blob: a3b8a17115788b1d3281db11d6f24e1f5422418d [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
""" Generates BUILD.bazel rules for items in the Fuchsia SDK. """
load("//fuchsia/workspace:utils.bzl", "symlink_or_copy", "workspace_path")
def _header():
return """# Copyright 2024 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# DO NOT EDIT: GENERATED BY generate_sdk_build_rules
package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
# LINT.IfChange
# Needed for @fuchsia_sdk//:all_files.
srcs = glob(["**/*"]),
visibility = ["//:__pkg__"],
# LINT.ThenChange(//build/bazel_sdk/bazel_rules_fuchsia/fuchsia/workspace/fuchsia_sdk_repository.bzl)
"api_version": "//fuchsia/workspace/sdk_templates:api_version_template.bzl",
"bind_library": "//fuchsia/workspace/sdk_templates:bind_library.BUILD.template",
"cc_library": "//fuchsia/workspace/sdk_templates:cc_library.BUILD.template",
"cc_prebuilt_library": "//fuchsia/workspace/sdk_templates:cc_prebuilt_library.BUILD.template",
"cc_prebuilt_library_linklib": "//fuchsia/workspace/sdk_templates:cc_prebuilt_library_linklib_sub.BUILD.template",
"cc_prebuilt_library_distlib": "//fuchsia/workspace/sdk_templates:cc_prebuilt_library_distlib_sub.BUILD.template",
"companion_host_tool": "//fuchsia/workspace/sdk_templates:companion_host_tool.BUILD.template",
"component_manifest": "//fuchsia/workspace/sdk_templates:component_manifest.BUILD.template",
"component_manifest_collection": "//fuchsia/workspace/sdk_templates:component_manifest_collection.BUILD.template",
"export_all_files": "//fuchsia/workspace/sdk_templates:export_all_files.BUILD.template",
"ffx_subtool": "//fuchsia/workspace/sdk_templates:ffx_subtool.BUILD.template",
"fidl_library": "//fuchsia/workspace/sdk_templates:fidl_library.BUILD.template",
"filegroup": "//fuchsia/workspace/sdk_templates:filegroup.BUILD.template",
"host_tool": "//fuchsia/workspace/sdk_templates:host_tool.BUILD.template",
"loadable_module": "//fuchsia/workspace/sdk_templates:loadable_module.BUILD.template",
"loadable_module_sub": "//fuchsia/workspace/sdk_templates:loadable_module_sub.BUILD.template",
"package": "//fuchsia/workspace/sdk_templates:package.BUILD.template",
"prebuilt_lacewing_test": "//fuchsia/workspace/sdk_templates:prebuilt_lacewing_test.BUILD.template",
"repository": "//fuchsia/workspace/sdk_templates:repository.BUILD.template",
"select_alias": "//fuchsia/workspace/sdk_templates:select_alias.BUILD.template",
"sysroot": "//fuchsia/workspace/sdk_templates:sysroot.BUILD.template",
"sysroot_arch_sub": "//fuchsia/workspace/sdk_templates:sysroot_arch_sub.BUILD.template",
def resolve_repository_labels(ctx):
"""Resolve the labels used by this repository.
Call this early in the repository_rule() to avoid unexpected restarts when
generate_sdk_build_rules() is called.
ctx: a repository_ctx value.
for template in _SDK_TEMPLATES.values():
def _sdk_template_path(repo_ctx, name):
"""Return the path value of a given SDK template file.
The returned file path is always recorded as a repository input, thus
any change to it will trigger a re-run of the repository implementation
repo_ctx: repository rule context.
name: A name for the template file.
A path value pointing to the template file.
return repo_ctx.path(Label(_SDK_TEMPLATES[name]))
def _get_target_name(name):
return name.rpartition("/")[2]
def _get_starlark_label_list(values, package_prefix = "", target_prefix = "", target_suffix = ""):
if not values:
return ""
values_str = ""
for v in values:
values_str += " \"" + package_prefix + v + ":" + target_prefix + v.rpartition("/")[2] + target_suffix + "\",\n"
return values_str
def _get_starlark_list(values, prefix = "", suffix = "", remove_prefix = ""):
if not values:
return ""
values_str = ""
for v in values:
if type(v) == "dict":
values_str += " " + _get_starlark_dict(v) + ",\n"
elif type(v) == "struct":
values_str += " " + str(v) + ",\n"
if len(remove_prefix) > 0 and v.startswith(remove_prefix):
v = v[len(remove_prefix):]
# does not add prefix if value is absolute (starts with "/")
p = prefix
if v.startswith("/"):
p = ""
values_str += " \"" + p + v + suffix + "\",\n"
return values_str
def _get_starlark_dict(entries):
if not entries:
return ""
entries_str = ""
for k in entries.keys():
v = entries[k]
if type(v) == "list":
v_str = "[" + _get_starlark_list(v).replace("\n", "") + "]"
elif type(v) == "struct":
v_str += " " + str(v) + ",\n"
v_str = "\"" + str(v) + "\""
entries_str += " \"" + k + "\": " + v_str + ",\n"
return "{" + entries_str + "}"
def serialize(obj):
"""Transitively serializes a starlark object.
