blob: 321eae63cf2bf08b0310588c19f99da9bb7b3a6d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <bits.h>
#include <lib/cbuf.h>
#include <lib/debuglog.h>
#include <lib/zircon-internal/macros.h>
#include <platform.h>
#include <reg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <trace.h>
#include <zircon/boot/driver-config.h>
#include <arch/arm64/periphmap.h>
#include <dev/interrupt.h>
#include <dev/uart.h>
#include <dev/uart/motmot/init.h>
#include <kernel/auto_lock.h>
#include <kernel/lockdep.h>
#include <kernel/thread.h>
#include <kernel/timer.h>
#include <ktl/algorithm.h>
#include <pdev/uart.h>
#include <platform/debug.h>
#include <ktl/enforce.h>
#define LOCAL_TRACE 0
// Motmot implementation
// clang-format off
#define UART_ULCON (0x00)
#define UART_UCON (0x04)
#define UART_UFCON (0x08)
#define UART_UMCON (0x0c)
#define UART_UTRSTAT (0x10)
#define UART_UERSTAT (0x14)
#define UART_UFSTAT (0x18)
#define UART_UMSTAT (0x1c)
#define UART_UTXH (0x20)
#define UART_URXH (0x24)
#define UART_UBRDIV (0x28)
#define UART_UFRACVAL (0x2c)
#define UART_UINTP (0x30)
#define UART_UINTS (0x34)
#define UART_UINTM (0x38) // interrupt mask register, protect with uart_spinlock
#define UART_UFLT_CONF (0x40)
#define UART_FIFO_DEPTH (0xdc)
// clang-format on
#define UARTREG(base, reg) (*REG32((base) + (reg)))
#define UARTREG_RMW(base, reg, mask, val) \
do { \
UARTREG(base, reg) = (UARTREG(base, reg) & ~(mask)) | (val); \
} while (0)
const size_t RXBUF_SIZE = 256;
namespace {
// values read from zbi
vaddr_t uart_base = 0;
uint32_t uart_irq = 0;
Cbuf uart_rx_buf;
// Tx driven irq:
// NOTE: For the motmot, txim is the "ready to transmit" interrupt. So we must
// mask it when we no longer care about it and unmask it when we start txing.
bool uart_tx_irq_enabled = false;
uint32_t uart_tx_fifo_size = 0;
uint32_t uart_rx_fifo_size = 0;
AutounsignalEvent uart_dputc_event{true};
// It's important to ensure that no other locks are acquired while holding this lock. This lock
// is needed for the printf and panic code paths, and printing and panicking must be safe while
// holding (almost) any lock.
DECLARE_SINGLETON_SPINLOCK_WITH_TYPE(uart_spinlock, MonitoredSpinLock);
} // namespace
static inline void uartreg_and_eq(uintptr_t base, ptrdiff_t reg, uint32_t flags) {
volatile uint32_t* ptr = reinterpret_cast<volatile uint32_t*>(base + reg);
*ptr = *ptr & flags;
static inline void uartreg_or_eq(uintptr_t base, ptrdiff_t reg, uint32_t flags) {
volatile uint32_t* ptr = reinterpret_cast<volatile uint32_t*>(base + reg);
*ptr = *ptr | flags;
// The UINTM register is contended from both IRQ and threaded mode, so protect
// accesses via the uart_spinlock.
static inline void motmot_uart_mask_tx() TA_REQ(uart_spinlock::Get()) {
uartreg_or_eq(uart_base, UART_UINTM, (1 << 2)); // txd
static inline void motmot_uart_unmask_tx() TA_REQ(uart_spinlock::Get()) {
uartreg_and_eq(uart_base, UART_UINTM, ~(1 << 2)); // txd
static inline void motmot_uart_mask_rx() TA_REQ(uart_spinlock::Get()) {
uartreg_or_eq(uart_base, UART_UINTM, (1 << 0)); // rxd
static inline void motmot_uart_unmask_rx() TA_REQ(uart_spinlock::Get()) {
uartreg_and_eq(uart_base, UART_UINTM, ~(1 << 0)); // rxd
static interrupt_eoi motmot_uart_irq(void* arg) {
// read interrupt status
uint32_t isr = UARTREG(uart_base, UART_UINTP);
LTRACEF("irq UINTP %#x UINTS %#x ", isr, UARTREG(uart_base, UART_UINTS));
uint32_t pending_ack = 0; // accumulate pending writes to UINTP at the end
if (isr & (1 << 0)) { // rxd
// while fifo is not empty, read chars out of it
while ((UARTREG(uart_base, UART_UFSTAT) & (0x1ff)) != 0) { // uart fifo level
LTRACEF("fstat %#x\n", UARTREG(uart_base, UART_UFSTAT));
// if we're out of rx buffer, mask the irq instead of handling it
// This critical section is paired with the one in |motmot_uart_getc|
// where RX is unmasked. This is necessary to avoid the following race
// condition:
// Assume we have two threads, a reader R and a writer W, and the
// buffer is full. For simplicity, let us assume the buffer size is 1;
// the same process applies with a larger buffer and more readers.
