blob: 8109ac8c3cea5d015e8d624bc7a6a67bd5a7f118 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! The qemu_base module encapsulates traits and functions specific
//! for engines using QEMU as the emulator platform.
use crate::{
qemu_based::comms::{spawn_pipe_thread, QemuSocket},
use async_trait::async_trait;
use cfg_if::cfg_if;
use emulator_instance::{
AccelerationMode, ConsoleType, DiskImage, EmulatorConfiguration, EngineState, GuestConfig,
use errors::ffx_bail;
use ffx_config::EnvironmentContext;
use ffx_emulator_common::{
dump_log_to_out, host_is_mac, process,
tuntap::{tap_ready, TAP_INTERFACE_NAME},
use ffx_emulator_config::{EmulatorEngine, EngineConsoleType, ShowDetail};
use ffx_ssh::SshKeyFiles;
use ffx_target::KnockError;
use fho::{bug, return_bug, return_user_error, Result};
use fidl_fuchsia_developer_ffx as ffx;
use fuchsia_async::Timer;
use serde_json::{json, Deserializer, Value};
use shared_child::SharedChild;
use std::{
fs::{self, File},
io::{stderr, Write},
path::{Path, PathBuf},
sync::{mpsc::channel, Arc},
time::{Duration, Instant},
use tempfile::NamedTempFile;
use mockall::automock;
#[cfg_attr(test, automock)]
mod modules {
use super::*;
pub(crate) async fn get_host_tool(name: &str) -> Result<PathBuf> {
let sdk = ffx_config::global_env_context()
.ok_or_else(|| bug!("loading global environment context"))?
// Attempts to get a host tool from the SDK manifest. If it fails, falls
// back to attempting to derive the path to the host tool binary by simply checking
// for its existence in `ffx`'s directory.
// TODO( When issues around including aemu in the sdk are resolved, this
// hack can be removed.
match ffx_config::get_host_tool(&sdk, name).await {
Ok(path) => Ok(path),
Err(error) => {
"failed to get host tool {} from manifest. Trying local SDK dir: {}",
let mut ffx_path = std::env::current_exe()
.map_err(|e| bug!("getting current ffx exe path for host tool {name}: {e}"))?;
ffx_path = std::fs::canonicalize(ffx_path.clone())
.map_err(|e| bug!("canonicalizing ffx path {ffx_path:?}: {e}"))?;
let tool_path = ffx_path
.ok_or_else(|| bug!("ffx path missing parent {ffx_path:?}"))?
if tool_path.exists() {
} else {
return_bug!("{error}. Host tool '{name}' not found after checking in `ffx` directory as stopgap.")
cfg_if! {
if #[cfg(test)] {
pub(crate) use self::mock_modules::get_host_tool;
} else {
pub(crate) use self::modules::get_host_tool;
pub(crate) mod comms;
pub(crate) mod femu;
pub(crate) mod qemu;
const COMMAND_CONSOLE: &str = "./monitor";
const MACHINE_CONSOLE: &str = "./qmp";
const SERIAL_CONSOLE: &str = "./serial";
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub(crate) struct PortPair {
pub guest: u16,
pub host: u16,
/// QemuBasedEngine collects the interface for
/// emulator engine implementations that use
/// QEMU as the emulator.
/// This allows the implementation to be shared
/// across multiple engine types.
pub(crate) trait QemuBasedEngine: EmulatorEngine {
/// Checks that the required files are present
fn check_required_files(&self, guest: &GuestConfig) -> Result<()> {
let kernel_path = &guest.kernel_image;
let zbi_path = &guest.zbi_image;
let disk_image_path = &guest.disk_image;
if !kernel_path.exists() {
return_bug!("kernel file {:?} does not exist.", kernel_path);
if !zbi_path.exists() {
return_bug!("zbi file {:?} does not exist.", zbi_path);
if let Some(file_path) = disk_image_path.as_ref() {
if !file_path.exists() {
return_bug!("disk image file {:?} does not exist.", file_path);
/// Stages the source image files in an instance specific directory.
/// Also resizes the fvms to the desired size and adds the authorized
/// keys to the zbi.
/// Returns an updated GuestConfig instance with the file paths set to
/// the instance paths.
async fn stage_image_files(
instance_name: &str,
emu_config: &EmulatorConfiguration,
reuse: bool,
) -> Result<GuestConfig> {
let mut updated_guest = emu_config.guest.clone();
// Create the data directory if needed.
let mut instance_root: PathBuf = ffx_config::query(config::EMU_INSTANCE_ROOT_DIR)
.map_err(|e| bug!("Error reading config for instance root: {e}"))?;
.map_err(|e| bug!("Error creating {instance_root:?}: {e}"))?;
let kernel_name = emu_config.guest.kernel_image.file_name().ok_or_else(|| {
bug!("cannot read kernel file name '{:?}'", emu_config.guest.kernel_image)
let kernel_path = instance_root.join(kernel_name);
if kernel_path.exists() && reuse {
tracing::debug!("Using existing file for {:?}", kernel_path.file_name().unwrap());
} else {
fs::copy(&emu_config.guest.kernel_image, &kernel_path)
.map_err(|e| bug!("cannot stage kernel file: {e}"))?;
let zbi_path = instance_root.join(
.ok_or_else(|| bug!("cannot read zbi file name"))?,
if zbi_path.exists() && reuse {
tracing::debug!("Using existing file for {:?}", zbi_path.file_name().unwrap());
// TODO( Make a decision to reuse zbi with no modifications or not.
// There is the potential that the ssh keys have changed, or the ip address
// of the host interface has changed, which will cause the connection
// to the emulator instance to fail.
} else {
// Add the authorized public keys to the zbi image to enable SSH access to
// the guest.
