blob: 101b046afb84f7ef55590665d7d6061cb8af02eb [file] [log] [blame]
"name": "doctor",
"description": "Run common checks for the ffx tool and host environment",
"examples": [
"To run diagnostics:\n\n $ ffx doctor\n\nTo capture the output and additional logs:\n\n $ ffx doctor --record\n\nBy default, this outputs the zip in the current directory.\n\nTo override output dir:\n\n $ ffx doctor --record --output-dir /tmp/ffx"
"flags": [
"kind": "Switch",
"optionality": "optional",
"long": "--help",
"short": null,
"description": "display usage information",
"hidden": false
"kind": "Switch",
"optionality": "optional",
"long": "--record",
"short": null,
"description": "generates an output zip file with logs",
"hidden": false
"kind": "Switch",
"optionality": "optional",
"long": "--no-config",
"short": null,
"description": "do not include the ffx configuration file",
"hidden": false
"kind": {
"Option": {
"arg_name": "retry-count"
"optionality": "optional",
"long": "--retry-count",
"short": null,
"description": "number of times to retry failed connection attempts",
"hidden": false
"kind": {
"Option": {
"arg_name": "retry-delay"
"optionality": "optional",
"long": "--retry-delay",
"short": null,
"description": "timeout delay in ms during connection attempt",
"hidden": false
"kind": "Switch",
"optionality": "optional",
"long": "--restart-daemon",
"short": null,
"description": "force restart the daemon, even if the connection is working",
"hidden": false
"kind": "Switch",
"optionality": "optional",
"long": "--verbose",
"short": "v",
"description": "verbose, display all steps",
"hidden": false
"kind": {
"Option": {
"arg_name": "output-dir"
"optionality": "optional",
"long": "--output-dir",
"short": null,
"description": "override the default output directory for doctor records",
"hidden": false
"kind": "Switch",
"optionality": "optional",
"long": "--repair-keys",
"short": null,
"description": "checks SSH key consistency and repairs them if needed. This may cause any devices to be reflashed.",
"hidden": false
"notes": [
"The `doctor` subcommand automatically attempts to repair common target\ninteraction issues and provides useful diagnostic information to the user.\n\nBy default, running `ffx doctor` attempts to establish a connection with\nthe daemon, and restarts the daemon if there is no connection. The default\n`retry_count` is '3' and the default 'retry_delay` is '2000' milliseconds."
"commands": [],
"positionals": [],
"error_codes": []