blob: 7ac79be78e30ca729a140e9b2a66e61e459923b1 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This only gets instantiated in the environment where the test modules are
# meant to be built.
# Everything in this list has can_be_in_process = true.
in_process_executables = [
non_module_in_process_executables = [
# Everything in this list does not have can_be_in_process = true.
executables = [
shlibs = [
modules = []
foreach(label, executables + in_process_executables) {
modules += [ "$label.module" ]
foreach(label, in_process_executables + non_module_in_process_executables) {
executables += [
# This is used to roll up all the test binaries with appropriate variant
# selection for metadata collection purposes. It's used both to get the test
# binaries populated in the Fuchsia package (via resource() equivalents) or
# host subdirectory (via host_test_data() equivalents), and to examine those
# binaries in the ..:gen-load-test-modules-info target.
group("modules") {
testonly = true
deps = executables + modules
if (!is_fuchsia) {
# On Fuchsia, the binary targets themselves are resource() equivalents.
# On host, extra `.host-test-data` targets are defined below.
data_deps = []
foreach(test, deps) {
data_deps += [ "$" ]
config("semantic-interposition") {
visibility = [ ":*" ]
# TODO( clang will still perform interprocedural
# optimization in a PIC, this flag disallows that and requires the PLT call
# always be made so we can properly test applying plt relocations.
if (!is_gcc) {
cflags = [ "-fsemantic-interposition" ]
# On POSIX systems, a dlopen'd test module's DT_NEEDED dependencies will be
# looked for in a search path. Embedding DT_RUNPATH of $ORIGIN tells it to
# look first in the directory containing the original dlopen'd module.
config("runpath-origin") {
visibility = [ ":*" ]
ldflags = [ "-Wl,--enable-new-dtags,-rpath,\$ORIGIN" ]
template("_test_non_executable") {
shlib_target_name = target_name
target(invoker.target_type, shlib_target_name) {
visibility = [ ":*" ]
# TODO( setting testonly seems to tickle a GN bug
#testonly = true
deps = []
public_deps = []
shlib_deps = []
ldflags = []
public_deps += [ "//sdk/lib/ld:standalone" ]
deps += [ ":test-module.deps" ] + shlib_deps
if (is_linux) {
configs -= [ "//build/config/linux:implicit-host-libs" ]
configs += [ ":nostdlibs" ]
if (defined(invoker.configs)) {
configs += invoker.configs
if (defined(invoker.remove_configs)) {
configs += invoker.remove_configs
configs -= invoker.remove_configs
if (!is_fuchsia && current_toolchain == shlib_toolchain) {
# host_test_data() generates this copy() target with this metadata, but it
# adds extra deps that don't work here and are only in host_test_data() for
# issues with non-shlib variant binaries that don't apply here.
copy("$") {
visibility = [ ":*" ]
testonly = true
deps = [ ":$shlib_target_name" ]
sources = [ "$root_out_dir/lib$" ]
# TODO( copy targets to a variant dedicated dir.
outputs = [ "$host_out_dir/test_data/elfldltl/{{source_file_part}}" ]
metadata = {
test_runtime_deps = process_file_template(sources, outputs)
data_deps = []
if (defined(invoker.shlib_deps)) {
foreach(shlib, invoker.shlib_deps) {
data_deps += [ "$" ]
template("test_shared_library") {
_test_non_executable(target_name) {
target_type = "shared_library"
configs = []
forward_variables_from(invoker, "*", [ "target_type" ])
# Make sure a system dlopen loading the shared library as a dependency of
# another module will look for its own dependencies adjacent to it.
configs += [ ":runpath-origin" ]
template("test_loadable_module") {
_test_non_executable(target_name) {
target_type = "loadable_module"
configs = []
forward_variables_from(invoker, "*", [ "target_type" ])
# Make sure a system dlopen loading the module will look for its
# dependencies adjacent to it.
configs += [ ":runpath-origin" ]
template("test_executable") {
executable_target = target_name
suffices = [
if (defined(invoker.can_be_in_process) && invoker.can_be_in_process) {
suffices += [ ".in-process" ]
foreach(suffix, suffices) {
if (suffix == ".module") {
target_type = "loadable_module"
} else {
target_type = "executable"
target(target_type, executable_target + suffix) {
visibility = [ ":*" ]
testonly = true
if (is_linux) {
configs -= [ "//build/config/linux:implicit-host-libs" ]
deps = []
data_deps = []
deps += [ ":test-executable$suffix" ]
