blob: 5765e83fd11ef3bef1d69c98b0bec8f5cf7a8a42 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package zedmon
import (
var fakeZedmonRelpath = flag.String("fake_zedmon_relpath", "",
"Path to the fake_zedmon binary, relative to the test executable.")
func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
func writeTestData(t *testing.T, basePath string, stderrLines []string, stdoutLines []string) func() {
stderrDataPath := basePath + ".stderr.testdata"
stdoutDataPath := basePath + ".stdout.testdata"
stderrFile, err := os.Create(stderrDataPath)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed to create file %s, error %v", stderrDataPath, err)
for _, line := range stderrLines {
stdoutFile, err := os.Create(stdoutDataPath)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed to create file %s, error %v", stdoutDataPath, err)
for _, line := range stdoutLines {
return func() {
func setupTest(t *testing.T, stderrData, stdinData []string) (string, func()) {
myDir, err := filepath.Abs(filepath.Dir(os.Args[0]))
if err != nil {
fakeZedmonPath := path.Join(myDir, *fakeZedmonRelpath)
if _, err := os.Stat(fakeZedmonPath); os.IsNotExist(err) {
t.Fatalf("fake_zedmon executable not found at %s", fakeZedmonPath)
cleanup := writeTestData(t, fakeZedmonPath, stderrData, stdinData)
return fakeZedmonPath, cleanup
func runZedmon(t *testing.T, fakeZedmonPath string, expectError bool) (chan []byte, chan error) {
z := Zedmon{}
dataChannel, errorChannel, startedChannel := z.Run(time.Duration(0), time.Duration(0), fakeZedmonPath)
// NOTE: When debugging tests, it is useful to run the following goroutine:
// go func() {
// e := <-errorChannel
// fmt.Printf("Error: %v\n", e)
// }()
// This will prevent errors from reaching tests that expect them, but it will display errors
// that will otherwise manifest as an opaque failure in z.Stop().
// We can't safely run z.Stop() until the Zedmon signals that it has started.
if !expectError {
// Stop the Zedmon. fake_zedmon will trap the SIGINT it receives and finish writing its
// data.
err := z.Stop()
if err != nil {
return dataChannel, errorChannel
func expectErrorWithSubstring(t *testing.T, dataChannel chan []byte, errorChannel chan error, substring string) {
select {
case err := <-errorChannel:
if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), substring) {
t.Fatalf("Received wrong error (%v). Expected substring %s", err, substring)
case <-dataChannel:
t.Fatal("Shouldn't have received data")
func TestSuccessfulZedmonInput(t *testing.T) {
fakeZedmonPath, cleanup := setupTest(
"2019/09/24 12:38:24 Time offset: 1569350976091349587ns ± 228725ns",
"2019/09/24 12:38:24 Starting report recording. Send ^C to stop.",
defer cleanup()
dataChannel, errorChannel := runZedmon(t, fakeZedmonPath, false)
var data []byte
func() {
for {
select {
case err := <-errorChannel:
t.Fatalf("Zedmon error: %v", err)
case data = <-dataChannel:
if len(data) == 0 {
t.Fatal("Zero bytes written")
func TestWrongRecordLength(t *testing.T) {
fakeZedmonPath, cleanup := setupTest(
"2019/09/16 14:50:19 Time offset: 1568667086301265685ns ± 185703ns",
"2019/09/16 14:50:19 Starting report recording. Send ^C to stop.",
defer cleanup()
dataChannel, errorChannel := runZedmon(t, fakeZedmonPath, true)
expectErrorWithSubstring(t, dataChannel, errorChannel, "record length")
func TestBadTimestamp(t *testing.T) {
fakeZedmonPath, cleanup := setupTest(
"2019/09/24 12:38:24 Time offset: 1569350976091349587ns ± 228725ns",
"2019/09/24 12:38:24 Starting report recording. Send ^C to stop.",
defer cleanup()
dataChannel, errorChannel := runZedmon(t, fakeZedmonPath, true)
expectErrorWithSubstring(t, dataChannel, errorChannel, "timestamp")
func TestBadShuntVoltageRecord(t *testing.T) {
fakeZedmonPath, cleanup := setupTest(
"2019/09/24 12:38:24 Time offset: 1569350976091349587ns ± 228725ns",
"2019/09/24 12:38:24 Starting report recording. Send ^C to stop.",
defer cleanup()
dataChannel, errorChannel := runZedmon(t, fakeZedmonPath, true)
expectErrorWithSubstring(t, dataChannel, errorChannel, "shunt voltage")
func TestBadBusVoltageRecord(t *testing.T) {
fakeZedmonPath, cleanup := setupTest(
"2019/09/24 12:38:24 Time offset: 1569350976091349587ns ± 228725ns",
"2019/09/24 12:38:24 Starting report recording. Send ^C to stop.",
defer cleanup()
dataChannel, errorChannel := runZedmon(t, fakeZedmonPath, true)
expectErrorWithSubstring(t, dataChannel, errorChannel, "bus voltage")
func TestBadPowerRecord(t *testing.T) {
fakeZedmonPath, cleanup := setupTest(
"2019/09/24 12:38:24 Time offset: 1569350976091349587ns ± 228725ns",
"2019/09/24 12:38:24 Starting report recording. Send ^C to stop.",
defer cleanup()
dataChannel, errorChannel := runZedmon(t, fakeZedmonPath, true)
expectErrorWithSubstring(t, dataChannel, errorChannel, "power")