blob: 069148fd10e94cf250ab237bba2c631aafcd8244 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use crate::{
devpts::dev_pts_fs, devtmpfs::dev_tmp_fs, ext4::ExtFilesystem, functionfs::FunctionFs,
overlayfs::OverlayFs, proc::proc_fs, sysfs::sys_fs, tmpfs::TmpFs, tracefs::trace_fs,
mutable_state::{state_accessor, state_implementation},
task::{CurrentTask, EventHandler, Kernel, Task, WaitCanceler, Waiter},
fileops_impl_dataless, fileops_impl_delegate_read_and_seek, fileops_impl_nonseekable,
fuse::{new_fuse_fs, new_fusectl_fs},
socket::{SocketAddress, SocketHandle, UnixSocket},
DirEntry, DirEntryHandle, DynamicFile, DynamicFileBuf, DynamicFileSource, FileHandle,
FileObject, FileOps, FileSystemHandle, FileSystemOptions, FsNode, FsNodeHandle, FsNodeOps,
FsStr, FsString, PathBuilder, RenameFlags, SimpleFileNode, SymlinkTarget, UnlinkKind,
use fidl_fuchsia_io as fio;
use macro_rules_attribute::apply;
use ref_cast::RefCast;
use starnix_logging::log_warn;
use starnix_sync::{DeviceOpen, FileOpsCore, LockBefore, Locked, Mutex, RwLock, WriteOps};
use starnix_uapi::{
arc_key::{ArcKey, PtrKey, WeakKey},
errno, error,
file_mode::{Access, FileMode},
vfs::{FdEvents, ResolveFlags},
use std::{
collections::{HashMap, HashSet},
hash::{Hash, Hasher},
ops::{Deref, DerefMut},
sync::{Arc, Weak},
/// A mount namespace.
/// The namespace records at which entries filesystems are mounted.
pub struct Namespace {
root_mount: MountHandle,
// Unique ID of this namespace.
pub id: u64,
impl Namespace {
pub fn new(fs: FileSystemHandle) -> Arc<Namespace> {
let kernel = fs.kernel.upgrade().expect("can't create namespace without a kernel");
Arc::new(Self {
root_mount: Mount::new(WhatToMount::Fs(fs), MountFlags::empty()),
id: kernel.get_next_namespace_id(),
pub fn root(&self) -> NamespaceNode {
pub fn clone_namespace(&self) -> Arc<Namespace> {
let kernel =
self.root_mount.fs.kernel.upgrade().expect("can't clone namespace without a kernel");
Arc::new(Self {
root_mount: self.root_mount.clone_mount_recursive(),
id: kernel.get_next_namespace_id(),
/// Assuming new_ns is a clone of the namespace that node is from, return the equivalent of
/// node in new_ns. If this assumption is violated, returns None.
pub fn translate_node(mut node: NamespaceNode, new_ns: &Namespace) -> Option<NamespaceNode> {
// Collect the list of mountpoints that leads to this node's mount
let mut mountpoints = vec![];
let mut mount = node.mount;
while let Some(mountpoint) = mount.as_ref().and_then(|m| m.mountpoint()) {
mount = mountpoint.mount;
// Follow the same path in the new namespace
let mut mount = Arc::clone(&new_ns.root_mount);
for mountpoint in mountpoints.iter().rev() {
let next_mount = Arc::clone(;
mount = next_mount;
node.mount = Some(mount).into();
impl FsNodeOps for Arc<Namespace> {
fn create_file_ops(
_locked: &mut Locked<'_, FileOpsCore>,
_node: &FsNode,
_current_task: &CurrentTask,
_flags: OpenFlags,
) -> Result<Box<dyn FileOps>, Errno> {
pub struct MountNamespaceFile(pub Arc<Namespace>);
impl FileOps for MountNamespaceFile {
/// An instance of a filesystem mounted in a namespace.
/// At a mount, path traversal switches from one filesystem to another.
/// The client sees a composed directory structure that glues together the
/// directories from the underlying FsNodes from those filesystems.
/// The mounts in a namespace form a mount tree, with `mountpoint` pointing to the parent and
/// `submounts` pointing to the children.
pub struct Mount {
root: DirEntryHandle,
flags: Mutex<MountFlags>,
fs: FileSystemHandle,
/// A unique identifier for this mount reported in /proc/pid/mountinfo.
id: u64,
// Lock ordering: mount -> submount
state: RwLock<MountState>,
// Mount used to contain a Weak<Namespace>. It no longer does because since the mount point
// hash was moved from Namespace to Mount, nothing actually uses it. Now that
// Namespace::clone_namespace() is implemented in terms of Mount::clone_mount_recursive, it
// won't be trivial to add it back. I recommend turning the mountpoint field into an enum of
// Mountpoint or Namespace, maybe called "parent", and then traverse up to the top of the tree
// if you need to find a Mount's Namespace.
type MountHandle = Arc<Mount>;
/// Public representation of the mount options.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct MountInfo(Option<MountHandle>);
impl MountInfo {
/// `MountInfo` for a element that is not tied to a given mount. Mount flags will be considered
/// empty.
pub fn detached() -> Self {
/// The mount flags of the represented mount.
pub fn flags(&self) -> MountFlags {
if let Some(mount) = &self.0 {
} else {
// Consider not mounted node have the NOATIME flags.
/// Checks whether this `MountInfo` represents a writable file system mounted.
pub fn check_readonly_filesystem(&self) -> Result<(), Errno> {
if self.flags().contains(MountFlags::RDONLY) {
return error!(EROFS);
impl Deref for MountInfo {
type Target = Option<MountHandle>;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl DerefMut for MountInfo {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {
&mut self.0
impl std::cmp::PartialEq for MountInfo {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.0.as_ref().map(Arc::as_ptr) == other.0.as_ref().map(Arc::as_ptr)
impl std::cmp::Eq for MountInfo {}
impl Into<MountInfo> for Option<MountHandle> {
fn into(self) -> MountInfo {
pub struct MountState {
/// The namespace node that this mount is mounted on. This is a tuple instead of a
/// NamespaceNode because the Mount pointer has to be weak because this is the pointer to the
/// parent mount, the parent has a pointer to the children too, and making both strong would be
/// a cycle.
mountpoint: Option<(Weak<Mount>, DirEntryHandle)>,
// The keys of this map are always descendants of this mount's root.
