blob: eaa5cd399a59f4822c3698e7ef0bd73e44d0cee8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.crash;
using fuchsia.mem;
using zx;
/// Analyzes crashed processes, string exceptions from managed runtimes or
/// kernel panic crashlogs.
[Discoverable, Layout = "Simple"]
protocol Analyzer {
/// Requests that the crash analyzer handles the exception thrown by the
/// given |thread| in |process|.
/// |exception_port| is the port on which the exception was delivered and
/// can be passed to zx_task_resume_from_exception(). This method is
/// responsible for resuming or stopping the thread once the analysis is
/// done. This might get changed to a more generic FIDL struct later on.
/// A typical implementation might print a crash dump to the system log or
/// upload a crash report to a server.
// The type of |exception_port| will be changed to some exception-specific
// FIDL struct eventually.
OnNativeException(handle<process> process,
handle<thread> thread,
handle<port> exception_port)
-> () error zx.status;
/// Requests that the crash analyzer handles the exception thrown in the
/// managed runtime.
/// |component_url| is the full Fuchsia URL of the component that crashed.
/// A typical implementation might print the exception message and stack
/// trace to the system log or upload a crash report to a server.
// The type of |component_url| will be changed to some component-specific
// FIDL struct eventually.
OnManagedRuntimeException(string:1024 component_url,
ManagedRuntimeException exception)
-> () error zx.status;
/// Requests that the crash analyzer processes the kernel panic crash log.
/// A typical implementation might print the crash log to the system log or
/// upload a crash report to a server with the log as attachment.
OnKernelPanicCrashLog(fuchsia.mem.Buffer crash_log) -> () error zx.status;
/// Represents a managed runtime exception.
/// unknown is intended to capture any language, meaning the handling will be
/// language-agnostic. Choose a more specific member if available for handling
/// that language more specifically.
union ManagedRuntimeException {
UnknownException unknown;
GenericException dart;
/// Represents a language-agnostic exception.
struct UnknownException {
/// A general buffer to hold some exception data.
fuchsia.mem.Buffer data;
/// Represents a generic exception that works for many managed runtime languages.
// We use array<byte> instead of string because the protocol has a simple layout.
struct GenericException {
/// Exception type, e.g., "FileSystemException".
array<byte>:128 type;
/// Exception message, e.g., "cannot open file".
array<byte>:1024 message;
/// Text representation of the stack trace.
fuchsia.mem.Buffer stack_trace;