Self::embed_boot_data(&emu_config.guest.zbi_image, &zbi_path)
.map_err(|e| bug!("cannot embed boot data: {e}"))?;
if let Some(disk_image) = &emu_config.guest.disk_image {
let src_path = disk_image.as_ref();
let dest_path = instance_root.join(
src_path.file_name().ok_or_else(|| bug!("cannot read disk image file name"))?,
if dest_path.exists() && reuse {
tracing::debug!("Using existing file for {:?}", dest_path.file_name().unwrap());
} else {
let original_size: u64 = src_path.metadata().map_err(|e| bug!("{e}"))?.len();
tracing::debug!("Disk image original size: {}", original_size);
"Disk image target size from product bundle {:?}",
let mut target_size ="get device storage size");
// The disk image needs to be expanded in size in order to make room
// for the creation of the data volume. If the original
// size is larger than the target size, update the target size
// to 1.1 times the size of the original file.
if target_size < original_size {
let new_target_size: u64 = original_size + (original_size / 10);
tracing::warn!("Disk image original size is larger than target size.");
tracing::warn!("Forcing target size to {new_target_size}");
target_size = new_target_size;
// The method of resizing is different, depending on the type of the disk image.
match disk_image {
DiskImage::Fvm(_) => {
fs::copy(src_path, &dest_path)
.map_err(|e| bug!("cannot stage disk image file: {e}"))?;
Self::fvm_extend(&dest_path, target_size).await?;
DiskImage::Fxfs(_) => {
let mut tmp =
NamedTempFile::new_in(&instance_root).map_err(|e| bug!("{e}"))?;
let mut reader = std::fs::File::open(src_path)
.map_err(|e| bug!("open failed: {e}"))?;
std::io::copy(&mut reader, &mut tmp)
.map_err(|e| bug!("cannot stage Fxfs image: {e}"))?;
if original_size < target_size {
// Resize the image if needed.
tmp.as_file().set_len(target_size).map_err(|e| {
bug!("Failed to temp file to {target_size} bytes: {e}")
tmp.persist(&dest_path).map_err(|e| {
bug!("Failed to persist temp Fxfs image to {dest_path:?}: {e}")
// Update the guest config to reference the staged disk image.
updated_guest.disk_image = match disk_image {
DiskImage::Fvm(_) => Some(DiskImage::Fvm(dest_path)),
DiskImage::Fxfs(_) => Some(DiskImage::Fxfs(dest_path)),
} else {
updated_guest.disk_image = None;
updated_guest.kernel_image = kernel_path;
updated_guest.zbi_image = zbi_path;
async fn fvm_extend(dest_path: &Path, target_size: u64) -> Result<()> {
let fvm_tool = get_host_tool(config::FVM_HOST_TOOL)
.map_err(|e| bug!("cannot locate fvm tool: {e}"))?;
let mut resize_command = Command::new(fvm_tool);
tracing::debug!("FVM Running command to resize: {:?}", &resize_command);
let resize_result = resize_command.output().map_err(|e| bug!("{e}"))?;
tracing::debug!("FVM command result: {resize_result:?}");
if !resize_result.status.success() {
"Error resizing fvm: {}",
str::from_utf8(&resize_result.stderr).map_err(|e| bug!("{e}"))?
/// embed_boot_data adds authorized_keys for ssh access to the zbi boot image file.
/// If mdns_info is Some(), it is also added. This mdns configuration is
/// read by Fuchsia mdns service and used instead of the default configuration.
async fn embed_boot_data(src: &PathBuf, dest: &PathBuf) -> Result<()> {
let zbi_tool = get_host_tool(config::ZBI_HOST_TOOL)
.map_err(|e| bug!("ZBI tool is missing: {e}"))?;
let ssh_keys = SshKeyFiles::load(None)
.map_err(|e| bug!("Error finding ssh authorized_keys file: {e}"))?;
.map_err(|e| bug!("Error creating ssh keys if needed: {e}"))?;
let auth_keys = ssh_keys.authorized_keys.display().to_string();
if !ssh_keys.authorized_keys.exists() {
"No authorized_keys found to configure emulator. {} does not exist.",
if src == dest {
return_bug!("source and dest zbi paths cannot be the same.");
let replace_str = format!("data/ssh/authorized_keys={}", auth_keys);
let mut zbi_command = Command::new(zbi_tool);
// added last.
let zbi_command_output = zbi_command.output().map_err(|e| bug!("{e}"))?;
if !zbi_command_output.status.success() {
"Error embedding boot data: {}",
str::from_utf8(&zbi_command_output.stderr).map_err(|e| bug!("{e}"))?
fn validate_network_flags(&self, emu_config: &EmulatorConfiguration) -> Result<()> {
match {
NetworkingMode::None => {
// Check for console/monitor.
if emu_config.runtime.console == ConsoleType::None {
"Running without networking enabled and no interactive console;\n\
there will be no way to communicate with this emulator.\n\
Restart with --console/--monitor or with networking enabled to proceed."
NetworkingMode::Auto => {
// Shouldn't be possible to land here.
return_bug!("Networking mode is unresolved after configuration.");
NetworkingMode::Tap => {
// Officially, MacOS tun/tap is unsupported. tap_ready() uses the "ip" command to
// retrieve details about the target interface, but "ip" is not installed on macs
// by default. That means, if tap_ready() is called on a MacOS host, it returns a
// Result::Error, which would cancel emulation. However, if an end-user sets up
// tun/tap on a MacOS host we don't want to block that, so we check the OS here
// and make it a warning to run on MacOS instead.
if host_is_mac() {
"Tun/Tap networking mode is not currently supported on MacOS. \
You may experience errors with your current configuration."
} else {
// tap_ready() has some good error reporting, so just return the Result.
return tap_ready();
NetworkingMode::User => (),
async fn stage(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
let emu_config = self.emu_config_mut();
let name =;
let reuse = emu_config.runtime.reuse;
emu_config.guest = Self::stage_image_files(&name, emu_config, reuse)
.map_err(|e| bug!("could not stage image files: {e}"))?;
// This is done to avoid running emu in the same directory as the kernel or other files
// that are used by qemu. If the multiboot.bin file is in the current directory, it does
// not start correctly. This probably could be temporary until we know the images loaded
// do not have files directly in $sdk_root.