obj: Either a list or dict.
A serialized string representation of the starlark object.
if type(obj) == "list":
return _get_starlark_list(obj)
elif type(obj) == "dict":
return _get_starlark_dict(obj)
fail("Unknown type: %s", repr(obj))
def _get_parent_workspace(ctx):
if ctx.attr.parent_sdk:
return "@" + ctx.attr.parent_sdk.workspace_name
return ""
def _find_dep_path(dep, root_for_relative, parent_sdk, parent_sdk_contents):
"""Determines the dep path to use for the input dep.
For dep exists in both parent and internal SDKs, the one from parent SDK
takes precedence.
# Does not add root if value is absolute (starts with "/")
p = root_for_relative
if dep.startswith("/"):
p = ""
new_dep = p + dep
if parent_sdk and parent_sdk_contents and new_dep in parent_sdk_contents:
with_parent = "@{parent_sdk}//{dep}".format(parent_sdk = parent_sdk.workspace_name, dep = new_dep)
new_dep = with_parent
elif not dep.startswith("/"):
new_dep = "//" + new_dep
return new_dep
def _find_dep_paths(deps, root_for_relative, parent_sdk, parent_sdk_contents):
return [
_find_dep_path(dep, root_for_relative, parent_sdk, parent_sdk_contents)
for dep in deps
# buildifier: disable=unused-variable
def _generate_bind_library_build_rules(ctx, meta, relative_dir, build_file, process_context, parent_sdk_contents):
lib_base_path = meta["root"] + "/"
_sdk_template_path(ctx, "bind_library"),
"{{deps}}": _get_starlark_list(meta["deps"], "//bind/"),
"{{cc_deps}}": _get_starlark_list(meta["deps"], "//bind/", "", "_cc"),
"{{name}}": _get_target_name(meta["name"]),
"{{sources}}": _get_starlark_list(meta["sources"], remove_prefix = lib_base_path),
# buildifier: disable=unused-variable
def _generate_sysroot_build_rules(ctx, meta, relative_dir, build_file, process_context, parent_sdk_contents):
files = []
for ifs_file in meta.get("ifs_files", []):
files.append("pkg/sysroot/" + ifs_file)
arch_list = process_context.constants.target_cpus
for arch in arch_list:
meta_for_arch = meta["versions"][arch]
if "debug_libs" in meta_for_arch:
if "dist_libs" in meta_for_arch:
if "headers" in meta_for_arch:
if "link_libs" in meta_for_arch:
_merge_template(ctx, build_file, _sdk_template_path(ctx, "sysroot"), {
"{{relative_dir}}": relative_dir,
for arch in arch_list:
srcs = {}
libs_base = meta["versions"][arch]["dist_dir"] + "/dist/lib/"
for dist_lib in meta["versions"][arch]["dist_libs"]:
variant, _, _ = dist_lib.removeprefix(libs_base).rpartition("/")
variant_config = _FUCHSIA_CLANG_VARIANT_MAP[variant]
srcs.setdefault(variant_config, []).append("//:" + dist_lib)
strip_prefix = "../%s/%s" % (, libs_base)
per_arch_build_file = build_file.dirname.get_child(arch).get_child("BUILD.bazel")
ctx.file(per_arch_build_file, content = _header(), executable = False)
_sdk_template_path(ctx, "sysroot_arch_sub"),
"{{srcs}}": _get_starlark_dict(srcs),
"{{strip_prefix}}": strip_prefix,
def _ffx_tool_files(meta, files_str):
for (name, collection) in meta.items():
if name == "executable" or name == "executable_metadata":
