blob: 6ae5484f3aaed5e75122805cb87362d64557b7b8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This entire library is actually only used to create a test binary, so mark the entire module to
// only build in test configuration
use {
anyhow::{format_err, Context, Error},
emulator::{self, add_bredr_peer, add_le_peer, default_bredr_peer, default_le_peer},
host::{expectation as host_expectation, HostHarness},
fidl_fuchsia_bluetooth::{self as fbt, DeviceClass, MAJOR_DEVICE_CLASS_TOY},
fidl_fuchsia_bluetooth_host as _,
fidl_fuchsia_bluetooth_sys::{self as fsys, TechnologyType},
fidl_fuchsia_bluetooth_test::{HciError, PeerProxy},
asynchronous::{ExpectableExt, ExpectableStateExt},
types::{Address, HostInfo, PeerId},
async fn wait_for_test_peer(
harness: HostHarness,
address: &Address,
) -> Result<(PeerId, PeerProxy), Error> {
let fut = add_le_peer(harness.aux().as_ref(), default_le_peer(&address));
let proxy = fut.await.unwrap();
// Start discovery and let bt-host process the fake LE peer.
let host = harness.aux().host.clone();
let result = host.start_discovery().await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(Ok(()), result);
let le_dev = peer::address(address.clone());
let _ = host_expectation::peer(&harness, le_dev).await.unwrap();
let peer_id = harness
.find(|(_, p)| p.address == *address)
.ok_or(format_err!("could not find peer with address: {}", address))
Ok((peer_id, proxy))
/// Tests that creating and destroying a fake HCI device creates and destroys a bt-host component.
async fn test_lifecycle(_: ()) {
let realm = Arc::new(HostRealm::create().await.unwrap());
// Create and publish an HCI device after HostRealm::create
let dev_dir =;
let mut emulator = Emulator::create(dev_dir).await.unwrap();
let device_path =
// Create bt-host component in HostRealm after device is published
let host = HostRealm::create_bt_host_in_collection(&realm, &device_path)
let info: HostInfo = host
.context("Is bt-gap running? If so, try stopping it and re-running these tests")
// Default address
let address = Address::Public([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]);
assert_eq!(info.addresses.as_slice(), &[address]);
// Remove the bt-hci device and check that the test device is also destroyed
// Check that the bt-host component is also destroyed
let _: (fidl::Signals, fidl::Signals) =
futures::future::try_join(host.as_channel().on_closed(), host.as_channel().on_closed())
.on_timeout(INTEGRATION_TIMEOUT, || panic!("timed out waiting for device to close"))
/// Tests that the bt-host component assigns the local name to "fuchsia" when initialized.
async fn test_default_local_name(harness: HostHarness) {
const NAME: &str = "fuchsia";
let _ = harness
.when_satisfied(emulator::expectation::local_name_is(NAME), INTEGRATION_TIMEOUT)
let _ =
host_expectation::host_state(&harness, expectation::host_driver::name(NAME)).await.unwrap();
/// Tests that the local name assigned to a bt-host is reflected in `AdapterState` and propagated
/// down to the controller.
async fn test_set_local_name(harness: HostHarness) {
const NAME: &str = "test1234";
let proxy = harness.aux().host.clone();
let result = proxy.set_local_name(NAME).await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(Ok(()), result);
let _ = harness
.when_satisfied(emulator::expectation::local_name_is(NAME), INTEGRATION_TIMEOUT)
let _ =
host_expectation::host_state(&harness, expectation::host_driver::name(NAME)).await.unwrap();
/// Tests that the device class assigned to a bt-host gets propagated down to the controller.
async fn test_set_device_class(harness: HostHarness) {
let device_class = DeviceClass { value: MAJOR_DEVICE_CLASS_TOY + 4 };
let proxy = harness.aux().host.clone();
let result = proxy.set_device_class(&device_class).await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(Ok(()), result);
let _ = harness
.when_satisfied(emulator::expectation::device_class_is(device_class), INTEGRATION_TIMEOUT)
/// Tests that Host state updates when discoverable mode is turned on.
