blob: b994e4d2a12c66bfcb5bafc37a1302ba75bcdb20 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/driver/component/cpp/driver_base.h>
#include <lib/driver/testing/cpp/fixtures/internal/fixture_internals.h>
namespace fdf_testing {
// The base class that driver test fixtures should inherit from. The Configuration class must be
// provided with certain values that dictate how the test should run.
// Here is an example Configuration class:
// class FixtureConfiguration final {
// public:
// static constexpr bool kDriverOnForeground = true;
// static constexpr bool kAutoStartDriver = true;
// static constexpr bool kAutoStopDriver = true;
// using DriverType = MyDriverType;
// using EnvironmentType = MyTestEnvironment;
// };
// Arguments:
// DriverType: The type of the driver under test. This must be an inheritor of fdf::DriverBase.
// If using a custom driver for the test, ensure the DriverType here contains a static function
// in the format below. This registration is what the test uses to manage the driver.
// `static DriverRegistration GetDriverRegistration()`
// EnvironmentType: A class that contains custom dependencies for the driver under test.
// The environment will always live on a background dispatcher.
// It must contain a default constructor, and provide the following function:
// zx::result<> Serve(fdf::OutgoingDirectory& to_driver_vfs)
// This is called automatically on the background environment dispatcher during initialization.
// This function must serve all of its components into the provided fdf::OutgoingDirectory
// object, generally done through the AddService method. This OutgoingDirectory backs the
// driver's incoming namespace, hence its name `to_driver_vfs`.
// kDriverOnForeground: Whether to have the driver under test run on the foreground dispatcher,
// or to run it on a dedicated background dispatcher.
// When this is `true`, the test can access the driver under test using the |driver()| method
// and directly make calls into it, but sync client tasks must go through |RunInBackground()|.
// When this is `false`, the test can run tasks on the driver context using the
// |RunInDriverContext()| methods, but sync client tasks can be run directly.
// kAutoStartDriver: If true, the test will automatically start the driver on construction,
// and expect a successful start.
// kAutoStopDriver: If true, the test will automatically stop the driver on destruction,
// and expect a successful stop.
template <class Configuration>
class BaseDriverTestFixture : internal::ConfigurationExtractor<Configuration> {
using Config = internal::ConfigurationExtractor<Configuration>;
using Config::kAutoStartDriver;
using Config::kAutoStopDriver;
using Config::kDriverOnForeground;
using typename Config::DriverType;
using typename Config::EnvironmentType;
: env_wrapper_(runtime_.StartBackgroundDispatcher()->async_dispatcher(), std::in_place) {
start_args_ = env_wrapper_.SyncCall(&internal::EnvWrapper<EnvironmentType>::Init);
outgoing_directory_client_ =
if constexpr (kAutoStartDriver) {
auto result = StartDriverImpl({});
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(result.is_ok(), "Failed to StartDriver: %s.", result.status_string());
virtual ~BaseDriverTestFixture() {
if constexpr (kAutoStopDriver) {
auto result = StopDriverImpl();
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(result.is_ok(), "Failed to StopDriver: %s.", result.status_string());
// Access the driver runtime object. This can be used to create new background dispatchers
// or to run the foreground dispatcher.
fdf_testing::DriverRuntime& runtime() { return runtime_; }
// Connects to a service member that the driver under test provides.
template <typename ServiceMember,
typename = std::enable_if_t<fidl::IsServiceMemberV<ServiceMember>>>
zx::result<fidl::internal::ClientEndType<typename ServiceMember::ProtocolType>> Connect(
std::string_view instance = component::kDefaultInstance) {
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<typename ServiceMember::ProtocolType::Transport,
fidl::internal::ChannelTransport>) {
return component::ConnectAtMember<ServiceMember>(ConnectToDriverSvcDir(), instance);
} else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<typename ServiceMember::ProtocolType::Transport,
fidl::internal::DriverTransport>) {
return fdf::internal::DriverTransportConnect<ServiceMember>(ConnectToDriverSvcDir(),
} else {
// Start the driver. The start arguments will be moved into the driver, therefore this must be
// called only once.
// Enabled only when kAutoStartDriver is false.
template <bool A = kAutoStartDriver, typename = std::enable_if_t<!A>>
zx::result<> StartDriver() {
static_assert(A == kAutoStartDriver, "Do not override the A template parameter.");
return StartDriverImpl({});
// Start the driver with modified DriverStartArgs. This is done through the |args_modifier| which
// is called with a reference to the start args that will be used to start the driver.
// Modifications can happen in-place with this reference.