.map_err(|e| bug!("problem changing directory to instance dir: {e}"))?;
emu_config.flags = process_flag_template(emu_config)
.map_err(|e| bug!("Failed to process the flags template file: {e}."))?;
async fn run(
&mut self,
context: &EnvironmentContext,
mut emulator_cmd: Command,
) -> Result<i32> {
if self.emu_config().runtime.console == ConsoleType::None {
let stdout = File::create(&self.emu_config().host.log).map_err(|e| {
bug!("Couldn't open log file {:?}: {e}", &self.emu_config().host.log)
let stderr = stdout.try_clone().map_err(|e| {
bug!("Failed trying to clone stdout for the emulator process: {e}.")
println!("Logging to {:?}", &self.emu_config().host.log);
// If using TAP, check for an upscript to run.
if let Some(script) = match &self.emu_config().host.networking {
NetworkingMode::Tap => &self.emu_config().runtime.upscript,
_ => &None,
} {
let status = Command::new(script)
.map_err(|e| bug!("Problem running upscript '{}': {e}", &script.display()))?;
if !status.success() {
"Upscript {} returned non-zero exit code {}",
status.code().map_or("None".to_string(), |v| format!("{}", v))
let shared_process = SharedChild::spawn(&mut emulator_cmd)
.map_err(|e| bug!("Cannot spawn emulator: {e}"))?;
let child_arc = Arc::new(shared_process);
if self.emu_config().host.networking == NetworkingMode::User {
// Capture the port mappings for user mode networking.
let now = fuchsia_async::Time::now();
let elapsed_ms = now.elapsed().as_millis();
tracing::debug!("reading port mappings took {elapsed_ms}ms");
} else {
if self.emu_config().runtime.debugger {
println!("The emulator will wait for a debugger to attach before starting up.");
println!("Attach to process {} to continue launching the emulator.", self.get_pid());
if self.emu_config().runtime.console == ConsoleType::Monitor
|| self.emu_config().runtime.console == ConsoleType::Console
// When running with '--monitor' or '--console' mode, the user is directly interacting
// with the emulator console, or the guest console. Therefore wait until the
// execution of QEMU or AEMU terminates.
match fuchsia_async::unblock(move || process::monitored_child_process(&child_arc)).await
Ok(_) => {
return Ok(0);
Err(e) => {
if let Some(stop_error) = self.stop_emulator().await.err() {
"Error encountered in stop when handling failed launch: {:?}",
ffx_bail!("Emulator launcher did not terminate properly, error: {}", e)
} else if !self.emu_config().runtime.startup_timeout.is_zero() {
// Wait until the emulator is considered "active" before returning to the user.
let startup_timeout = self.emu_config().runtime.startup_timeout.as_secs();
print!("Waiting for Fuchsia to start (up to {} seconds).", startup_timeout);
tracing::debug!("Waiting for Fuchsia to start (up to {} seconds)...", startup_timeout);
let name = self.emu_config();
let start = Instant::now();
let mut connection_errors = Vec::new();
while start.elapsed().as_secs() <= startup_timeout {
let compat_res = ffx_target::knock_target_daemonless(name.clone(), &context).await;
if let Ok(compat) = compat_res {
println!("\nEmulator is ready.");
"Emulator is ready after {} seconds.",
let compat =|c| ffx::CompatibilityInfo::from(c.into()));
match compat {
if compatibility.state == ffx::CompatibilityState::Supported =>
tracing::info!("Compatibility status: {:?}", compatibility.state)
Some(compatibility) => println!(
"Compatibility status: {:?} {}",
compatibility.state, compatibility.message
None => println!("Warning: no compatibility information is available"),
return Ok(0);
} else {
match compat_res.unwrap_err() {
KnockError::NonCriticalError(e) => {
"Unable to connect to emulator: {:?}",
KnockError::CriticalError(e) => {
eprintln!("Failed to connect to emulator: {e:?}");
return Ok(1);
// Perform a check to make sure the process is still alive, otherwise report
// failure to launch.
if !self.is_running().await {
"Emulator process failed to launch, but we don't know the cause. \
Check the emulator log, or look for a crash log."
"\nEmulator process failed to launch, but we don't know the cause. \
Printing the contents of the emulator log...\n"
match dump_log_to_out(&self.emu_config().host.log, &mut stderr()) {
Ok(_) => (),
Err(e) => eprintln!("Couldn't print the log: {:?}", e),
return Ok(1);
// Output a little status indicator to show we haven't gotten stuck.
// Note that we discard the result on the flush call; it's not important enough
// that we flushed the output stream to derail the launch.
// Sleep for a bit to allow the instance to make progress
// If we're here, it means the emulator did not start within the timeout.
"After {} seconds, the emulator has not responded to network queries.",
eprintln!("Here are the following errors encountered while connecting:");
for (i, e) in connection_errors.iter().enumerate() {
eprintln!("\t{}: {e:?}", i + 1);
if self.is_running().await {
eprintln!("The emulator process is still running (pid {}).", self.get_pid());
"The emulator is configured to {} network access.",
match self.emu_config().host.networking {
NetworkingMode::Tap => "use tun/tap-based",
NetworkingMode::User => "use user-mode/port-mapped",
NetworkingMode::None => "disable all",
NetworkingMode::Auto => return_bug!(
"Auto Networking mode should not be possible after staging \
is complete. Configuration is corrupt; bailing out."
"Hardware acceleration is {}.",
if self.emu_config().host.acceleration == AccelerationMode::Hyper {
} else {
"disabled, which significantly slows down the emulator"
"You can execute `ffx target list` to keep monitoring the device, \
or `ffx emu stop` to terminate it."
