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// Copyright 2018 The Servo Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
use std;
use sys;
use {Direction, Language};
/// A series of Unicode characters.
/// ## Adding Text
/// Since in Rust, a value of type `&str` must contain valid UTF-8
/// text, adding text to a `Buffer` is simple:
/// ```
/// # use harfbuzz::Buffer;
/// let mut b = Buffer::new();
/// b.add_str("Hello World");
/// assert_eq!(b.is_empty(), false);
/// ```
/// or, more simply:
/// ```
/// # use harfbuzz::Buffer;
/// let b = Buffer::with("Hello World");
/// assert_eq!(b.is_empty(), false);
/// ```
/// ## Segment Properties
/// In addition to the text itself, there are three important properties
/// that influence how a piece of text is shaped:
/// * Direction: The direction in which the output glyphs flow. This is
/// typically left to right or right to left. This is controlled via
/// the [`set_direction`] method on `Buffer`.
/// * Script: Script is crucial for choosing the proper shaping behaviour
/// for scripts that require it (e.g. Arabic) and the which OpenType
/// features defined in the font to be applied. This is controlled via
/// the [`set_script`] method on `Buffer`.
/// * Language: Languages are crucial for selecting which OpenType feature
/// to apply to the buffer which can result in applying language-specific
/// behaviour. Languages are orthogonal to the scripts, and though they
/// are related, they are different concepts and should not be confused
/// with each other. This is controlled via the [`set_language`] method
/// on `Buffer`.
/// Additionally, Harfbuzz can attempt to infer the values for these
/// properties using the [`guess_segment_properties`] method on `Buffer`:
/// ```
/// # use harfbuzz::{Buffer, Direction, sys};
/// let mut b = Buffer::with("مساء الخير");
/// b.guess_segment_properties();
/// assert_eq!(b.get_direction(), Direction::RTL);
/// assert_eq!(b.get_script(), sys::HB_SCRIPT_ARABIC);
/// ```
/// [`set_direction`]: #method.set_direction
/// [`set_script`]: #method.set_script
/// [`set_language`]: #method.set_language
/// [`guess_segment_properties`]: #method.guess_segment_properties
pub struct Buffer {
/// The underlying `hb_buffer_t` from the `harfbuzz-sys` crate.
/// This isn't commonly needed unless interfacing directly with
/// functions from the `harfbuzz-sys` crate that haven't been
/// safely exposed.
raw: *mut sys::hb_buffer_t,
impl Buffer {
/// Create a new, empty buffer.
/// ```
/// # use harfbuzz::Buffer;
/// let b = Buffer::new();
/// assert!(b.is_empty());
/// ```
pub fn new() -> Self {
/// Construct a `Buffer` from a raw pointer. Takes ownership of the buffer.
pub unsafe fn from_raw(raw: *mut sys::hb_buffer_t) -> Self {
Buffer { raw }
/// Borrows a raw pointer to the buffer.
pub fn as_ptr(&self) -> *mut sys::hb_buffer_t {
/// Gives up ownership and returns a raw pointer to the buffer.
pub fn into_raw(self) -> *mut sys::hb_buffer_t {
let raw = self.raw;
/// Create a new buffer with the given text.
pub fn with(text: &str) -> Self {
let mut b = Buffer::new();
/// Create a new, empty buffer with the specified capacity.
pub fn with_capacity(capacity: usize) -> Self {
let mut b = Buffer::default();
/// Add UTF-8 encoded text to the buffer.
pub fn add_str(&mut self, text: &str) {
unsafe {
text.as_ptr() as *const std::os::raw::c_char,
text.len() as std::os::raw::c_int,
text.len() as std::os::raw::c_int,
/// Append part of the contents of another buffer to this one.
/// ```
/// # use harfbuzz::Buffer;
/// let mut b1 = Buffer::with("butter");
/// let b2 = Buffer::with("fly");
/// b1.append(&b2, 0, 3);
/// assert_eq!(b1.len(), "butterfly".len());
/// ```
pub fn append(&mut self, other: &Buffer, start: usize, end: usize) {
unsafe {
start as std::os::raw::c_uint,
end as std::os::raw::c_uint,
/// Throw away text stored in the buffer, but maintain the
/// currently configured Unicode functions and flags.
/// Text, glyph info, and segment properties will be discarded.
pub fn clear_contents(&mut self) {
unsafe { sys::hb_buffer_clear_contents(self.raw) };
/// Throw away all data stored in the buffer as well as configuration
/// parameters like Unicode functions, flags, and segment properties.
pub fn reset(&mut self) {
unsafe { sys::hb_buffer_reset(self.raw) };
/// Preallocate space to fit at least *size* number of items.