# each set of file collections can only have one each of an
# executable and executable_metadata item, so we expect to just
# add one item.
# any other kind of collection must be an array if present, so
# we extend the list.
# buildifier: disable=unused-variable
def _generate_ffx_subtool_build_rules(ctx, meta, relative_dir, build_file, process_context, parent_sdk_contents):
# Include meta manifest itself because ffx uses it to locate ffx tools.
files_str = [meta["_meta_path"]]
if "files" in meta:
_ffx_tool_files(meta["files"], files_str)
if "target_files" in meta:
for arch in meta["target_files"]:
_ffx_tool_files(meta["target_files"][arch], files_str)
# normalize root to not have trailing slashes so the
# slice below won't fail if there's a / at the end.
meta_root = meta["root"].rstrip("/")
relative_files = []
for file in files_str:
relative_file = file[len(meta["root"]) + 1:]
_sdk_template_path(ctx, "ffx_subtool"),
"{{files}}": _get_starlark_list(relative_files),
# buildifier: disable=unused-variable
def _generate_host_tool_build_rules(ctx, meta, relative_dir, build_file, process_context, parent_sdk_contents):
# Include meta manifest itself because ffx uses it to locate host tools.
files_str = [meta["_meta_path"]]
if "files" in meta:
elif "target_files" in meta:
for arch in meta["target_files"]:
relative_files = []
for file in files_str:
relative_file = file[len(meta["root"]) + 1:]
_sdk_template_path(ctx, "host_tool"),
"{{files}}": _get_starlark_list(relative_files),
# buildifier: disable=unused-variable
def _generate_companion_host_tool_build_rules(ctx, meta, relative_dir, build_file, process_context, parent_sdk_contents):
# the metadata file itself is needed by the emulator
files_str = [str(meta["_meta_path"])]
if "files" in meta:
elif "target_files" in meta:
for arch in meta["target_files"]:
relative_files = []
for file in files_str:
relative_file = file[len(meta["root"]) + 1:]
# SDK metadata has one companion_host_tool metadata for each architecture, but they are rooted in the same location (//tools)
# and have the same name (eg aemu_internal). If we just reuse the metadata name, there will be a conflict in Bazel, as there
# will be two Bazel rules with the same name in the same BUILD.bazel file, one for each host architecture.
# To avoid this conflict, we find the architecture in the metadata file path and append it to the metadata name, eg aemu_internal_x64
if meta["_meta_path"].find("x64") >= 0:
name = meta["name"] + "_x64"
elif meta["_meta_path"].find("arm64") >= 0:
name = meta["name"] + "_arm64"
name = meta["name"]
_sdk_template_path(ctx, "companion_host_tool"),
"{{name}}": name,
"{{files}}": _get_starlark_list(relative_files),
# buildifier: disable=unused-variable
def _generate_api_version_rules(ctx, meta, relative_dir, build_file, process_context, parent_sdk_contents):
versions = []
max_api = -1
if "data" in meta and "api_levels" in meta["data"]:
for api_level, value in meta["data"]["api_levels"].items():
abi_revision = value["abi_revision"],
api_level = api_level,
status = value["status"],
max_api = max(max_api, int(api_level))
# unlike other template rules that affect the corresponding BUILD.bazel file,
# the api_version template creates a api_version.bzl file that is loaded in
# the top-level BUILD.bazel created by fuchsia_sdk_repository_template.BUILD.
bzl_file = ctx.path(build_file).dirname.get_child("api_version.bzl")
fidl_api_level_override = ctx.attr.fuchsia_api_level_override
clang_api_level_override = ctx.attr.fuchsia_api_level_override
_sdk_template_path(ctx, "api_version"),
"{{default_target_api}}": str(max_api),
"{{valid_target_apis}}": _get_starlark_list(versions),
# buildifier: disable=unused-variable
def _generate_fidl_library_build_rules(ctx, meta, relative_dir, build_file, process_context, parent_sdk_contents):
lib_base_path = meta["root"] + "/"
deps = _find_dep_paths(meta["deps"], "fidl/", ctx.attr.parent_sdk, parent_sdk_contents)
_sdk_template_path(ctx, "fidl_library"),
"{{deps}}": _get_starlark_list(deps),
"{{name}}": _get_target_name(meta["name"]),
"{{sources}}": _get_starlark_list(meta["sources"], remove_prefix = lib_base_path),
