blob: 2099c932ce8009f05891a1472c10d82fa322fbb1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "tools/fidl/fidlc/src/diagnostic_types.h"
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <ostream>
#include "tools/fidl/fidlc/src/flat_ast.h"
#include "tools/fidl/fidlc/src/names.h"
#include "tools/fidl/fidlc/src/source_span.h"
namespace fidlc {
namespace internal {
std::string Display(char c) { return std::string(1, c); }
std::string Display(const std::string& s) { return s; }
std::string Display(std::string_view s) { return std::string(s); }
std::string Display(const std::set<std::string_view>& s) {
std::stringstream ss;
for (auto it = s.begin(); it != s.end(); it++) {
if (it != s.cbegin()) {
ss << ", ";
ss << *it;
return ss.str();
std::string Display(SourceSpan s) { return s.position_str(); }
std::string Display(Token::KindAndSubkind t) { return std::string(Token::Name(t)); }
std::string Display(Openness o) {
switch (o) {
case Openness::kOpen:
return "open";
case Openness::kAjar:
return "ajar";
case Openness::kClosed:
return "closed";
std::string Display(Protocol::Method::Kind i) {
switch (i) {
case Protocol::Method::Kind::kOneWay:
return "one-way method";
case Protocol::Method::Kind::kTwoWay:
return "two-way method";
case Protocol::Method::Kind::kEvent:
return "event";
std::string Display(const Attribute* a) { return std::string(a->; }
std::string Display(const AttributeArg* a) {
return a->name.has_value() ? std::string(a->name.value().data()) : "";
std::string Display(const Constant* c) { return NameConstant(c); }
std::string Display(Element::Kind k) {
switch (k) {
case Element::Kind::kBits:
return "bits";
case Element::Kind::kBitsMember:
return "bits member";
case Element::Kind::kBuiltin:
return "builtin";
case Element::Kind::kConst:
return "const";
case Element::Kind::kEnum:
return "enum";
case Element::Kind::kEnumMember:
return "enum member";
case Element::Kind::kLibrary:
return "library";
case Element::Kind::kNewType:
return "new-type";
case Element::Kind::kProtocol:
return "protocol";
case Element::Kind::kProtocolCompose:
return "protocol composition";
case Element::Kind::kProtocolMethod:
return "protocol method";
case Element::Kind::kResource:
return "resource";
case Element::Kind::kResourceProperty:
return "resource property";
case Element::Kind::kService:
return "service";
case Element::Kind::kServiceMember:
return "service member";
case Element::Kind::kStruct:
return "struct";
case Element::Kind::kStructMember:
return "struct member";
case Element::Kind::kTable:
return "table";
case Element::Kind::kTableMember:
return "table member";
case Element::Kind::kAlias:
return "alias";
case Element::Kind::kUnion:
return "union";
case Element::Kind::kUnionMember:
return "union member";
case Element::Kind::kOverlay:
return "overlay";
case Element::Kind::kOverlayMember:
return "overlay member";
std::string Display(Decl::Kind k) { return Display(Decl::ElementKind(k)); }
std::string Display(const Element* e) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << Display(e->kind) << " '" << e->GetName() << "'";
return ss.str();
// Displays decls with arrows, e.g "struct 'Foo' -> union 'Bar' -> struct 'Foo'".
std::string Display(const std::vector<const Decl*>& d) {
std::stringstream ss;
for (auto it = d.begin(); it != d.end(); ++it) {
if (it != d.begin()) {
ss << " -> ";
ss << Display(*it);
return ss.str();
std::string Display(const Type* t) { return NameType(t); }
std::string Display(const Name& n) { return n.full_name(); }
std::string Display(const Platform& p) { return; }
std::string Display(Version v) { return v.ToString(); }
std::string Display(VersionRange r) {
// Here we assume the version range is for an error about a versioned element.
// We handle 4 special cases (-inf, +inf, HEAD, LEGACY) for each endpoint.
auto [a, b] = r.pair();
std::stringstream ss;
if (a == Version::NegInf()) {
ZX_PANIC("versioned elements cannot start at -inf");
} else if (a == Version::PosInf()) {
ZX_PANIC("versioned elements cannot start at +inf");
} else if (a == Version::Head() || a == Version::Legacy()) {
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(b == Version::PosInf(), "unexpected end version");
// Technically [HEAD, +inf) includes LEGACY, but we just say "at version
// HEAD" because this will show up in contexts where mentioning LEGACY would
// be confusing (e.g. when the `legacy` argument is not used at all).
ss << "at version " << Display(a);
} else {
if (b == Version::NegInf()) {
ZX_PANIC("versioned elements cannot end at -inf");
} else if (b == Version::PosInf()) {
ss << "from version " << Display(a) << " onward";
} else if (b == Version::Head()) {
ss << "from version " << Display(a) << " to " << Display(b);
} else if (b == Version::Legacy()) {
ZX_PANIC("versioned elements cannot end at LEGACY");
} else if (a.ordinal() + 1 == b.ordinal()) {
ss << "at version " << Display(a);
} else {
ss << "from version " << Display(a) << " to "
<< Display(Version::From(b.ordinal() - 1).value());
return ss.str();
std::string Display(const VersionSet& s) {
auto& [x, maybe_y] = s.ranges();
if (!maybe_y) {
return Display(x);
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(x.pair().second != Version::PosInf(),
"first range must have finite end if there are two");
return Display(x) + " and " + Display(maybe_y.value());
} // namespace internal
std::string DiagnosticDef::FormatId() const {
char id_str[8];
std::snprintf(id_str, 8, "fi-%04d", id);
return id_str;
std::string Diagnostic::Format() const {
std::ostringstream out;
out << msg;
if (def.opts.documented) {
out << " [" << def.FormatId() << ']';
return out.str();
} // namespace fidlc