blob: caee2593fd7baccd487ab007c4cf857b7966b147 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use crate::internal::event::message::Factory as EventMessengerFactory;
use crate::internal::event::{Event, Publisher};
use crate::message::base::MessengerType;
use anyhow::{format_err, Error};
use fidl::endpoints::{DiscoverableService, Proxy, ServiceMarker};
use futures::future::{BoxFuture, OptionFuture};
use fuchsia_async as fasync;
use fuchsia_component::client::{connect_to_service, connect_to_service_at_path};
use glob::glob;
use fuchsia_zircon as zx;
use futures::lock::Mutex;
use std::future::Future;
use std::sync::Arc;
pub type GenerateService =
Box<dyn Fn(&str, zx::Channel) -> BoxFuture<'static, Result<(), Error>> + Send + Sync>;
pub type ServiceContextHandle = Arc<Mutex<ServiceContext>>;
/// A wrapper around service operations, allowing redirection to a nested
/// environment.
pub struct ServiceContext {
generate_service: Option<GenerateService>,
event_messenger_factory: Option<EventMessengerFactory>,
impl ServiceContext {
pub fn create(
generate_service: Option<GenerateService>,
event_messenger_factory: Option<EventMessengerFactory>,
) -> ServiceContextHandle {
return Arc::new(Mutex::new(ServiceContext::new(
pub fn new(
generate_service: Option<GenerateService>,
event_messenger_factory: Option<EventMessengerFactory>,
) -> Self {
Self { generate_service, event_messenger_factory }
async fn make_publisher(&self) -> Option<Publisher> {
let maybe: OptionFuture<_> = self
.map(|factory| Publisher::create(factory, MessengerType::Unbound))
/// Connect to a service with the given ServiceMarker.
/// If a GenerateService was specified at creation, the name of the service marker will be used
/// to generate a service.
pub async fn connect<S: DiscoverableService>(
) -> Result<ExternalServiceProxy<S::Proxy>, Error> {
let proxy = if let Some(generate_service) = &self.generate_service {
let (client, server) = zx::Channel::create()?;
((generate_service)(S::SERVICE_NAME, server)).await?;
} else {
Ok(ExternalServiceProxy { proxy, publisher: self.make_publisher().await })
pub async fn connect_with_publisher<S: DiscoverableService>(
publisher: Publisher,
) -> Result<ExternalServiceProxy<S::Proxy>, Error> {
let proxy = if let Some(generate_service) = &self.generate_service {
let (client, server) = zx::Channel::create()?;
((generate_service)(S::SERVICE_NAME, server)).await?;
} else {
Ok(ExternalServiceProxy { proxy, publisher: Some(publisher) })
/// Connect to a service with the given name and ServiceMarker.
/// If a GenerateService was specified at creation, the given name will be used to generate a
/// service.
pub async fn connect_named<S: ServiceMarker>(
service_name: &str,
) -> Result<ExternalServiceProxy<S::Proxy>, Error> {
if let Some(generate_service) = &self.generate_service {
let (client, server) = zx::Channel::create()?;
if (generate_service)(service_name, server).await.is_err() {
return Err(format_err!("Could not handl service {:?}", service_name));
Ok(ExternalServiceProxy {
proxy: S::Proxy::from_channel(fasync::Channel::from_channel(client)?),
publisher: self.make_publisher().await,
} else {
Err(format_err!("No service generator"))
/// Connect to a service at the given path and DiscoverableService.
/// If a GenerateService was specified at creation, the name of the service marker will be used
/// to generate a service and the path will be ignored.
pub async fn connect_discoverable_path<S: DiscoverableService>(
path: &str,
) -> Result<ExternalServiceProxy<S::Proxy>, Error> {
let proxy = if let Some(generate_service) = &self.generate_service {
let (client, server) = zx::Channel::create()?;
((generate_service)(S::SERVICE_NAME, server)).await?;
} else {
Ok(ExternalServiceProxy { proxy, publisher: self.make_publisher().await })
/// Connect to a service at the given path and ServiceMarker.
/// If a GenerateService was specified at creation, the name of the service marker will be used
/// to generate a service and the path will be ignored.
pub async fn connect_path<S: ServiceMarker>(
path: &str,
) -> Result<ExternalServiceProxy<S::Proxy>, Error> {
let (proxy, server) = fidl::endpoints::create_proxy::<S>()?;
fdio::service_connect(path, server.into_channel())?;
Ok(ExternalServiceProxy { proxy, publisher: self.make_publisher().await })
/// Connect to a service by discovering a hardware device at the given glob-style pattern.
/// The first discovered path will be used to connected.
/// If a GenerateService was specified at creation, the name of the service marker will be used
/// to generate a service and the path will be ignored.
pub async fn connect_device_path<S: DiscoverableService>(
glob_pattern: &str,
) -> Result<ExternalServiceProxy<S::Proxy>, Error> {
if self.generate_service.is_some() {
// If a generate_service is already specified, just connect through there
return self.connect::<S>().await;
let found_path = glob(glob_pattern)?
.filter_map(|entry| entry.ok())
.ok_or_else(|| format_err!("failed to enumerate devices"))?;
let path_str =
found_path.to_str().ok_or_else(|| format_err!("failed to convert path to str"))?;
Ok(ExternalServiceProxy {
proxy: connect_to_service_at_path::<S>(path_str)?,
publisher: self.make_publisher().await,
/// A wrapper around a proxy, used to track disconnections.
/// This wraps any type implementing `Proxy`. Whenever any call returns a
/// `ClientChannelClosed` error, this wrapper publishes a closed event for
/// the wrapped proxy.
pub struct ExternalServiceProxy<P>
P: Proxy,
proxy: P,
publisher: Option<Publisher>,
impl<P> ExternalServiceProxy<P>
P: Proxy,
pub fn new(proxy: P, publisher: Option<Publisher>) -> Self {
Self { proxy, publisher }
fn inspect_result<T>(&self, result: &Result<T, fidl::Error>) {
if let Err(fidl::Error::ClientChannelClosed { .. }) = result {
self.publisher.as_ref().map(|p| p.send_event(Event::Closed(P::Service::DEBUG_NAME)));
/// Make a call to a synchronous API of the wrapped proxy.
pub fn call<T, F>(&self, func: F) -> Result<T, fidl::Error>
F: FnOnce(&P) -> Result<T, fidl::Error>,
let result = func(&self.proxy);
/// Nake a call to an asynchronous API of the wrapped proxy.
pub async fn call_async<T, F, Fut>(&self, func: F) -> Result<T, fidl::Error>
F: FnOnce(&P) -> Fut,
Fut: Future<Output = Result<T, fidl::Error>>,
let result = func(&self.proxy).await;
/// Helper macro to simplify calls to proxy objects
macro_rules! call {
($proxy:expr => $($call:tt)+) => {
$|proxy| proxy.$($call)+)
/// Helper macro to simplify async calls to proxy objects
macro_rules! call_async {
($proxy:expr => $($call:tt)+) => {
$proxy.call_async(|proxy| proxy.$($call)+)