"{{parent_sdk}}": _get_parent_workspace(ctx),
# the substitutions below are only used by legacy fidl libraries. Remove them when
# the legacy fidl cc libraries are removed.
"{{cc_deps}}": _get_starlark_label_list(deps, "", "", "_cc"),
"{{llcpp_deps}}": _get_starlark_label_list(deps, "", "", "_llcpp_cc"),
# buildifier: disable=unused-variable
def _generate_component_manifest_rules(ctx, meta, relative_dir, build_file, process_context, parent_sdk_contents):
if "data" in meta:
lib_name = meta["name"]
for f in meta["data"]:
if f.endswith(".cml"):
# The include_path for a package like "/pkg/inspect/client.shard.cml is "/pkg", but
# this information is not explicitly encoded in the metadata.
# The code below finds the includepath by breaking the shard filename into three pieces:
# <include_path></lib_name/><shard_filename>
parts = f.partition("/%s/" % lib_name)
include_path = parts[0]
shard_name = parts[2]
name = shard_name.removesuffix(".cml").removesuffix(".shard")
# Keep track of all the labels that we create to add to the toolchain
target_label = "//{}/{}:{}".format(include_path, lib_name, name)
_sdk_template_path(ctx, "component_manifest"),
"{{name}}": name,
"{{source}}": shard_name,
"{{include_path}}": include_path,
# A list of copt overrides to provide to an individual library. Care should be used
# when adding anythying to this list as it adds copts for a library in a way that is
# hard to find for users.
"zxtest": [
# TODO( zxtest headers use VLA, rather than suppressing
# every use of zxtest headers of which there are many, we suppress it here.
# alwayslink attr provide to an individual library. This should mostly be
# used in tests when we don't care about unused symbol getting linked.
# This is a workaround for driver testing before Bazel 7 is used in-tree.
# buildifier: disable=unused-variable
def _generate_cc_source_library_build_rules(ctx, meta, relative_dir, build_file, process_context, parent_sdk_contents):
lib_base_path = meta["root"] + "/"
fidl_deps = []
fidl_llcpp_deps = []
if "fidl_binding_deps" in meta:
# Example: { "binding_type": "hlcpp", "deps": [ "fuchsia.images" ] }
for deps_per_type in meta["fidl_binding_deps"]:
binding_type = deps_per_type["binding_type"]
if binding_type == "hlcpp":
suffixes = ["cc"]
suffixes = ["cpp", "cpp_driver", "cpp_driver_wire", "cpp_wire"]
for fidl in deps_per_type["deps"]:
dep_path = _find_dep_path(fidl, "fidl/", ctx.attr.parent_sdk, parent_sdk_contents)
fidl_deps.extend([dep_path + ":" + fidl + "_" + suffix for suffix in suffixes])
elif "fidl_deps" in meta:
for fidl in meta["fidl_deps"]:
dep_path = _find_dep_path(fidl, "fidl/", ctx.attr.parent_sdk, parent_sdk_contents)
fidl_deps.append(dep_path + ":" + fidl + "_cc")
fidl_llcpp_deps.append(dep_path + ":" + fidl + "_llcpp_cc")
deps = []
for bind in meta.get("bind_deps", []):
dep_path = _find_dep_path(bind, "bind/", ctx.attr.parent_sdk, parent_sdk_contents)
deps.append(dep_path + ":" + bind + "_cc")
deps += _find_dep_paths(meta["deps"], "pkg/", ctx.attr.parent_sdk, parent_sdk_contents)
target_name = _get_target_name(meta["name"])
copts = _CC_LIBRARY_COPTS_OVERRIDES.get(target_name, [])
alwayslink = target_name in _ALWAYSLINK_LIBS
_sdk_template_path(ctx, "cc_library"),
"{{deps}}": _get_starlark_list(deps),
"{{fidl_deps}}": _get_starlark_list(fidl_deps),
"{{fidl_llcpp_deps}}": _get_starlark_list(fidl_llcpp_deps),
"{{name}}": _get_target_name(meta["name"]),
"{{sources}}": _get_starlark_list(meta["sources"], remove_prefix = lib_base_path),
"{{headers}}": _get_starlark_list(meta["headers"], remove_prefix = lib_base_path),
