blob: d741fb665a396bc040e7661f29d8a85691e5fdf9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fidl/flat_ast.h>
#include <fidl/lexer.h>
#include <fidl/parser.h>
#include <fidl/source_file.h>
#include <zxtest/zxtest.h>
#include "error_test.h"
#include "test_library.h"
namespace {
TEST(TableTests, GoodPopulatedFields) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library fidl.test.tables;
table Foo {
1: int64 x;
TEST(TableTests, GoodReservedFields) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library fidl.test.tables;
table Foo {
1: reserved;
TEST(TableTests, GoodReservedAndPopulatedFields) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library fidl.test.tables;
table Foo {
1: int64 x;
2: reserved;
TEST(TableTests, GoodManyReservedFields) {
TestLibrary library("test.fidl", R"FIDL(
library fidl.test.tables;
table Foo {
1: reserved;
2: reserved;
3: reserved;
TEST(TableTests, GoodOutOfOrderFields) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library fidl.test.tables;
table Foo {
3: reserved;
1: reserved;
2: reserved;
TEST(TableTests, GoodAllowEmptyTables) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library fidl.test.tables;
table Foo {
TEST(TableTests, BadMissingOrdinalsOld) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library fidl.test.tables;
table Foo {
int64 x;
ASSERT_ERRORED_DURING_COMPILE(library, fidl::ErrExpectedOrdinalOrCloseBrace);
TEST(TableTests, BadMissingOrdinals) {
fidl::ExperimentalFlags experimental_flags;
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library fidl.test.tables;
type Foo = table {
x int64;
// NOTE( difference in parser implementation, the old syntax
// checks for this case specifically.
ASSERT_ERRORED_DURING_COMPILE(library, fidl::ErrMissingOrdinalBeforeType)
TEST(TableTests, BadDuplicateFieldNamesOld) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library fidl.test.tables;
table Foo {
1: string field;
2: uint32 field;
ASSERT_ERRORED_DURING_COMPILE(library, fidl::ErrDuplicateTableFieldName);
TEST(TableTests, BadDuplicateFieldNames) {
fidl::ExperimentalFlags experimental_flags;
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library fidl.test.tables;
type Foo = table {
1: field string;
2: field uint32;
ASSERT_ERRORED_DURING_COMPILE(library, fidl::ErrDuplicateTableFieldName);
TEST(TableTests, BadDuplicateOrdinalsOld) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library fidl.test.tables;
table Foo {
1: string foo;
1: uint32 bar;
ASSERT_ERRORED_DURING_COMPILE(library, fidl::ErrDuplicateTableFieldOrdinal);
TEST(TableTests, BadDuplicateOrdinals) {
fidl::ExperimentalFlags experimental_flags;
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library fidl.test.tables;
type Foo = table {
1: foo string;
1: bar uint32;
ASSERT_ERRORED_DURING_COMPILE(library, fidl::ErrDuplicateTableFieldOrdinal);
TEST(TableTests, GoodAttributesOnFields) {
TestLibrary library("test.fidl", R"FIDL(
library fidl.test.tables;
table Foo {
1: int64 x;
2: bool bar;
TEST(TableTests, GoodAttributesOnTables) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library fidl.test.tables;
table Foo {
1: int64 x;
2: bool please;
TEST(TableTests, GoodKeywordsAsFieldNames) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library fidl.test.tables;
struct struct {
bool field;
table Foo {
1: int64 table;
2: bool library;
3: uint32 uint32;
4: struct member;
5: bool reserved;
TEST(TableTests, BadOptionalInStructOld) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library fidl.test.tables;
table Foo {
1: int64 t;
struct OptionalTableContainer {
Foo? foo;
ASSERT_ERRORED_DURING_COMPILE(library, fidl::ErrCannotBeNullable);
TEST(TableTests, BadOptionalInStruct) {
fidl::ExperimentalFlags experimental_flags;
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library fidl.test.tables;
type Foo = table {
1: t int64;
type OptionalTableContainer = struct {
foo Foo:optional;
ASSERT_ERRORED_DURING_COMPILE(library, fidl::ErrCannotBeNullable);
TEST(TableTests, BadTableMultipleConstraints) {
fidl::ExperimentalFlags experimental_flags;
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library fidl.test.tables;
