blob: e5d82ca8e31fd4f47fe40fd2c692b6a45bf190f5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use super::*;
use crate::Platform;
use fuchsia_async as fasync;
use fuchsia_zircon as zx;
//use futures::channel::mpsc as fmpsc;
use std::task::{Context, Poll};
// Number of entries in the timer wakeup buffer.
// This value was chosen somewhat arbitrarily, with the only
// requirement being that it be larger than what should happen
// during normal operation.
const TIMER_BUFFER_LEN: usize = 20;
pub(crate) struct AlarmInstance {
pub task_alarm: Cell<Option<fasync::Task<()>>>,
pub timer_sender: fmpsc::Sender<usize>,
impl AlarmInstance {
pub(crate) fn new() -> (AlarmInstance, fmpsc::Receiver<usize>) {
let (timer_sender, timer_receiver) = fmpsc::channel(TIMER_BUFFER_LEN);
(AlarmInstance { task_alarm: Cell::new(None), timer_sender }, timer_receiver)
fn on_alarm_milli_get_now(&self) -> u32 {
unsafe extern "C" fn otPlatAlarmMilliGetNow() -> u32 {
// SAFETY: Must only be called from OpenThread thread,
(zx::Time::get_monotonic() - zx::Time::ZERO).into_millis() as u32
fn on_time_get(&self) -> u64 {
unsafe extern "C" fn otPlatTimeGet() -> u64 {
// SAFETY: Must only be called from OpenThread thread,
(zx::Time::get_monotonic() - zx::Time::ZERO).into_micros() as u64
fn on_alarm_milli_start_at(&self, instance: Option<&ot::Instance>, t0: u32, dt: u32) {
unsafe extern "C" fn otPlatAlarmMilliStartAt(
instance: *mut otsys::otInstance,
t0: u32,
dt: u32,
) {
// SAFETY: Must only be called from OpenThread thread,
// SAFETY: `instance` must be a pointer to a valid `otInstance`
tag = "alarm",
"on_alarm_milli_start_at: scheduling alarm for {:?}ms after {:?}",
let ot_instance_ptrval =|x| x as usize).unwrap_or(0usize);
let mut timer_sender = self.timer_sender.clone();
let future = async move {
let now_in_millis = (zx::Time::get_monotonic() - zx::Time::ZERO).into_millis() as u32;
let offset = ((now_in_millis - t0) as i32).min(0) as u32;
let duration = if offset <= dt {
Duration::from_millis((dt - offset) as u64)
} else {
tag = "alarm",
"on_alarm_milli_start_at: helper task now waiting {:?}",
trace!(tag="alarm", "on_alarm_milli_start_at: helper task finished waiting, now sending ot_instance_ptrval");
// Make and spawn a helper task that waits for the duration
// and then puts the pointer value into the timer sender channel.
// The receiver end of the channel is being serviced by Platform::process_poll,
// which makes sure that the timer callback gets fired on the main
// thread. The previous alarm task, if any, is cancelled.
fn on_alarm_milli_stop(&self, _instance: Option<&ot::Instance>) {
unsafe extern "C" fn otPlatAlarmMilliStop(instance: *mut otsys::otInstance) {
// SAFETY: Must only be called from OpenThread thread,
// SAFETY: `instance` must be a pointer to a valid `otInstance`
if self.task_alarm.take().is_some() {
trace!(tag = "alarm", "on_alarm_milli_stop: Alarm cancelled");
fn on_alarm_fired(&self, instance: &ot::Instance, value: usize) {
trace!(tag = "alarm", "on_alarm_fired");
let instance_ptr = instance.as_ot_ptr();
assert_eq!(instance_ptr as usize, value, "Got wrong pointer from timer receiver");
// SAFETY: Must be called with a valid pointer to otInstance,
// must also only be called from the main OpenThread thread,
// which is a guarantee of this method.
unsafe {
if otsys::otPlatDiagModeGet() {
impl Platform {
pub(crate) fn process_poll_alarm(&mut self, instance: &ot::Instance, cx: &mut Context<'_>) {
while let Poll::Ready(Some(value)) = self.timer_receiver.poll_next_unpin(cx) {
// SAFETY: Guaranteed to only be called from the OpenThread thread.
unsafe { PlatformBacking::as_ref() }.alarm.on_alarm_fired(instance, value);