// Enabled only when kAutoStartDriver is false.
template <bool A = kAutoStartDriver, typename = std::enable_if_t<!A>>
zx::result<> StartDriverCustomized(fit::callback<void(fdf::DriverStartArgs&)> args_modifier) {
static_assert(A == kAutoStartDriver, "Do not override the A template parameter.");
return StartDriverImpl(std::move(args_modifier));
// Stops the driver by calling the driver's PrepareStop hook and waiting for it to complete
// Enabled only when kAutoStopDriver is false.
template <bool A = kAutoStopDriver, typename = std::enable_if_t<!A>>
zx::result<> StopDriver() {
static_assert(A == kAutoStopDriver, "Do not override the A template parameter.");
return StopDriverImpl();
// Shuts down all of the driver dispatchers, then destroys the driver. This must be called after
// having called StopDriver(). This is an optional call, if the user doesn't call this, then it
// will happen in the destructor. This calls the DriverBase's Stop hook
// Enabled only when kAutoStopDriver is false.
template <bool A = kAutoStopDriver, typename = std::enable_if_t<!A>>
void ShutdownDispatchersAndDestroyDriver() {
static_assert(A == kAutoStopDriver, "Do not override the A template parameter.");
// Runs a task on the dispatcher context of the driver under test. This will be a different
// thread than the main test thread, so be careful when capturing and returning pointers to
// objects that live on different dispatchers like test fixture properties, or the environment.
// Returns the result of the given task once it has completed.
// Enabled only when kDriverOnForeground is false.
template <typename T, bool F = kDriverOnForeground, typename = std::enable_if_t<!F>>
T RunInDriverContext(fit::callback<T(DriverType&)> task) {
static_assert(F == kDriverOnForeground, "Do not override the F template parameter.");
"Cannot call RunInDriverContext after ShutdownDispatchersAndDestroyDriverImpl.");
return dut_->RunInDriverContext(std::move(task));
// Runs a task on the dispatcher context of the driver under test. This will be a different
// thread than the main test thread, so be careful when capturing and returning pointers to
// objects that live on different dispatchers like test fixture properties, or the environment.
// Returns when the given task has completed.
// Enabled only when kDriverOnForeground is false.
template <bool F = kDriverOnForeground, typename = std::enable_if_t<!F>>
void RunInDriverContext(fit::callback<void(DriverType&)> task) {
static_assert(F == kDriverOnForeground, "Do not override the F template parameter.");
"Cannot call RunInDriverContext after ShutdownDispatchersAndDestroyDriverImpl.");
// Get a pointer to the driver under test.
// Enabled only when kDriverOnForeground is true.
template <bool F = kDriverOnForeground, typename = std::enable_if_t<F>>
DriverType* driver() {
static_assert(F == kDriverOnForeground, "Do not override the F template parameter.");
"Cannot call driver after ShutdownDispatchersAndDestroyDriverImpl.");
return dut_->driver();
// Runs a task in a background context while running the foreground driver. This must be used
// if calling synchronously into the driver.
// Returns when the given task has completed.
// Enabled only when kDriverOnForeground is true.
template <bool F = kDriverOnForeground, typename = std::enable_if_t<F>>
zx::result<> RunInBackground(fit::callback<void()> task) {
static_assert(F == kDriverOnForeground, "Do not override the F template parameter.");
if (!bg_task_dispatcher_.has_value()) {
libsync::Completion completion;
zx_status_t status = async::PostTask(bg_task_dispatcher_.value()->async_dispatcher(),
[moved_task = std::move(task), &completion]() mutable {
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return zx::error(status);
while (!completion.signaled()) {
return zx::ok();
// Runs a task in a background context while running the foreground driver. This must be used
// if calling synchronously into the driver.
// Returns the result of the given task once it has completed.
// Enabled only when kDriverOnForeground is true.
template <typename T, bool F = kDriverOnForeground, typename = std::enable_if_t<F>>
zx::result<T> RunInBackground(fit::callback<T()> task) {
static_assert(F == kDriverOnForeground, "Do not override the F template parameter.");
if (!bg_task_dispatcher_.has_value()) {
libsync::Completion completion;
std::optional<T> result_container;
zx_status_t status =
[moved_task = std::move(task), &completion, &result_container]() mutable {
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return zx::error(status);
while (!completion.signaled()) {
return zx::ok(std::move(result_container.value()));
// Runs a task on the dispatcher context of the EnvironmentType. This will be a different thread
// than the main test thread, so be careful when capturing and returning pointers to objects that
// live on different dispatchers like test fixture properties, or the driver.
// Returns the result of the given task once it has completed.
template <typename T>
T RunInEnvironmentTypeContext(fit::callback<T(EnvironmentType&)> task) {
return env_wrapper_.SyncCall(
[env_task = std::move(task)](internal::EnvWrapper<EnvironmentType>* env_ptr) mutable {
return env_task(env_ptr->user_env());
// Runs a task on the dispatcher context of the EnvironmentType. This will be a different thread
// than the main test thread, so be careful when capturing and returning pointers to objects that
// live on different dispatchers like test fixture properties, or the driver.