// Each directory entry can only have one mount attached. Mount shadowing works by using the
// root of the inner mount as a mountpoint. For example, if filesystem A is mounted at /foo,
// mounting filesystem B on /foo will create the mount as a child of the A mount, attached to
// A's root, instead of the root mount.
submounts: HashMap<ArcKey<DirEntry>, MountHandle>,
/// The membership of this mount in its peer group. Do not access directly. Instead use
/// peer_group(), take_from_peer_group(), and set_peer_group().
// TODO(tbodt): Refactor the links into, some kind of extra struct or something? This is hard
// because setting this field requires the Arc<Mount>.
peer_group_: Option<(Arc<PeerGroup>, PtrKey<Mount>)>,
/// The membership of this mount in a PeerGroup's downstream. Do not access directly. Instead
/// use upstream(), take_from_upstream(), and set_upstream().
upstream_: Option<(Weak<PeerGroup>, PtrKey<Mount>)>,
/// A group of mounts. Setting MS_SHARED on a mount puts it in its own peer group. Any bind mounts
/// of a mount in the group are also added to the group. A mount created in any mount in a peer
/// group will be automatically propagated (recreated) in every other mount in the group.
struct PeerGroup {
id: u64,
state: RwLock<PeerGroupState>,
struct PeerGroupState {
mounts: HashSet<WeakKey<Mount>>,
downstream: HashSet<WeakKey<Mount>>,
pub enum WhatToMount {
impl Mount {
fn new(what: WhatToMount, flags: MountFlags) -> MountHandle {
match what {
WhatToMount::Fs(fs) => Self::new_with_root(fs.root().clone(), flags),
WhatToMount::Bind(node) => {
let mount = node.mount.as_ref().expect("can't bind mount from an anonymous node");
mount.clone_mount(&node.entry, flags)
fn new_with_root(root: DirEntryHandle, flags: MountFlags) -> MountHandle {
let known_flags = MountFlags::STORED_ON_MOUNT;
"mount created with extra flags {:?}",
flags - known_flags
let fs = root.node.fs();
let kernel = fs.kernel.upgrade().expect("can't create mount without kernel");
Arc::new(Self {
id: kernel.get_next_mount_id(),
flags: Mutex::new(flags),
state: Default::default(),
/// A namespace node referring to the root of the mount.
pub fn root(self: &MountHandle) -> NamespaceNode {
NamespaceNode { mount: Some(Arc::clone(self)).into(), entry: Arc::clone(&self.root) }
/// The NamespaceNode on which this Mount is mounted.
fn mountpoint(&self) -> Option<NamespaceNode> {
let state =;
let (ref mount, ref entry) = state.mountpoint.as_ref()?;
Some(NamespaceNode { mount: Some(mount.upgrade()?).into(), entry: entry.clone() })
/// Create the specified mount as a child. Also propagate it to the mount's peer group.
fn create_submount(
self: &MountHandle,
dir: &DirEntryHandle,
what: WhatToMount,
flags: MountFlags,
) {
// TODO(tbodt): Making a copy here is necessary for lock ordering, because the peer group
// lock nests inside all mount locks (it would be impractical to reverse this because you
// need to lock a mount to get its peer group.) But it opens the door to race conditions
// where if a peer are concurrently being added, the mount might not get propagated to the
// new peer. The only true solution to this is bigger locks, somehow using the same lock
// for the peer group and all of the mounts in the group. Since peer groups are fluid and
// can have mounts constantly joining and leaving and then joining other groups, the only
// sensible locking option is to use a single global lock for all mounts and peer groups.
// This is almost impossible to express in rust. Help.
// Update: Also necessary to make a copy to prevent excess replication, see the comment on
// the following Mount::new call.
let peers = {
let state =;
state.peer_group().map(|g| g.copy_propagation_targets()).unwrap_or_default()
// Create the mount after copying the peer groups, because in the case of creating a bind
// mount inside itself, the new mount would get added to our peer group during the
// Mount::new call, but we don't want to replicate into it already. For an example see
// MountTest.QuizBRecursion.
let mount = Mount::new(what, flags);
if {
for peer in peers {
if Arc::ptr_eq(self, &peer) {
let clone = mount.clone_mount_recursive();
peer.write().add_submount_internal(dir, clone);
self.write().add_submount_internal(dir, mount)
fn remove_submount(
self: &MountHandle,
mount_hash_key: &ArcKey<DirEntry>,
mountpoint: &DirEntryHandle,
propagate: bool,
) -> Result<Arc<Mount>, Errno> {
if propagate {
// create_submount explains why we need to make a copy of peers.
let peers = {
let state =;
state.peer_group().map(|g| g.copy_propagation_targets()).unwrap_or_default()
for peer in peers {
if Arc::ptr_eq(self, &peer) {
peer.write().remove_submount_internal(mount_hash_key, mountpoint);
self.write().remove_submount_internal(mount_hash_key, mountpoint).ok_or(errno!(EINVAL))
/// Create a new mount with the same filesystem, flags, and peer group. Used to implement bind
/// mounts.
fn clone_mount(
self: &MountHandle,
new_root: &DirEntryHandle,
flags: MountFlags,
) -> MountHandle {
// According to mount(2) on bind mounts, all flags other than MS_REC are ignored when doing
// a bind mount.
let clone = Self::new_with_root(Arc::clone(new_root), self.flags());
if flags.contains(MountFlags::REC) {
// This is two steps because the alternative (locking clone.state while iterating over
// self.state.submounts) trips tracing_mutex. The lock ordering is parent -> child, and
// if the clone is eventually made a child of self, this looks like an ordering
// violation. I'm not convinced it's a real issue, but I can't convince myself it's not
// either.
let mut submounts = vec![];
for (dir, mount) in & {
submounts.push((dir.clone(), mount.clone_mount_recursive()));
let mut clone_state = clone.write();
for (dir, submount) in submounts {
clone_state.add_submount_internal(&dir, submount);
// Put the clone in the same peer group
let peer_group =;
if let Some(peer_group) = peer_group {
/// Do a clone of the full mount hierarchy below this mount. Used for creating mount
/// namespaces and creating copies to use for propagation.
