blob: 543656130ef1810627ca0cd9810f5c9d2e03251b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
crate::target::{AvailableTargets, TargetOps},
clap::{App, Arg},
#[derive(Debug, Error, PartialEq)]
pub enum Error {
#[error("Operation not supported for the target.")]
pub struct ParseArgs {
/// Limit on number of outstanding IOs - IOs that are generated but are not
/// complete.
pub queue_depth: usize,
/// odu writes a header at the beginning of each block boundary. When not
/// passed as a parameter an attempt may be made to guess the block size. On
/// failure to get block size, a default block size is chosen. This helps
/// odu to verify the success of the operation. See also `align` and
/// `max_io_size`.
pub block_size: u64,
/// Maximum size of the IO issued. This parameter specifies the number of
/// bytes read/written from/to the `target` in one operation.
pub max_io_size: u64,
/// If set to true, IOs are aligned to `block_size`. If set to false, a
/// random offset is chosen to issue IOs.
pub align: bool,
/// Number of IO operations to generate. This number does not include IOs
/// issued to verify.
pub max_io_count: u64,
/// IOs are issued on the `target` for a range of offset between
/// [0, `target_length`). The bytes from offset `target_length` till end of
/// target are not to operated on.
pub target_length: u64,
/// Configures number of IO issuing threads. IO issuing threads are
/// generally not cpu bound. There may be more threads in the process to
/// generate load and to verify the IO.
pub thread_count: usize,
/// Specifies how a `target` is opened, what type of IO functions are called
/// and how completions of those IOs will be delivered. For example fdio
/// might call posix-like pwrite, pread, etc. but blob target may have
/// completely different restrictions on issuing IOs.
pub target_type: AvailableTargets,
/// These are the set of operations for which generator will generate
/// io packets. These operation performance is what user is interested
/// in.
pub operations: TargetOps,
/// When true, the `target` access (read/write) are sequential with respect
/// to offsets within the `target`.
pub sequential: bool,
/// Parameters passed to odu gets written to `output_config_file`.
pub output_config_file: String,
/// A `target` can be a path in filesystem, a hash in blobfs, a path in
/// device tree, or a named pipe. These are pre-existing targets that have
/// a non-zero length. IOs are performed only on these targets. All threads
/// get exclusive access to certain parts of the `target`.
pub target: String,
const KIB: u64 = 1024;
const MIB: u64 = KIB * KIB;
// TODO(auradkar): Some of the default values/ranges are intentionally set low
// so that the tool runs for shorter duration.
// And some of the defaults and ranges have arbitrarily values.
// We need to come up with better ones.
const QUEUE_DEPTH_RANGE: RangeInclusive<usize> = 1..=256;
const QUEUE_DEPTH_DEFAULT: usize = 40;
const BLOCK_SIZE_RANGE: RangeInclusive<u64> = 1..=MIB;
const BLOCK_SIZE_DEFAULT: u64 = 8 * KIB;
const MAX_IO_SIZE_RANGE: RangeInclusive<u64> = 1..=MIB;
const ALIGN_DEFAULT: bool = true;
const MAX_IO_COUNT_RANGE: RangeInclusive<u64> = 1..=2_000_000;
const MAX_IO_COUNT_DEFAULT: u64 = 1000;
const TARGET_SIZE_DEFAULT: u64 = 20 * MIB;
const THREAD_COUNT_RANGE: RangeInclusive<usize> = 1..=16;
const THREAD_COUNT_DEFAULT: usize = 3;
const TARGET_OPERATIONS_DEFAULT: &str = "write";
const TARGET_TYPE_DEFAULT: AvailableTargets = AvailableTargets::FileTarget;
const SEQUENTIAL_DEFAULT: bool = true;
const OUTPUT_CONFIG_FILE_DEFAULT: &str = "/tmp/output.config";
fn to_string_min_max<T: std::fmt::Debug>(val: RangeInclusive<T>) -> String {
format!("Min:{:?} Max:{:?}", val.start(), val.end())
fn validate_range<T: std::str::FromStr + std::cmp::PartialOrd>(
key: &str,
val: String,
range: RangeInclusive<T>,
) -> Result<(), String> {
let arg =
val.parse::<T>().map_err(|_| format!("{} expects a number. Found \"{}\"", key, val))?;
if !range.contains(&arg) {
return Err(format!(" {} value {} out of range.", key, val));
fn queue_depth_validator(val: String) -> Result<(), String> {
validate_range("queue_depth", val, QUEUE_DEPTH_RANGE)
fn block_size_validator(val: String) -> Result<(), String> {
validate_range("block_size", val, BLOCK_SIZE_RANGE)
fn max_io_size_validator(val: String) -> Result<(), String> {
validate_range("max_io_size", val, MAX_IO_SIZE_RANGE)
fn max_io_count_validator(val: String) -> Result<(), String> {
validate_range("max_io_count", val, MAX_IO_COUNT_RANGE)
fn thread_count_validator(val: String) -> Result<(), String> {
validate_range("thread_count", val, THREAD_COUNT_RANGE)
fn target_operations_validator(
target_type: AvailableTargets,
operations: &Vec<&str>,
) -> Result<TargetOps, Error> {
// Get the operations allowed by the target and see if the operations requested
// is subset of the operations allowed.
