blob: b92ccb86ef90e05942d866be2733cdec54c9f083 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Extract a package from an archive.
# Parameters
# The following two items are only required in order to produce metadata about
# the package sets, and may be removed in the future:
# archive (required)
# [path] Path to archive containing a package.
# package_name (default: the target name)
# [string] Name of the package.
# package_out_dir (default: "$target_out_dir/$target_name")
# [path] The directory into which package artifacts should be placed.
# repository (default: "")
# [string] The repository host name part of the package URL.
# See
# for more details.
# deps (optional)
# test (optional)
# visibility (optional)
# metadata (optional)
# Same as for any GN `action()` target.
template("package_tool_package_archive_extract") {
assert(defined(archive), "archive is required")
if (!defined(package_name)) {
package_name = target_name
if (!defined(repository)) {
repository = ""
if (!defined(package_out_dir)) {
package_out_dir = "$target_out_dir/$target_name"
pkg_output_manifest = "$package_out_dir/package_manifest.json"
metadata_target_name = "${target_name}_metadata"
define_package_metadata(metadata_target_name) {
package_name = package_name
snapshot_entry = "$package_name/0=" +
rebase_path("$package_out_dir/blobs.json", root_build_dir)
blob_manifest = "$package_out_dir/blobs.manifest"
package_output_manifest = pkg_output_manifest
compiled_action(target_name) {
tool = "//src/sys/pkg/bin/package-tool"
tool_output_name = "package-tool"
if (!defined(deps)) {
deps = []
if (!defined(inputs)) {
inputs = []
inputs += [ archive ]
depfile = "$package_out_dir/meta.far.d"
metadata = {
if (defined(invoker.metadata)) {
forward_variables_from(invoker.metadata, "*")
deps += [ ":$metadata_target_name" ]
outputs = [
# package output manifest
# package blob json manifest
args = [
rebase_path(archive, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(package_out_dir, root_build_dir),
hermetic_action_ignored_prefixes = [
"$package_out_dir/manifests", # Subpackage manifests are written here.
# Generate a package from a manifest.
# Parameters
# manifest (required)
# [label] A generate_manifest() target defined earlier in the same file.
# This provides the contents for the package.
# The following two items are only required in order to produce metadata about
# the package sets, and may be removed in the future:
# package_name (default: the target name)
# [string] Name of the package (should match what is in meta/package)
# repository (default: "")
# [string] The repository host name part of the package URL.
# See
# for more details.
# package_out_dir (default: "$target_out_dir/$target_name")
# [path] The directory into which package artifacts should be placed.
# deps (optional)
# test (optional)
# visibility (optional)
# metadata (optional)
# Same as for any GN `action()` target.
template("package_tool_package_build") {
if (!defined(package_name)) {
package_name = target_name
if (!defined(repository)) {
repository = ""
if (!defined(package_out_dir)) {
package_out_dir = "$target_out_dir/$target_name"
pkg_output_manifest = "$package_out_dir/package_manifest.json"
metadata_target_name = "${target_name}_metadata"
define_package_metadata(metadata_target_name) {
package_name = package_name
snapshot_entry = "$package_name/0=" +
rebase_path("$package_out_dir/blobs.json", root_build_dir)
blob_manifest = "$package_out_dir/blobs.manifest"
package_output_manifest = pkg_output_manifest
compiled_action(target_name) {
tool = "//src/sys/pkg/bin/package-tool"
tool_output_name = "package-tool"
if (!defined(deps)) {
deps = []
pkg_manifest_outputs = get_target_outputs(invoker.manifest)
pkg_manifest_file = pkg_manifest_outputs[0]
deps += [ invoker.manifest ]
inputs = [ pkg_manifest_file ]
if (defined(invoker.meta_subpackages)) {
meta_subpackages_outputs = get_target_outputs(invoker.meta_subpackages)
meta_subpackages_file = meta_subpackages_outputs[0]
deps += [ invoker.meta_subpackages ]
inputs += [ meta_subpackages_file ]
depfile = "$package_out_dir/meta.far.d"
metadata = {
if (defined(invoker.metadata)) {
forward_variables_from(invoker.metadata, "*")
package_barrier = [ ":$metadata_target_name" ]
deps += [ ":$metadata_target_name" ]
outputs = [
# produced by seal, must be listed first because of depfile rules.
# package blob json manifest
# package blob manifest
# package output manifest
args = [
rebase_path(package_out_dir, root_build_dir),
if (defined(meta_subpackages_file)) {
args += [
rebase_path(meta_subpackages_file, root_build_dir),
args += [
rebase_path(pkg_manifest_file, root_build_dir),
# Due to the content-based nature of these outputs, timestamps of these
# outputs will not be freshened when their contents do not change in
# incremental builds, which allows for early termination of downstream
# build actions.
declare_args() {
# Controls which mode to use when copying blobs into the repository.
# Supported modes are:
# * `copy`: copy the blob if the blob does not already exist in the
# repository. This will use copy-on-write to efficiently copy the blob on
# file systems that support it.
# * `copy-overwrite`: always copy the blob, overwriting any blob that
# exists in the blob repository. This will use copy-on-write to efficiently
# copy the blob on file systems that support it.
# * `hard-link`: hard link the blob into the repository, or copy if we cannot
# create a hard link between the blob and the blob repository. Note that it
# is possible to modify the blob through the hard link, which would result
# in the blob not matching the blob's merkle.
repository_publish_blob_copy_mode = "hard-link"