"You can also change the timeout if you keep encountering this \
message by executing `ffx config set {} <seconds>`.",
} else {
"Emulator process failed to launch, but we don't know the cause. \
Printing the contents of the emulator log...\n"
match dump_log_to_out(&self.emu_config().host.log, &mut std::io::stderr()) {
Ok(_) => (),
Err(e) => eprintln!("Couldn't print the log: {:?}", e),
tracing::warn!("Emulator did not respond to a health check before timing out.");
return Ok(1);
fn show(&self, details: Vec<ShowDetail>) -> Vec<ShowDetail> {
let mut results: Vec<ShowDetail> = vec![];
for segment in details {
match segment {
ShowDetail::Raw { .. } => {
results.push(ShowDetail::Raw { config: Some(self.emu_config().clone()) })
ShowDetail::Cmd { .. } => {
ShowDetail::Config { .. } => results.push(show_output::config(self.emu_config())),
ShowDetail::Device { .. } => results.push(show_output::device(self.emu_config())),
ShowDetail::Net { .. } => results.push(show_output::net(self.emu_config())),
_ => {}
async fn stop_emulator(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
if self.is_running().await {
println!("Terminating running instance {:?}", self.get_pid());
if let Some(terminate_error) = process::terminate(self.get_pid()).err() {
tracing::warn!("Error encountered terminating process: {:?}", terminate_error);
/// Access to the engine's pid field.
fn set_pid(&mut self, pid: u32);
fn get_pid(&self) -> u32;
/// Access to the engine's engine_state field.
fn set_engine_state(&mut self, state: EngineState);
fn get_engine_state(&self) -> EngineState;
/// Attach to emulator's console socket.
fn attach_to(&self, path: &Path, console: EngineConsoleType) -> Result<()> {
let console_path = self.get_path_for_console_type(path, console);
let mut socket = QemuSocket::new(&console_path);
socket.connect().map_err(|e| bug!("Error connecting to console: {e}"))?;
let stream =|| bug!("No socket connected."))?;
let (tx, rx) = channel();
let _t1 = spawn_pipe_thread(
stream.try_clone().map_err(|e| bug!("{e}"))?,
let _t2 =
spawn_pipe_thread(stream.try_clone().map_err(|e| bug!("{e}"))?, std::io::stdout(), tx);
// Now that the threads are reading and writing, we wait for one to send back an error.
let error = rx.recv().map_err(|e| bug!("recv error: {e}"));
stream.shutdown(Shutdown::Both).map_err(|e| bug!("Error shutting down stream: {e}"))?;
fn get_path_for_console_type(&self, path: &Path, console: EngineConsoleType) -> PathBuf {
path.join(match console {
EngineConsoleType::Command => COMMAND_CONSOLE,
EngineConsoleType::Machine => MACHINE_CONSOLE,
EngineConsoleType::Serial => SERIAL_CONSOLE,
EngineConsoleType::None => panic!("No path exists for EngineConsoleType::None"),
/// Connect to the qmp socket for the emulator instance and read the port mappings.
/// User mode networking needs to map guest TCP ports to host ports. This can be done by
/// specifying the guest port and either a preassigned port from the command line, or
/// leaving the host port unassigned, and a port is assigned by the emulator at startup.
/// This method waits for the QMP socket to be open, then reads the user mode networking status
/// to retrieve the port mappings.
/// The method returns if all the port mappings are made, or if there is an error communicating
/// with QEMU. If emu_config().runtime.startup_timeout is positive, an error is returned if
/// the mappings are not available within this time.
async fn read_port_mappings(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
// Check if there are any ports not already mapped.
if !self.emu_config().host.port_map.values().any(|m| {
tracing::debug!("No unmapped ports found.");
return Ok(());
let max_elapsed = if self.emu_config().runtime.startup_timeout.is_zero() {
// if there is no timeout, we should technically return immediately, but it does
// not make sense with unmapped ports, so give it a few seconds to try.
} else {
// Open machine socket
let instance_dir = &self.emu_config().runtime.instance_directory;
let console_path = self.get_path_for_console_type(instance_dir, EngineConsoleType::Machine);
let mut socket = QemuSocket::new(&console_path);
// Start the timeout tracking here so it includes opening the socket,
// which may have to wait for qemu to create the socket.
let start = Instant::now();
let mut qmp_stream = self.open_socket(&mut socket, &max_elapsed).await?;
let mut response_iter =
Deserializer::from_reader(qmp_stream.try_clone().map_err(|e| bug!("{e}"))?)
// Loop reading the responses on the socket, and send the request to get the
// user network information.
loop {
if start.elapsed() > max_elapsed {
return_bug!("Reading port mappings timed out");
match {
Some(Ok(data)) => {
if let Some(return_string) = data.get("return") {
let port_pairs = Self::parse_return_string(
return_string.as_str().unwrap_or_else(|| ""),
let mut modified = false;
// Iterate over the parsed port pairs, then find the matching entry in
// the port map.
// There are a small number of ports that need to be mapped, so the
// nested loop should not be a performance concern.
for pair in port_pairs {
for v in self.emu_config_mut().host.port_map.values_mut() {
if v.guest == pair.guest {
if != Some( { = Some(;
modified = true;
tracing::info!("port mapped {pair:?}");
// If the mapping was updated and there are no more unmapped ports,
// save and return.
if modified
&& !self.emu_config().host.port_map.values().any(|m|
tracing::debug!("Writing updated mappings");
return Ok(());
} else {
tracing::debug!("Ignoring non return object {:?}", data);
Some(Err(e)) => {
tracing::debug!("Error reading qmp stream {e:?}")
None => {
tracing::debug!("None returned from qmp iterator");
// Pause a moment to allow qemu to make progress.
// Pause a moment to allow qemu to make progress.
// Send { "execute": "human-monitor-command", "arguments": { "command-line": "info usernet" } }
tracing::debug!("writing info usernet command");
"execute": "human-monitor-command",
"arguments": { "command-line": "info usernet"}
.map_err(|e| bug!("Error writing info usernet: {e}"))?;
/// Parse the user network return string.
/// The user network info is only available as text, so we need to parse the lines.