async fn test_discoverable(harness: HostHarness) {
let proxy = harness.aux().host.clone();
// Disabling discoverable mode when not discoverable should succeed.
let result = proxy.set_discoverable(false).await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(Ok(()), result);
// Enable discoverable mode.
let result = proxy.set_discoverable(true).await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(Ok(()), result);
let _ = host_expectation::host_state(&harness, expectation::host_driver::discoverable(true))
// Disable discoverable mode
let result = proxy.set_discoverable(false).await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(Ok(()), result);
let _ = host_expectation::host_state(&harness, expectation::host_driver::discoverable(false))
// Disabling discoverable mode when not discoverable should succeed.
let result = proxy.set_discoverable(false).await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(Ok(()), result);
/// Tests that Host state updates when discovery is started and stopped.
async fn test_discovery(harness: HostHarness) {
let proxy = harness.aux().host.clone();
// Start discovery. "discovering" should get set to true.
let result = proxy.start_discovery().await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(Ok(()), result);
let _ = host_expectation::host_state(&harness, expectation::host_driver::discovering(true))
let address = Address::Random([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]);
let fut = add_le_peer(harness.aux().as_ref(), default_le_peer(&address));
let _peer = fut.await.unwrap();
// The host should discover a fake peer.
let _ = host_expectation::peer(&harness, peer::name("Fake").and(peer::address(address)))
// Stop discovery. "discovering" should get set to false.
let _ = host_expectation::host_state(&harness, expectation::host_driver::discovering(false))
/// Tests that closing Host cancels all operations.
async fn test_close(harness: HostHarness) {
// Enable all procedures.
let proxy = harness.aux().host.clone();
let result = proxy.start_discovery().await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(Ok(()), result);
let result = proxy.set_discoverable(true).await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(Ok(()), result);
let active_state = expectation::host_driver::discoverable(true)
let _ = host_expectation::host_state(&harness, active_state).await.unwrap();
// Shutdown should cancel these procedures.
let closed_state_update = expectation::host_driver::discoverable(false)
let _ = host_expectation::host_state(&harness, closed_state_update).await.unwrap();
/// Tests that bt-host discovers BR/EDR and LE peers.
async fn test_watch_peers(harness: HostHarness) {
// `HostHarness` internally calls `Host.WatchPeers()` to monitor peers and satisfy peer
// expectations. `harness.peers()` represents the local cache monitored using this method.
// Peers should be initially empty.
assert_eq!(0, harness.write_state().peers().len());
// Calling `Host.WatchPeers()` directly will hang since the harness already calls this
// internally. We issue our own request and verify that it gets satisfied later.
// Add a LE and a BR/EDR peer with the given addresses.
let le_peer_address = Address::Random([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]);
let bredr_peer_address = Address::Public([2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]);
let fut = add_le_peer(harness.aux().as_ref(), default_le_peer(&le_peer_address));
let _le_peer = fut.await.unwrap();
let fut = add_bredr_peer(harness.aux().as_ref(), default_bredr_peer(&bredr_peer_address));
let _bredr_peer = fut.await.unwrap();
// At this stage the fake peers are registered with the emulator but bt-host does not know about
// them yet. Check that `watch_fut` is still unsatisfied.
assert_eq!(0, harness.write_state().peers().len());
// Wait for all fake devices to be discovered.
let proxy = harness.aux().host.clone();
let result = proxy.start_discovery().await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(Ok(()), result);
let expected_le =
let expected_bredr =
let _ = host_expectation::peer(&harness, expected_le).await.unwrap();
let _ = host_expectation::peer(&harness, expected_bredr).await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(2, harness.write_state().peers().len());
// Tests that bt-host discovers two LE peers. One connects successfully while the other fails.