// W: Observes the buffer is full.
// R: Reads a character. The buffer is now empty.
// R: Unmasks RX.
// W: Masks RX.
// At this point, we have an empty buffer and RX interrupts are masked -
// we're stuck! Thus, to avoid this, we acquire the spinlock before
// checking if the buffer is full, and release after (conditionally)
// masking RX interrupts. By pairing this with the acquisition of the
// same lock around unmasking RX interrupts, we prevent the writer above
// from being interrupted by a read-and-unmask.
Guard<MonitoredSpinLock, NoIrqSave> guard{uart_spinlock::Get(), SOURCE_TAG};
if (uart_rx_buf.Full()) {
LTRACEF("out of buf, masking rx\n");
// See if there are any pending errors queued up in the error stack.
// The hardware keeps a parallel stack of pending errors next to the RX fifo
// with the idea that the error only rises to the surface when the character
// that it was triggered on is the current top of the rx stack. Thusly we
// need to read the error status register on every char and make sure we're
// not actually looking at a fouled read.
// It's a bit unclear, but it seems that overrun and break detects are somewhat
// independent of the character in the fifo itself, but are really triggered
// at the boundary between it and the next character, so only discard fifo reads
// for framing and parity errors.
bool discard_char = false;
uint32_t err = UARTREG(uart_base, UART_UERSTAT);
if (unlikely(err & 0b1111)) {
if (err & (1 << 0)) { // overrun error
// not much we can do except log and move on
printf("UART: rx overrun\n");
if (err & (1 << 1)) { // parity error
printf("UART: rx parity\n");
// discard the next char
discard_char = true;
if (err & (1 << 2)) { // framing error
printf("UART: rx frame err\n");
// discard the next char
discard_char = true;
if (err & (1 << 3)) { // break detect
printf("UART: brk\n");
char c = static_cast<char>(UARTREG(uart_base, UART_URXH));
if (!discard_char) {
LTRACEF("%#hhx in cbuf\n", c);
pending_ack |= (1 << 0); // clear rxd
if (uart_tx_irq_enabled) {
if (isr & (1 << 2)) { // txd
pending_ack |= (1 << 2); // clear txd
// Wake up any waiters in uart_dputs.
// Mask the TX irq, uart_dputs will unmask if necessary.
Guard<MonitoredSpinLock, NoIrqSave> guard{uart_spinlock::Get(), SOURCE_TAG};
// ack any pending irqs
if (pending_ack) {
UARTREG(uart_base, UART_UINTP) = pending_ack;
static int motmot_uart_getc(bool wait) {
// RX irq based
zx::status<char> result = uart_rx_buf.ReadChar(wait);
if (result.is_ok()) {
// See the comment on the critical section in |motmot_uart_irq|.
Guard<MonitoredSpinLock, IrqSave> guard{uart_spinlock::Get(), SOURCE_TAG};
return result.value();
// panic-time getc/putc
static void motmot_uart_pputc(char c) {
if (c == '\n') {
// spin while fifo is full
while (UARTREG(uart_base, UART_UFSTAT) & (1 << 24)) // tx fifo full
UARTREG(uart_base, UART_UTXH) = c;
static int motmot_uart_pgetc() {
for (;;) {
if ((UARTREG(uart_base, UART_UFSTAT) & (0x1ff)) != 0) { // rx fifo count
// read and discard character if framing or parity error is queued
uint32_t err = UARTREG(uart_base, UART_UERSTAT);
if (err & 0b0110) { // framing and parity error
volatile uint32_t discard __UNUSED = UARTREG(uart_base, UART_URXH);
return UARTREG(uart_base, UART_URXH);
} else {
return -1;
static void motmot_uart_dputs(const char* str, size_t len, bool block, bool map_NL) {
bool copied_CR = false;
if (!uart_tx_irq_enabled) {
block = false;
while (len > 0) {
bool wait = false;
size_t to_write = 0;
// Acquire the main uart spinlock once every iteration to try to cap the worst
// case time holding it. If a large string is passed, for example, this routine
// will write up to 64 bytes at a time into the fifo per iteration, dropping and
// reacquiring the spinlock every cycle.