/// This has been tested with AEMU and QEMU up to 7.0, but it is possible
/// the format may change.
fn parse_return_string(input: &str) -> Result<Vec<PortPair>> {
let mut pairs: Vec<PortPair> = vec![];
tracing::debug!("parsing_return_string return {input}");
let mut saw_heading = false;
for l in input.lines() {
let parts: Vec<&str> = l.split_whitespace().map(|ele| ele.trim()).collect();
// The heading has columns with multiple words, so the field count is more than the
// data row.
//Protocol[State] FD Source Address Port Dest. Address Port RecvQ SendQ
//TCP[ESTABLISHED] 63 56727 443 0 0
match parts[..] {
["Protocol[State]", "FD", "Source", "Address", "Port", "Dest.", "Address", "Port", "RecvQ", "SendQ"] =>
saw_heading = true;
[protocol_state, _, _, host_port, _, guest_port, _, _] => {
if protocol_state == "TCP[HOST_FORWARD]" {
let guest: u16 =
guest_port.parse().map_err(|e| bug!("error parsing: {e}"))?;
let host: u16 =
host_port.parse().map_err(|e| bug!("error parsing: {e}"))?;
pairs.push(PortPair { guest, host });
} else {
tracing::debug!("Skipping non host-forward row: {l}");
[] => tracing::debug!("Skipping empty line"),
_ => tracing::debug!("Skipping unknown part collecton {parts:?}"),
// Check that the heading column names have not changed. This could be a name change or schema change,
// it could also be that the command did not return the header because the network objects are not available
// yet, so log an error, but don't return an error.
if !saw_heading {
tracing::error!("Did not see expected header in {input}");
return Ok(pairs);
/// Opens the given socket waiting up to max_elapsed for the socket to be created and opened.
async fn open_socket(
&mut self,
socket: &mut QemuSocket,
max_elapsed: &Duration,
) -> Result<UnixStream> {
let start = Instant::now();
loop {
if start.elapsed() > *max_elapsed {
return_bug!("Reading port mappings timed out");
if !self.is_running().await {
return_user_error!("Emulator instance is not running.");
// Wait for being able to connect to the socket.
match socket.connect() {
Ok(()) => {
match {
Some(mut qmp_stream) => {
// Send the qmp_capabilities command to initialize the conversation.
.write_all(b"{ \"execute\": \"qmp_capabilities\" }\n")
.map_err(|e| bug!("Error writing qmp_capabilities: {e}"))?;
return Ok(qmp_stream);
None => {
tracing::debug!("Could not open machine socket");
Err(e) => {
tracing::debug!("Could not open machine socket: {e:?}");
mod tests {
use super::*;
use async_trait::async_trait;
use emulator_instance::{
DataAmount, DataUnits, EmulatorInstanceData, EmulatorInstanceInfo, EngineType, PortMapping,
use ffx_config::ConfigLevel;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::{io::Read, os::unix::net::UnixListener};
use tempfile::{tempdir, TempDir};
#[derive(Default, Serialize)]
struct TestEngine {}
impl QemuBasedEngine for TestEngine {
fn set_pid(&mut self, _pid: u32) {}
fn get_pid(&self) -> u32 {
fn set_engine_state(&mut self, _state: EngineState) {}
fn get_engine_state(&self) -> EngineState {
impl EmulatorEngine for TestEngine {
fn engine_state(&self) -> EngineState {
fn engine_type(&self) -> EngineType {
async fn is_running(&mut self) -> bool {
const ORIGINAL: &str = "THIS_STRING";
const ORIGINAL_PADDED: &str = "THIS_STRING\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0";
const UPDATED: &str = "THAT_VALUE*";
const UPDATED_PADDED: &str = "THAT_VALUE*\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0";
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
enum DiskImageFormat {
impl DiskImageFormat {
pub fn as_disk_image(&self, path: impl AsRef<Path>) -> DiskImage {
match self {
Self::Fvm => DiskImage::Fvm(path.as_ref().to_path_buf()),
Self::Fxfs => DiskImage::Fxfs(path.as_ref().to_path_buf()),
// Note that the caller MUST initialize the ffx_config environment before calling this function
// since we override config values as part of the test. This looks like:
// let env = ffx_config::test_init().await?;
// The returned structure must remain in scope for the duration of the test to function
// properly.
async fn setup(
env: &EnvironmentContext,
guest: &mut GuestConfig,
temp: &TempDir,
disk_image_format: DiskImageFormat,
) -> Result<PathBuf> {
let root = temp.path();
let kernel_path = root.join("kernel");
let zbi_path = root.join("zbi");
let disk_image_path = disk_image_format.as_disk_image(root.join("disk"));
let _ = fs::File::options()
.map_err(|e| bug!("Cannot create test kernel file: {e}"))?;
let _ = fs::File::options()
.map_err(|e| bug!("cannot create test zbi file: {e}"))?;
let _ = fs::File::options()
.map_err(|e| bug!("cannot create test disk image file: {e}"))?;
guest.kernel_image = kernel_path;
guest.zbi_image = zbi_path;
guest.disk_image = Some(disk_image_path);
// Set the paths to use for the SSH keys
fn write_to(path: &PathBuf, value: &str) -> Result<()> {
println!("Writing {} to {}", value, path.display());
let mut file = File::options()
.map_err(|e| bug!("cannot open existing file for write: {}: {e}", path.display()))?;
File::write(&mut file, value.as_bytes())
.map_err(|e| bug!("cannot write buffer to file: {}: {e}", path.display()))?;
async fn test_staging_no_reuse_common(disk_image_format: DiskImageFormat) -> Result<()> {
let env = ffx_config::test_init().await?;
let temp = tempdir().map_err(|e| bug!("cannot get tempdir: {e}"))?;
let instance_name = "test-instance";
let mut emu_config = EmulatorConfiguration::default(); = DataAmount { quantity: 32, units: DataUnits::Bytes };
let root = setup(&env.context, &mut emu_config.guest, &temp, disk_image_format).await?;
let ctx = mock_modules::get_host_tool_context();
ctx.expect().returning(|_| Ok(PathBuf::from("echo")));
write_to(&emu_config.guest.kernel_image, ORIGINAL)
.map_err(|e| bug!("cannot write original value to kernel file: {e}"))?;
write_to(emu_config.guest.disk_image.as_ref().unwrap(), ORIGINAL)
.map_err(|e| bug!("cannot write original value to disk image file: {e}"))?;
let updated =
<TestEngine as QemuBasedEngine>::stage_image_files(instance_name, &emu_config, false)
assert!(updated.is_ok(), "expected OK got {:?}", updated.unwrap_err());
let actual = updated.map_err(|e| bug!("cannot get updated guest config: {e}"))?;
let expected = GuestConfig {
kernel_image: root.join(instance_name).join("kernel"),
zbi_image: root.join(instance_name).join("zbi"),
disk_image: Some(
assert_eq!(actual, expected);
// Test no reuse when old files exist. The original files should be overwritten.