"{{relative_include_dir}}": meta["include_dir"][len(lib_base_path):],
"{{copts}}": _get_starlark_list(copts),
"{{alwayslink}}": str(alwayslink),
# Maps a Bazel cpu name to its Fuchsia name.
"x86_64": "x64",
"k8": "x64",
"aarch64": "arm64",
def _to_fuchsia_cpu_name(cpu_name):
return _TO_FUCHSIA_CPU_NAME_MAP.get(cpu_name, cpu_name)
# Maps a Fuchsia cpu name to the corresponding config_setting() label in
# @fuchsia_sdk//fuchsia/constraints
"x64": "@fuchsia_sdk//fuchsia/constraints:cpu_x64",
"arm64": "@fuchsia_sdk//fuchsia/constraints:cpu_arm64",
"riscv64": "@fuchsia_sdk//fuchsia/constraints:cpu_riscv64",
# Maps a variant name to the corresponding config_setting() label in
# @fuchsia_clang
"": "@fuchsia_clang//:novariant",
"asan": "@fuchsia_clang//:asan_variant",
"hwasan": "@fuchsia_clang//:hwasan_variant",
# Maps a Fuchsia API level to the corresponding config_setting() label in
# @fuchsia_sdk//fuchsia/constraints
def _fuchsia_api_level_constraint(api_level, default = "//conditions:default"):
if _is_undefined_api_level(api_level):
return default
return "//fuchsia/constraints:api_level_%s" % api_level
def _get_api_level(variant):
api_level = variant["api_level"]
return "HEAD" if _is_undefined_api_level(api_level) else api_level
def _is_undefined_api_level(api_level):
return api_level in (-1, "unversioned", "HEAD")
def _api_level_deprecation_message(api_level):
if _is_undefined_api_level(api_level):
return "\"Warning: Dependencies with unstable API levels are being used, incompatibility may occur.\""
return "None"
# We can't just do f"//:{file}" for file srcs, since the relative dir may have a
# BUILD.bazel file, making that subdir its own Bazel package.
def _bazel_file_path(relative_dir, file):
prefix = relative_dir if file.startswith(relative_dir) else ""
suffix = file[len(prefix):].lstrip("/")
return "//%s:%s" % (prefix, suffix)
def _generate_cc_prebuilt_library_build_rules(ctx, meta, relative_dir, build_file, process_context, parent_sdk_contents):
lib_base_path = meta["root"] + "/"
deps = _find_dep_paths(meta["deps"], "pkg/", ctx.attr.parent_sdk, parent_sdk_contents)
subs = {
"{{deps}}": _get_starlark_list(deps),
"{{name}}": _get_target_name(meta["name"]),
"{{headers}}": _get_starlark_list(meta["headers"], remove_prefix = lib_base_path),
"{{relative_include_dir}}": meta["include_dir"][len(lib_base_path):],
files = meta["headers"]
if "ifs" in meta:
files.append(lib_base_path + meta["ifs"])
prebuilt_select = {}
dist_select = {}
# add all supported architectures to the select, even if they are not available in the current SDK,
# so that SDKs for different architectures can be composed by a simple directory merge.
arch_list = process_context.constants.target_cpus
for arch in arch_list:
constraint = _FUCHSIA_CPU_CONSTRAINT_MAP[arch]
dist_select[constraint] = ["//%s/%s:dist" % (relative_dir, arch)]
prebuilt_select[constraint] = ["//%s/%s:prebuilts" % (relative_dir, arch)]
has_distlibs = False
for arch in arch_list:
per_arch_build_file = build_file.dirname.get_child(arch).get_child("BUILD.bazel")
ctx.file(per_arch_build_file, content = _header(), executable = False)
linklib = meta["binaries"][arch]["link"]
_merge_template(ctx, per_arch_build_file, _sdk_template_path(ctx, "cc_prebuilt_library_linklib"), {
"{{link_lib}}": "//:" + linklib,
"{{library_type}}": meta["format"],
if "dist" in meta["binaries"][arch]:
has_distlibs = True
distlib = meta["binaries"][arch]["dist"]
_merge_template(ctx, per_arch_build_file, _sdk_template_path(ctx, "cc_prebuilt_library_distlib"), {
"{{dist_lib}}": "//:" + distlib,
"{{dist_path}}": meta["binaries"][arch]["dist_path"],
prebuilt_select_str = "fuchsia_select(" + _get_starlark_dict(prebuilt_select) + ")"