fn clone_mount_recursive(self: &MountHandle) -> MountHandle {
self.clone_mount(&self.root, MountFlags::REC)
pub fn change_propagation(self: &MountHandle, flag: MountFlags, recursive: bool) {
let mut state = self.write();
match flag {
MountFlags::SHARED => state.make_shared(),
MountFlags::PRIVATE => state.make_private(),
MountFlags::DOWNSTREAM => state.make_downstream(),
_ => {
log_warn!("mount propagation {:?}", flag);
if recursive {
for mount in state.submounts.values() {
mount.change_propagation(flag, recursive);
fn flags(self: &MountHandle) -> MountFlags {
pub fn update_flags(self: &MountHandle, mut flags: MountFlags) {
flags &= MountFlags::STORED_ON_MOUNT;
let atime_flags = MountFlags::NOATIME
| MountFlags::NODIRATIME
| MountFlags::RELATIME
| MountFlags::STRICTATIME;
let mut stored_flags = self.flags.lock();
if !flags.intersects(atime_flags) {
// Since Linux 3.17, if none of MS_NOATIME, MS_NODIRATIME,
// MS_RELATIME, or MS_STRICTATIME is specified in mountflags, then
// the remount operation preserves the existing values of these
// flags (rather than defaulting to MS_RELATIME).
flags |= *stored_flags & atime_flags;
// The "effect [of MS_STRICTATIME] is to clear the MS_NOATIME and MS_RELATIME flags."
flags &= !MountFlags::STRICTATIME;
*stored_flags = flags;
state_accessor!(Mount, state, Arc<Mount>);
impl MountState {
/// Return this mount's current peer group.
fn peer_group(&self) -> Option<&Arc<PeerGroup>> {
let (ref group, _) = self.peer_group_.as_ref()?;
/// Remove this mount from its peer group and return the peer group.
fn take_from_peer_group(&mut self) -> Option<Arc<PeerGroup>> {
let (old_group, old_mount) = self.peer_group_.take()?;
if let Some(upstream) = self.take_from_upstream() {
let next_mount =|w| w.0.upgrade().unwrap());
if let Some(next_mount) = next_mount {
// TODO( Fix the lock ordering here. We've locked next_mount
// while self is locked, and since the propagation tree and mount tree are
// separate, this could violate the mount -> submount order previously established.
fn upstream(&self) -> Option<Arc<PeerGroup>> {
self.upstream_.as_ref().and_then(|g| g.0.upgrade())
fn take_from_upstream(&mut self) -> Option<Arc<PeerGroup>> {
let (old_upstream, old_mount) = self.upstream_.take()?;
// TODO(tbodt): Reason about whether the upgrade() could possibly return None, and what we
// should actually do in that case.
let old_upstream = old_upstream.upgrade()?;
impl MountState<Base = Mount, BaseType = Arc<Mount>> {
/// Add a child mount *without propagating it to the peer group*. For internal use only.
fn add_submount_internal(&mut self, dir: &DirEntryHandle, mount: MountHandle) {
if !dir.is_descendant_of(&self.base.root) {
let old_mountpoint =
mount.state.write().mountpoint.replace((Arc::downgrade(self.base), Arc::clone(dir)));
assert!(old_mountpoint.is_none(), "add_submount can only take a newly created mount");
// Mount shadowing is implemented by mounting onto the root of the first mount, not by
// creating two mounts on the same mountpoint.
let old_mount = self.submounts.insert(ArcKey(dir.clone()), Arc::clone(&mount));
// In rare cases, mount propagation might result in a request to mount on a directory where
// something is already mounted. MountTest.LotsOfShadowing will trigger this. Linux handles
// this by inserting the new mount between the old mount and the current mount.
if let Some(old_mount) = old_mount {
// Previous state: self[dir] = old_mount
// New state: self[dir] = new_mount, new_mount[new_mount.root] = old_mount
// The new mount has already been inserted into self, now just update the old mount to
// be a child of the new mount.
old_mount.write().mountpoint = Some((Arc::downgrade(&mount), Arc::clone(dir)));
mount.write().submounts.insert(ArcKey(Arc::clone(&mount.root)), old_mount);
fn remove_submount_internal(
&mut self,
mount_hash_key: &ArcKey<DirEntry>,
mountpoint: &DirEntryHandle,
) -> Option<Arc<Mount>> {
let removed = self.submounts.remove(mount_hash_key);
if removed.is_some() {
/// Set this mount's peer group.
fn set_peer_group(&mut self, group: Arc<PeerGroup>) {
self.peer_group_ = Some((group, Arc::as_ptr(self.base).into()));
fn set_upstream(&mut self, group: Arc<PeerGroup>) {
self.upstream_ = Some((Arc::downgrade(&group), Arc::as_ptr(self.base).into()));
/// Is the mount in a peer group? Corresponds to MS_SHARED.
pub fn is_shared(&self) -> bool {
/// Put the mount in a peer group. Implements MS_SHARED.
pub fn make_shared(&mut self) {
if self.is_shared() {
let kernel =
self.base.fs.kernel.upgrade().expect("can't create new peer group without kernel");
/// Take the mount out of its peer group, also remove upstream if any. Implements MS_PRIVATE.
pub fn make_private(&mut self) {
/// Take the mount out of its peer group and make it downstream instead. Implements
/// MountFlags::DOWNSTREAM (MS_SLAVE).
