blob: b5e1ac367bd7f60d4e9743a1c70eaf872926d39e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! The "Action" concept represents an asynchronous activity on a component that should eventually
//! complete.
//! Actions decouple the "what" of what needs to happen to a component from the "how". Several
//! client APIs may induce operations on a component's state that complete asynchronously. These
//! operations could depend on each other in various ways.
//! A key property of actions is idempotency. If two equal actions are registered on a component,
//! the work for that action is performed only once. This means that two distinct call sites can
//! register the same action, and be guaranteed the work is not repeated.
//! Here are a couple examples:
//! - A `Shutdown` FIDL call must shut down every component instance in the tree, in
//! dependency order. For this to happen every component must shut down, but not before its
//! downstream dependencies have shut down.
//! - A `Realm.DestroyChild` FIDL call returns right after a child component is destroyed.
//! However, in order to actually delete the child, a sequence of events must happen:
//! * All instances in the component must be shut down (see above)
//! * The component instance's persistent storage must be erased, if any.
//! * The component's parent must remove it as a child.
//! Note the interdependencies here -- destroying a component also requires shutdown, for example.
//! These processes could be implemented through a chain of futures in the vicinity of the API
//! call. However, this doesn't scale well, because it requires distributed state handling and is
//! prone to races. Actions solve this problem by allowing client code to just specify the actions
//! that need to eventually be fulfilled. The actual business logic to perform the actions can be
//! implemented by the component itself in a coordinated manner.
//! `DestroyChild()` is an example of how this can work. For simplicity, suppose it's called on a
//! component with no children of its own. This might cause a chain of events like the following:
//! - Before it returns, the `DestroyChild` FIDL handler registers the `DeleteChild` action on the
//! parent component for child being destroyed.
//! - This results in a call to `Action::handle` for the component. In response to
//! `DestroyChild`, `Action::handle()` spawns a future that sets a `Destroy` action on the child.
//! Note that `Action::handle()` is not async, it always spawns any work that might block
//! in a future.
//! - `Action::handle()` is called on the child. In response to `Destroy`, it sets a `Shutdown`
//! action on itself (the component instance must be stopped before it is destroyed).
//! - `Action::handle()` is called on the child again, in response to `Shutdown`. It turns out the
//! instance is still running, so the `Shutdown` future tells the instance to stop. When this
//! completes, the `Shutdown` action is finished.
//! - The future that was spawned for `Destroy` is notified that `Shutdown` completes, so it cleans
//! up the instance's resources and finishes the `Destroy` action.
//! - When the work for `Destroy` completes, the future spawned for `DestroyChild` deletes the
//! child and marks `DestroyChild` finished, which will notify the client that the action is
//! complete.
mod destroy;
mod discover;
pub mod resolve;
pub mod shutdown;
pub mod start;
mod stop;
mod unresolve;
// Re-export the actions
pub use {
destroy::DestroyAction, discover::DiscoverAction, resolve::ResolveAction,
shutdown::ShutdownAction, shutdown::ShutdownType, start::StartAction, stop::StopAction,
use {
crate::model::{component::ComponentInstance, error::ActionError},
fuchsia_async as fasync,
future::{join_all, pending, BoxFuture, FutureExt, Shared},
task::{Context, Poll},
std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet},
atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering},
/// A action on a component that must eventually be fulfilled.
pub trait Action: Send + Sync + 'static {
/// Run the action.
async fn handle(self, component: Arc<ComponentInstance>) -> Result<(), ActionError>;
/// `key` identifies the action.
fn key(&self) -> ActionKey;
/// If the action supports cooperative cancellation, return a handle for this purpose.
/// The action may monitor the handle and bail early when it is safe to do so.
fn abort_handle(&self) -> Option<AbortHandle> {
/// A key that uniquely identifies an action.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub enum ActionKey {
/// A set of actions on a component that must be completed.
/// Each action is mapped to a future that returns when the action is complete.
pub struct ActionSet {
rep: HashMap<ActionKey, ActionNotifier>,
history: HashSet<ActionKey>,
passive_waiters: HashMap<ActionKey, Vec<oneshot::Sender<()>>>,
/// A future bound to a particular action that completes when that action completes.
