::string_view, std::string_view, const Decl *>
"handle of type {0} may not be sent over transport {1} used by {2}");
constexpr ErrorDef<118, std::string_view, std::string_view, const Decl *>
"client_end / server_end of transport type {0} may not be sent over "
"transport {1} used by {2}");
constexpr RetiredDef<119> ErrEventErrorSyntax;
constexpr ErrorDef<120, const Attribute *> ErrInvalidAttributePlacement(
"placement of attribute '{0}' disallowed here");
constexpr ErrorDef<121, const Attribute *> ErrDeprecatedAttribute("attribute '{0}' is deprecated");
constexpr ErrorDef<122, std::string_view, SourceSpan> ErrDuplicateAttribute(
"duplicate attribute '{0}'; previous was at {1}");
constexpr ErrorDef<123, std::string_view, std::string_view, SourceSpan, std::string_view>
"attribute '{0}' conflicts with attribute '{1}' from {2}; both are "
"represented by the canonical form '{3}'");
constexpr ErrorDef<124, const AttributeArg *, const Attribute *> ErrCanOnlyUseStringOrBool(
"argument '{0}' on user-defined attribute '{1}' cannot be a numeric "
"value; use a bool or string instead");
constexpr ErrorDef<125> ErrAttributeArgMustNotBeNamed(
"attributes that take a single argument must not name that argument");
constexpr ErrorDef<126, std::string_view> ErrAttributeArgNotNamed(
"attributes that take multiple arguments must name all of them explicitly, but '{0}' was not");
constexpr ErrorDef<127, const Attribute *, std::string_view> ErrMissingRequiredAttributeArg(
"attribute '{0}' is missing the required '{1}' argument");
constexpr ErrorDef<128, const Attribute *> ErrMissingRequiredAnonymousAttributeArg(
"attribute '{0}' is missing its required argument");
constexpr ErrorDef<129, const Attribute *, std::string_view> ErrUnknownAttributeArg(
"attribute '{0}' does not support the '{1}' argument");
constexpr ErrorDef<130, const Attribute *, std::string_view, SourceSpan> ErrDuplicateAttributeArg(
"attribute '{0}' provides the '{1}' argument multiple times; previous was at {2}");
constexpr ErrorDef<131, const Attribute *, std::string_view, std::string_view, SourceSpan,
"attribute '{0}' argument '{1}' conflicts with argument '{2}' from {3}; both "
"are represented by the canonical form '{4}'");
constexpr ErrorDef<132, const Attribute *> ErrAttributeDisallowsArgs(
"attribute '{0}' does not support arguments");
constexpr ErrorDef<133, std::string_view, const Attribute *> ErrAttributeArgRequiresLiteral(
"argument '{0}' of attribute '{1}' does not support referencing constants; "
"please use a literal instead");
constexpr RetiredDef<134> ErrAttributeConstraintNotSatisfied;
constexpr ErrorDef<135, std::string_view> ErrInvalidDiscoverableName(
"invalid @discoverable name '{0}'; must follow the format ''");
constexpr RetiredDef<136> ErrTableCannotBeSimple;
constexpr RetiredDef<137> ErrUnionCannotBeSimple;
constexpr RetiredDef<138> ErrElementMustBeSimple;
constexpr RetiredDef<139> ErrTooManyBytes;
constexpr RetiredDef<140> ErrTooManyHandles;
constexpr ErrorDef<141> ErrInvalidErrorType(
"invalid error type: must be int32, uint32 or an enum thereof");