# Assumption: if one architecture doesn't have distlib binaries for this library,
# the other architectures will also not have them.
if has_distlibs:
dist_select_str = "fuchsia_select(" + _get_starlark_dict(dist_select) + ")"
dist_select_str = "[]"
"{{prebuilt_select}}": prebuilt_select_str,
"{{dist_select}}": dist_select_str,
_merge_template(ctx, build_file, _sdk_template_path(ctx, "cc_prebuilt_library"), subs)
# buildifier: disable=unused-variable
def _generate_package_build_rules(ctx, meta, relative_dir, build_file, process_context, parent_sdk_contents):
_merge_template(ctx, build_file, _sdk_template_path(ctx, "export_all_files"))
# Parse package variants from metadata.
name = _get_target_name(meta["name"])
package_variants = [
name = "%s_%s_api_%s" % (name, variant["arch"], _get_api_level(variant)),
files = variant["files"],
manifest = variant["manifest_file"],
deprecation = _api_level_deprecation_message(_get_api_level(variant)),
constraint = "is_%s_api_%s" % (variant["arch"], _get_api_level(variant)),
os = "@platforms//os:fuchsia",
cpu = _FUCHSIA_CPU_CONSTRAINT_MAP[variant["arch"]],
api_level = _fuchsia_api_level_constraint(_get_api_level(variant), None),
for variant in meta["variants"]
for variant in package_variants:
# Write build defs for each package variant.
_merge_template(ctx, build_file, _sdk_template_path(ctx, "package"), {
"{{files}}": _get_starlark_list([_bazel_file_path(relative_dir, file) for file in variant.files]),
"{{manifest}}": _bazel_file_path(relative_dir, variant.manifest),
"{{deprecation}}": variant.deprecation,
_merge_template(ctx, build_file, _sdk_template_path(ctx, "select_alias"), {
"{{name}}": name,
"{{select_map}}": _get_starlark_dict({
"@fuchsia_sdk//fuchsia/constraints:%s" % variant.constraint: ":%s" %
for variant in package_variants
# buildifier: disable=unused-variable
def _generate_config_build_rules(ctx, meta, relative_dir, build_file, process_context, parent_sdk_contents):
_merge_template(ctx, build_file, _sdk_template_path(ctx, "filegroup"), {
"{{name}}": _get_target_name(meta["name"]),
"{{srcs}}": _get_starlark_list([_bazel_file_path(relative_dir, src) for src in meta["data"]]),
# buildifier: disable=unused-variable
def _generate_python_e2e_test_rules(ctx, meta, relative_dir, build_file, process_context, parent_sdk_contents):
# Seggregate data files based on api level from metadata.
files_for_api_level = {}
for file in meta["files"]:
if not file.startswith(meta["root"]):
# buildifier: disable=print
print("WARNING: Ignoring file %s that is outside of %s" % (file, meta["root"]))
file = file[len(meta["root"]):].lstrip("/")
api_level, _, file = file.partition("/")
if api_level not in files_for_api_level:
files_for_api_level[api_level] = []
# Write api level specific targets.
name = _get_target_name(meta["name"])
for api_level, files in files_for_api_level.items():
subpackage_build_file = "%s/%s/BUILD.bazel" % (relative_dir, api_level)
ctx.file(subpackage_build_file, content = _header())
_merge_template(ctx, subpackage_build_file, _sdk_template_path(ctx, "prebuilt_lacewing_test"), {
"{{name}}": name,
"{{test_pyz}}": "%s.pyz" % name,
"{{data}}": _get_starlark_list(files),
"{{deprecation}}": _api_level_deprecation_message(api_level),
_merge_template(ctx, build_file, _sdk_template_path(ctx, "select_alias"), {
"{{name}}": name,
"{{select_map}}": _get_starlark_dict({
_fuchsia_api_level_constraint(api_level): "//%s/%s:%s" % (relative_dir, api_level, name)
for api_level in files_for_api_level
# buildifier: disable=unused-variable
def _generate_loadable_module_build_rules(ctx, meta, relative_dir, build_file, process_context, parent_sdk_contents):
arch_list = process_context.constants.target_cpus
files = []
name = _get_target_name(meta["name"])
dest_prefix = "lib/"
# Special handling for devicetree visitors
if name.startswith("devicetree"):
dest_prefix += "visitors/"
for arch in arch_list:
# Create sub BUILD file
per_arch_build_file = build_file.dirname.get_child(arch).get_child("BUILD.bazel")
ctx.file(per_arch_build_file, content = _header(), executable = False)
