blob: a850cd916de25606e02e8742508cc2d31f614832 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
mod commands;
use {
crate::commands::{CmdHelper, Command, ReplControl},
anyhow::{format_err, Error},
fidl_fuchsia_power_battery as fpower, fidl_fuchsia_power_battery_test as spower,
fuchsia_async as fasync,
channel::mpsc::{channel, SendError},
Sink, SinkExt, Stream, StreamExt, TryFutureExt,
rustyline::{error::ReadlineError, CompletionType, Config, EditMode, Editor},
std::{fmt, pin::pin, thread, time::Duration},
static PROMPT: &str = "\x1b[34mbattman>\x1b[0m ";
// ParseResult is used to convey the parsed commands input by user
// and display them either as an error or continue executing the commands
enum ParseResult<T> {
// BatteryInfo is a wrapper for BatteryInfo so the print fmt could be
// implemented
struct BatteryInfo {
info: fpower::BatteryInfo,
impl fmt::Display for BatteryInfo {
fn fmt(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
"Battery Percentage: {:?}\n",
"Battery Status: {:?}\n",
"Charge Status: {:?}\n",
"Level Status: {:?}\n",
"Charge Source: {:?}\n",
"Time Remaining: {:?}\n",
async fn print_battery_info(service: &BatterySimulatorProxy) -> Result<(), Error> {
if service.is_simulating().await? {
let bi = service.get_battery_info().await?;
println!("{}", BatteryInfo { info: bi });
} else {
let battery_manager_server = connect_to_protocol::<fpower::BatteryManagerMarker>()?;
let bi = battery_manager_server.get_battery_info().await?;
println!("{}", BatteryInfo { info: bi });
fn print_set_help_message() {
"'set' modifies the state of the simulated battery. ",
"Modifications only take place once disconnected.\n",
"The usage of set is as follows:\n\n",
"set <battery_attribute battery_attribute_value>\n\n",
"The corresponding field and field values is as follows:\n\n",
"\t\tAny int value from [1..100]\n",
"\t\tInt value representing time in seconds\n\n",
"set ChargeSource WIRELESS BatteryPercentage 12\n",
"set ChargeStatus DISCHARGING TimeRemaining 100 BatteryPercentage 2"
fn set_time_remaining(time_remaining: &str, service: &BatterySimulatorProxy) -> Result<(), Error> {
let time = time_remaining.parse::<u64>()?;
let duration = Duration::new(time, 0);
service.set_time_remaining(duration.as_nanos() as i64)?;
fn set_charge_source(charge_source: &str, service: &BatterySimulatorProxy) -> Result<(), Error> {
let res = match charge_source {
"UNKNOWN" => fpower::ChargeSource::Unknown,
"NONE" => fpower::ChargeSource::None,
"AC_ADAPTER" => fpower::ChargeSource::AcAdapter,
"USB" => fpower::ChargeSource::Usb,
"WIRELESS" => fpower::ChargeSource::Wireless,
_ => {
println!("{} does not exist as an option for ChargeSource. Type set --help for more information", charge_source);
return Ok(());
fn set_battery_percentage(
battery_percentage: &str,
service: &BatterySimulatorProxy,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let percent: f32 = battery_percentage.parse().unwrap();
if percent < 0.0 || percent > 100.0 {
println!("Please enter battery percent from 0 to 100");
return Ok(());
fn set_battery_status(battery_status: &str, service: &BatterySimulatorProxy) -> Result<(), Error> {
let res = match battery_status {
"UNKNOWN" => fpower::BatteryStatus::Unknown,
"OK" => fpower::BatteryStatus::Ok,
"NOT_AVAILABLE" => fpower::BatteryStatus::NotAvailable,
"NOT_PRESENT" => fpower::BatteryStatus::NotPresent,
_ => {
println!("{} does not exist as an option for BatteryStatus. Type set --help for more information", battery_status);
return Ok(());
fn set_level_status(level_status: &str, service: &BatterySimulatorProxy) -> Result<(), Error> {
let res = match level_status {
"UNKNOWN" => fpower::LevelStatus::Unknown,
"OK" => fpower::LevelStatus::Ok,
"WARNING" => fpower::LevelStatus::Warning,
"LOW" => fpower::LevelStatus::Low,
"CRITICAL" => fpower::LevelStatus::Critical,
_ => {
println!("{} does not exist as an option for LevelStatus. Type set --help for more information", level_status);
return Ok(());
fn set_charge_status(charge_status: &str, service: &BatterySimulatorProxy) -> Result<(), Error> {
let res = match charge_status {
"UNKNOWN" => fpower::ChargeStatus::Unknown,
"NOT_CHARGING" => fpower::ChargeStatus::NotCharging,
"CHARGING" => fpower::ChargeStatus::Charging,
"DISCHARGING" => fpower::ChargeStatus::Discharging,
"FULL" => fpower::ChargeStatus::Full,
_ => {
println!("{} does not exist as an option for ChargeStatus. Type set --help for more information", charge_status);
return Ok(());
// args is the string of arguments provided by the user. The format is as follows
// args: "<Field> <Value> ...". The <Field> is any field of the BatteryInfo and
// <Value> is the fields corresponding value. The "..." signifies the repetition of
// the previous pattern of field and value.