pub fn make_downstream(&mut self) {
if let Some(peer_group) = self.take_from_peer_group() {
impl PeerGroup {
fn new(id: u64) -> Arc<Self> {
Arc::new(Self { id, state: Default::default() })
fn add(&self, mount: &Arc<Mount>) {
fn remove(&self, mount: PtrKey<Mount>) {
fn add_downstream(&self, mount: &Arc<Mount>) {
fn remove_downstream(&self, mount: PtrKey<Mount>) {
fn copy_propagation_targets(&self) -> Vec<MountHandle> {
let mut buf = vec![];
self.collect_propagation_targets(&mut buf);
fn collect_propagation_targets(&self, buf: &mut Vec<MountHandle>) {
let downstream_mounts: Vec<_> = {
let state =;
buf.extend(state.mounts.iter().filter_map(|m| m.0.upgrade()));
state.downstream.iter().filter_map(|m| m.0.upgrade()).collect()
for mount in downstream_mounts {
let peer_group =;
match peer_group {
Some(group) => group.collect_propagation_targets(buf),
None => buf.push(mount),
impl Drop for Mount {
fn drop(&mut self) {
let state = self.state.get_mut();
impl fmt::Debug for Mount {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
let state =;
.field("id", &(self as *const Mount))
.field("root", &self.root)
.field("mountpoint", &state.mountpoint)
.field("submounts", &state.submounts)
pub trait FileSystemCreator {
fn kernel(&self) -> &Arc<Kernel>;
fn create_filesystem<L>(
locked: &mut Locked<'_, L>,
fs_type: &FsStr,
options: FileSystemOptions,
) -> Result<FileSystemHandle, Errno>
L: LockBefore<DeviceOpen>,
L: LockBefore<FileOpsCore>;
impl Kernel {
pub fn get_next_mount_id(&self) -> u64 {
pub fn get_next_peer_group_id(&self) -> u64 {
pub fn get_next_namespace_id(&self) -> u64 {
impl FileSystemCreator for Arc<Kernel> {
fn kernel(&self) -> &Arc<Kernel> {
fn create_filesystem<L>(
_locked: &mut Locked<'_, L>,
fs_type: &FsStr,
options: FileSystemOptions,
) -> Result<FileSystemHandle, Errno>
L: LockBefore<FileOpsCore>,
L: LockBefore<DeviceOpen>,
Ok(match &**fs_type {
b"binder" => BinderFs::new_fs(self, options)?,
b"bpf" => BpfFs::new_fs(self, options)?,
b"remotefs" => crate::execution::create_remotefs_filesystem(
.ok_or_else(|| errno!(EPERM, "Missing container data directory"))?,
fio::OpenFlags::RIGHT_READABLE | fio::OpenFlags::RIGHT_WRITABLE,
b"tmpfs" => {
let fs = TmpFs::new_fs_with_options(self, options)?;
// TODO(http://b/320436714): use hard-coded security context only for SELinux Fake
// mode once SELinux is implemented for the file subsystem.
if self.security_server.is_some() {
let label = b"u:object_r:tmpfs:s0";
_ => {
return error!(ENODEV, fs_type);
impl FileSystemCreator for CurrentTask {
fn kernel(&self) -> &Arc<Kernel> {
(self as &Task).kernel()
fn create_filesystem<L>(
locked: &mut Locked<'_, L>,
fs_type: &FsStr,
options: FileSystemOptions,
) -> Result<FileSystemHandle, Errno>
L: LockBefore<FileOpsCore>,
L: LockBefore<DeviceOpen>,
let kernel = self.kernel();
match &**fs_type {
b"fuse" => new_fuse_fs(self, options),
b"fusectl" => new_fusectl_fs(self, options),
b"devpts" => Ok(dev_pts_fs(self, options).clone()),
b"devtmpfs" => Ok(dev_tmp_fs(locked, self).clone()),
b"ext4" => ExtFilesystem::new_fs(locked, kernel, self, options),
b"functionfs" => FunctionFs::new_fs(self, options),
b"overlay" => OverlayFs::new_fs(locked, self, options),
b"proc" => Ok(proc_fs(self, options).clone()),
b"tracefs" => Ok(trace_fs(self, options).clone()),
b"selinuxfs" => {
if self.kernel().security_server.is_some() {
Ok(selinux_fs(self, options).clone())
} else {
error!(ENODEV, fs_type)
b"sysfs" => Ok(sys_fs(self, options).clone()),
_ => kernel.create_filesystem(locked, fs_type, options),
struct ProcMountsFileSource(WeakRef<Task>);
impl DynamicFileSource for ProcMountsFileSource {
fn generate(&self, sink: &mut DynamicFileBuf) -> Result<(), Errno> {
// TODO(tbodt): We should figure out a way to have a real iterator instead of grabbing the
// entire list in one go. Should we have a BTreeMap<u64, Weak<Mount>> in the Namespace?
// Also has the benefit of correct (i.e. chronological) ordering. But then we have to do
// extra work to maintain it.
let task = Task::from_weak(&self.0)?;
let root = task.fs().root();
let ns = task.fs().namespace();
for_each_mount(&ns.root_mount, &mut |mount| {
let mountpoint = mount.mountpoint().unwrap_or_else(|| mount.root());
if !mountpoint.is_descendant_of(&root) {
return Ok(());
"{} {} {} {} 0 0",
pub struct ProcMountsFile {
dynamic_file: DynamicFile<ProcMountsFileSource>,
impl ProcMountsFile {
pub fn new_node(task: WeakRef<Task>) -> impl FsNodeOps {
SimpleFileNode::new(move || {
Ok(Self { dynamic_file: DynamicFile::new(ProcMountsFileSource(task.clone())) })
impl FileOps for ProcMountsFile {
fileops_impl_delegate_read_and_seek!(self, self.dynamic_file);
fn write(
_locked: &mut Locked<'_, WriteOps>,
_file: &FileObject,
_current_task: &CurrentTask,
_offset: usize,
_data: &mut dyn InputBuffer,
) -> Result<usize, Errno> {
fn wait_async(
_file: &FileObject,
_current_task: &CurrentTask,
waiter: &Waiter,
_events: FdEvents,
_handler: EventHandler,
) -> Option<WaitCanceler> {
// Polling this file gives notifications when any change to mounts occurs. This is not
// implemented yet, but stubbed for Android init.
fn query_events(
_file: &FileObject,
_current_task: &CurrentTask,
) -> Result<FdEvents, Errno> {
pub struct ProcMountinfoFile(WeakRef<Task>);
impl ProcMountinfoFile {
pub fn new_node(task: WeakRef<Task>) -> impl FsNodeOps {
impl DynamicFileSource for ProcMountinfoFile {
fn generate(&self, sink: &mut DynamicFileBuf) -> Result<(), Errno> {
// Returns path to the `dir` from the root of the file system.
fn path_from_fs_root(dir: &DirEntryHandle) -> FsString {
let mut path = PathBuilder::new();
if dir.is_dead() {
// Return `/foo/dir//deleted` if the dir was deleted.
let mut current = dir.clone();
while let Some(next) = current.parent() {
current = next
// TODO(tbodt): We should figure out a way to have a real iterator instead of grabbing the
// entire list in one go. Should we have a BTreeMap<u64, Weak<Mount>> in the Namespace?