constexpr ErrorDef<142, std::string_view, std::set<std::string_view>> ErrInvalidTransportType(
"invalid transport type: got {0} expected one of {1}");
constexpr RetiredDef<143> ErrBoundIsTooBig;
constexpr RetiredDef<144> ErrUnableToParseBound;
constexpr WarningDef<145, std::string_view, std::string_view> WarnAttributeTypo(
"suspect attribute with name '{0}'; did you mean '{1}'?");
constexpr ErrorDef<146> ErrInvalidGeneratedName("generated name must be a valid identifier");
constexpr ErrorDef<147> ErrAvailableMissingArguments(
"at least one argument is required: 'added', 'deprecated', or 'removed'");
constexpr ErrorDef<148> ErrNoteWithoutDeprecation(
"the argument 'note' cannot be used without 'deprecated'");
constexpr ErrorDef<149> ErrPlatformNotOnLibrary(
"the argument 'platform' can only be used on the library's @available attribute");
constexpr ErrorDef<150> ErrLibraryAvailabilityMissingAdded(
"missing 'added' argument on the library's @available attribute");
constexpr ErrorDef<151, std::string_view> ErrMissingLibraryAvailability(
"to use the @available attribute here, you must also annotate the "
"`library {0};` declaration in one of the library's files");
constexpr ErrorDef<152, std::string_view> ErrInvalidPlatform(
"invalid platform '{0}'; must match the regex [a-z][a-z0-9]*");
constexpr ErrorDef<153, uint64_t> ErrInvalidVersion(
"invalid version '{0}'; must be an integer from 1 to 2^63-1 inclusive, or "
"the special constant `HEAD`");
constexpr ErrorDef<154, std::string_view> ErrInvalidAvailabilityOrder(
"invalid @available attribute; must have {0}");
constexpr ErrorDef<155, const AttributeArg *, std::string_view, const AttributeArg *,
std::string_view, SourceSpan, std::string_view, std::string_view,
"the argument {0}={1} conflicts with {2}={3} at {4}; a child element "
"cannot be {5} {6} its parent element is {7}");
constexpr ErrorDef<156, Name> ErrCannotBeOptional("{0} cannot be optional");
constexpr ErrorDef<157, Name> ErrMustBeAProtocol("{0} must be a protocol");
constexpr ErrorDef<158, Name> ErrCannotBoundTwice("{0} cannot bound twice");
constexpr ErrorDef<159, Name> ErrStructCannotBeOptional(
"structs can no longer be marked optional; please use the new syntax, "
constexpr ErrorDef<160, Name> ErrCannotIndicateOptionalTwice(
"{0} is already optional, cannot indicate optionality twice");
constexpr ErrorDef<161, Name> ErrMustHaveNonZeroSize("{0} must have non-zero size");
constexpr ErrorDef<162, Name, size_t, size_t> ErrWrongNumberOfLayoutParameters(
"{0} expected {1} layout parameter(s), but got {2}");
constexpr ErrorDef<163> ErrMultipleConstraintDefinitions(
"cannot specify multiple constraint sets on a type");
constexpr ErrorDef<164, Name, size_t, size_t> ErrTooManyConstraints(
"{0} expected at most {1} constraints, but got {2}");
constexpr ErrorDef<165> ErrExpectedType("expected type but got a literal or constant");
constexpr ErrorDef<166, Name> ErrUnexpectedConstraint("{0} failed to resolve constraint");
constexpr ErrorDef<167, Name> ErrCannotConstrainTwice("{0} cannot add additional constraint");
constexpr ErrorDef<168, Name> ErrProtocolConstraintRequired(
"{0} requires a protocol as its first constraint");