/// Cloning this type will not duplicate the action, but generate another future that waits on the
/// same action.
pub struct ActionNotifier {
/// The inner future.
fut: Shared<BoxFuture<'static, Result<(), ActionError>>>,
/// How many clones of this ActionNotifier are live, useful for testing.
refcount: Arc<AtomicUsize>,
/// If supported, a handle to abort the action.
abort_handle: Option<AbortHandle>,
impl ActionNotifier {
/// Instantiate an `ActionNotifier` wrapping `fut`.
pub fn new(
fut: BoxFuture<'static, Result<(), ActionError>>,
abort_handle: Option<AbortHandle>,
) -> Self {
Self { fut: fut.shared(), refcount: Arc::new(AtomicUsize::new(1)), abort_handle }
impl Clone for ActionNotifier {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
self.refcount.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
Self {
fut: self.fut.clone(),
refcount: self.refcount.clone(),
abort_handle: self.abort_handle.clone(),
impl Drop for ActionNotifier {
fn drop(&mut self) {
self.refcount.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
impl Future for ActionNotifier {
type Output = Result<(), ActionError>;
fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
let fut = Pin::new(&mut self.fut);
/// Represents a task that implements an action.
pub(crate) struct ActionTask {
tx: oneshot::Sender<Result<(), ActionError>>,
fut: BoxFuture<'static, Result<(), ActionError>>,
impl ActionTask {
fn new(
tx: oneshot::Sender<Result<(), ActionError>>,
fut: BoxFuture<'static, Result<(), ActionError>>,
) -> Self {
Self { tx, fut }
/// Runs the action in a separate task and signals the `ActionNotifier` when it completes.
pub fn spawn(self) {
fasync::Task::spawn(async move {
self.tx.send(self.fut.await).unwrap_or(()); // Ignore closed receiver.
impl ActionSet {
pub fn new() -> Self {
ActionSet { rep: HashMap::new(), history: HashSet::new(), passive_waiters: HashMap::new() }
pub async fn contains(&self, key: ActionKey) -> bool {
pub fn mock_result(&mut self, key: ActionKey, result: Result<(), ActionError>) {
let notifier = ActionNotifier::new(async move { result }.boxed(), None);
self.rep.insert(key, notifier);
pub fn remove_notifier(&mut self, key: ActionKey) {
self.rep.remove(&key).expect("No notifier found with that key");
/// Returns a oneshot receiver that will receive a message once the component has finished
/// performing an action with the given key. The oneshot will receive a message immediately if
/// the component has ever finished such an action. Does not cause any new actions to be
/// started.
pub async fn wait_for_action(&mut self, action_key: ActionKey) -> oneshot::Receiver<()> {
let (sender, receiver) = oneshot::channel();
if self.history.contains(&action_key) {
} else {
/// Registers an action in the set, returning when the action is finished (which may represent
/// a task that's already running for this action).
pub async fn register<A>(
component: Arc<ComponentInstance>,
action: A,
) -> Result<(), ActionError>
A: Action,
let rx = {
let mut actions = component.lock_actions().await;
actions.register_no_wait(&component, action).await
/// Registers an action in the set, but does not wait for it to complete, instead returning a
/// future that can be used to wait on the task. This function is a no-op if the task is
/// already registered.
/// REQUIRES: `self` is the `ActionSet` contained in `component`.
pub async fn register_no_wait<A>(
&mut self,
component: &Arc<ComponentInstance>,
action: A,
) -> impl Future<Output = Result<(), ActionError>>
A: Action,
let (task, rx) = self.register_inner(component, action);
if let Some(task) = task {
/// Returns a future that waits for the given action to complete, if one exists.
pub async fn wait<A>(&self, action: A) -> Option<impl Future<Output = Result<(), ActionError>>>
A: Action,
let key = action.key();
/// Removes an action from the set, completing it.
async fn finish<'a>(component: &Arc<ComponentInstance>, key: &'a ActionKey) {
let mut action_set = component.lock_actions().await;
for sender in action_set.passive_waiters.entry(key.clone()).or_insert(vec![]).drain(..) {
let _ = sender.send(());
/// Registers, but does not execute, an action.
/// Returns:
/// - An object that implements the action if it was scheduled for the first time. The caller
/// should call spawn() on it.
/// - A future to listen on the completion of the action.
pub(crate) fn register_inner<'a, A>(
&'a mut self,
component: &Arc<ComponentInstance>,
action: A,
) -> (Option<ActionTask>, ActionNotifier)
A: Action,
let key = action.key();
// If this Action is already running, just subscribe to the result
if let Some(rx) = self.rep.get(&key) {
return (None, rx.clone());
// Otherwise we spin up the new Action
let maybe_abort_handle = action.abort_handle();
let prereqs = self.get_prereq_action(action.key());
let abort_handles = self.get_abort_action(action.key());
let component = component.clone();
let action_fut = async move {
for abort in abort_handles {
_ = join_all(prereqs).await;
let key = action.key();
let res = action.handle(component.clone()).await;
Self::finish(&component, &key).await;
let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel();
let task = ActionTask::new(tx, action_fut);
let notifier: ActionNotifier = ActionNotifier::new(
async move {
match rx.await {
Ok(res) => res,
Err(_) => {
// Normally we won't get here but this can happen if the sender's task
// is cancelled because, for example, component manager exited and the
// executor was torn down.
let () = pending().await;
self.rep.insert(key.clone(), notifier.clone());
(Some(task), notifier)
/// Return futures that waits for any Action that must be waited on before
/// executing the target Action. If none is required the returned vector is
/// empty.
fn get_prereq_action(&self, key: ActionKey) -> Vec<ActionNotifier> {
// Start, Stop, and Shutdown are all serialized with respect to one another.
match key {
ActionKey::Shutdown => vec![
ActionKey::Stop => vec![
ActionKey::Start => vec![
_ => vec![],
/// Return abort handles for any Action that may be canceled by the target Action.