_sdk_template_path(ctx, "loadable_module_sub"),
"{{name}}": name,
"{{srcs}}": _get_starlark_list([_bazel_file_path(relative_dir, src) for src in meta["binaries"][arch]]),
"{{dest}}": dest_prefix,
_sdk_template_path(ctx, "loadable_module"),
"{{name}}": name,
"{{relative_dir}}": relative_dir,
"{{resources}}": _get_starlark_list([_bazel_file_path(relative_dir, data) for data in meta["resources"]]),
"{{dest}}": dest_prefix,
def _merge_template(ctx, target_build_file, template_file, subs = {}):
if ctx.path(target_build_file).exists:
existing_content =
existing_content = ""
ctx.template(target_build_file, template_file, subs, executable = False)
if existing_content != "":
new_content =
ctx.file(target_build_file, content = existing_content + "\n" + new_content, executable = False)
def _process_dir(ctx, relative_dir, libraries, process_context, parent_sdk_contents):
generators = {
"bind_library": _generate_bind_library_build_rules,
"cc_prebuilt_library": _generate_cc_prebuilt_library_build_rules,
"cc_source_library": _generate_cc_source_library_build_rules,
"companion_host_tool": _generate_companion_host_tool_build_rules,
"component_manifest": _generate_component_manifest_rules,
"config": _generate_config_build_rules,
"experimental_python_e2e_test": _generate_python_e2e_test_rules,
"ffx_tool": _generate_ffx_subtool_build_rules,
"fidl_library": _generate_fidl_library_build_rules,
"host_tool": _generate_host_tool_build_rules,
"loadable_module": _generate_loadable_module_build_rules,
"package": _generate_package_build_rules,
"sysroot": _generate_sysroot_build_rules,
"version_history": _generate_api_version_rules,
build_file = ctx.path(relative_dir).get_child("BUILD.bazel")
for meta in libraries:
t = _type_from_meta(meta)
if t not in generators:
if not build_file.exists:
ctx.file(build_file, content = _header(), executable = False)
generator = generators[t]
generator(ctx, meta, relative_dir, build_file, process_context, parent_sdk_contents)
def _write_cmc_includes(ctx, process_context):
# write the cmc includes to the BUILD file
build_file = _root_build_file(ctx)
_sdk_template_path(ctx, "component_manifest_collection"),
"{{name}}": "cmc_includes",
"{{deps}}": str(process_context.component_manifest_targets),
def _root_build_file(ctx):
return ctx.path("BUILD.bazel")
def _type_from_meta(meta):
if "type" in meta:
return meta["type"]
elif "data" in meta and "type" in meta["data"]:
return meta["data"]["type"]
fail("Internal SDK generation error: cannot identify type of library: %s" % meta)
def _path_in_root(repo_ctx, root, rel_path):
return repo_ctx.path("%s/%s" % (root, rel_path))
def sdk_id_from_manifests(ctx, manifests):
# buildifier: disable=function-docstring-args
# buildifier: disable=function-docstring-return
""" Gets the SDK id from the given manifests.
This assumes all of the manifests have the same id an thus only uses the first manifest
in the list. If no id is found an empty string will be returned.
id = ""
if len(manifests) > 0:
manifest = manifests[0]
root = manifest.get("root")
manifest_path = manifest.get("manifest")
json_obj = json.decode(, root, manifest_path)))
id = json_obj.get("id")
return id
# buildifier: disable=function-docstring
def load_parent_sdk_metadata(ctx, parent_sdk_contents):
if not ctx.attr.parent_sdk or not ctx.attr.parent_sdk_local_paths:
for path in ctx.attr.parent_sdk_local_paths:
local_sdk = ctx.path(workspace_path(ctx, path))
if not local_sdk.exists:
fail("Cannot find parent SDK: %s" % local_sdk)
root = "%s/." % local_sdk
manifest_path = "meta/manifest.json"
json_obj = json.decode(, root, manifest_path)))
for part in json_obj["parts"]:
meta_file_rel = part["meta"]
meta_file_with_root = _path_in_root(ctx, root, meta_file_rel)
meta = json.decode(
if "root" in meta:
dir = meta["root"]
dir = meta_file_rel.rpartition("/")[0]
if "name" in meta:
key = "%s" % dir
parent_sdk_contents[key] = meta
def generate_sdk_constants(repo_ctx, manifests):
"""Generates generated_constants.bzl from the sdk metadata
repo_ctx: the repository context
manifests: a list of paths to the meta data manifests.