/// FIXME: Does this correctly match the expected semantics?
pub fn reserve(&mut self, size: usize) {
unsafe { sys::hb_buffer_pre_allocate(self.raw, size as u32) };
/// Returns the number of elements in the buffer, also referred to as its 'length'.
pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
unsafe { sys::hb_buffer_get_length(self.raw) as usize }
/// Returns `true` if the buffer contains no data.
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
self.len() == 0
/// Sets unset buffer segment properties based on buffer Unicode
/// contents.
/// If buffer is not empty, it must have content type
/// If buffer script is not set (ie. is `HB_SCRIPT_INVALID`), it will
/// be set to the Unicode script of the first character in the buffer
/// that has a script other than `HB_SCRIPT_COMMON`,
/// Next, if buffer direction is not set (ie. is `Direction::Invalid`),
/// it will be set to the natural horizontal direction of the buffer
/// script as returned by `hb_script_get_horizontal_direction()`.
/// Finally, if buffer language is not set (ie. is `HB_LANGUAGE_INVALID`),
/// it will be set to the process's default language as returned by
/// `hb_language_get_default()`. This may change in the future by
/// taking buffer script into consideration when choosing a language.
/// ```
/// # use harfbuzz::{Buffer, Direction, sys};
/// let mut b = Buffer::with("Hello, world!");
/// b.guess_segment_properties();
/// assert_eq!(b.get_direction(), Direction::LTR);
/// assert_eq!(b.get_script(), sys::HB_SCRIPT_LATIN);
/// ```
/// See also:
/// * [`get_direction`](#method.get_direction)
/// * [`set_direction`](#method.set_direction)
/// * [`get_script`](#method.get_script)
/// * [`set_script`](#method.set_script)
/// * [`get_language`](#method.get_language)
/// * [`set_language`](#method.set_language)
pub fn guess_segment_properties(&mut self) {
unsafe { sys::hb_buffer_guess_segment_properties(self.raw) };
/// Set the text flow direction of the buffer.
/// No shaping can happen without setting buffer direction, and
/// it controls the visual direction for the output glyphs; for
/// RTL direction the glyphs will be reversed. Many layout features
/// depend on the proper setting of the direction, for example,
/// reversing RTL text before shaping, then shaping with LTR direction
/// is not the same as keeping the text in logical order and shaping
/// with RTL direction.
/// See also:
/// * [`get_direction`](#method.get_direction)
/// * [`guess_segment_properties`](#method.guess_segment_properties)
pub fn set_direction(&mut self, direction: Direction) {
unsafe { sys::hb_buffer_set_direction(self.raw, direction.into()) };
/// Get the text flow direction for the buffer.
/// See also:
/// * [`set_direction`](#method.set_direction)
pub fn get_direction(&self) -> Direction {
(unsafe { sys::hb_buffer_get_direction(self.raw) }).into()
/// Sets the script of buffer to *script*.
/// Script is crucial for choosing the proper shaping behaviour
/// for scripts that require it (e.g. Arabic) and the which
/// OpenType features defined in the font to be applied.
/// See also:
/// * [`get_script`](#method.get_script)
/// * [`guess_segment_properties`](#method.guess_segment_properties)
pub fn set_script(&mut self, script: sys::hb_script_t) {
unsafe { sys::hb_buffer_set_script(self.raw, script) };
/// Get the script for the buffer.
/// See also:
/// * [`set_script`](#method.set_script)
pub fn get_script(&self) -> sys::hb_script_t {
unsafe { sys::hb_buffer_get_script(self.raw) }
/// Sets the language of buffer to *language*.
/// Languages are crucial for selecting which OpenType feature
/// to apply to the buffer which can result in applying
/// language-specific behaviour. Languages are orthogonal to
/// the scripts, and though they are related, they are different
/// concepts and should not be confused with each other.
/// See also:
/// * [`get_language`](#method.get_language)
/// * [`guess_segment_properties`](#method.guess_segment_properties)
pub fn set_language(&mut self, language: Language) {
unsafe { sys::hb_buffer_set_language(self.raw, language.as_raw()) };
/// Get the language for the buffer.
/// See also:
/// * [`set_language`](#method.set_language)
pub fn get_language(&self) -> Language {
unsafe { Language::from_raw(sys::hb_buffer_get_language(self.raw)) }
impl std::fmt::Debug for Buffer {
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
.field("direction", &self.get_direction())
.field("script", &self.get_script())
.field("language", &self.get_language())
impl Default for Buffer {
/// Create a new, empty buffer.
fn default() -> Self {
Buffer {
raw: unsafe { sys::hb_buffer_create() },
impl Drop for Buffer {
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe { sys::hb_buffer_destroy(self.raw) }