// Also has the benefit of correct (i.e. chronological) ordering. But then we have to do
// extra work to maintain it.
let task = Task::from_weak(&self.0)?;
let root = task.fs().root();
let ns = task.fs().namespace();
for_each_mount(&ns.root_mount, &mut |mount| {
let mountpoint = mount.mountpoint().unwrap_or_else(|| mount.root());
if !mountpoint.is_descendant_of(&root) {
return Ok(());
// Can't fail, mountpoint() and root() can't return a NamespaceNode with no mount
let parent = mountpoint.mount.as_ref().unwrap();
"{} {} {} {} {} {}",,,
if let Some(peer_group) = {
write!(sink, " shared:{}",;
if let Some(upstream) = {
write!(sink, " master:{}",;
" - {} {} {}",,
fn for_each_mount<E>(
mount: &MountHandle,
callback: &mut impl FnMut(&MountHandle) -> Result<(), E>,
) -> Result<(), E> {
// Collect list first to avoid self deadlock when ProcMountinfoFile::read_at tries to call
// NamespaceNode::path()
let submounts: Vec<_> =;
for submount in submounts {
for_each_mount(&submount, callback)?;
/// The `SymlinkMode` enum encodes how symlinks are followed during path traversal.
#[derive(Default, PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub enum SymlinkMode {
/// Follow a symlink at the end of a path resolution.
/// Do not follow a symlink at the end of a path resolution.
/// The maximum number of symlink traversals that can be made during path resolution.
pub const MAX_SYMLINK_FOLLOWS: u8 = 40;
/// The context passed during namespace lookups.
/// Namespace lookups need to mutate a shared context in order to correctly
/// count the number of remaining symlink traversals.
pub struct LookupContext {
/// The SymlinkMode for the lookup.
/// As the lookup proceeds, the follow count is decremented each time the
/// lookup traverses a symlink.
pub symlink_mode: SymlinkMode,
/// The number of symlinks remaining the follow.
/// Each time path resolution calls readlink, this value is decremented.
pub remaining_follows: u8,
/// Whether the result of the lookup must be a directory.
/// For example, if the path ends with a `/` or if userspace passes
/// O_DIRECTORY. This flag can be set to true if the lookup encounters a
/// symlink that ends with a `/`.
pub must_be_directory: bool,
/// Resolve flags passed to `openat2`. Empty if the lookup originated in any other syscall.
pub resolve_flags: ResolveFlags,
/// Base directory for the lookup. Set only when either `RESOLVE_BENEATH` or `RESOLVE_IN_ROOT`
/// is passed to `openat2`.
pub resolve_base: ResolveBase,
/// Used to specify base directory in `LookupContext` for lookups originating in the `openat2`
/// syscall with either `RESOLVE_BENEATH` or `RESOLVE_IN_ROOT` flag.
#[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum ResolveBase {
/// The lookup is not allowed to traverse any node that's not beneath the specified node.
/// The lookup should be handled as if the root specified node is the file-system root.
impl LookupContext {
pub fn new(symlink_mode: SymlinkMode) -> LookupContext {
LookupContext {
remaining_follows: MAX_SYMLINK_FOLLOWS,
must_be_directory: false,
resolve_flags: ResolveFlags::empty(),
resolve_base: ResolveBase::None,
pub fn with(&self, symlink_mode: SymlinkMode) -> LookupContext {
LookupContext { symlink_mode, resolve_base: self.resolve_base.clone(), ..*self }
pub fn update_for_path(&mut self, path: &FsStr) {
if path.last() == Some(&b'/') {
// The last path element must resolve to a directory. This is because a trailing slash
// was found in the path.
self.must_be_directory = true;
// If the last path element is a symlink, we should follow it.
// See
self.symlink_mode = SymlinkMode::Follow;
impl Default for LookupContext {
fn default() -> Self {
/// Whether the path is reachable from the given root.
pub enum PathWithReachability {
/// The path is reachable from the given root.
/// The path is not reachable from the given root.
impl PathWithReachability {
pub fn into_path(self) -> FsString {
match self {
PathWithReachability::Reachable(path) => path,
PathWithReachability::Unreachable(path) => path,
/// A node in a mount namespace.
/// This tree is a composite of the mount tree and the FsNode tree.
/// These nodes are used when traversing paths in a namespace in order to
/// present the client the directory structure that includes the mounted
/// filesystems.
pub struct NamespaceNode {
/// The mount where this namespace node is mounted.
/// A given FsNode can be mounted in multiple places in a namespace. This
/// field distinguishes between them.
pub mount: MountInfo,
/// The FsNode that corresponds to this namespace entry.
pub entry: DirEntryHandle,
impl NamespaceNode {
/// Create a namespace node that is not mounted in a namespace.
pub fn new_anonymous(dir_entry: DirEntryHandle) -> Self {
Self { mount: None.into(), entry: dir_entry }
/// Create a namespace node that is not mounted in a namespace and that refers to a node that
/// is not rooted in a hierarchy and has no name.
pub fn new_anonymous_unrooted(node: FsNodeHandle) -> Self {
/// Create a FileObject corresponding to this namespace node.
/// This function is the primary way of instantiating FileObjects. Each
/// FileObject records the NamespaceNode that created it in order to
/// remember its path in the Namespace.
pub fn open<L>(
locked: &mut Locked<'_, L>,
current_task: &CurrentTask,
flags: OpenFlags,
check_access: bool,
) -> Result<FileHandle, Errno>
L: LockBefore<FileOpsCore>,
L: LockBefore<DeviceOpen>,
FileObject::new(, current_task, &self.mount, flags, check_access)?,
/// Create or open a node in the file system.
/// Works for any type of node other than a symlink.
/// Will return an existing node unless `flags` contains `OpenFlags::EXCL`.
pub fn open_create_node<L>(
locked: &mut Locked<'_, L>,
current_task: &CurrentTask,
name: &FsStr,
mode: FileMode,
dev: DeviceType,
flags: OpenFlags,
) -> Result<NamespaceNode, Errno>
L: LockBefore<FileOpsCore>,
let owner = current_task.as_fscred();
let mode = current_task.fs().apply_umask(mode);
let create_fn = |dir: &FsNodeHandle, mount: &MountInfo, name: &_| {
dir.mknod(locked, current_task, mount, name, mode, dev, owner)
let entry = if flags.contains(OpenFlags::EXCL) {
self.entry.create_entry(current_task, &self.mount, name, create_fn)
} else {
self.entry.get_or_create_entry(current_task, &self.mount, name, create_fn)
/// Create a node in the file system.