A struct mapping the content of generated_constants.bzl
host_cpu_names_set = {}
target_cpu_names_set = {}
all_cc_source_targets_map = {}
for manifest_obj in manifests:
root = manifest_obj.get("root")
manifest_path = manifest_obj.get("manifest")
json_obj = json.decode(, root, manifest_path)))
host_os = json_obj["arch"]["host"]
host_cpu = _to_fuchsia_cpu_name(host_os.split("-")[0])
host_cpu_names_set[host_cpu] = None
for cpu_name in json_obj["arch"]["target"]:
target_cpu_names_set[cpu_name] = None
all_cc_source_metas = [
for part in json_obj["parts"]
if part["type"] in ["cc_source_library"]
for meta_path in all_cc_source_metas:
meta_obj = json.decode(, root, meta_path)))
target = "//{}:{}".format(meta_obj["root"], meta_obj["name"])
if meta_obj["root"].endswith("/" + meta_obj["name"]):
target = "//{}".format(meta_obj["root"])
all_cc_source_targets_map[target] = meta_obj["headers"]
# Pretty-print the cc_source_targets dictionary to make
# generated_constants.bzl easier to read.
all_cc_source_targets_map_pp = "{\n"
for k, v in all_cc_source_targets_map.items():
all_cc_source_targets_map_pp += ' "{}": {},\n'.format(k, str(v))
all_cc_source_targets_map_pp += "}\n"
host_cpu_names = sorted(host_cpu_names_set.keys())
target_cpu_names = sorted(target_cpu_names_set.keys())
constants = struct(
host_cpus = host_cpu_names,
target_cpus = target_cpu_names,
generated_content = "# AUTO-GENERATED - DO NOT EDIT!\n\n"
generated_content += "\"\"\"Fuchsia SDK constants.\"\"\"\n"
generated_content += "# The following list of CPU names use Fuchsia conventions.\n"
generated_content += "constants = %s\n" % constants
generated_content += "\n"
generated_content += "# List of all c++ source targets in the SDK.\n"
generated_content += "ALL_CC_SOURCE_TARGETS = %s\n" % all_cc_source_targets_map_pp
repo_ctx.file("generated_constants.bzl", generated_content, executable = False)
return constants
def generate_sdk_build_rules(ctx, manifests, copy_content_strategy, constants, filter_types = None, exclude_types = None):
"""Generates BUILD.bazel rules from the sdk metadata
ctx: the repository context
manifests: a list of paths to the meta data manifests.
copy_content_strategy: "symlink" to create symlinks to Fuchsia SDK artifacts or "copy" to attempt
to create hardlinks, or standard copy if hardlinks are not possible
constants: A struct returned by generated_sdk_constants
filter_types: tuple of sdk element types. If given, do not process any sdk element types that are not in this tuple
exclude_types: tuple of sdk element types. If given, do not process any sdk element types in this tuple
files_to_copy = {} # key: sdk root path, value: list of files (string) relative to sdk
dir_to_meta = {}
parent_sdk_contents = {}
load_parent_sdk_metadata(ctx, parent_sdk_contents)
for manifest_obj in manifests:
root = manifest_obj.get("root")
manifest_path = manifest_obj.get("manifest")
json_obj = json.decode(, root, manifest_path)))
# Since all SDK manifests are in the same location, if we copy them all, they would clobber. So we only copy the first one and assume it is the main (core)
files_to_copy[str(root)] = [manifest_path] if len(files_to_copy) == 0 else []
# Collect all of the parts into a mapping for later templating. We need to
# collect these here since we need to apply special logic to certain types
# and cannot just generically apply templating to all types.
for part in json_obj["parts"]:
meta_file_rel = part["meta"]
meta_file_with_root = _path_in_root(ctx, root, meta_file_rel)
meta = json.decode(
t = _type_from_meta(meta)
if (filter_types and t not in filter_types) or (exclude_types and t in exclude_types):
meta["_meta_path"] = meta_file_rel
meta["_meta_sdk_root"] = str(root)
if "root" in meta:
dir = meta["root"]
dir = meta_file_rel.rpartition("/")[0]
# we need to group all meta files per root directory, but only process each file once
if dir in dir_to_meta:
dir_to_meta[dir][meta_file_rel] = meta
dir_to_meta[dir] = {meta_file_rel: meta}
process_context = struct(
files_to_copy = files_to_copy,
component_manifest_targets = [],
constants = constants,
for dir in dir_to_meta.keys():
_process_dir(ctx, dir, dir_to_meta[dir].values(), process_context, parent_sdk_contents)
_write_cmc_includes(ctx, process_context)
symlink_or_copy(ctx, copy_content_strategy, files_to_copy)