blob: 6e312354c62803e8c16b42511f4ed09d384d4d08 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/async-loop/cpp/loop.h>
#include <lib/async-loop/default.h>
#include <lib/async/cpp/executor.h>
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include <lib/stdcompat/optional.h>
#include <lib/zx/time.h>
#include "src/lib/fxl/macros.h"
namespace loop_fixture {
class RealLoop {
// Returns the loop's asynchronous dispatch interface.
async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher();
// Runs the loop until it is exited.
void RunLoop();
// Runs the loop for at most |timeout|. Returns |true| if the timeout has been
// reached.
bool RunLoopWithTimeout(zx::duration timeout = zx::sec(1));
// Runs the loop until the condition returns true.
// |step| specifies the interval at which this method should wake up to poll
// |condition|. If |step| is |zx::duration::infinite()|, no polling timer is
// set. Instead, the condition is checked initially and after anything happens
// on the loop (e.g. a task executes). This is useful when the caller knows
// that |condition| will be made true by a task running on the loop. This will
// generally be the case unless |condition| is made true on a different
// thread.
void RunLoopUntil(fit::function<bool()> condition, zx::duration step = zx::msec(10));
// Runs the loop until the condition returns true or the timeout is reached.
// Returns |true| if the condition was met, and |false| if the timeout was
// reached.
// |step| specifies the interval at which this method should wake up to poll
// |condition|. If |step| is |zx::duration::infinite()|, no polling timer is
// set. Instead, the condition is checked initially and after anything happens
// on the loop (e.g. a task executes). This is useful when the caller knows
// that |condition| will be made true by a task running on the loop. This will
// generally be the case unless |condition| is made true on a different
// thread.
bool RunLoopWithTimeoutOrUntil(fit::function<bool()> condition, zx::duration timeout = zx::sec(1),
zx::duration step = zx::msec(10));
// Runs the message loop until idle.
void RunLoopUntilIdle();
// Runs the loop until the given |fit::promise| completes, and returns the
// |fit::result| it produced.
// If the |fit::promise| never completes, this method will run forever.
template <typename PromiseType>
typename PromiseType::result_type RunPromise(PromiseType promise);
// Quits the loop.
void QuitLoop();
// Creates a closure that quits the test message loop when executed.
fit::closure QuitLoopClosure();
// The message loop for the test.
async::Loop loop_;
// Internal template implementation details
// ========================================
template <typename PromiseType>
typename PromiseType::result_type RealLoop::RunPromise(PromiseType promise) {
async::Executor e(dispatcher());
cpp17::optional<typename PromiseType::result_type> res;
promise.then([&res](typename PromiseType::result_type& v) { res = std::move(v); }));
// We set |step| to infinity, as the automatic-wake-up timer shouldn't be
// necessary. A well-behaved promise must always wake up the executor when
// there's more work to be done.
RunLoopUntil([&res]() { return res.has_value(); }, zx::duration::infinite());
return std::move(res.value());
} // namespace loop_fixture