// The same error as ErrCannotBeOptional, but with a more specific message since the
// optionality of boxes may be confusing
constexpr ErrorDef<169> ErrBoxCannotBeOptional(
"cannot specify optionality for box, boxes are optional by default");
constexpr RetiredDef<170> ErrBoxedTypeCannotBeOptional;
constexpr ErrorDef<171, Name> ErrCannotBeBoxedShouldBeOptional(
"type {0} cannot be boxed, try using optional instead");
constexpr ErrorDef<172, Name> ErrResourceMustBeUint32Derived("resource {0} must be uint32");
constexpr ErrorDef<173, Name> ErrResourceMissingSubtypeProperty(
"resource {0} expected to have the subtype property, but it was missing");
constexpr RetiredDef<174> ErrResourceMissingRightsProperty;
constexpr ErrorDef<175, Name> ErrResourceSubtypePropertyMustReferToEnum(
"the subtype property must be an enum, but wasn't in resource {0}");
constexpr RetiredDef<176> ErrHandleSubtypeMustReferToResourceSubtype;
constexpr ErrorDef<177, Name> ErrResourceRightsPropertyMustReferToBits(
"the rights property must be a uint32 or a uint32-based bits, "
"but wasn't defined as such in resource {0}");
constexpr ErrorDef<178, const Library *, const Library *> ErrUnusedImport(
"{0} imports {1} but does not use it; either use it or remove the import");
constexpr ErrorDef<179, Name> ErrNewTypeCannotHaveConstraint(
"{0} is a newtype, which cannot carry constraints");
constexpr ErrorDef<180, Name> ErrExperimentalZxCTypesDisallowed(
"{0} is an experimental type that must be enabled by with `--experimental zx_c_types`");
constexpr ErrorDef<181> ErrReferenceInLibraryAttribute(
"attributes on the 'library' declaration do not support referencing constants");
constexpr ErrorDef<182, const AttributeArg *> ErrLegacyWithoutRemoval(
"the argument '{0}' is not allowed on an element that is never removed");
constexpr ErrorDef<183, const AttributeArg *, std::string_view, const AttributeArg *,
std::string_view, SourceSpan>
"the argument {0}={1} conflicts with {2}={3} at {4}; a child element "
"cannot be added back at LEGACY if its parent is removed");
constexpr ErrorDef<184, std::string_view> ErrUnexpectedControlCharacter(
"unexpected control character in string literal; use the Unicode escape `\\u{{0}}` instead");
constexpr ErrorDef<185> ErrUnicodeEscapeMissingBraces(
"Unicode escape must use braces, like `\\u{a}` for U+000A");
constexpr ErrorDef<186> ErrUnicodeEscapeUnterminated(
"Unicode escape is missing a closing brace '}'");
constexpr ErrorDef<187> ErrUnicodeEscapeEmpty("Unicode escape must have at least 1 hex digit");
constexpr ErrorDef<188> ErrUnicodeEscapeTooLong("Unicode escape must have at most 6 hex digits");
constexpr ErrorDef<189, std::string_view> ErrUnicodeEscapeTooLarge(
"invalid Unicode code point '{0}'; maximum is 10FFFF");
constexpr RetiredDef<190> ErrSimpleProtocolMustBeClosed;
constexpr ErrorDef<191, std::string_view> ErrMethodMustDefineStrictness(
"Method {0} must explicitly specify strict or flexible. (The default is changing "
"from strict to flexible, and explicit modifiers are mandatory during the migration.)");
constexpr ErrorDef<192, std::string_view> ErrProtocolMustDefineOpenness(
