blob: 773b3151c0a460f161ec95609a50a55782e85b82 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use super::super::timer::TimerHeap;
use super::common::{with_local_timer_heap, ExecutorTime, Inner};
use crate::atomic_future::AtomicFuture;
use fuchsia_sync::{Condvar, Mutex};
use futures::FutureExt;
use std::{
sync::{atomic::Ordering, Arc},
/// A multi-threaded port-based executor for Fuchsia OS. Requires that tasks scheduled on it
/// implement `Send` so they can be load balanced between worker threads.
/// Having a `SendExecutor` in scope allows the creation and polling of zircon objects, such as
/// [`fuchsia_async::Channel`].
/// # Panics
/// `SendExecutor` will panic on drop if any zircon objects attached to it are still alive. In other
/// words, zircon objects backed by a `SendExecutor` must be dropped before it.
pub struct SendExecutor {
/// The inner executor state.
inner: Arc<Inner>,
/// Worker thread handles
threads: Vec<thread::JoinHandle<()>>,
impl fmt::Debug for SendExecutor {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
f.debug_struct("SendExecutor").field("port", &self.inner.port).finish()
impl SendExecutor {
/// Create a new multi-threaded executor.
pub fn new(num_threads: usize) -> Self {
let inner = Arc::new(Inner::new(
/* is_local */ false,
num_threads.try_into().expect("no more than 256 threads are supported"),
Self { inner, threads: Vec::default() }
/// Run `future` to completion, using this thread and `num_threads` workers in a pool to
/// poll active tasks.
// The debugger looks for this function on the stack, so if its (fully-qualified) name changes,
// the debugger needs to be updated.
// LINT.IfChange
pub fn run<F>(&mut self, future: F) -> F::Output
// LINT.ThenChange(//src/developer/debug/zxdb/console/commands/
F: Future + Send + 'static,
F::Output: Send + 'static,
assert!(self.inner.is_real_time(), "Error: called `run` on an executor using fake time");
let pair = Arc::new((Mutex::new(None), Condvar::new()));
let pair2 = pair.clone();
// Spawn a future which will set the result upon completion.
AtomicFuture::new( |fut_result| {
let (lock, cvar) = &*pair2;
let mut result = lock.lock();
*result = Some(fut_result);
// Start worker threads, handing off timers from the current thread., Ordering::SeqCst);
with_local_timer_heap(|timer_heap| {
let timer_heap = mem::replace(timer_heap, TimerHeap::default());
// Wait until the signal the future has completed.
let (lock, cvar) = &*pair;
let mut result = lock.lock();
if result.is_none() {
let mut last_polled = 0;
let mut last_tasks_ready = false;
loop {
// This timeout is chosen to be quite high since it impacts all processes that have
// multi-threaded async executors, and it exists to workaround arguably misbehaving
// users (see the comment below).
cvar.wait_for(&mut result, Duration::from_millis(250));
if result.is_some() {
let polled = self.inner.polled.load(Ordering::Relaxed);
let tasks_ready = !self.inner.ready_tasks.is_empty();
if polled == last_polled && last_tasks_ready && tasks_ready {
// If this log message is printed, it most likely means that a task has blocked
// making a reentrant synchronous call that doesn't involve a port message being
// processed by this same executor. This can arise even if you would expect
// there to normally be other port messages involved. One example (that has
// actually happened): spawn a task to service a connection, then try
// and synchronously connect to that service. If the task hasn't had a chance to
// run, then the async channel might not be registered with the executor, and so
// sending messages to the channel doesn't trigger a port message. Typically,
// the way to solve these issues is to run the service in a different executor
// (which could be the same or a different process).
eprintln!("Tasks might be stalled!");
last_polled = polled;
last_tasks_ready = tasks_ready;
// Spin down worker threads
// Unwrap is fine because of the check to `is_none` above.
/// Add `self.num_threads` worker threads to the executor's thread pool.
/// `timers`: timers from the "main" thread which would otherwise be lost.
fn create_worker_threads(&mut self, mut timers: Option<TimerHeap>) {
for _ in 0..self.inner.num_threads {
let inner = self.inner.clone();
let timers = timers.take().unwrap_or(TimerHeap::default());
self.threads.push(thread::spawn(move || {
inner.worker_lifecycle::</* UNTIL_STALLED: */ false>();
fn join_all(&mut self) {
// Join the worker threads
for thread in self.threads.drain(..) {
thread.join().expect("Couldn't join worker thread.");
pub(crate) fn snapshot(&self) -> super::instrumentation::Snapshot {
impl Drop for SendExecutor {
fn drop(&mut self) {
// TODO( test SendExecutor with unit tests
mod tests {
use {
crate::{Task, Timer},
std::sync::{Arc, Condvar, Mutex},
fn test_stalled_triggers_wake_up() {
SendExecutor::new(2).run(async {
// The timer will only fire on one thread, so use one so we can get to a point where
// only one thread is running.
let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel();
let pair = Arc::new((Mutex::new(false), Condvar::new()));
let pair2 = pair.clone();
let _task = Task::spawn(async move {
// Send a notification to the other task.
// Now block the thread waiting for the result.
let (lock, cvar) = &*pair;
let mut done = lock.lock().unwrap();
while !*done {
done = cvar.wait(done).unwrap();
let (lock, cvar) = &*pair2;
*lock.lock().unwrap() = true;