/// Works for any type of node other than a symlink.
/// Does not return an existing node.
pub fn create_node<L>(
locked: &mut Locked<'_, L>,
current_task: &CurrentTask,
name: &FsStr,
mode: FileMode,
dev: DeviceType,
) -> Result<NamespaceNode, Errno>
L: LockBefore<FileOpsCore>,
let owner = current_task.as_fscred();
let mode = current_task.fs().apply_umask(mode);
let entry =
self.entry.create_entry(current_task, &self.mount, name, |dir, mount, name| {
dir.mknod(locked, current_task, mount, name, mode, dev, owner)
/// Create a symlink in the file system.
/// To create another type of node, use `create_node`.
pub fn create_symlink<L>(
locked: &mut Locked<'_, L>,
current_task: &CurrentTask,
name: &FsStr,
target: &FsStr,
) -> Result<NamespaceNode, Errno>
L: LockBefore<FileOpsCore>,
let owner = current_task.as_fscred();
let entry =
self.entry.create_entry(current_task, &self.mount, name, |dir, mount, name| {
dir.create_symlink(locked, current_task, mount, name, target, owner)
/// Creates an anonymous file.
/// The FileMode::IFMT of the FileMode is always FileMode::IFREG.
/// Used by O_TMPFILE.
pub fn create_tmpfile(
current_task: &CurrentTask,
mode: FileMode,
flags: OpenFlags,
) -> Result<NamespaceNode, Errno> {
let owner = current_task.as_fscred();
let mode = current_task.fs().apply_umask(mode);
pub fn link<L>(
locked: &mut Locked<'_, L>,
current_task: &CurrentTask,
name: &FsStr,
child: &FsNodeHandle,
) -> Result<NamespaceNode, Errno>
L: LockBefore<FileOpsCore>,
let dir_entry =
self.entry.create_entry(current_task, &self.mount, name, |dir, mount, name| {, current_task, mount, name, child)
pub fn bind_socket<L>(
locked: &mut Locked<'_, L>,
current_task: &CurrentTask,
name: &FsStr,
socket: SocketHandle,
socket_address: SocketAddress,
mode: FileMode,
) -> Result<NamespaceNode, Errno>
L: LockBefore<FileOpsCore>,
let dir_entry =
self.entry.create_entry(current_task, &self.mount, name, |dir, mount, name| {
let node = dir.mknod(
if let Some(unix_socket) = socket.downcast_socket::<UnixSocket>() {
unix_socket.bind_socket_to_node(&socket, socket_address, &node)?;
} else {
return error!(ENOTSUP);
pub fn unlink<L>(
locked: &mut Locked<'_, L>,
current_task: &CurrentTask,
name: &FsStr,
kind: UnlinkKind,
must_be_directory: bool,
) -> Result<(), Errno>
L: LockBefore<FileOpsCore>,
if DirEntry::is_reserved_name(name) {
match kind {
UnlinkKind::Directory => {
if name == ".." {
} else if self.parent().is_none() {
// The client is attempting to remove the root.
} else {
UnlinkKind::NonDirectory => error!(ENOTDIR),
} else {
self.entry.unlink(locked, current_task, &self.mount, name, kind, must_be_directory)
/// Traverse down a parent-to-child link in the namespace.
pub fn lookup_child(
current_task: &CurrentTask,
context: &mut LookupContext,
basename: &FsStr,
) -> Result<NamespaceNode, Errno> {
if !self.entry.node.is_dir() {
return error!(ENOTDIR);
if basename.len() > NAME_MAX as usize {
return error!(ENAMETOOLONG);
let child = if basename.is_empty() || basename == "." {
} else if basename == ".." {
let root = match &context.resolve_base {
ResolveBase::None => current_task.fs().root(),
ResolveBase::Beneath(node) => {
// Do not allow traversal out of the 'node'.
if *self == *node {
return error!(EXDEV);
ResolveBase::InRoot(root) => root.clone(),
// Make sure this can't escape a chroot.
if *self == root {
} else {
self.parent().unwrap_or_else(|| self.clone())
} else {
let mut child = self.with_new_entry(self.entry.component_lookup(
while child.entry.node.is_lnk() {
match context.symlink_mode {
SymlinkMode::NoFollow => {
SymlinkMode::Follow => {
if context.remaining_follows == 0
|| context.resolve_flags.contains(ResolveFlags::NO_SYMLINKS)
return error!(ELOOP);
context.remaining_follows -= 1;
child = match child.readlink(current_task)? {
SymlinkTarget::Path(link_target) => {
let link_directory = if link_target[0] == b'/' {
match &context.resolve_base {
ResolveBase::None => current_task.fs().root(),
ResolveBase::Beneath(_) => return error!(EXDEV),
ResolveBase::InRoot(root) => root.clone(),
} else {
SymlinkTarget::Node(node) => {
if context.resolve_flags.contains(ResolveFlags::NO_MAGICLINKS) {
return error!(ELOOP);
if context.resolve_flags.contains(ResolveFlags::NO_XDEV) && child.mount != self.mount {
return error!(EXDEV);
if context.must_be_directory && !child.entry.node.is_dir() {
return error!(ENOTDIR);
/// Traverse up a child-to-parent link in the namespace.
/// This traversal matches the child-to-parent link in the underlying
/// FsNode except at mountpoints, where the link switches from one
/// filesystem to another.
pub fn parent(&self) -> Option<NamespaceNode> {
let mountpoint_or_self = self.escape_mount();
/// Returns the parent, but does not escape mounts i.e. returns None if this node
/// is the root of a mount.
pub fn parent_within_mount(&self) -> Option<DirEntryHandle> {
if let Ok(_) = self.mount_if_root() {
return None;
/// Whether this namespace node is a descendant of the given node.