"Protocol {0} must explicitly specify open, ajar, or closed. (The default is changing "
"from closed to open, and explicit modifiers are mandatory during the migration.)");
constexpr ErrorDef<193, Name> ErrCannotBeBoxedNorOptional("type {0} cannot be boxed");
constexpr RetiredDef<194> ErrEmptyPayloadStructsWhenResultUnion;
constexpr RetiredDef<195> ErrExperimentalOverflowingAttributeMissingExperimentalFlag;
constexpr RetiredDef<196> ErrExperimentalOverflowingIncorrectUsage;
constexpr ErrorDef<197> ErrOverlayMustBeStrict("overlays must be strict", {.documented = false});
constexpr ErrorDef<198> ErrOverlayMustBeValue("overlays must be value (not resource) types",
{.documented = false});
constexpr ErrorDef<199> ErrOverlayMemberMustBeValue("overlays may not contain resource members",
{.documented = false});
constexpr RetiredDef<200> ErrOverlayMustNotContainReserved;
constexpr ErrorDef<201, const Library *, Platform> ErrPlatformVersionNotSelected(
"{0} belongs to platform '{1}', but no version was selected for it; "
"please choose a version N by passing `--available {1}:N`");
constexpr RetiredDef<202> ErrTransitionalNotAllowed;
constexpr ErrorDef<203> ErrRemovedAndReplaced(
"the @available arguments 'removed' and 'replaced' are mutually exclusive");
constexpr ErrorDef<204> ErrLibraryReplaced(
"the @available argument 'replaced' cannot be used on the library "
"declaration; used 'removed' instead");
constexpr ErrorDef<205, std::string_view, Version, SourceSpan> ErrRemovedWithReplacement(
"element '{0}' is marked removed={1}, but there is a replacement marked "
"added={1} at {2}; change the removed={1} to replaced={1}");
constexpr ErrorDef<206, std::string_view, Version> ErrReplacedWithoutReplacement(
"element '{0}' is marked replaced={1}, but there is no replacement marked "
"added={1}; change the replaced={1} to removed={1}");
constexpr ErrorDef<207, uint32_t, char, uint32_t> ErrTypeShapeIntegerOverflow(
"cannot calculate type shape because of integer overflow in {0} {1} {2}");
constexpr ErrorDef<208, Platform> ErrReservedPlatform(
"platform '{0}' is reserved; choose a different platform name using "
"@available(platform=\"...\", added=...)");
constexpr ErrorDef<209> ErrReservedNotAllowed(
"FIDL no longer supports reserved table or union fields; use @available instead");
// To add a new error:
// 1. Define it above using N = last error's number + 1
// 2. Add it to the end of kAllDiagnosticDefs below
// 3. Run $FUCHSIA_DIR/tools/fidl/scripts/ N
// To retire an error:
// 1. Change its definition above to be a RetiredDef
// 2. Run $FUCHSIA_DIR/tools/fidl/scripts/ -r N
static constexpr const DiagnosticDef *kAllDiagnosticDefs[] = {
/* fi-0001 */ &ErrInvalidCharacter,
/* fi-0002 */ &ErrUnexpectedLineBreak,
/* fi-0003 */ &ErrInvalidEscapeSequence,
/* fi-0004 */ &ErrInvalidHexDigit,
/* fi-0005 */ &ErrInvalidOctDigit,
/* fi-0006 */ &ErrExpectedDeclaration,
/* fi-0007 */ &ErrUnexpectedToken,
/* fi-0008 */ &ErrUnexpectedTokenOfKind,
/* fi-0009 */ &ErrUnexpectedIdentifier,
/* fi-0010 */ &ErrInvalidIdentifier,
/* fi-0011 */ &ErrInvalidLibraryNameComponent,