if (defined(invoker.shlib_deps)) {
deps += invoker.shlib_deps
if (defined(invoker.configs)) {
configs += invoker.configs
if (target_type == "executable") {
# This is needed in the non-Zircon (host/Linux) toolchains to avoid
# having any implicit deps injected.
disable_syslog_backend = true
exclude_toolchain_tags = [ "instrumentation-runtime" ]
if (!is_fuchsia && defined(invoker.shlib_deps)) {
# On Fuchsia, the indirect deps are all reached as resource()
# equivalents implicitly. On host, the shlib_deps binaries must both
# be copied into the right test-data directory and roll up as
# host_test_data() equivalents. This is evaluated after variant
# selection so it reaches the right variant $shlib_toolchain where
# test_shared_library() defines the `.host-test-data` target.
foreach(shlib, invoker.shlib_deps) {
data_deps += [ "$$shlib_toolchain)" ]
if (!is_fuchsia && current_toolchain != shlib_toolchain) {
# On Fuchsia, the test executable is reached as a resource() equivalent
# implicitly. On host, it must both be copied into the right test-data
# directory and roll up as an host_test_data() equivalent. The variant
# selection is done by the executable() target, but we are in the right
# environment that produces a copy() target into the base toolchain's
# $root_out_dir. This host_test_data() will copy again from there.
if (is_linux) {
assert(toolchain_environment == "linux",
"$current_toolchain is $toolchain_environment")
if (target_type == "loadable_module") {
output_suffix = ".so"
} else {
output_suffix = ""
host_test_data("$executable_target$") {
deps = [ ":$executable_target$suffix" ]
sources = [ "$root_out_dir/$executable_target$suffix$output_suffix" ]
outputs = [ "$host_out_dir/test_data/elfldltl/{{source_file_part}}" ]
# The test executables declare an `extern "C" ... TestStart(...)` entry point.
# When built for in-process tests, the ELF entry point will be called directly
# by the test code. For Fuchsia, link the test executables with -e TestStart.
# For POSIX, link with an assembly implementation of _start that tail-calls
# TestStart.
# When built for separate-process tests, the ELF entry point cannot return.
# Instead, it's defined to call TestStart and exit with its value.
]) {
static_library("test-executable$in_process") {
visibility = [ ":*" ]
testonly = true
if (in_process != "") {
defines = [ "IN_PROCESS_TEST" ]
public = [
public_deps = [ "//sdk/lib/ld:standalone" ]
public_configs = [ ":semantic-interposition" ]
sources = [ "" ]
deps = [
if (in_process != ".module") {
public_configs += [ "//sdk/lib/ld:abi-interp" ]
if (is_fuchsia) {
if (in_process == "") {
sources += [ "" ]
deps += [ "//src/zircon/lib/zircon" ]
} else {
public_configs += [ "" ]
} else {
sources += [ "posix-test-start.S" ]
deps += [ "//zircon/kernel/lib/arch" ]
# This dependency is evaluated in the toolchain where the
# test_executable() is built, after variant selection. So it gets the
# right version of ld-startup installed where the test needs to find it.
data_deps = [ "..:ld-startup.test-data($shlib_toolchain)" ]
} else if (!is_fuchsia) {
# Make sure a system dlopen loading the module will look for its
# dependencies adjacent to it.
public_configs += [ ":runpath-origin" ]
# These are things that every test module of all target types implicitly
# depends on.
group("test-module.deps") {
visibility = [ ":*" ]
# TODO( setting testonly seems to tickle a GN bug
#testonly = true
# When llvm-profdata instrumentation is in use, it may generate calls to
# functions that are supplied by the runtime. Even though the modules aren't
# actually using the runtime to extract their data (yet, anyway), they link
# in the runtime to make sure any such references are satisfied at link time.
if (toolchain_variant.tags + [ "llvm-profdata" ] - [ "llvm-profdata" ] !=
toolchain_variant.tags) {
deps = [ "//src/lib/llvm-profdata" ]
