blob: 0bed8cf93c91a1b4eb8a564d36c96d9e5e872039 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fidl/fuchsia.hardware.display.types/cpp/wire.h>
#include <fidl/fuchsia.images2/cpp/wire.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <memory>
#include <fbl/intrusive_double_list.h>
#include <fbl/ref_ptr.h>
#include "src/graphics/display/drivers/coordinator/id-map.h"
#include "src/graphics/display/drivers/coordinator/image.h"
#include "src/graphics/display/lib/api-types-cpp/config-stamp.h"
#include "src/graphics/display/lib/api-types-cpp/display-id.h"
#include "src/graphics/display/lib/api-types-cpp/driver-layer-id.h"
#include "src/graphics/display/lib/api-types-cpp/event-id.h"
namespace display {
class FenceCollection;
class Layer;
class LayerTest;
class Client;
struct LayerNode : public fbl::DoublyLinkedListable<LayerNode*> {
Layer* layer;
// Almost-POD used by Client to manage layer state. Public state is used by Controller.
class Layer : public IdMappable<std::unique_ptr<Layer>, DriverLayerId> {
explicit Layer(DriverLayerId id);
fbl::RefPtr<Image> current_image() const { return displayed_image_; }
bool is_skipped() const { return is_skipped_; }
// TODO( Although this is nominally a POD, the state management and
// lifecycle are complicated by interactions with Client's threading model.
friend Client;
friend LayerTest;
bool in_use() const { return current_node_.InContainer() || pending_node_.InContainer(); }
const image_metadata_t& pending_image_metadata() const {
return pending_layer_.cfg.primary.image_metadata;
uint64_t pending_image_handle() const { return pending_layer_.cfg.primary.image_handle; }
auto current_type() const { return current_layer_.type; }
auto pending_type() const { return pending_layer_.type; }
// If the layer properties were changed in the pending configuration, this
// retires all images as they are invalidated with layer properties change.
bool ResolvePendingLayerProperties();
// This sets up the fence and config stamp for pending images on this layer.
// - If the layer image has a fence to wait before presentation, this prepares
// the new fence and start async waiting for the fence.
// - The layer's latest pending (waiting) image will be associated with the
// client configuration |stamp|, as it reflects the latest configuration
// state; this will owerwrite all the previous stamp states for this image.
// The stamp will be used later when display core integrates stamps of all
// layers to determine the current frame state.
// Returns false if there were any errors.
bool ResolvePendingImage(FenceCollection* fence, ConfigStamp stamp = kInvalidConfigStamp);
// Make the staged config current.
void ApplyChanges(const display_mode_t& mode);
// Discard the pending changes
void DiscardChanges();
// Removes references to all Images associated with this Layer.
// Returns true if the current config has been affected.
bool CleanUpAllImages();
// Removes references to the provided Image. `image` must be valid.
// Returns true if the current config has been affected.
bool CleanUpImage(const Image& image);
// If a new image is available, retire current_image() and other pending images. Returns false if
// no images were ready.
bool ActivateLatestReadyImage();
// Get the stamp of configuration that is associated (at ResolvePendingImage)
// with the image that is currently being displayed on the device.
// If no image is being displayed on this layer, returns nullopt.
std::optional<ConfigStamp> GetCurrentClientConfigStamp() const;
// Adds the pending_layer_ to a display list, at z_index. Returns false if the pending_layer_ is
// currently in use.
bool AddToConfig(fbl::DoublyLinkedList<LayerNode*>* list, uint32_t z_index);
void SetPrimaryConfig(fuchsia_hardware_display_types::wire::ImageMetadata image_metadata);
void SetPrimaryPosition(fuchsia_hardware_display_types::wire::Transform transform,
fuchsia_hardware_display_types::wire::Frame src_frame,
fuchsia_hardware_display_types::wire::Frame dest_frame);
void SetPrimaryAlpha(fuchsia_hardware_display_types::wire::AlphaMode mode, float val);
void SetColorConfig(fuchsia_images2::wire::PixelFormat pixel_format,
::fidl::VectorView<uint8_t> color_bytes);
void SetImage(fbl::RefPtr<Image> image_id, EventId wait_event_id, EventId signal_event_id);
// Retires the `pending_image_`.
void RetirePendingImage();
// Retires the `image` from the `waiting_images_` list.
// Does nothing if `image` is not in the list.
void RetireWaitingImage(const Image& image);
// Retires the image that is being displayed.
// Returns true if this affects the current display config.
bool RetireDisplayedImage();
layer_t pending_layer_;
layer_t current_layer_;
// flag indicating that there are changes in pending_layer that
// need to be applied to current_layer.
bool config_change_;
// Event ids passed to SetLayerImage which haven't been applied yet.
EventId pending_wait_event_id_;
EventId pending_signal_event_id_;
// The image given to SetLayerImage which hasn't been applied yet.
fbl::RefPtr<Image> pending_image_;
// Image which are waiting to be displayed
Image::DoublyLinkedList waiting_images_;
// The image which has most recently been sent to the display controller impl
fbl::RefPtr<Image> displayed_image_;
// Counters used for keeping track of when the layer's images need to be dropped.
uint64_t pending_image_config_gen_ = 0;
uint64_t current_image_config_gen_ = 0;
// Storage for a color layer's color data bytes.
uint8_t pending_color_bytes_[4];
uint8_t current_color_bytes_[4];
LayerNode pending_node_;
LayerNode current_node_;
// The display this layer was most recently displayed on
DisplayId current_display_id_;
bool is_skipped_;
} // namespace display