async fn test_connect(harness: HostHarness) {
let address1 = Address::Random([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]);
let address2 = Address::Random([2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]);
let fut = add_le_peer(harness.aux().as_ref(), default_le_peer(&address1));
let _peer1 = fut.await.unwrap();
let fut = add_le_peer(harness.aux().as_ref(), default_le_peer(&address2));
let peer2 = fut.await.unwrap();
// Configure `peer2` to return an error for the connection attempt.
let proxy = harness.aux().host.clone();
// Start discovery and let bt-host process the fake devices.
let result = proxy.start_discovery().await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(Ok(()), result);
let _ = host_expectation::peer(&harness, peer::address(address1)).await.unwrap();
let _ = host_expectation::peer(&harness, peer::address(address2)).await.unwrap();
let peers = harness.write_state().peers().clone();
assert_eq!(2, peers.len());
// Obtain bt-host assigned IDs of the devices.
let success_id = peers
.find(|x| x.1.address == address1)
.ok_or(format_err!("success peer not found"))
let failure_id = peers
.find(|x| x.1.address == address2)
.ok_or(format_err!("error peer not found"))
let success_id: fbt::PeerId = success_id.into();
let failure_id: fbt::PeerId = failure_id.into();
// Connecting to the failure peer should result in an error.
let status = proxy.connect(&failure_id).await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(Err(fsys::Error::Failed), status);
// Connecting to the success peer should return success and the peer should become connected.
let status = proxy.connect(&success_id).await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(Ok(()), status);
let connected = peer::identifier(success_id.into()).and(peer::connected(true));
let _ = host_expectation::peer(&harness, connected).await.unwrap();
// TODO( Add a test for disconnect failure when a connection attempt is
// outgoing, provided that we can provide a manner of doing so that will not flake.
/// Disconnecting from an unknown device should succeed.
async fn test_disconnect_unknown_device(harness: HostHarness) {
let unknown_id = PeerId(0).into();
let fut = harness.aux().host.disconnect(&unknown_id);
let status = fut.await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(Ok(()), status);
/// Disconnecting from a known, unconnected device should succeed.
async fn test_disconnect_unconnected_device(harness: HostHarness) {
let address = Address::Random([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]);
let (id, _proxy) = wait_for_test_peer(harness.clone(), &address).await.unwrap();
let id = id.into();
let fut = harness.aux().host.disconnect(&id);
let status = fut.await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(Ok(()), status);
/// Disconnecting from a connected device should succeed and result in the device being disconnected
async fn test_disconnect_connected_device(harness: HostHarness) {
let address = Address::Random([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]);
let (id, _proxy) = wait_for_test_peer(harness.clone(), &address).await.unwrap();
let id = id.into();
let proxy = harness.aux().host.clone();
let status = proxy.connect(&id).await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(Ok(()), status);
let connected = peer::address(address).and(peer::connected(true));
let disconnected = peer::address(address).and(peer::connected(false));
let _ = host_expectation::peer(&harness, connected).await.unwrap();
let status = proxy.disconnect(&id).await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(Ok(()), status);
let _ = host_expectation::peer(&harness, disconnected).await.unwrap();
/// Forgetting a connected device should succeed and result in the device being removed.
async fn test_forget(harness: HostHarness) {
let address = Address::Random([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]);
let (id, _proxy) = wait_for_test_peer(harness.clone(), &address).await.unwrap();
let id = id.into();
let proxy = harness.aux().host.clone();
// Wait for fake peer to be discovered (`wait_for_test_peer` starts discovery).
let expected_peer = expectation::peer::address(address);
let _ = host_expectation::peer(&harness, expected_peer.clone()).await.unwrap();
// Connecting to the peer should return success and the peer should become connected.
let status = proxy.connect(&id).await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(Ok(()), status);
let _ =
host_expectation::peer(&harness, expected_peer.and(peer::connected(true))).await.unwrap();
// Forgetting the peer should result in its removal.
let status = proxy.forget(&id).await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(Ok(()), status);
host_expectation::no_peer(&harness, id.into()).await.unwrap();
// TODO( Test that the link closes by querying fake HCI.