/// Walks up the namespace node tree looking for ancestor. If ancestor is
/// found, returns true. Otherwise, returns false.
pub fn is_descendant_of(&self, ancestor: &NamespaceNode) -> bool {
let ancestor = ancestor.escape_mount();
let mut current = self.escape_mount();
while current != ancestor {
if let Some(parent) = current.parent() {
current = parent.escape_mount();
} else {
return false;
/// If this is a mount point, return the root of the mount. Otherwise return self.
fn enter_mount(&self) -> NamespaceNode {
// While the child is a mountpoint, replace child with the mount's root.
fn enter_one_mount(node: &NamespaceNode) -> Option<NamespaceNode> {
if let Some(mount) = node.mount.deref() {
if let Some(mount) =
return Some(mount.root());
let mut inner = self.clone();
while let Some(inner_root) = enter_one_mount(&inner) {
inner = inner_root;
/// If this is the root of a mount, return the mount point. Otherwise return self.
/// This is not exactly the same as parent(). If parent() is called on a root, it will escape
/// the mount, but then return the parent of the mount point instead of the mount point.
fn escape_mount(&self) -> NamespaceNode {
let mut mountpoint_or_self = self.clone();
while let Some(mountpoint) = mountpoint_or_self.mountpoint() {
mountpoint_or_self = mountpoint;
/// If this node is the root of a mount, return it. Otherwise EINVAL.
pub fn mount_if_root(&self) -> Result<&MountHandle, Errno> {
if let Some(mount) = self.mount.deref() {
if Arc::ptr_eq(&self.entry, &mount.root) {
return Ok(mount);
/// Returns the mountpoint at this location in the namespace.
/// If this node is mounted in another node, this function returns the node
/// at which this node is mounted. Otherwise, returns None.
fn mountpoint(&self) -> Option<NamespaceNode> {
/// The path from the task's root to this node.
pub fn path(&self, task: &Task) -> FsString {
/// The path from the root of the namespace to this node.
pub fn path_escaping_chroot(&self) -> FsString {
/// Returns the path to this node, accounting for a custom root.
/// A task may have a custom root set by `chroot`.
pub fn path_from_root(&self, root: Option<&NamespaceNode>) -> PathWithReachability {
if self.mount.is_none() {
return PathWithReachability::Reachable(self.entry.local_name());
let mut path = PathBuilder::new();
let mut current = self.escape_mount();
if let Some(root) = root {
// The current node is expected to intersect with the custom root as we travel up the tree.
let root = root.escape_mount();
while current != root {
if let Some(parent) = current.parent() {
current = parent.escape_mount();
} else {
// This node hasn't intersected with the custom root and has reached the namespace root.
return PathWithReachability::Unreachable(path.build_absolute());
} else {
// No custom root, so travel up the tree to the namespace root.
while let Some(parent) = current.parent() {
current = parent.escape_mount();
pub fn mount(&self, what: WhatToMount, flags: MountFlags) -> Result<(), Errno> {
let flags = flags & (MountFlags::STORED_ON_MOUNT | MountFlags::REC);
let mountpoint = self.enter_mount();
let mount = mountpoint.mount.as_ref().expect("a mountpoint must be part of a mount");
mount.create_submount(&mountpoint.entry, what, flags);
/// If this is the root of a filesystem, unmount. Otherwise return EINVAL.
pub fn unmount(&self) -> Result<(), Errno> {
// Drop submount outside of this state lock to ensure it is not done while holding a lock.
let _submount = {
let propagate = {
if let Ok(mount) = self.mount_if_root() {
} else {
let mountpoint = self.enter_mount().mountpoint().ok_or_else(|| errno!(EINVAL))?;
let mount = mountpoint.mount.as_ref().expect("a mountpoint must be part of a mount");
mount.remove_submount(mountpoint.mount_hash_key(), &mountpoint.entry, propagate)?;
pub fn rename(
current_task: &CurrentTask,
old_parent: &NamespaceNode,
old_name: &FsStr,
new_parent: &NamespaceNode,
new_name: &FsStr,
flags: RenameFlags,
) -> Result<(), Errno> {
fn with_new_entry(&self, entry: DirEntryHandle) -> NamespaceNode {
NamespaceNode { mount: self.mount.clone(), entry }
fn mount_hash_key(&self) -> &ArcKey<DirEntry> {
pub fn update_atime(&self) {
// Do not update the atime of this node if it is mounted with the NOATIME flag.
if !self.mount.flags().contains(MountFlags::NOATIME) {
self.entry.node.update_info(|info| {
let now = utc::utc_now();
info.time_access = now;
pub fn readlink(&self, current_task: &CurrentTask) -> Result<SymlinkTarget, Errno> {
pub fn notify(&self, event_mask: InotifyMask) {
if self.mount.is_some() {
/// Check whether the node can be accessed in the current context with the specified access
/// flags (read, write, or exec). Accounts for capabilities and whether the current user is the
/// owner or is in the file's group.
