blob: 3cf2e05f64826f8946cbdcd3ac78e2023ec6ce30 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
using zx;
/// Cancels a `Recorder.Record` request.
open protocol RecordCanceler {
/// Stop recording and writing data on the output socket.
strict Cancel() -> () error zx.Status;
open protocol Recorder {
/// Record audio data and write it to a socket in WAV format.
flexible Record(resource table {
/// The source from which to record the audio.
/// Required.
1: source @generated_name("RecordSource") flexible union {
/// An audio_core `AudioCapturer` protocol connection.
1: capturer @generated_name("CapturerConfig") flexible union {
/// `AudioCapturer` for standard frequencies.
1: standard_capturer @generated_name("StandardCapturerConfig") table {
/// The usage of the audio stream.
/// Required.
1: usage;
/// The reference clock type used by the stream.
/// Optional. If not specified, the default reference clock
/// provided by the capturer is used.
2: clock ClockType;
/// `AudioCapturer` for ultrasonic frequencies.
2: ultrasound_capturer struct {};
/// An audio_core `AudioCapturer` protocol connection with loopback enabled.
2: loopback struct {};
/// A device ring buffer.
3: device_ring_buffer DeviceRingBuffer;
/// The stream format in which to record the audio.
/// Required.
2: stream_type;
/// Duration in nanoseconds to record audio data.
/// If not specified, `Recorder` will record and write data to the
/// socket until it receives a stop signal on `canceler`.
/// If present, the record request is still cancelable via `canceler`.
/// Optional.
3: duration zx.Duration;
/// Handle to signal when to stop sending data back to the client.
/// Required.
4: canceler server_end:RecordCanceler;
/// Record gain settings.
/// Only used for the `capturer` and `loopback` sources.
/// Optional.
5: gain_settings GainSettings;
/// Buffer size.
/// Optional. If not specified, defaults to a size that is enough to
/// hold one second of audio data.
6: buffer_size uint64;
/// Sink for audio data.
/// The captured data here will be written here as a complete WAV file.
/// Required.
7: wav_data zx.Handle:SOCKET;
}) -> (resource table {
/// Total number of bytes read from the source.
1: bytes_processed uint64;
/// If applicable, number of packets read from an `AudioCapturer`.
2: packets_processed uint64;
/// If applicable, number of times the capturer woke up too late to
/// read valid data from the device.
/// If this is non-zero, some data was lost and replaced with silence.
3: late_wakeups uint64;
}) error Error;