# clang++ will add -lc++ and -lm, which we don't want for these tests. Note
# there are differences between the Fuchsia and GNU toolchains in clang. The
# GNU toolchain will unconditionally add -lm regardless of -nostdlib++ though
# the Fuchsia driver doesn't. -nodefaultlibs will stop the driver from adding
# -lm, but we get unused -nolibc warning because the arg is never read when
# -nodefaultlibs is specified, so just ignore the warning.
config("nostdlibs") {
if (is_fuchsia) {
ldflags = [ "-nostdlib++" ]
} else {
ldflags = [
template("test_dep") {
test_shared_library("ld-dep-$target_name") {
deps = []
test_deps = []
forward_variables_from(invoker, "*")
shlib_deps = []
decls = ""
syms = ""
foreach(dep, test_deps) {
shlib_deps += [ ":ld-dep-$dep" ]
decls += "extern \"C\" int64_t $dep();"
syms += "$dep, "
defines = [
sources = [ "" ]
deps += [ "//zircon/system/public" ]
config("") {
visibility = [ ":*" ]
defines = [ "IN_PROCESS_TEST" ]
ldflags = [ "-Wl,-e,TestStart" ]
test_executable("ret17") {
can_be_in_process = true
sources = [ "" ]
test_executable("partial-page-bss") {
can_be_in_process = true
sources = [ "" ]
# With --strip-sections, the file will usually end at the end of the last
# segment's p_offset + p_filesz anyway, so there won't be any data in the
# partial page needing zeroing and it will actually just be zero already in the
# mapped file. So gin up a version of the partial-page-bss executable that has
# some nonzero garbage appended to the file so that the partial page will
# certainly be nonzero and the logic for zeroing it will really get tested.
]) {
if (current_toolchain != shlib_toolchain || suffix == ".module") {
action("gen-partial-page-bss-garbage-at-eof$suffix") {
visibility = [ ":*" ]
testonly = true
script = ""
deps = [ ":partial-page-bss$suffix" ]
if (suffix == ".module") {
suffix += ".so"
sources = [ "$root_out_dir/partial-page-bss$suffix" ]
outputs = [ "$root_out_dir/partial-page-bss-garbage-at-eof$suffix" ]
args = rebase_path(sources + outputs, root_build_dir)
resource("partial-page-bss-garbage-at-eof$suffix") {
visibility = [ ":*" ]
testonly = true
deps = [ ":gen-partial-page-bss-garbage-at-eof$suffix" ]
sources = get_target_outputs(deps[0])
outputs = [ "bin/{{source_file_part}}" ]
allow_binary_output_dir = true
if (!is_fuchsia) {
host_test_data("partial-page-bss-garbage-at-eof$") {
deps = [ ":gen-partial-page-bss-garbage-at-eof$suffix" ]
sources = get_target_outputs(deps[0])
outputs = [ "$host_out_dir/test_data/elfldltl/{{source_file_part}}" ]
test_executable("relative-reloc") {
can_be_in_process = true
sources = [ "" ]
config("temporarily-build-as-shared") {
visibility = [ ":*" ]
cflags = [
ldflags = cflags
ldflags += [ "-shared" ]
test_executable("symbolic-reloc") {
can_be_in_process = true
sources = [
defines = [ "DYNAMIC_LINKER_PATH=\"${toolchain_variant.libprefix}\"" ]
deps = [ "//zircon/system/public" ]
configs = [ ":temporarily-build-as-shared" ]
test_executable("ld-dep") {
can_be_in_process = true
sources = [ "" ]
deps = [ "../.." ]
test_dep("a") {
value = 13
test_executable("basic-dep") {
can_be_in_process = true
sources = [ "" ]
shlib_deps = [ ":ld-dep-a" ]
test_executable("indirect-deps") {
can_be_in_process = true
sources = [ "" ]
shlib_deps = [ ":indirect-deps-a" ]
test_shared_library("indirect-deps-a") {
sources = [ "" ]
deps = [ "//zircon/system/public" ]
shlib_deps = [
test_shared_library("indirect-deps-b") {
sources = [ "" ]
deps = [ "//zircon/system/public" ]
test_shared_library("indirect-deps-c") {
sources = [ "" ]
deps = [ "//zircon/system/public" ]
test_executable("passive-abi-basic") {
can_be_in_process = true
sources = [ "" ]
deps = [ "../.." ]
test_executable("passive-abi-rdebug") {
can_be_in_process = true
sources = [ "" ]
deps = [ "../.." ]
test_executable("symbolic-namespace") {
can_be_in_process = true
sources = [ "" ]
deps = [ "../.." ]
shlib_deps = [ ":ld-dep-a" ]