type Foo = table {
1: t int64;
type OptionalTableContainer = struct {
foo Foo:<optional, foo, bar>;
ASSERT_ERRORED_DURING_COMPILE(library, fidl::ErrTooManyConstraints);
TEST(TableTests, BadOptionalInUnionOld) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library fidl.test.tables;
table Foo {
1: int64 t;
union OptionalTableContainer {
1: Foo? foo;
ASSERT_ERRORED_DURING_COMPILE(library, fidl::ErrNullableUnionMember);
TEST(TableTests, BadOptionalInUnion) {
fidl::ExperimentalFlags experimental_flags;
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library fidl.test.tables;
type Foo = table {
1: t int64;
type OptionalTableContainer = union {
1: foo Foo:optional;
// NOTE( this pair of tests aims to document a behavior
// difference between the old and new syntaxes: in the old, we check for
// ErrNullableTableMember first before determining if the type itself can be
// nullable. This is not the case in the new syntax (we need to compile the
// type first to determine if it is nullable). The nullable union member
// error is tested in UnionTests.BadNoNullableMembers
ASSERT_ERRORED_DURING_COMPILE(library, fidl::ErrCannotBeNullable);
TEST(TableTests, GoodTableInTable) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library fidl.test.tables;
table Foo {
1: int64 t;
table Bar {
1: Foo foo;
TEST(TableTests, GoodTablesInUnions) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library fidl.test.tables;
table Foo {
1: int64 t;
flexible union OptionalTableContainer {
1: Foo foo;
TEST(TableTests, BadOptionalTableMemberOld) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library fidl.test.tables;
table Foo {
1: string? t;
ASSERT_ERRORED_DURING_COMPILE(library, fidl::ErrNullableTableMember);
TEST(TableTests, BadOptionalTableMember) {
fidl::ExperimentalFlags experimental_flags;
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library fidl.test.tables;
type Foo = table {
1: t string:optional;
ASSERT_ERRORED_DURING_COMPILE(library, fidl::ErrNullableTableMember);
TEST(TableTests, BadOptionalNonNullableTableMemberOld) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library fidl.test.tables;
table Foo {
1: int64? t;
ASSERT_ERRORED_DURING_COMPILE(library, fidl::ErrNullableTableMember);
TEST(TableTests, BadOptionalNonNullableTableMember) {
fidl::ExperimentalFlags experimental_flags;
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library fidl.test.tables;
type Foo = table {
1: t int64:optional;
// NOTE( this pair of tests aims to document a behavior
// difference between the old and new syntaxes: in the old, we check for
// ErrNullableTableMember first before determining if the type itself can be
// nullable. This is not the case in the new syntax (we need to compile the
// type first to determine if it is nullable).
ASSERT_ERRORED_DURING_COMPILE(library, fidl::ErrCannotBeNullable);
TEST(TableTests, BadDefaultNotAllowedOld) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library fidl.test.tables;
table Foo {
1: int64 t = 1;
ASSERT_ERRORED_DURING_COMPILE(library, fidl::ErrDefaultsOnTablesNotSupported);
TEST(TableTests, BadDefaultNotAllowed) {
fidl::ExperimentalFlags experimental_flags;
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library fidl.test.tables;
type Foo = table {
1: t int64 = 1;
// NOTE( we lose the default specific error in the new syntax.
// TODO( the second error doesn't make any sense
ASSERT_ERRORED_TWICE_DURING_COMPILE(library, fidl::ErrUnexpectedTokenOfKind,
TEST(TableTests, BadMustBeDenseOld) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library example;
table Example {
1: int64 first;
3: int64 third;
ASSERT_ERRORED_DURING_COMPILE(library, fidl::ErrNonDenseOrdinal);
ASSERT_SUBSTR(library.errors()[0]->msg.c_str(), "2");
TEST(TableTests, BadMustBeDense) {
fidl::ExperimentalFlags experimental_flags;
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library example;
type Example = table {
1: first int64;
3: third int64;
ASSERT_ERRORED_DURING_COMPILE(library, fidl::ErrNonDenseOrdinal);
ASSERT_SUBSTR(library.errors()[0]->msg.c_str(), "2");
} // namespace