Guard<MonitoredSpinLock, IrqSave> guard{uart_spinlock::Get(), SOURCE_TAG};
uint32_t ufstat = UARTREG(uart_base, UART_UFSTAT);
if (ufstat & (1 << 24)) { // tx fifo full
// Is the FIFO completely full? if so, block or spin at the end of the loop
wait = true;
} else {
// Compute how much space we have in the fifo and put up to that many
// characters in.
uint32_t used_fifo = BITS_SHIFT(ufstat, 23, 16); // tx fifo count
size_t remaining_fifo = uart_tx_fifo_size - used_fifo;
to_write = ktl::min(len, remaining_fifo);
// stuff up to to_write number of chars into the fifo
for (size_t i = 0; i < to_write; i++) {
if (!copied_CR && map_NL && *str == '\n') {
copied_CR = true;
UARTREG(uart_base, UART_UTXH) = '\r';
} else {
copied_CR = false;
UARTREG(uart_base, UART_UTXH) = *str++;
// If at the end of the loop we've decided to wait, block or spin. Otherwise loop
// around.
if (wait) {
if (block) {
// Unmask Tx interrupts before we block on the event. The TX irq handler
// will signal the event when the fifo falls below a threshold.
// drop the spinlock before waiting
} else {
// drop the spinlock before yielding
// Note spinlock will be dropped and reaquired around this loop
static void motmot_uart_start_panic() { uart_tx_irq_enabled = false; }
static const struct pdev_uart_ops uart_ops = {
.getc = motmot_uart_getc,
.pputc = motmot_uart_pputc,
.pgetc = motmot_uart_pgetc,
.start_panic = motmot_uart_start_panic,
.dputs = motmot_uart_dputs,
void MotmotUartInitEarly(const dcfg_simple_t& config) {
ASSERT(config.mmio_phys != 0);
ASSERT(config.irq != 0);
uart_base = periph_paddr_to_vaddr(config.mmio_phys);
ASSERT(uart_base != 0);
uart_irq = config.irq;
UARTREG(uart_base, UART_ULCON) = (3 << 0); // no parity, one stop bit, 8 bit
UARTREG(uart_base, UART_UMCON) = 0; // no auto flow control
// read the tx and rx fifo size, useful later
uint32_t fifo_depth = UARTREG(uart_base, UART_FIFO_DEPTH);
uart_tx_fifo_size = BITS_SHIFT(fifo_depth, 24, 16);
uart_rx_fifo_size = BITS(fifo_depth, 8, 0);
// sanity check the sizes in case hardware returns something bogus
if (uart_tx_fifo_size == 0 || uart_tx_fifo_size > 256) {
uart_tx_fifo_size = 1;
if (uart_rx_fifo_size == 0 || uart_rx_fifo_size > 256) {
uart_rx_fifo_size = 1;
void MotmotUartInitLate() {
// create circular buffer to hold received data
uart_rx_buf.Initialize(RXBUF_SIZE, malloc(RXBUF_SIZE));
// register IRQ handler
zx_status_t status = register_int_handler(uart_irq, &motmot_uart_irq, nullptr);
DEBUG_ASSERT(status == ZX_OK);
// mask all irqs
UARTREG(uart_base, UART_UINTM) = 0xf; // mask CTS, TX, error, RX
// clear all irqs
UARTREG(uart_base, UART_UINTP) = 0xf; // clear CTX, TX, error, RX
// disable fifos, set tx/rx threshold to minimum
UARTREG(uart_base, UART_UFCON) = 0;
// reset rx fifo
uartreg_or_eq(uart_base, UART_UFCON, (1 << 1));
// wait for it to clear
while (UARTREG(uart_base, UART_UFCON) & (1 << 1))
// enable fifos
uartreg_or_eq(uart_base, UART_UFCON, (1 << 0));
// enable receive
// clang-format off
(0xf << 12) | (1 << 11) | (3 << 0),
(3 << 12) // default rx timeout interval
| (0 << 11) // disable rx timeout when rx fifo empty
| (1 << 7) // rx timeout enable
| (1 << 6) // rx interrupt enable
| (1 << 0)); // rx enable interrupt mode
// clang-format on
LTRACEF("UCON %#x\n", UARTREG(uart_base, UART_UCON));
// unmask rx interrupt
Guard<MonitoredSpinLock, IrqSave> guard{uart_spinlock::Get(), SOURCE_TAG};
// level triggered irq
configure_interrupt(uart_irq, IRQ_TRIGGER_MODE_LEVEL, IRQ_POLARITY_ACTIVE_HIGH);
// enable interrupt
// use PIO driven TX if bypassing debuglog
if (dlog_bypass() == true) {
uart_tx_irq_enabled = false;
} else {
// start up tx driven output
printf("UART: started IRQ driven TX\n");
uart_tx_irq_enabled = true;
printf("UART: rx fifo len %u tx fifo len %u\n", uart_rx_fifo_size, uart_tx_fifo_size);