write_to(&emu_config.guest.kernel_image, UPDATED)
.map_err(|e| bug!("cannot write updated value to kernel file: {e}"))?;
write_to(emu_config.guest.disk_image.as_ref().unwrap(), UPDATED)
.map_err(|e| bug!("cannot write updated value to disk image file: {e}"))?;
let updated =
<TestEngine as QemuBasedEngine>::stage_image_files(instance_name, &emu_config, false)
assert!(updated.is_ok(), "expected OK got {:?}", updated.unwrap_err());
let actual = updated.map_err(|e| bug!("cannot get updated guest config, reuse: {e}"))?;
let expected = GuestConfig {
kernel_image: root.join(instance_name).join("kernel"),
zbi_image: root.join(instance_name).join("zbi"),
disk_image: Some(
assert_eq!(actual, expected);
println!("Reading contents from {}", actual.kernel_image.display());
println!("Reading contents from {}", actual.disk_image.as_ref().unwrap().display());
let mut kernel = File::open(&actual.kernel_image)
.map_err(|e| bug!("cannot open overwritten kernel file for read: {e}"))?;
let mut disk_image = File::open(&*actual.disk_image.unwrap())
.map_err(|e| bug!("cannot open overwritten disk image file for read: {e}"))?;
let mut kernel_contents = String::new();
let mut fvm_contents = String::new();
.read_to_string(&mut kernel_contents)
.map_err(|e| bug!("cannot read contents of reused kernel file: {e}"))?;
.read_to_string(&mut fvm_contents)
.map_err(|e| bug!("cannot read contents of reused disk image file: {e}"))?;
assert_eq!(kernel_contents, UPDATED);
// Fxfs will have ORIGINAL padded with nulls for be 32 bytes.
//(set in emu_config at the top of this method).
match disk_image_format {
DiskImageFormat::Fvm => assert_eq!(fvm_contents, UPDATED),
DiskImageFormat::Fxfs => assert_eq!(fvm_contents, UPDATED_PADDED),
async fn test_staging_no_reuse_fvm() -> Result<()> {
async fn test_staging_no_reuse_fxfs() -> Result<()> {
async fn test_staging_with_reuse_common(disk_image_format: DiskImageFormat) -> Result<()> {
let env = ffx_config::test_init().await?;
let temp = tempdir().expect("cannot get tempdir");
let instance_name = "test-instance";
let mut emu_config = EmulatorConfiguration::default(); = DataAmount { quantity: 32, units: DataUnits::Bytes };
let root = setup(&env.context, &mut emu_config.guest, &temp, disk_image_format).await?;
let ctx = mock_modules::get_host_tool_context();
ctx.expect().returning(|_| Ok(PathBuf::from("echo")));
// This checks if --reuse is true, but the directory isn't there to reuse; should succeed.
write_to(&emu_config.guest.kernel_image, ORIGINAL)
.expect("cannot write original value to kernel file");
write_to(emu_config.guest.disk_image.as_ref().unwrap(), ORIGINAL)
.expect("cannot write original value to disk image file");
let updated: Result<GuestConfig> =
<TestEngine as QemuBasedEngine>::stage_image_files(instance_name, &emu_config, true)
assert!(updated.is_ok(), "expected OK got {:?}", updated.unwrap_err());
let actual = updated.expect("cannot get updated guest config");
let expected = GuestConfig {
kernel_image: root.join(instance_name).join("kernel"),
zbi_image: root.join(instance_name).join("zbi"),
disk_image: Some(
assert_eq!(actual, expected);
// Test reuse. Note that the ZBI file isn't actually copied in the test, since we replace
// the ZBI tool with an "echo" command.
write_to(&emu_config.guest.kernel_image, UPDATED)
.expect("cannot write updated value to kernel file");
write_to(emu_config.guest.disk_image.as_ref().unwrap(), UPDATED)
.expect("cannot write updated value to disk image file");
let updated =
<TestEngine as QemuBasedEngine>::stage_image_files(instance_name, &emu_config, true)
assert!(updated.is_ok(), "expected OK got {:?}", updated.unwrap_err());
let actual = updated.expect("cannot get updated guest config, reuse");
let expected = GuestConfig {
kernel_image: root.join(instance_name).join("kernel"),
zbi_image: root.join(instance_name).join("zbi"),
disk_image: Some(
assert_eq!(actual, expected);
println!("Reading contents from {}", actual.kernel_image.display());
let mut kernel =
File::open(&actual.kernel_image).expect("cannot open reused kernel file for read");
let mut fvm =
File::open(&*actual.disk_image.unwrap()).expect("cannot open reused fvm file for read");
let mut kernel_contents = String::new();
let mut fvm_contents = String::new();
.read_to_string(&mut kernel_contents)
.expect("cannot read contents of reused kernel file");
fvm.read_to_string(&mut fvm_contents).expect("cannot read contents of reused fvm file");
assert_eq!(kernel_contents, ORIGINAL);
// Fxfs will have ORIGINAL padded with nulls for be 32 bytes.