/* fi-0012 */ &ErrInvalidLayoutClass,
/* fi-0013 */ &ErrInvalidWrappedType,
/* fi-0014 */ &ErrAttributeWithEmptyParens,
/* fi-0015 */ &ErrAttributeArgsMustAllBeNamed,
/* fi-0016 */ &ErrMissingOrdinalBeforeMember,
/* fi-0017 */ &ErrOrdinalOutOfBound,
/* fi-0018 */ &ErrOrdinalsMustStartAtOne,
/* fi-0019 */ &ErrMustHaveOneMember,
/* fi-0020 */ &ErrInvalidProtocolMember,
/* fi-0021 */ &ErrExpectedProtocolMember,
/* fi-0022 */ &ErrCannotAttachAttributeToIdentifier,
/* fi-0023 */ &ErrRedundantAttributePlacement,
/* fi-0024 */ &ErrDocCommentOnParameters,
/* fi-0025 */ &ErrLibraryImportsMustBeGroupedAtTopOfFile,
/* fi-0026 */ &WarnCommentWithinDocCommentBlock,
/* fi-0027 */ &WarnBlankLinesWithinDocCommentBlock,
/* fi-0028 */ &WarnDocCommentMustBeFollowedByDeclaration,
/* fi-0029 */ &ErrMustHaveOneProperty,
/* fi-0030 */ &ErrCannotSpecifyModifier,
/* fi-0031 */ &ErrCannotSpecifySubtype,
/* fi-0032 */ &ErrDuplicateModifier,
/* fi-0033 */ &ErrConflictingModifier,
/* fi-0034 */ &ErrNameCollision,
/* fi-0035 */ &ErrNameCollisionCanonical,
/* fi-0036 */ &ErrNameOverlap,
/* fi-0037 */ &ErrNameOverlapCanonical,
/* fi-0038 */ &ErrDeclNameConflictsWithLibraryImport,
/* fi-0039 */ &ErrDeclNameConflictsWithLibraryImportCanonical,
/* fi-0040 */ &ErrFilesDisagreeOnLibraryName,
/* fi-0041 */ &ErrMultipleLibrariesWithSameName,
/* fi-0042 */ &ErrDuplicateLibraryImport,
/* fi-0043 */ &ErrConflictingLibraryImport,
/* fi-0044 */ &ErrConflictingLibraryImportAlias,
/* fi-0045 */ &ErrAttributesNotAllowedOnLibraryImport,
/* fi-0046 */ &ErrUnknownLibrary,
/* fi-0047 */ &ErrProtocolComposedMultipleTimes,
/* fi-0048 */ &ErrOptionalTableMember,
/* fi-0049 */ &ErrOptionalUnionMember,
/* fi-0050 */ &ErrDeprecatedStructDefaults,
/* fi-0051 */ &ErrUnknownDependentLibrary,
/* fi-0052 */ &ErrNameNotFound,
/* fi-0053 */ &ErrCannotReferToMember,
/* fi-0054 */ &ErrMemberNotFound,
/* fi-0055 */ &ErrInvalidReferenceToDeprecated,
/* fi-0056 */ &ErrInvalidReferenceToDeprecatedOtherPlatform,
/* fi-0057 */ &ErrIncludeCycle,
/* fi-0058 */ &ErrAnonymousNameReference,
/* fi-0059 */ &ErrInvalidConstantType,
/* fi-0060 */ &ErrCannotResolveConstantValue,
/* fi-0061 */ &ErrOrOperatorOnNonPrimitiveValue,
/* fi-0062 */ &ErrNewTypesNotAllowed,
/* fi-0063 */ &ErrExpectedValueButGotType,
/* fi-0064 */ &ErrMismatchedNameTypeAssignment,
/* fi-0065 */ &ErrTypeCannotBeConvertedToType,
/* fi-0066 */ &ErrConstantOverflowsType,
/* fi-0067 */ &ErrBitsMemberMustBePowerOfTwo,
/* fi-0068 */ &ErrFlexibleEnumMemberWithMaxValue,
/* fi-0069 */ &ErrBitsTypeMustBeUnsignedIntegralPrimitive,
/* fi-0070 */ &ErrEnumTypeMustBeIntegralPrimitive,
/* fi-0071 */ &ErrUnknownAttributeOnStrictEnumMember,
/* fi-0072 */ &ErrUnknownAttributeOnMultipleEnumMembers,
/* fi-0073 */ &ErrComposingNonProtocol,
/* fi-0074 */ &ErrInvalidMethodPayloadLayoutClass,
/* fi-0075 */ &ErrInvalidMethodPayloadType,
/* fi-0076 */ &ErrResponsesWithErrorsMustNotBeEmpty,
/* fi-0077 */ &ErrEmptyPayloadStructs,
/* fi-0078 */ &ErrDuplicateElementName,
/* fi-0079 */ &ErrDuplicateElementNameCanonical,
/* fi-0080 */ &ErrGeneratedZeroValueOrdinal,
/* fi-0081 */ &ErrDuplicateMethodOrdinal,
