blob: 865f2d29bda7654a9a2ad290e3fb0ff766ce5bd1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fidl/>
#include <lib/component/incoming/cpp/protocol.h>
#include <lib/device-watcher/cpp/device-watcher.h>
#include <lib/fhcp/cpp/fhcp.h>
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include <lib/sync/cpp/completion.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "src/lib/fsl/io/device_watcher.h"
namespace fir = fuchsia_input_report;
constexpr zx::duration kPerQuadrantTimeout = zx::sec(30);
struct Midpoints {
int64_t x_midpoint;
int64_t y_midpoint;
enum class Quadrant { kTopLeft, kTopRight, kBottomLeft, kBottomRight };
void ConfigureTouchEvents(fidl::WireSyncClient<fir::InputDevice>& client);
struct Touchpad {
fidl::WireSyncClient<fir::InputDevice> device;
Midpoints midpoints;
zx::result<Touchpad> ConnectToTouchpad();
void WaitForTouchAndRelease(fidl::WireSyncClient<fir::InputReportsReader>& client,
Midpoints midpoints, Quadrant desired_quadrant);
zx_status_t RunWithTimeout(zx::duration timeout, fit::closure f);
TEST(TouchpadTests, AreaCoverage) {
// This test verifies that the touchpad driver can report touches at all four corners of the
// touchpad.
zx::result connect_result = ConnectToTouchpad();
ASSERT_TRUE(connect_result.is_ok()) << connect_result.status_string();
fidl::WireSyncClient<fir::InputDevice> input_device_client =
Midpoints midpoints = std::move(connect_result.value().midpoints);
// Get the InputReportsReader client from the InputDevice protocol.
auto endpoints = fidl::Endpoints<fir::InputReportsReader>::Create();
auto reader_client = fidl::WireSyncClient<fir::InputReportsReader>(std::move(endpoints.client));
// The test itself - check for touches in each corner.
// We specify a time-out in the code itself rather than in the build rule to ensure that it is
// honored in all contexts that the test is run. For instance, `ffx test` does not use the
// time-out in the build file, nor does `ffx driver conformance`.
ASSERT_EQ(ZX_OK, RunWithTimeout(kPerQuadrantTimeout, [&reader_client, midpoints]() {
WaitForTouchAndRelease(reader_client, midpoints, Quadrant::kTopLeft);
ASSERT_EQ(ZX_OK, RunWithTimeout(kPerQuadrantTimeout, [&reader_client, midpoints]() {
WaitForTouchAndRelease(reader_client, midpoints, Quadrant::kTopRight);
ASSERT_EQ(ZX_OK, RunWithTimeout(kPerQuadrantTimeout, [&reader_client, midpoints]() {
WaitForTouchAndRelease(reader_client, midpoints, Quadrant::kBottomRight);
ASSERT_EQ(ZX_OK, RunWithTimeout(kPerQuadrantTimeout, [&reader_client, midpoints]() {
WaitForTouchAndRelease(reader_client, midpoints, Quadrant::kBottomLeft);
Quadrant GetQuadrant(const fir::wire::ContactInputReport& contact, Midpoints midpoints) {
bool in_left_half = contact.position_x() < midpoints.x_midpoint;
bool in_top_half = contact.position_y() < midpoints.y_midpoint;
if (in_left_half) {
return in_top_half ? Quadrant::kTopLeft : Quadrant::kBottomLeft;
} else {
return in_top_half ? Quadrant::kTopRight : Quadrant::kBottomRight;
const char* GetQuadrantName(Quadrant q) {
switch (q) {
case Quadrant::kTopLeft:
return "top left";
case Quadrant::kTopRight:
return "top right";
case Quadrant::kBottomLeft:
return "bottom left";
case Quadrant::kBottomRight:
return "bottom right";
void WaitForRelease(fidl::WireSyncClient<fir::InputReportsReader>& client) {
// Wait for the touch to be released (indicated by an empty contacts vector).