//(set in emu_config at the top of this method).
match disk_image_format {
DiskImageFormat::Fvm => assert_eq!(fvm_contents, ORIGINAL),
DiskImageFormat::Fxfs => assert_eq!(fvm_contents, ORIGINAL_PADDED),
async fn test_staging_with_reuse_fvm() -> Result<()> {
async fn test_staging_with_reuse_fxfs() -> Result<()> {
// There's no equivalent test for FVM for now -- extending FVM images is more complex and
// depends on an external binary, making testing challenging.
async fn test_staging_resize_fxfs() -> Result<()> {
let env = ffx_config::test_init().await?;
let temp = tempdir().expect("cannot get tempdir");
let instance_name = "test-instance";
let mut emu_config = EmulatorConfiguration::default();
let root = setup(&env.context, &mut emu_config.guest, &temp, DiskImageFormat::Fxfs).await?;
let ctx = mock_modules::get_host_tool_context();
ctx.expect().returning(|_| Ok(PathBuf::from("echo")));
const EXPECTED_DATA: &[u8] = b"hello, world";
std::fs::write(&emu_config.guest.kernel_image, "whatever").expect("writing kernel image");
std::fs::write(emu_config.guest.disk_image.as_ref().unwrap(), EXPECTED_DATA)
.expect("writing guest image");
// Make the input file read-only to ensure that the staged version is RW.
let mut perms = std::fs::metadata(&emu_config.guest.disk_image.as_ref().unwrap())
.expect("get permissions")
std::fs::set_permissions(&emu_config.guest.disk_image.as_ref().unwrap(), perms)
.expect("set permissions"); = DataAmount { units: DataUnits::Kilobytes, quantity: 4 };
let config =
<TestEngine as QemuBasedEngine>::stage_image_files(instance_name, &emu_config, false)
.expect("Failed to get guest config");
let expected = GuestConfig {
kernel_image: root.join(instance_name).join("kernel"),
zbi_image: root.join(instance_name).join("zbi"),
disk_image: Some(DiskImage::Fxfs(root.join(instance_name).join("disk"))),
assert_eq!(config, expected);
let mut disk_image = File::open(&*config.disk_image.unwrap()).expect("disk image");
let mut disk_contents = vec![];
.read_to_end(&mut disk_contents)
.expect("cannot read contents of reused disk image file");
assert_eq!(disk_contents.len(), 4096);
assert_eq!(&disk_contents[..EXPECTED_DATA.len()], EXPECTED_DATA);
assert_eq!(&disk_contents[EXPECTED_DATA.len()..], &[0u8; 4096 - EXPECTED_DATA.len()]);
assert!(!disk_image.metadata().expect("get metadata").permissions().readonly());
async fn test_embed_boot_data() -> Result<()> {
let env = ffx_config::test_init().await?;
let temp = tempdir().expect("cannot get tempdir");
let mut emu_config = EmulatorConfiguration::default();
let root = setup(&env.context, &mut emu_config.guest, &temp, DiskImageFormat::Fvm).await?;
let ctx = mock_modules::get_host_tool_context();
ctx.expect().returning(|_| Ok(PathBuf::from("echo")));
let src = emu_config.guest.zbi_image;
let dest = root.join("dest.zbi");
<TestEngine as QemuBasedEngine>::embed_boot_data(&src, &dest).await?;
fn test_validate_net() -> Result<()> {
// User mode doesn't have specific requirements, so it should return OK.
let engine = TestEngine::default();
let mut emu_config = EmulatorConfiguration::default(); = NetworkingMode::User;
let result = engine.validate_network_flags(&emu_config);
assert!(result.is_ok(), "{:?}", result.unwrap_err());
// No networking returns an error if no console is selected. = NetworkingMode::None;
emu_config.runtime.console = ConsoleType::None;
let result = engine.validate_network_flags(&emu_config);
emu_config.runtime.console = ConsoleType::Console;
let result = engine.validate_network_flags(&emu_config);
assert!(result.is_ok(), "{:?}", result.unwrap_err());
emu_config.runtime.console = ConsoleType::Monitor;
let result = engine.validate_network_flags(&emu_config);
assert!(result.is_ok(), "{:?}", result.unwrap_err());
// Tap mode errors if host is Linux and there's no interface, but we can't mock the
// interface, so we can't test this case yet. = NetworkingMode::Tap;
// Validation runs after configuration is merged with values from PBMs and runtime, so Auto
// values should already be resolved. If not, that's a failure. = NetworkingMode::Auto;
let result = engine.validate_network_flags(&emu_config);
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
struct Arguments {
#[serde(alias = "command-line")]
pub command_line: String,
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
struct QMPCommand {
pub execute: String,
pub arguments: Option<Arguments>,
async fn test_read_port_mappings() -> Result<()> {
let env = ffx_config::test_init().await?;
let temp = tempdir().expect("cannot get tempdir");
let mut data: EmulatorInstanceData =
EmulatorInstanceData::new_with_state("test-instance", EngineState::New);
let root = setup(
&mut data.get_emulator_configuration_mut().guest,
.expect("creating instance dir");
.insert("ssh".into(), PortMapping { guest: 22, host: None });
.insert("http".into(), PortMapping { guest: 80, host: None });
.insert("premapped".into(), PortMapping { guest: 11, host: Some(1111) });
// use the current pid for the emulator instance
let mut engine = crate::FemuEngine::new(data);
// Change the working directory to handle long path names to the socket while opening it,
// then change back.
let cwd = env::current_dir().expect("getting current dir");
// Set up a socket that behaves like QMP
.expect("setting current dir");
let listener = UnixListener::bind(MACHINE_CONSOLE).expect("binding machine console");
env::set_current_dir(&cwd).expect("setting current dir");
// Helper function for this test to be the QEMU side of the QMP socket.
fn do_qmp(mut stream: UnixStream) -> Result<()> {
let mut request_iter =
Deserializer::from_reader(stream.try_clone().map_err(|e| bug!("{e}"))?)