/* fi-0082 */ &ErrInvalidSelectorValue,
/* fi-0083 */ &ErrFuchsiaIoExplicitOrdinals,
/* fi-0084 */ &ErrPayloadStructHasDefaultMembers,
/* fi-0085 */ &ErrDuplicateServiceMemberName,
/* fi-0086 */ &ErrStrictUnionMustHaveNonReservedMember,
/* fi-0087 */ &ErrDuplicateServiceMemberNameCanonical,
/* fi-0088 */ &ErrOptionalServiceMember,
/* fi-0089 */ &ErrDuplicateStructMemberName,
/* fi-0090 */ &ErrDuplicateStructMemberNameCanonical,
/* fi-0091 */ &ErrInvalidStructMemberType,
/* fi-0092 */ &ErrTableOrdinalTooLarge,
/* fi-0093 */ &ErrMaxOrdinalNotTable,
/* fi-0094 */ &ErrDuplicateTableFieldOrdinal,
/* fi-0095 */ &ErrDuplicateTableFieldName,
/* fi-0096 */ &ErrDuplicateTableFieldNameCanonical,
/* fi-0097 */ &ErrDuplicateUnionMemberOrdinal,
/* fi-0098 */ &ErrDuplicateUnionMemberName,
/* fi-0099 */ &ErrDuplicateUnionMemberNameCanonical,
/* fi-0100 */ &ErrNonDenseOrdinal,
/* fi-0101 */ &ErrCouldNotResolveSizeBound,
/* fi-0102 */ &ErrCouldNotResolveMember,
/* fi-0103 */ &ErrCouldNotResolveMemberDefault,
/* fi-0104 */ &ErrCouldNotResolveAttributeArg,
/* fi-0105 */ &ErrDuplicateMemberName,
/* fi-0106 */ &ErrDuplicateMemberNameCanonical,
/* fi-0107 */ &ErrDuplicateMemberValue,
/* fi-0108 */ &ErrDuplicateResourcePropertyName,
/* fi-0109 */ &ErrDuplicateResourcePropertyNameCanonical,
/* fi-0110 */ &ErrTypeMustBeResource,
/* fi-0111 */ &ErrInlineSizeExceedsLimit,
/* fi-0112 */ &ErrOnlyClientEndsInServices,
/* fi-0113 */ &ErrMismatchedTransportInServices,
/* fi-0114 */ &ErrComposedProtocolTooOpen,
/* fi-0115 */ &ErrFlexibleTwoWayMethodRequiresOpenProtocol,
/* fi-0116 */ &ErrFlexibleOneWayMethodInClosedProtocol,
/* fi-0117 */ &ErrHandleUsedInIncompatibleTransport,
/* fi-0118 */ &ErrTransportEndUsedInIncompatibleTransport,
/* fi-0119 */ &ErrEventErrorSyntax,
/* fi-0120 */ &ErrInvalidAttributePlacement,
/* fi-0121 */ &ErrDeprecatedAttribute,
/* fi-0122 */ &ErrDuplicateAttribute,
/* fi-0123 */ &ErrDuplicateAttributeCanonical,
/* fi-0124 */ &ErrCanOnlyUseStringOrBool,
/* fi-0125 */ &ErrAttributeArgMustNotBeNamed,
/* fi-0126 */ &ErrAttributeArgNotNamed,
/* fi-0127 */ &ErrMissingRequiredAttributeArg,
/* fi-0128 */ &ErrMissingRequiredAnonymousAttributeArg,
/* fi-0129 */ &ErrUnknownAttributeArg,
/* fi-0130 */ &ErrDuplicateAttributeArg,
/* fi-0131 */ &ErrDuplicateAttributeArgCanonical,
/* fi-0132 */ &ErrAttributeDisallowsArgs,
/* fi-0133 */ &ErrAttributeArgRequiresLiteral,
/* fi-0134 */ &ErrAttributeConstraintNotSatisfied,
/* fi-0135 */ &ErrInvalidDiscoverableName,
/* fi-0136 */ &ErrTableCannotBeSimple,
/* fi-0137 */ &ErrUnionCannotBeSimple,
/* fi-0138 */ &ErrElementMustBeSimple,
/* fi-0139 */ &ErrTooManyBytes,
/* fi-0140 */ &ErrTooManyHandles,
/* fi-0141 */ &ErrInvalidErrorType,
/* fi-0142 */ &ErrInvalidTransportType,
/* fi-0143 */ &ErrBoundIsTooBig,
/* fi-0144 */ &ErrUnableToParseBound,
/* fi-0145 */ &WarnAttributeTypo,
/* fi-0146 */ &ErrInvalidGeneratedName,
/* fi-0147 */ &ErrAvailableMissingArguments,
/* fi-0148 */ &ErrNoteWithoutDeprecation,
/* fi-0149 */ &ErrPlatformNotOnLibrary,
/* fi-0150 */ &ErrLibraryAvailabilityMissingAdded,
/* fi-0151 */ &ErrMissingLibraryAvailability,
/* fi-0152 */ &ErrInvalidPlatform,