while (true) {
auto result = client->ReadInputReports();
ASSERT_EQ(ZX_OK, result.status());
for (fir::wire::InputReport& report : result->value()->reports) {
if (report.touch().contacts().empty()) {
fhcp::PrintManualTestingMessage("Release detected.");
void WaitForTouch(fidl::WireSyncClient<fir::InputReportsReader>& client, Midpoints midpoints,
Quadrant desired_quadrant) {
auto result = client->ReadInputReports();
ASSERT_EQ(ZX_OK, result.status());
ASSERT_FALSE(result->value()->reports.empty()) << "No input reports received.";
// Wait for a touch event. We ensure that all reports in the FIDL response contain valid touch
// reports in the expected quadrant.
for (fir::wire::InputReport& report : result->value()->reports) {
const fir::wire::ContactInputReport& contact_report = report.touch().contacts()[0];
Quadrant quadrant = GetQuadrant(contact_report, midpoints);
ASSERT_EQ(quadrant, desired_quadrant)
<< "Touch expected in the " << GetQuadrantName(desired_quadrant) << " but detected in the "
<< GetQuadrantName(quadrant);
void WaitForTouchAndRelease(fidl::WireSyncClient<fir::InputReportsReader>& client,
Midpoints midpoints, Quadrant desired_quadrant) {
fhcp::PrintManualTestingMessage("\n\n*** Please touch the %s corner of the touchpad and hold.",
fhcp::PrintManualTestingMessage("\nThe test will automatically time out after %ld seconds.",
WaitForTouch(client, midpoints, desired_quadrant);
fhcp::PrintManualTestingMessage("Please release finger.");
zx::result<Touchpad> ConnectToTouchpad() {
// Iterate over the devices in /dev/class/input-report looking for the one that corresponds to
// the touchpad.
zx::result input_directory = component::OpenServiceRoot("/dev/class/input-report");
if (input_directory.is_error()) {
return input_directory.take_error();
zx::result watch_result = device_watcher::WatchDirectoryForItems<zx::result<Touchpad>>(
[&](std::string_view file_name) -> std::optional<zx::result<Touchpad>> {
zx::result client_end =
component::ConnectAt<fir::InputDevice>(input_directory.value(), file_name);
if (client_end.is_error()) {
return client_end.take_error();
fidl::WireSyncClient input_device_client(std::move(client_end.value()));
// Get the device's descriptor and skip devices that aren't touchpads.
const fidl::WireResult descriptor_result = input_device_client->GetDescriptor();
if (!descriptor_result.ok()) {
return zx::error(descriptor_result.status());
const fidl::WireResponse descriptor_response = descriptor_result.value();
if (!descriptor_response.descriptor.has_touch() ||
descriptor_response.descriptor.touch().input().touch_type() !=
fir::TouchType::kTouchpad) {
return std::nullopt;
// Need at least one contact entry to get the dimensions of the touchpad.
if (descriptor_response.descriptor.touch().input().contacts().empty()) {
return zx::error(ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE);
const fir::wire::ContactInputDescriptor& contact =
int64_t min_x = contact.position_x().range.min;
int64_t max_x = contact.position_x().range.max;
int64_t min_y = contact.position_y().range.min;
int64_t max_y = contact.position_y().range.max;
return zx::ok<Touchpad>({
.device = std::move(input_device_client),
.midpoints =
.x_midpoint = (max_x + min_x) / 2,
.y_midpoint = (max_y + min_y) / 2,
if (watch_result.is_error()) {
return watch_result.take_error();
return std::move(watch_result.value());
void ConfigureTouchEvents(fidl::WireSyncClient<fir::InputDevice>& client) {
// By default the touchpad only reports mouse events, so we use SetFeatureReport to turn on
// touch events, which allow us to detect when a finger is released.
fidl::Arena allocator;
auto touch_report = fir::wire::TouchFeatureReport::Builder(allocator);
auto feature_report = fir::wire::FeatureReport::Builder(allocator);
ASSERT_EQ(ZX_OK, client->SetFeatureReport(feature_report.Build()).status());
zx_status_t RunWithTimeout(zx::duration timeout, fit::closure f) {
libsync::Completion completion;
std::thread thrd = std::thread([&f, &completion]() {
zx_status_t status = completion.Wait(timeout);
if (status == ZX_OK) {
} else {
// Detach the thread to be killed when the process exits. We can't join here because that would
// defeat the purpose of the time-out.
if (status == ZX_ERR_TIMED_OUT) {
ADD_FAILURE() << "Test timed out after " << kPerQuadrantTimeout.to_secs() << " seconds.";
return status;