blob: 2c21035ce0d871e74aa195e62095aaad66546cef [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
config::{Config, Mode},
metadata::{MetadataError, VerifyError},
anyhow::{anyhow, Context},
AdminProxy as PowerStateControlProxy, RebootReason,
fuchsia_async as fasync,
/// Determines if we should reboot.
pub(super) fn should_reboot(error: &MetadataError, config: &Config) -> bool {
if let MetadataError::Verify(VerifyError::BlobFs(_)) = error {
return config.blobfs() == &Mode::RebootOnFailure;
return true;
/// Waits for the timer to complete and then reboots the system, logging errors instead of failing.
pub(super) async fn wait_and_reboot(proxy: &PowerStateControlProxy, timer: fasync::Timer) {
let () = timer.await;
if let Err(e) = async move {
.context("while performing reboot call")?
.context("reboot responded with")
fx_log_err!("error initiating reboot: {:#}", anyhow!(e));
mod tests {
use {
crate::metadata::{BootManagerError, PolicyError, VerifyFailureReason},
futures::{channel::oneshot, pin_mut, task::Poll},
std::{sync::Arc, time::Duration},
fn test_wait_and_reboot_success() {
let mut executor = fasync::Executor::new_with_fake_time().unwrap();
// Create a mock reboot service.
let (sender, recv) = oneshot::channel();
let sender = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Some(sender)));
let mock = Arc::new(MockRebootService::new(Box::new(move |reason: RebootReason| {
let proxy = mock.spawn_reboot_service();
// Prepare futures to call reboot and receive the reboot request.
let timer_duration = 5;
let reboot_fut =
wait_and_reboot(&proxy, fasync::Timer::new(Duration::from_secs(timer_duration)));
// Set the time so that the timer is still going, so we should neither call reboot nor
// observe the reboot service was called.
executor.set_fake_time(fasync::Time::after(Duration::from_secs(timer_duration - 1).into()));
match executor.run_until_stalled(&mut reboot_fut) {
Poll::Ready(res) => panic!("future unexpectedly completed with response: {:?}", res),
Poll::Pending => {}
match executor.run_until_stalled(&mut recv) {
Poll::Ready(res) => panic!("future unexpectedly completed with response: {:?}", res),
Poll::Pending => {}
// Once the timer completes, we should complete the reboot call and observe we called the
// reboot service with the given reboot reason.
match executor.run_until_stalled(&mut recv) {
Poll::Ready(res) => panic!("future unexpectedly completed with response: {:?}", res),
Poll::Pending => {}
match executor.run_until_stalled(&mut reboot_fut) {
Poll::Ready(_) => {}
Poll::Pending => panic!("future unexpectedly pending"),
match executor.run_until_stalled(&mut recv) {
Poll::Ready(res) => assert_eq!(res, Ok(RebootReason::RetrySystemUpdate)),
Poll::Pending => panic!("future unexpectedly pending"),
fn test_blobfs_verify_errors(config: Config, expect_reboot: bool) {
let timeout_err = MetadataError::Verify(VerifyError::BlobFs(VerifyFailureReason::Timeout));
let verify_err =
let fidl_err = MetadataError::Verify(VerifyError::BlobFs(VerifyFailureReason::Fidl(
assert_eq!(should_reboot(&timeout_err, &config), expect_reboot);
assert_eq!(should_reboot(&verify_err, &config), expect_reboot);
assert_eq!(should_reboot(&fidl_err, &config), expect_reboot);
/// Blobfs errors SHOULD NOT cause a reboot if they're ignored.
fn test_blobfs_errors_should_not_reboot() {
test_blobfs_verify_errors(Config::builder().blobfs(Mode::Ignore).build(), false);
/// Blobfs errors SHOULD cause a reboot if they're NOT ignored.
fn test_blobfs_errors_should_reboot() {
test_blobfs_verify_errors(Config::builder().blobfs(Mode::RebootOnFailure).build(), true);
// Test that all the non-blobfs metadata errors will always cause a reboot, regardless of the
// config. Ideally, we'd also generate arbitrary MetadataErrors, but that's not possible
// because there are !Clone descendants.
proptest! {
fn test_should_reboot_commit_error(config: Config) {
let err = MetadataError::Commit(BootManagerError::Status {
method_name: "foo",
status: Status::UNAVAILABLE,
assert!(should_reboot(&err, &config));
fn test_should_reboot_policy_error(config: Config) {
let err = MetadataError::Policy(PolicyError::Build(BootManagerError::Status {
method_name: "bar",
status: Status::ACCESS_DENIED,
assert!(should_reboot(&err, &config));
fn test_should_reboot_signal_error(config: Config) {
let err = MetadataError::SignalPeer(fuchsia_zircon::Status::NOT_FOUND);
assert!(should_reboot(&err, &config));
fn test_should_reboot_unblock_error(config: Config) {
assert!(should_reboot(&MetadataError::Unblock, &config));