blob: bdf3ec3c0e428d33a054d7d238e89417f15ad246 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
namespace cobalt {
namespace testapp {
// error_occurred metric constants.
const uint32_t kErrorOccurredIndicesToUse[] = {0, 1, 2, 9};
const uint32_t kErrorOccurredInvalidIndex = 18;
// Common metric constants.
const std::string kApplicationComponentNames[] = {
"audio_core", "chromium", "logger", "netstack",
"scheduler", "sysmng", "scenic", "unknown"};
// file_system_cache_misses metric constants.
const uint32_t kFileSystemCacheMissesIndices[] = {0, 1};
const std::string kFileSystemCacheMissesComponentNames[] = {
"blobfs", "minfs", "thinfs", "", "unknown"};
const int64_t kFileSystemCacheMissesCountMax = 2;
// update_duration metric constants.
const int32_t kUpdateDurationIndices[] = {0, 1, 2, 3};
const std::string kUpdateDurationComponentNames[] = {
"DownloadPayload", "VerifyPayload", "ApplyPayload", "VerifyUpdate", "",
const int64_t kUpdateDurationValues[] = {-1, 0, 1, 2, 5, 10,
22, 37, 64, 158, 301, 702};
// game_frame_rate metric constants.
const int32_t kGameFrameRateIndices[] = {0, 1, 2};
const std::string kGameFrameRateComponentNames[] = {
"Forest", "Beach", "Dungeon", "City", "", "unknown"};
const float kGameFrameRateValues[] = {0.50, 1.23, 3.042, 7.999,
8.0, 25.4, 55.1, 64.003,
201.21, 415.235, 600.001};
// application_memory metric constants
const int32_t kApplicationMemoryIndices[] = {0, 1, 2};
const int64_t kApplicationMemoryValues[] = {
0, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000, 32000, 64000, 128000, 256000, 512000};
// power_usage metric constants.
const int32_t kPowerUsageIndices[] = {0, 1};
const int32_t kPowerUsageBuckets = 52;
// bandwidth_usage metric constants.
const int32_t kBandwidthUsageIndices[] = {0, 1};
const int64_t kBandwidthUsageBuckets = 22;
// features_active metric constants.
const int32_t kFeaturesActiveIndices[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 9};
const int32_t kFeaturesActiveInvalidIndex = 20;
// connection_attempts metric constants.
const int32_t kConnectionAttemptsIndices[] = {0, 1};
const std::string kConnectionAttemptsComponentNames[] = {"HostA", "HostB",
const int kConnectionAttemptsNumWindowSizes = 2;
// streaming_time metric constants.
const int32_t kStreamingTimeIndices[] = {0, 1, 2};
const std::string kStreamingTimeComponentNames[] = {"ModuleA", "ModuleB",
const int kStreamingTimeNumWindowSizes = 2;
// The number of locally aggregated observations that should be generated for
// the test_app2 project for a day, assuming that no events were logged for
// locally aggregated metrics on that day.
// This number is calculated as follows:
// features_active: 20 UniqueActivesObservations
// (10 event codes * 2 window sizes)
// connection_attempts: 1 ReportParticipationObservation
// streaming_time: 1 ReportParticipationObservation
const int64_t kNumAggregatedObservations = 22;
const size_t kNumBackfillDays = 2;
} // namespace testapp
} // namespace cobalt