// Responses to the `info usernet` request. The last response should end the interaction
// because if fulfills all the port mappings which are being looked for.
let responses = vec![
json!({"return" :
"VLAN -1 (net0):\r\nProtocol[State] FD Source Address Port Dest. Address Port RecvQ SendQ\r\n"
json!({"return": r#"VLAN -1 (net0):
Protocol[State] FD Source Address Port Dest. Address Port RecvQ SendQ
TCP[HOST_FORWARD] 24 * 36167 22 0 0
UDP[236 sec] 49 * 33338 33337 0 0
json!({"return": r#"VLAN -1 (net0):
Protocol[State] FD Source Address Port Dest. Address Port RecvQ SendQ
TCP[ESTABLISHED] 45 36167 22 0 0
TCP[HOST_FORWARD] 25 * 36975 80 0 0
TCP[HOST_FORWARD] 24 * 36167 22 0 0
UDP[236 sec] 49 * 33338 33337 0 0
let mut index = 0;
loop {
match {
Some(Ok(data)) => {
if let Ok(cmd) = serde_json::from_value::<QMPCommand>(data.clone()) {
match cmd.execute.as_str() {
"human-monitor-command" => {
if let Some(arguments) = cmd.arguments {
assert_eq!(arguments.command_line, "info usernet");
.map_err(|e| bug!("Error writing {e}"))?;
index += 1;
"qmp_capabilities" => {
"QMP": {
"version": {
"qemu": {
"micro": 0,
"minor": 12,
"major": 2
"package": "(gradle_1.3.0-beta4-78860-g2764d93fd1)"
"capabilities": []
).map_err(|e| bug!("Error writing {e}"))?;
_ => return_bug!("unknown request is here! {cmd:?}"),
} else {
return_bug!("Unknown message {data:?}");
Some(Err(e)) => return_bug!("Error reading QMP request: {e:?}"),
None => (),
// Set up a side thread that will accept an incoming connection and then exit.
let _listener_thread = std::thread::spawn(move || -> Result<()> {
// accept connections and process them, spawning a new thread for each one
for stream in listener.incoming() {
match stream {
Ok(stream) => {
/* connection succeeded */
std::thread::spawn(|| match do_qmp(stream) {
Ok(_) => (),
Err(e) => panic!("do_qmp failed: {e:?}"),
Err(err) => {
/* connection failed */
return_bug!("Error connecting incoming: {err:?}");
<crate::FemuEngine as QemuBasedEngine>::read_port_mappings(&mut engine).await?;
for (name, mapping) in &engine.emu_config().host.port_map {
match name.as_str() {
"http" => assert_eq!(,
"mismatch for {:?}",
"ssh" => assert_eq!(,
"mismatch for {:?}",
"premapped" => assert_eq!(,
"mismatch for {:?}",
_ => return_bug!("Unexpected port mapping: {name} {mapping:?}"),
fn test_parse_return_string() -> Result<()> {
let normal_expected = r#"VLAN -1 (net0):\r
Protocol[State] FD Source Address Port Dest. Address Port RecvQ SendQ\r
TCP[HOST_FORWARD] 81 * 43265 2345 0 0\r
TCP[HOST_FORWARD] 80 * 38989 5353 0 0\r
TCP[HOST_FORWARD] 79 * 43751 22 0 0\r"#;
let condensed_expected = r#"VLAN -1 (net0):
Protocol[State] FD Source Address Port Dest. Address Port RecvQ SendQ
TCP[HOST_FORWARD] 81 * 43265 2345 0 0
TCP[HOST_FORWARD] 80 * 38989 5353 0 0\r
TCP[HOST_FORWARD] 79 * 43751 22 0 0"#;
let broken_expected = r#"VLAN -1 (net0):\r
Protocol[State] FD Source Address Port Dest. Address Port RecvQ SendQ\r
TCP[HOST_FORWARD] 81 * 43265 2345 0 0\r
let missing_fd_expected = r#"VLAN -1 (net0):\r
Protocol[State] FD Source Address Port Dest. Address Port RecvQ SendQ\r
TCP[HOST_FORWARD] 81 * 43265 2345 0 0\r
TCP[CLOSED] * 38989 5353 0 0\r
TCP[SYN_SYNC] 80 * 43751 22 0 0\r"#;
let established_expected = r#"VLAN -1 (net0):\r
Protocol[State] FD Source Address Port Dest. Address Port RecvQ SendQ\r
TCP[ESTABLISHED] 81 * 42265 2345 0 0\r
TCP[HOST_FORWARD] 83 * 43265 2345 0 0\r
TCP[HOST_FORWARD] 80 * 38989 5353 0 0\r
TCP[HOST_FORWARD] 79 * 43751 22 0 0\r"#;
let testdata: Vec<(&str, Result<Vec<PortPair>>)> = vec![
("", Ok(vec![])),
("VLAN -1 (net0):\r\n Protocol[State] FD Source Address Port Dest. Address Port RecvQ SendQ\r\n", Ok(vec![])),
(normal_expected, Ok(vec![
PortPair{guest:2345, host:43265},
PortPair{guest:5353, host:38989},
PortPair{guest:22, host:43751}])),
(condensed_expected, Ok(vec![
PortPair{guest:2345, host:43265},
PortPair{guest:5353, host:38989},
PortPair{guest:22, host:43751}])),
(broken_expected, Ok(vec![
PortPair{guest:2345, host:43265}])),
(missing_fd_expected, Ok(vec![
PortPair{guest:2345, host:43265}])),
(established_expected, Ok(vec![
PortPair{guest:2345, host:43265},
PortPair{guest:5353, host:38989},
PortPair{guest:22, host:43751}])),
for (input, result) in testdata {
let actual = <TestEngine as QemuBasedEngine>::parse_return_string(input);
match actual {
Ok(port_list) => assert_eq!(port_list, result.ok().unwrap()),
Err(e) => assert_eq!(e.to_string(), result.err().unwrap().to_string()),
// TCP with other state.