let allowed_ops = allowed_ops(target_type);
let mut ops = TargetOps { write: false, open: false };
for value in operations {
if !allowed_ops.enabled(value) {
"{:?} is not allowed for target: {}",
"For target: {}, supported operations are {:?}",
return Err(Error::OperationNotSupported);
} else {
ops.enable(value, true).unwrap();
return Ok(ops);
pub fn parse() -> Result<ParseArgs, Error> {
let queue_depth_default_str = &format!("{}", QUEUE_DEPTH_DEFAULT);
let block_size_default_str = &format!("{}", BLOCK_SIZE_DEFAULT);
let max_io_size_default_str = &format!("{}", MAX_IO_SIZE_DEFAULT);
let align_default_str = &format!("{}", ALIGN_DEFAULT);
let max_io_count_default_str = &format!("{}", MAX_IO_COUNT_DEFAULT);
let target_size_default_str = &format!("{}", TARGET_SIZE_DEFAULT);
let thread_count_default_str = &format!("{}", THREAD_COUNT_DEFAULT);
let target_operations_default_str = &format!("{}", TARGET_OPERATIONS_DEFAULT);
let target_type_default_str =
&format!("{}", AvailableTargets::value_to_friendly_name(TARGET_TYPE_DEFAULT));
let sequential_default_str = &format!("{}", SEQUENTIAL_DEFAULT);
let output_config_file_default_str = &format!("{}", OUTPUT_CONFIG_FILE_DEFAULT);
let matches = App::new("odu")
// TODO: We cannot get package version through `CARGO_PKG_VERSION`.
// Find out a way.
.about("IO benchmarking library and utility")
.help("Maximum number of outstanding IOs per thread.")
.help("Maximum number of outstanding IOs per thread.")
.help("Maximum number of outstanding IOs per thread.")
.possible_values(&["true", "false"])
.help("Maximum number of outstanding IOs per thread.")
.help("Maximum number of outstanding IOs per thread.")
.help("Maximum number of outstanding IOs per thread.")
.help("Maximum number of outstanding IOs per thread.")
"Types of operations to generate load for. Not all operations \
are allowed for all targets",
.help("Maximum number of outstanding IOs per thread.")
.possible_values(&["true", "false"])
.help("Maximum number of outstanding IOs per thread.")
.help("Maximum number of outstanding IOs per thread.")
.help("Maximum number of outstanding IOs per thread.")
let mut args = ParseArgs {
queue_depth: matches.value_of("queue_depth").unwrap().parse::<usize>().unwrap(),
block_size: matches.value_of("block_size").unwrap().parse::<u64>().unwrap(),
max_io_size: matches.value_of("max_io_size").unwrap().parse::<u64>().unwrap(),
align: matches.value_of("align").unwrap().parse::<bool>().unwrap(),
max_io_count: matches.value_of("max_io_count").unwrap().parse::<u64>().unwrap(),
target_length: matches.value_of("target_length").unwrap().parse::<u64>().unwrap(),
thread_count: matches.value_of("thread_count").unwrap().parse::<usize>().unwrap(),
target_type: AvailableTargets::friendly_name_to_value(
operations: Default::default(),
sequential: matches.value_of("sequential").unwrap().parse::<bool>().unwrap(),
output_config_file: matches.value_of("output_config_file").unwrap().to_string(),
target: matches.value_of("target").unwrap().to_string(),
args.operations = target_operations_validator(
mod tests {
use {crate::args, crate::common_operations::allowed_ops, crate::target::AvailableTargets};
fn queue_depth_validator_test_default() {
fn queue_depth_validator_test_out_of_range() {
args::queue_depth_validator((args::QUEUE_DEPTH_RANGE.end() + 1).to_string()).is_err()
fn block_size_validator_test_default() {
fn block_size_validator_test_out_of_range() {
assert!(args::block_size_validator((args::BLOCK_SIZE_RANGE.end() + 1).to_string()).is_err());
fn max_io_size_validator_test_default() {
fn max_io_size_validator_test_out_of_range() {
args::max_io_size_validator((args::MAX_IO_SIZE_RANGE.end() + 1).to_string()).is_err()
fn max_io_count_validator_test_default() {
fn max_io_count_validator_test_out_of_range() {
args::max_io_count_validator((args::MAX_IO_COUNT_RANGE.end() + 1).to_string()).is_err()
fn thread_count_validator_test_default() {
fn thread_count_validator_test_out_of_range() {
args::thread_count_validator((args::THREAD_COUNT_RANGE.end() + 1).to_string()).is_err()
fn target_operations_validator_test_valid_inputs() {
let allowed_ops = allowed_ops(AvailableTargets::FileTarget);
// We know that "write" is allowed for files. Input "write" to the
// function and expect success.
assert_eq!(allowed_ops.enabled("write"), true);
args::target_operations_validator(AvailableTargets::FileTarget, &vec!["write"]).is_ok()
fn target_operations_validator_test_invalid_input_nonexistant_operation() {
let ret = args::target_operations_validator(AvailableTargets::FileTarget, &vec!["hello"]);
assert_eq!(ret.err(), Some(args::Error::OperationNotSupported));
fn target_operations_validator_test_invalid_input_disallowed_operation() {
let allowed_ops = allowed_ops(AvailableTargets::FileTarget);
// We know that "open" is not *yet* allowed for files. Input "open" to the
// function and expect success.
assert_eq!(allowed_ops.enabled("open"), false);
args::target_operations_validator(AvailableTargets::FileTarget, &vec!["open"]).is_err()