async fn set_all_information(args: String, service: &BatterySimulatorProxy) -> Result<(), Error> {
if !service.is_simulating().await? {
println!("Please disconnect before running set. Type <set --help> for more information");
return Ok(());
let commands: Vec<&str> = args.split(" ").collect();
if commands.len() <= 1 || commands[0] == "--help" {
return Ok(());
} else if commands.len() % 2 != 0 {
println!("Incorrect number of args. Type <set --help> for more information");
return Ok(());
for i in (0..).take(commands.len()).step_by(2) {
let field = commands[i];
let arg = commands[i + 1];
let _ = match field {
"BatteryPercentage" => set_battery_percentage(arg, service)?,
"BatteryStatus" => set_battery_status(arg, service)?,
"ChargeStatus" => set_charge_status(arg, service)?,
"ChargeSource" => set_charge_source(arg, service)?,
"LevelStatus" => set_level_status(arg, service)?,
"TimeRemaining" => set_time_remaining(arg, service)?,
_ => println!("Incorrect Battery Field {}", field),
/// Handle a single raw input command from a user and indicate whether the command should
/// result in continuation or breaking of the read evaluate print loop.
async fn handle_command(
service: &BatterySimulatorProxy,
cmd: Command,
args: Vec<String>,
) -> Result<ReplControl, Error> {
let args = args.join(" ");
match cmd {
Command::Get => print_battery_info(service).await,
Command::Set => set_all_information(args, service).await,
Command::Reconnect => service.reconnect_real_battery().map_err(|e| format_err!("{}", e)),
Command::Disconnect => service.disconnect_real_battery().map_err(|e| format_err!("{}", e)),
Command::Help => Ok(println!("{}", Command::help_msg().to_string())),
Command::Exit | Command::Quit => return Ok(ReplControl::Break),
/// Parse a single raw input command from a user into the command type and argument lsit
fn parse_command(line: String) -> ParseResult<(Command, Vec<String>)> {
let components: Vec<_> = line.trim().split_whitespace().collect();
match components.split_first() {
Some((raw_cmd, args)) => match raw_cmd.parse() {
Ok(cmd) => {
let args = args.into_iter().map(|s| s.to_string()).collect();
ParseResult::Valid((cmd, args))
Err(_) => ParseResult::Error(format!("\"{}\" is not a valid command", raw_cmd)),
None => ParseResult::Empty,
// Parses the command passed and if it's a valid command then it would handle what it should do
async fn parse_and_handle_cmd(
service: &BatterySimulatorProxy,
line: String,
) -> Result<ReplControl, Error> {
match parse_command(line) {
ParseResult::Valid((cmd, args)) => handle_command(service, cmd, args).await,
ParseResult::Empty => Ok(ReplControl::Continue),
ParseResult::Error(err) => {
println!("{}", err);
/// Generates a rustyline `Editor` in a separate thread to manage user input. This input is returned
/// as a `Stream` of lines entered by the user.
/// The thread exits and the `Stream` is exhausted when an error occurs on stdin or the user
/// sends a ctrl-c or ctrl-d sequence.
/// Because rustyline shares control over output to the screen with other parts of the system, a
/// `Sink` is passed to the caller to send acknowledgements that a command has been processed and
/// that rustyline should handle the next line of input.
fn cmd_stream() -> (impl Stream<Item = String>, impl Sink<(), Error = SendError>) {
// Editor thread and command processing thread must be synchronized so that output
// is printed in the correct order.
let (mut cmd_sender, cmd_receiver) = channel(512);
let (ack_sender, mut ack_receiver) = channel(512);
thread::spawn(move || -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut exec = fasync::LocalExecutor::new();
let fut = async {
let config = Config::builder()
let mut rl: Editor<CmdHelper> = Editor::with_config(config);
// Add tab completion
let c = CmdHelper::new();
loop {
let readline = rl.readline(PROMPT);
match readline {
Ok(line) => {
Err(ReadlineError::Eof) | Err(ReadlineError::Interrupted) => {
return Ok(());
Err(e) => {
println!("Error: {:?}", e);
return Err(e.into());
// Wait until processing thread is finished evaluating the last command
// before running the next loop in the repl;
(cmd_receiver, ack_sender)
async fn run_repl(service: BatterySimulatorProxy) -> Result<(), Error> {
// `cmd_stream` blocks on input in a separate thread and passes commands and acks back to
// the main thread via async channels.