/* fi-0153 */ &ErrInvalidVersion,
/* fi-0154 */ &ErrInvalidAvailabilityOrder,
/* fi-0155 */ &ErrAvailabilityConflictsWithParent,
/* fi-0156 */ &ErrCannotBeOptional,
/* fi-0157 */ &ErrMustBeAProtocol,
/* fi-0158 */ &ErrCannotBoundTwice,
/* fi-0159 */ &ErrStructCannotBeOptional,
/* fi-0160 */ &ErrCannotIndicateOptionalTwice,
/* fi-0161 */ &ErrMustHaveNonZeroSize,
/* fi-0162 */ &ErrWrongNumberOfLayoutParameters,
/* fi-0163 */ &ErrMultipleConstraintDefinitions,
/* fi-0164 */ &ErrTooManyConstraints,
/* fi-0165 */ &ErrExpectedType,
/* fi-0166 */ &ErrUnexpectedConstraint,
/* fi-0167 */ &ErrCannotConstrainTwice,
/* fi-0168 */ &ErrProtocolConstraintRequired,
/* fi-0169 */ &ErrBoxCannotBeOptional,
/* fi-0170 */ &ErrBoxedTypeCannotBeOptional,
/* fi-0171 */ &ErrCannotBeBoxedShouldBeOptional,
/* fi-0172 */ &ErrResourceMustBeUint32Derived,
/* fi-0173 */ &ErrResourceMissingSubtypeProperty,
/* fi-0174 */ &ErrResourceMissingRightsProperty,
/* fi-0175 */ &ErrResourceSubtypePropertyMustReferToEnum,
/* fi-0176 */ &ErrHandleSubtypeMustReferToResourceSubtype,
/* fi-0177 */ &ErrResourceRightsPropertyMustReferToBits,
/* fi-0178 */ &ErrUnusedImport,
/* fi-0179 */ &ErrNewTypeCannotHaveConstraint,
/* fi-0180 */ &ErrExperimentalZxCTypesDisallowed,
/* fi-0181 */ &ErrReferenceInLibraryAttribute,
/* fi-0182 */ &ErrLegacyWithoutRemoval,
/* fi-0183 */ &ErrLegacyConflictsWithParent,
/* fi-0184 */ &ErrUnexpectedControlCharacter,
/* fi-0185 */ &ErrUnicodeEscapeMissingBraces,
/* fi-0186 */ &ErrUnicodeEscapeUnterminated,
/* fi-0187 */ &ErrUnicodeEscapeEmpty,
/* fi-0188 */ &ErrUnicodeEscapeTooLong,
/* fi-0189 */ &ErrUnicodeEscapeTooLarge,
/* fi-0190 */ &ErrSimpleProtocolMustBeClosed,
/* fi-0191 */ &ErrMethodMustDefineStrictness,
/* fi-0192 */ &ErrProtocolMustDefineOpenness,
/* fi-0193 */ &ErrCannotBeBoxedNorOptional,
/* fi-0194 */ &ErrEmptyPayloadStructsWhenResultUnion,
/* fi-0195 */ &ErrExperimentalOverflowingAttributeMissingExperimentalFlag,
/* fi-0196 */ &ErrExperimentalOverflowingIncorrectUsage,
/* fi-0197 */ &ErrOverlayMustBeStrict,
/* fi-0198 */ &ErrOverlayMustBeValue,
/* fi-0199 */ &ErrOverlayMemberMustBeValue,
/* fi-0200 */ &ErrOverlayMustNotContainReserved,
/* fi-0201 */ &ErrPlatformVersionNotSelected,
/* fi-0202 */ &ErrTransitionalNotAllowed,
/* fi-0203 */ &ErrRemovedAndReplaced,
/* fi-0204 */ &ErrLibraryReplaced,
/* fi-0205 */ &ErrRemovedWithReplacement,
/* fi-0206 */ &ErrReplacedWithoutReplacement,
/* fi-0207 */ &ErrTypeShapeIntegerOverflow,
/* fi-0208 */ &ErrReservedPlatform,
/* fi-0209 */ &ErrReservedNotAllowed,
// In reporter.h we assert that reported error IDs are <= kNumDiagnosticDefs.
// This combined with the assert below ensures kAllDiagnosticDefs is complete.
static constexpr size_t kNumDiagnosticDefs =
sizeof(kAllDiagnosticDefs) / sizeof(kAllDiagnosticDefs[0]);
// If anything is missing or out of order in kAllDiagnosticDefs, this assertion
// will fail and the message will include the position where it happened.
static_assert([] {
ErrorId expected = 1;
for (auto def : kAllDiagnosticDefs) {
if (def->id != expected) {
return expected;
return 0u;
}() == 0);
} // namespace fidlc