/// This is useful for stopping unnecessary work e.g. if Stop is requested while
/// Start is running.
fn get_abort_action(&self, key: ActionKey) -> Vec<AbortHandle> {
// Stop and Shutdown will attempt to cancel an in-progress Start.
match key {
ActionKey::Shutdown | ActionKey::Stop => {
vec![self.rep.get(&ActionKey::Start).map(|notifier| notifier.abort_handle.clone())]
_ => vec![],
pub mod tests {
use {
crate::model::{error::StopActionError, testing::test_helpers::ActionsTest},
fuchsia_async as fasync,
async fn register_action_in_new_task<A>(
action: A,
component: Arc<ComponentInstance>,
responder: oneshot::Sender<Result<(), ActionError>>,
res: Result<(), ActionError>,
) where
A: Action,
let (starter_tx, starter_rx) = oneshot::channel();
fasync::Task::spawn(async move {
let mut action_set = component.lock_actions().await;
// Register action, and get the future. Use `register_inner` so that we can control
// when to notify the listener.
let (task, rx) = action_set.register_inner(&component, action);
// Signal to test that action is registered.
// Drop `action_set` to release the lock.
if let Some(task) = task {
// Notify the listeners, but don't actually run the action since this test tests
// action registration and not the actions themselves.
let res = rx.await;
// If the future completed successfully then we will get to this point.
responder.send(res).expect("failed to send response");
starter_rx.await.expect("Unable to receive start signal");
async fn action_set() {
let test = ActionsTest::new("root", vec![], None).await;
let component = test.model.root().clone();
let (tx1, rx1) = oneshot::channel();
register_action_in_new_task(DestroyAction::new(), component.clone(), tx1, Ok(())).await;
let (tx2, rx2) = oneshot::channel();
Err(ActionError::StopError { err: StopActionError::GetParentFailed }), // Some random error.
let (tx3, rx3) = oneshot::channel();
register_action_in_new_task(DestroyAction::new(), component.clone(), tx3, Ok(())).await;
// Complete actions, while checking notifications.
ActionSet::finish(&component, &ActionKey::Destroy).await;
assert_matches!(rx1.await.expect("Unable to receive result of Notification"), Ok(()));
assert_matches!(rx3.await.expect("Unable to receive result of Notification"), Ok(()));
ActionSet::finish(&component, &ActionKey::Shutdown).await;
rx2.await.expect("Unable to receive result of Notification"),
Err(ActionError::StopError { err: StopActionError::GetParentFailed })
pub(crate) mod test_utils {
use {
moniker::{ChildName, MonikerBase},
/// Verifies that a child component is deleted by checking its InstanceState and verifying that
/// it does not exist in the InstanceState of its parent. Assumes the parent is not destroyed
/// yet.
pub async fn is_child_deleted(parent: &ComponentInstance, child: &ComponentInstance) -> bool {
let instanced_moniker =
child.instanced_moniker().leaf().expect("Root component cannot be destroyed");
// Verify the parent-child relationship
let parent_state = parent.lock_state().await;
let parent_resolved_state = parent_state.get_resolved_state().expect("not resolved");
let child_state = child.lock_state().await;
let found_child = parent_resolved_state.get_child(child.child_moniker().unwrap());
found_child.is_none() && matches!(*child_state, InstanceState::Destroyed)
pub async fn is_stopped(component: &ComponentInstance, moniker: &ChildName) -> bool {
if let Some(resolved_state) = component.lock_state().await.get_resolved_state() {
if let Some(child) = resolved_state.get_child(moniker) {
return !child.is_started().await;
pub async fn is_destroyed(component: &ComponentInstance) -> bool {
let state = component.lock_state().await;
matches!(*state, InstanceState::Destroyed)
pub async fn is_resolved(component: &ComponentInstance) -> bool {
pub async fn is_discovered(component: &ComponentInstance) -> bool {
let state = component.lock_state().await;
matches!(*state, InstanceState::Unresolved(_))
pub async fn is_shutdown(component: &ComponentInstance) -> bool {
let state = component.lock_state().await;
matches!(*state, InstanceState::Shutdown(_, _))