// Returns when the given task has completed.
void RunInEnvironmentTypeContext(fit::callback<void(EnvironmentType&)> task) {
[env_task = std::move(task)](internal::EnvWrapper<EnvironmentType>* env_ptr) mutable {
// Runs a task on the dispatcher context of the TestNode. This will be a different thread than
// the main test thread, so be careful when capturing and returning pointers to objects that live
// on different dispatchers like test fixture properties, or the driver.
// Returns the result of the given task once it has completed.
template <typename T>
T RunInNodeContext(fit::callback<T(fdf_testing::TestNode&)> task) {
return env_wrapper_.SyncCall(
[node_task = std::move(task)](internal::EnvWrapper<EnvironmentType>* env_ptr) mutable {
return node_task(env_ptr->node_server());
// Runs a task on the dispatcher context of the TestNode. This will be a different thread than
// the main test thread, so be careful when capturing and returning pointers to objects that live
// on different dispatchers like test fixture properties, or the driver.
// Returns when the given task has completed.
void RunInNodeContext(fit::callback<void(fdf_testing::TestNode&)> task) {
[node_task = std::move(task)](internal::EnvWrapper<EnvironmentType>* env_ptr) mutable {
// Connect to a zircon transport based protocol through a devfs node that the driver under test
// exports. The |devfs_node_name| is the name of the created node with the 'devfs_args'. This
// node must have been created through the driver's immediate node. If the devfs node is nested,
// use the variant that takes a vector of strings.
template <typename ProtocolType, typename = std::enable_if_t<fidl::IsProtocolV<ProtocolType>>>
zx::result<fidl::ClientEnd<ProtocolType>> ConnectThroughDevfs(std::string_view devfs_node_name) {
return ConnectThroughDevfs<ProtocolType>(std::vector{std::string(devfs_node_name)});
// Connect to a zircon transport based protocol through a devfs node that the driver under test
// exports. The |devfs_node_name_path| is a list of node names that should be traversed to reach
// the devfs node. The last element in the vector is the name of the created node with the
// 'devfs_args'.
template <typename ProtocolType, typename = std::enable_if_t<fidl::IsProtocolV<ProtocolType>>>
zx::result<fidl::ClientEnd<ProtocolType>> ConnectThroughDevfs(
std::vector<std::string> devfs_node_name_path) {
zx::result<zx::channel> raw_channel_result =
env_wrapper_.SyncCall([devfs_node_name_path = std::move(devfs_node_name_path)](
internal::EnvWrapper<EnvironmentType>* env_ptr) mutable {
fdf_testing::TestNode* current = &env_ptr->node_server();
for (auto& node : devfs_node_name_path) {
current = &current->children().at(node);
return current->ConnectToDevice();
if (raw_channel_result.is_error()) {
return raw_channel_result.take_error();
return zx::ok(fidl::ClientEnd<ProtocolType>(std::move(raw_channel_result.value())));
fidl::ClientEnd<fuchsia_io::Directory> ConnectToDriverSvcDir() {
auto [client_end, server_end] = fidl::Endpoints<fuchsia_io::Directory>::Create();
zx_status_t status = fdio_open_at(outgoing_directory_client_.handle()->get(), "/svc",
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(ZX_OK == status, "Failed to fdio_open_at '/svc' on the driver's outgoing: %s.",
return std::move(client_end);
zx::result<> StartDriverImpl(fit::callback<void(fdf::DriverStartArgs&)> args_modifier) {
if (!start_args_.has_value()) {
return zx::error(ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE);
if (args_modifier) {
fdf::DriverStartArgs start_args = std::move(start_args_.value());
"Cannot call StartDriver after ShutdownDispatchersAndDestroyDriverImpl.");
return dut_->Start(std::move(start_args));
zx::result<> StopDriverImpl() {
if (prepare_stop_result_.has_value()) {
return zx::error(ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE);
"Cannot call StopDriver after ShutdownDispatchersAndDestroyDriverImpl.");
zx::result prepare_stop_result = dut_->PrepareStop();
return prepare_stop_result;
void ShutdownDispatchersAndDestroyDriverImpl() {
"Ensure that StopDriver is called when kAutoStopDriver is false.");
if (dut_.has_value()) {
fdf_testing::DriverRuntime runtime_;
async_patterns::TestDispatcherBound<internal::EnvWrapper<EnvironmentType>> env_wrapper_;
// The dut_ is created through the constructor, and becomes a nullopt through
// |ShutdownDispatchersAndDestroyDriverImpl|.
std::optional<internal::DriverWrapper<DriverType, kDriverOnForeground>> dut_;
fidl::ClientEnd<fuchsia_io::Directory> outgoing_directory_client_;
std::optional<fdf::UnownedSynchronizedDispatcher> bg_task_dispatcher_;
std::optional<fdf::DriverStartArgs> start_args_;
std::optional<zx::result<>> prepare_stop_result_;
} // namespace fdf_testing