blob: 6dbca2f7563a5acf0119ad2d0c29aebe25f9a906 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/public/pw_bluetooth_sapphire/internal/host/common/byte_buffer.h"
namespace bt {
// This file defines classes which provide the interface for constructing HCI
// packets and reading/writing them using Emboss
// (
// Emboss does not own memory; it provides structured views into user allocated
// memory. These views are specified in Emboss source files such as hci.emb in
// pw_bluetooth, which implements the HCI protocol packet definitions.
// This file defines two classes: StaticPacket, which provides an Emboss view
// over a statically allocated buffer, and DynamicPacket, which is part of a
// class hierarchy that provides Emboss views over dynamic memory.
// Consider the following Emboss definition of the HCI Command packet header and
// Inquiry Command.
// [(cpp) namespace: "bt::hci_spec"]
// struct CommandHeader:
// 0 [+2] OpCodeBits opcode
// $next [+1] UInt parameter_total_size
// struct InquiryCommand:
// let hdr_size = CommandHeader.$size_in_bytes
// 0 [+hdr_size] CommandHeader header
// $next [+3] InquiryAccessCode lap
// $next [+1] UInt inquiry_length
// $next [+1] UInt num_responses
// The Emboss compiler generates two types of view for each struct. In the case
// of InquiryCommand, it generates InquiryCommandView (read only) and
// InquiryCommandWriter (read write). We can parameterize StaticPacket over
// one of these views to read and/or write an Inquiry packet:
// bt::StaticPacket<pw::bluetooth::emboss::InquiryCommandWriter> packet;
// auto view = packet.view();
// view.inquiry_length().Write(100);
// view.lap().Write(pw::bluetooth::emboss::InquiryAccessCode::GIAC);
// cout << "inquiry_length = " << view.inquiry_length().Read();
// StaticPacket does not currently support packets with variable length.
template <typename T>
class StaticPacket {
StaticPacket() = default;
// Copy this packet from another view.
template <typename U>
explicit StaticPacket(const U& other) {
// Returns an Emboss view over the buffer. Emboss views consist of two
// pointers and a length, so they are cheap to construct on-demand.
template <typename... Args>
T view(Args... args) {
T view(args..., buffer_.mutable_data(), buffer_.size());
return view;
template <typename... Args>
T view(Args... args) const {
T view(args...,, buffer_.size());
return view;
BufferView data() const { return {, buffer_.size()}; }
MutableBufferView mutable_data() {
return {buffer_.mutable_data(), buffer_.size()};
void SetToZeros() { buffer_.SetToZeros(); }
// The intrinsic size of an Emboss struct is the size required to hold all of
// its fields. An Emboss view has a static IntrinsicSizeInBytes() accessor if
// the struct does not have dynamic length (i.e. not a variable length
// packet).
StaticByteBuffer<T::IntrinsicSizeInBytes().Read()> buffer_;
// DynamicPacket is the parent class of a two-level class hierarchy that
// implements dynamically-allocated HCI packets to which reading/writing is
// mediated by Emboss.
// DynamicPacket contains data and methods that are universal across packet
// type. Its children are packet type specializations, i.e. Command, Event, ACL,
// and Sco packets. These classes provide header-type-specific functionality.
// Instances of DynamicPacket should not be constructed directly. Instead,
// packet type specialization classes should provide static factory functions.
// See EmbossCommandPacket in emboss_control_packets.h for an example of a
// packet type specialization.
class DynamicPacket {
// Returns an Emboss view over the buffer. Unlike StaticPacket, which ensures
// type security as a struct parameterized over a particular Emboss view type,
// DynamicPacket is a generic type for all packets, so view() is to be
// parameterized over an Emboss view type on each call.
template <typename T, typename... Args>
T view(Args... args) {
T view(args..., buffer_.mutable_data(), size());
"emboss packet buffer not large enough to hold requested view");
return view;
template <typename T, typename... Args>
T view(Args... args) const {
T view(args...,, size());
"emboss packet buffer not large enough to hold requested view");
return view;
template <typename T, typename... Args>
T unchecked_view(Args... args) {
return T(args..., buffer_.mutable_data(), size());
template <typename T, typename... Args>
T unchecked_view(Args... args) const {
return T(args...,, size());
// Returns the size of the packet, i.e. payload size + header size.
size_t size() const { return buffer_.size(); }
BufferView data() const { return {, size()}; }
MutableBufferView mutable_data() { return {buffer_.mutable_data(), size()}; }
DynamicByteBuffer release() { return std::move(buffer_); }
// Construct the buffer to hold |packet_size| bytes (payload + header).
explicit DynamicPacket(size_t packet_size) : buffer_(packet_size) {}
DynamicByteBuffer buffer_;
} // namespace bt