pub fn check_access(&self, current_task: &CurrentTask, access: Access) -> Result<(), Errno> {
self.entry.node.check_access(current_task, &self.mount, access)
/// Checks if O_NOATIME is allowed,
pub fn check_o_noatime_allowed(&self, current_task: &CurrentTask) -> Result<(), Errno> {
pub fn truncate<L>(
locked: &mut Locked<'_, L>,
current_task: &CurrentTask,
length: u64,
) -> Result<(), Errno>
L: LockBefore<FileOpsCore>,
self.entry.node.truncate(locked, current_task, &self.mount, length)
impl fmt::Debug for NamespaceNode {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
.field("path", &self.path_escaping_chroot())
.field("mount", &self.mount)
.field("entry", &self.entry)
// Eq/Hash impls intended for the MOUNT_POINTS hash
impl PartialEq for NamespaceNode {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
&& Arc::ptr_eq(&self.entry, &other.entry)
impl Eq for NamespaceNode {}
impl Hash for NamespaceNode {
fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
mod test {
use crate::{
vfs::{LookupContext, Namespace, UnlinkKind, WhatToMount},
use starnix_uapi::{errno, mount_flags::MountFlags};
use std::sync::Arc;
async fn test_namespace() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let (kernel, current_task, mut locked) = create_kernel_task_and_unlocked();
let root_fs = TmpFs::new_fs(&kernel);
let root_node = Arc::clone(root_fs.root());
let _dev_node = root_node
.create_dir(&mut locked, &current_task, "dev".into())
.expect("failed to mkdir dev");
let dev_fs = TmpFs::new_fs(&kernel);
let dev_root_node = Arc::clone(dev_fs.root());
let _dev_pts_node = dev_root_node
.create_dir(&mut locked, &current_task, "pts".into())
.expect("failed to mkdir pts");
let ns = Namespace::new(root_fs);
let mut context = LookupContext::default();
let dev = ns
.lookup_child(&current_task, &mut context, "dev".into())
.expect("failed to lookup dev");
dev.mount(WhatToMount::Fs(dev_fs), MountFlags::empty())
.expect("failed to mount dev root node");
let mut context = LookupContext::default();
let dev = ns
.lookup_child(&current_task, &mut context, "dev".into())
.expect("failed to lookup dev");
let mut context = LookupContext::default();
let pts = dev
.lookup_child(&current_task, &mut context, "pts".into())
.expect("failed to lookup pts");
let pts_parent =
pts.parent().ok_or_else(|| errno!(ENOENT)).expect("failed to get parent of pts");
assert!(Arc::ptr_eq(&pts_parent.entry, &dev.entry));
let dev_parent =
dev.parent().ok_or_else(|| errno!(ENOENT)).expect("failed to get parent of dev");
assert!(Arc::ptr_eq(&dev_parent.entry, &ns.root().entry));
async fn test_mount_does_not_upgrade() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let (kernel, current_task, mut locked) = create_kernel_task_and_unlocked();
let root_fs = TmpFs::new_fs(&kernel);
let root_node = Arc::clone(root_fs.root());
let _dev_node = root_node
.create_dir(&mut locked, &current_task, "dev".into())
.expect("failed to mkdir dev");
let dev_fs = TmpFs::new_fs(&kernel);
let dev_root_node = Arc::clone(dev_fs.root());
let _dev_pts_node = dev_root_node
.create_dir(&mut locked, &current_task, "pts".into())
.expect("failed to mkdir pts");
let ns = Namespace::new(root_fs);
let mut context = LookupContext::default();
let dev = ns
.lookup_child(&current_task, &mut context, "dev".into())
.expect("failed to lookup dev");
dev.mount(WhatToMount::Fs(dev_fs), MountFlags::empty())
.expect("failed to mount dev root node");
let mut context = LookupContext::default();
let new_dev = ns
.lookup_child(&current_task, &mut context, "dev".into())
.expect("failed to lookup dev again");
assert!(!Arc::ptr_eq(&dev.entry, &new_dev.entry));
assert_ne!(&dev, &new_dev);
let mut context = LookupContext::default();
let _new_pts = new_dev
.lookup_child(&current_task, &mut context, "pts".into())
.expect("failed to lookup pts");
let mut context = LookupContext::default();
assert!(dev.lookup_child(&current_task, &mut context, "pts".into()).is_err());
async fn test_path() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let (kernel, current_task, mut locked) = create_kernel_task_and_unlocked();
let root_fs = TmpFs::new_fs(&kernel);
let root_node = Arc::clone(root_fs.root());
let _dev_node = root_node
.create_dir(&mut locked, &current_task, "dev".into())
.expect("failed to mkdir dev");
let dev_fs = TmpFs::new_fs(&kernel);
let dev_root_node = Arc::clone(dev_fs.root());
let _dev_pts_node = dev_root_node
.create_dir(&mut locked, &current_task, "pts".into())
.expect("failed to mkdir pts");
let ns = Namespace::new(root_fs);
let mut context = LookupContext::default();
let dev = ns
.lookup_child(&current_task, &mut context, "dev".into())
.expect("failed to lookup dev");
dev.mount(WhatToMount::Fs(dev_fs), MountFlags::empty())
.expect("failed to mount dev root node");
let mut context = LookupContext::default();
let dev = ns
.lookup_child(&current_task, &mut context, "dev".into())
.expect("failed to lookup dev");
let mut context = LookupContext::default();
let pts = dev
.lookup_child(&current_task, &mut context, "pts".into())
.expect("failed to lookup pts");
assert_eq!("/", ns.root().path_escaping_chroot());
assert_eq!("/dev", dev.path_escaping_chroot());
assert_eq!("/dev/pts", pts.path_escaping_chroot());
async fn test_shadowing() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let (kernel, current_task, mut locked) = create_kernel_task_and_unlocked();
let root_fs = TmpFs::new_fs(&kernel);
let ns = Namespace::new(root_fs.clone());
let _foo_node = root_fs.root().create_dir(&mut locked, &current_task, "foo".into())?;
let mut context = LookupContext::default();
let foo_dir = ns.root().lookup_child(&current_task, &mut context, "foo".into())?;
let foofs1 = TmpFs::new_fs(&kernel);
foo_dir.mount(WhatToMount::Fs(foofs1.clone()), MountFlags::empty())?;
let mut context = LookupContext::default();
&ns.root().lookup_child(&current_task, &mut context, "foo".into())?.entry,
let foo_dir = ns.root().lookup_child(&current_task, &mut context, "foo".into())?;
let ns_clone = ns.clone_namespace();
let foofs2 = TmpFs::new_fs(&kernel);
foo_dir.mount(WhatToMount::Fs(foofs2.clone()), MountFlags::empty())?;
let mut context = LookupContext::default();
&ns.root().lookup_child(&current_task, &mut context, "foo".into())?.entry,
.lookup_child(&current_task, &mut LookupContext::default(), "foo".into())?
async fn test_unlink_mounted_directory() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let (kernel, current_task, mut locked) = create_kernel_task_and_unlocked();
let root_fs = TmpFs::new_fs(&kernel);
let ns1 = Namespace::new(root_fs.clone());
let ns2 = Namespace::new(root_fs.clone());
let _foo_node = root_fs.root().create_dir(&mut locked, &current_task, "foo".into())?;
let mut context = LookupContext::default();
let foo_dir = ns1.root().lookup_child(&current_task, &mut context, "foo".into())?;
let foofs = TmpFs::new_fs(&kernel);
foo_dir.mount(WhatToMount::Fs(foofs), MountFlags::empty())?;
.unlink(&mut locked, &current_task, "foo".into(), UnlinkKind::Directory, false)