let (mut commands, mut acks) = cmd_stream();
while let Some(cmd) = {
match parse_and_handle_cmd(&service, cmd).await {
Ok(ReplControl::Continue) => {}
Ok(ReplControl::Break) => break,
Err(e) => println!("Error handling command: {}", e),
#[fuchsia::main(logging_tags = ["battery_simulator"])]
async fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
println!("Welcome to the Battery Simulator. Type help and <Enter> to see all the options!");
let battery_simulator = connect_to_protocol::<spower::BatterySimulatorMarker>()?;
let repl = pin!(run_repl(battery_simulator)
.unwrap_or_else(|e| eprintln!("REPL failed unexpectedly {:?}", e)));
mod tests {
use super::*;
async fn test_disconnect() {
// Connect to service
let battery_simulator = connect_to_protocol::<spower::BatterySimulatorMarker>().unwrap();
// Disconnect battery
let res = battery_simulator.disconnect_real_battery();
assert!(res.is_ok(), "Failed to disconnect");
// Test disconnect
let res = battery_simulator.is_simulating().await;
assert_eq!(res.unwrap(), true);
// Reconnect battery
let res = battery_simulator.reconnect_real_battery();
assert!(res.is_ok(), "Failed to reconnect");
async fn test_set_battery_percentage() {
// Connect to service
let battery_simulator = connect_to_protocol::<spower::BatterySimulatorMarker>().unwrap();
// Disconnect battery
let res = battery_simulator.disconnect_real_battery();
assert!(res.is_ok(), "Failed to disconnect");
// Set Battery Percentage
let res = set_battery_percentage("12.0", &battery_simulator);
assert!(res.is_ok(), "Failed to set battery percentage");
// Check Battery Percentage
let battery_info = battery_simulator.get_battery_info().await;
assert_eq!(battery_info.unwrap().level_percent.unwrap(), 12.0);
// Reconnect battery
let res = battery_simulator.reconnect_real_battery();
assert!(res.is_ok(), "Failed to reconnect");
async fn test_set_battery_status() {
// Connect to service
let battery_simulator = connect_to_protocol::<spower::BatterySimulatorMarker>().unwrap();
// Disconnect battery
let res = battery_simulator.disconnect_real_battery();
assert!(res.is_ok(), "Failed to disconnect");
// Set Battery Status
let res = set_battery_status("OK", &battery_simulator);
assert!(res.is_ok(), "Failed to set battery status");
// Check Battery Status
let battery_info = battery_simulator.get_battery_info().await;
assert_eq!(battery_info.unwrap().status.unwrap(), fpower::BatteryStatus::Ok);
// Reconnect battery
let res = battery_simulator.reconnect_real_battery();
assert!(res.is_ok(), "Failed to reconnect");
async fn test_set_charge_status() {
// Connect to service
let battery_simulator = connect_to_protocol::<spower::BatterySimulatorMarker>().unwrap();
// Disconnect battery
let res = battery_simulator.disconnect_real_battery();
assert!(res.is_ok(), "Failed to disconnect");
// Set Charge Status
let res = set_charge_status("NOT_CHARGING", &battery_simulator);
assert!(res.is_ok(), "Failed to set charge status");
// Check Charge Status
let battery_info = battery_simulator.get_battery_info().await;
assert_eq!(battery_info.unwrap().charge_status.unwrap(), fpower::ChargeStatus::NotCharging);
// Reconnect battery
let res = battery_simulator.reconnect_real_battery();
assert!(res.is_ok(), "Failed to reconnect");
async fn test_set_charge_source() {
// Connect to service
let battery_simulator = connect_to_protocol::<spower::BatterySimulatorMarker>().unwrap();
// Disconnect battery
let res = battery_simulator.disconnect_real_battery();
assert!(res.is_ok(), "Failed to disconnect");
// Set Charge Status
let res = set_charge_source("WIRELESS", &battery_simulator);
assert!(res.is_ok(), "Failed to set charge source");
// Check Charge Status
let battery_info = battery_simulator.get_battery_info().await;
assert_eq!(battery_info.unwrap().charge_source.unwrap(), fpower::ChargeSource::Wireless);
// Reconnect battery
let res = battery_simulator.reconnect_real_battery();
assert!(res.is_ok(), "Failed to reconnect");
async fn test_set_level_status() {
// Connect to service
let battery_simulator = connect_to_protocol::<spower::BatterySimulatorMarker>().unwrap();
// Disconnect battery
let res = battery_simulator.disconnect_real_battery();
assert!(res.is_ok(), "Failed to disconnect");
// Set Level Status
let res = set_level_status("CRITICAL", &battery_simulator);
assert!(res.is_ok(), "Failed to set charge source");
// Check Level Status
let battery_info = battery_simulator.get_battery_info().await;
assert_eq!(battery_info.unwrap().level_status.unwrap(), fpower::LevelStatus::Critical);
// Reconnect battery
let res = battery_simulator.reconnect_real_battery();
assert!(res.is_ok(), "Failed to reconnect");