# These show the dependency graph of the test and the expected return value of each dependency's
# only symbol.
# many_deps -> (13 + -8 + 3 + 9 = 17)
# a -> 13
# b -> -2 (-2 + 2 + 13 + -21 = -8)
# c -> 2
# a -> 13
# d -> -5 (-5 + -16 = -21)
# c -> 2
# e -> -18
# f -> 3
# _ld_abi -> 9 (number of total modules including vdso which may not be depended on)
test_dep("b") {
value = -2
test_deps = [
test_dep("c") {
value = 2
test_dep("d") {
value = -5
test_deps = [
test_dep("e") {
value = -18
test_dep("f") {
value = 3
test_executable("many-deps") {
can_be_in_process = true
sources = [ "" ]
deps = [ "../.." ]
shlib_deps = [
test_executable("init-fini") {
can_be_in_process = true
sources = [ "" ]
deps = [ "../.." ]
test_executable("tls-exec-only") {
can_be_in_process = true
sources = [ "" ]
deps = [
test_executable("tls-shlib-only") {
can_be_in_process = true
sources = [ "" ]
deps = [ "../.." ]
shlib_deps = [ ":tls-dep" ]
test_shared_library("tls-dep") {
public = [ "tls-dep.h" ]
sources = [ "" ]
configs = [ "//build/config:no-tlsdesc" ]
deps = [
# TODO( LTO insists on using IE accesses here. Remove this
# when the LLVM bug gets fixed and the fixed toolchain rolled into Fuchsia.
remove_configs = [ "//build/config/lto" ]
configs += [ "//build/config/lto:no-lto" ]
# This is the same as tls-dep but using TLSDESC, with no __tls_get_addr.
test_shared_library("tls-desc-dep") {
public = [ "tls-dep.h" ]
sources = [ "" ]
configs = [ "//build/config:tlsdesc" ]
deps = [ "//zircon/system/public" ]
# TODO( LTO insists on using IE accesses here. Remove this
# when the LLVM bug gets fixed and the fixed toolchain rolled into Fuchsia.
remove_configs = [ "//build/config/lto" ]
configs += [ "//build/config/lto:no-lto" ]
test_executable("tls-exec-shlib") {
can_be_in_process = true
sources = [ "" ]
deps = [ "../.." ]
shlib_deps = [ ":tls-dep" ]
test_executable("tls-ie") {
can_be_in_process = true
sources = [ "" ]
deps = [ "../.." ]
shlib_deps = [ ":tls-ie-dep" ]
ifs_shared_library("tls-ie-dep-weak") {
visibility = [ ":*" ]
# TODO( setting testonly seems to tickle a GN bug
#testonly = true
abi = "tls-ie-dep-weak.ifs"
public = [ "tls-ie-dep.h" ]
data_deps = [ ":tls-ie-dep" ]
# The actual tls-ie is an empty library that doesn't define all the symbols
# seen at link time in the IFS-generated link stub.
test_shared_library("tls-ie-dep") {
public = [ "tls-ie-dep.h" ]
sources = [ "" ]
deps = [ "//zircon/system/public" ]
# TODO( LTO insists on using LE accesses. Remove this when
# the LLVM bug gets fixed and the fixed toolchain rolled into Fuchsia.
remove_configs = [ "//build/config/lto" ]
configs = [ "//build/config/lto:no-lto" ]
test_executable("tls-gd") {
can_be_in_process = true
sources = [ "" ]
configs = [ "//build/config:no-tlsdesc" ]
deps = [ "../.." ]
shlib_deps = [ ":tls-dep" ]
# This is the same as tls-gd, but using TLSDESC.
test_executable("tls-desc") {
can_be_in_process = true
sources = [ "" ]
configs = [ "//build/config:tlsdesc" ]
deps = [ "../.." ]
shlib_deps = [ ":tls-desc-dep" ]
test_executable("missing-sym") {
sources = [ "" ]
# Note this isn't shlib_deps because there's no corresponding .host-test-data
# subtarget, so instead we have explicit data_deps on the real runtime dep.
# For Fuchsia this is implicit via the data_deps in ifs_shared_library().
deps = [ ":missing-sym-dep-a" ]
if (!is_fuchsia) {
data_deps = [ "$shlib_toolchain)" ]
ifs_shared_library("missing-sym-dep-a") {
# TODO( setting testonly seems to tickle a GN bug
#testonly = true
abi = "missing-sym-dep-a.ifs"
data_deps = [ ":ld-dep-a" ]
test_executable("missing-dep") {
sources = [ "" ]
# Note this isn't shlib_deps because there's no corresponding test data.
deps = [ ":missing-dep-dep" ]
ifs_shared_library("missing-dep-dep") {
# TODO( setting testonly seems to tickle a GN bug
#testonly = true
abi = "missing-dep-dep.ifs"
test_executable("relro") {
sources = [ "" ]
deps = [ "//zircon/system/public" ]