# Publish package manifests to a repository.
# Parameters
# output_repository_dir (required)
# A publish packages to this directory path.
# package_list_manifests (required)
# A list of package list manifest paths.
# initial_trusted_root_metadata (optional)
# Initialize TUF trust with this root metadata. Defaults to
# ${repository_dir}/repository/1.root.json if unspecified.
# output_blob_manifest_path (optional)
# If set, write the blob manifest of all staged blobs to the given path.
# repo_deps (optional)
# A list of GN dependencies that the package publishing tool & repository depends on.
# This should not be the deps of the contents of the repository, but of the repository itself.
template("package_tool_repository_publish") {
assert(defined(invoker.output_repository_dir) &&
invoker.output_repository_dir != "",
"output_repository_dir must be defined")
repository_publish_blob_copy_mode == "copy" ||
repository_publish_blob_copy_mode == "copy-overwrite" ||
repository_publish_blob_copy_mode == "hard-link",
"`repository_publish_blob_copy_mode` can only be `copy`, `copy-overwrite`, or `hard-link`")
_output_repository_dir = invoker.output_repository_dir
"package_list_manifests must be defined")
_publish_opts = [
if (defined(invoker.initial_trusted_root_metadata)) {
assert(invoker.initial_trusted_root_metadata != "",
"initial_trusted_root_metadata cannot be empty")
_publish_opts += [
rebase_path(invoker.initial_trusted_root_metadata, root_build_dir),
if (defined(invoker.output_blob_manifest_path)) {
assert(invoker.output_blob_manifest_path != "",
"output_blob_manifest_path cannot be empty")
_publish_opts += [
rebase_path(invoker.output_blob_manifest_path, root_build_dir),
if (delivery_blob_type != false) {
_publish_opts += [
# Expose build-time package publishing arguments to devshell commands. (`fx publish`)
publish_tool_opts_dep = "${target_name}_tool_opts"
generated_file(publish_tool_opts_dep) {
outputs = [ "${_output_repository_dir}/publish_tool_opts" ]
contents = _publish_opts
group("${target_name}_repo_deps") {
public_deps = [ ":${publish_tool_opts_dep}" ]
if (defined(invoker.repo_deps)) {
public_deps += invoker.repo_deps
compiled_action(target_name) {
tool = "//src/sys/pkg/bin/package-tool"
tool_output_name = "package-tool"
if (!defined(deps)) {
deps = []
deps += [ ":${target_name}_repo_deps" ]
# The contents of these folders is dynamic, and managed entirely by this action.
hermetic_action_ignored_prefixes =
[ "${_output_repository_dir}/repository" ]
sources = invoker.package_list_manifests
depfile = "${target_out_dir}/${target_name}.d"
outputs = [
# Note: the first output is the one that appears in the depfile.
args = [
rebase_path(depfile, root_build_dir),
if (defined(invoker.output_blob_manifest_path)) {
outputs += [ invoker.output_blob_manifest_path ]
if (defined(sources)) {
foreach(package_list, invoker.package_list_manifests) {
args += [
rebase_path(package_list, root_build_dir),
args += _publish_opts
args += [ rebase_path(_output_repository_dir, root_build_dir) ]
# Generate a package archive in the format produced by `ffx package archive create'.
# The archive is generated at $target_out_dir/$package_name where package_name
# is `get_label_info($package, "name")`
# Parameters
# package (required)
# [label] A pm_build() target defined earlier in the same file.
# archive_name (optional)
# [string] The name of the far file to output.
template("package_tool_archive_create") {
assert(defined(invoker.package), "package is required")
package_name = get_label_info(invoker.package, "name")
pkg_out_dir =
get_label_info(invoker.package, "target_out_dir") + "/${package_name}"
if (defined(invoker.archive_name)) {
archive_name = invoker.archive_name
} else {
archive_name = package_name
# LINT.IfChange
archive_out = "${target_out_dir}/${archive_name}.far"
# LINT.ThenChange(//build/packages/exported_fuchsia_package_archive.gni)
archive_depfile = "${archive_out}.d"
compiled_action(target_name) {
tool = "//src/sys/pkg/bin/package-tool"
tool_output_name = "package-tool"
deps = [ invoker.package ]
depfile = archive_depfile
inputs = [ "${pkg_out_dir}/package_manifest.json" ]
outputs = [ archive_out ]
args = [
rebase_path(pkg_out_dir, root_build_dir) + "/package_manifest.json",
rebase_path(archive_depfile, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(archive_out, root_build_dir),
# Generate a package manifests list.
# Parameters
# product_bundle (required)
# [path] A path to Product Bundle dir.
# manifests_dir (required)
# [path] A directory where package manifest will be written to.
template("package_tool_package_manifest_list_create") {
assert(defined(invoker.product_bundle), "product_bundle is required")
assert(defined(invoker.manifests_dir), "manifests_dir is required")
_manifests_dir = invoker.manifests_dir
compiled_action(target_name) {
tool = "//src/sys/pkg/bin/package-tool"
tool_output_name = "package-tool"
# The contents of these folders is dynamic, and managed entirely by this action.
hermetic_action_ignored_prefixes = [
inputs = [ invoker.product_bundle ]
outputs = [ "${_manifests_dir}/package_manifests.list" ]
args = [
rebase_path(invoker.product_bundle, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(_manifests_dir, root_build_dir),