blob: 873c26aeaa3eb88b3fd0560e41a6d5ea7cff5098 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fbl/auto_lock.h>
#include <fbl/mutex.h>
#include <fbl/ref_counted.h>
#include <fbl/ref_ptr.h>
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include "garnet/bin/media/audio_core/fwd_decls.h"
#include "src/lib/fxl/synchronization/thread_annotations.h"
namespace media::audio {
// An audio object is the simple base class for 4 major types of audio objects
// in the mixer; Outputs, Inputs, AudioRenderers and AudioCapturers. It ensures
// that each of these objects is intrusively ref-counted, and remembers its type
// so that it may be safely downcast from a generic audio object to something
// more specific.
class AudioObject : public fbl::RefCounted<AudioObject> {
enum class Type {
static std::shared_ptr<AudioLink> LinkObjects(
const fbl::RefPtr<AudioObject>& source,
const fbl::RefPtr<AudioObject>& dest);
static void RemoveLink(const AudioLinkPtr& link);
void UnlinkSources();
void UnlinkDestinations();
void Unlink() {
// PreventNewLinks
// Clears the new_links_allowed flag from within the context of the
// links_lock. This ensures that no new links may be added to this object
// anymore. Calling PreventNewLinks is one of the first steps in the process
// of shutting down an AudioObject.
// TODO(johngro) : Consider eliminating this; given the way that links are
// created and destroyed, it is not clear if it is needed anymore.
void PreventNewLinks() {
fbl::AutoLock lock(&links_lock_);
new_links_allowed_ = false;
Type type() const { return type_; }
bool is_output() const { return type() == Type::Output; }
bool is_input() const { return type() == Type::Input; }
bool is_audio_renderer() const { return type() == Type::AudioRenderer; }
bool is_audio_capturer() const { return type() == Type::AudioCapturer; }
friend class fbl::RefPtr<AudioObject>;
explicit AudioObject(Type type) : type_(type) {}
virtual ~AudioObject() {}
// Initialize(Source|Dest)Link
// Called on the AudioCore's main message loop any time a source and a
// destination are being linked via AudioObject::LinkObjects. By default,
// these hooks do nothing, but AudioObject subclasses may use them to set the
// properties of a link (or reject the link) before the link gets added to the
// source and destination link sets.
// For example, Sources like an AudioRenderer override InitializeDestLink in
// order to set the source gain and to make a copy of their pending packet
// queue. Destinations like an output override InitializeSourceLink in order
// to choose and initialize an appropriate resampling filter.
// @return MediaResult::OK if initialization succeeded, or an appropriate
// error code otherwise.
virtual zx_status_t InitializeSourceLink(const AudioLinkPtr& link);
virtual zx_status_t InitializeDestLink(const AudioLinkPtr& link);
fbl::Mutex links_lock_;
// The set of links which this audio device is acting as a source for (eg; the
// destinations that this object is sending to). The target of each of these
// links must be a either an Output or a AudioCapturer.
AudioLinkSet dest_links_ FXL_GUARDED_BY(links_lock_);
// The set of links which this audio device is acting as a destination for
// (eg; the sources that that the object is receiving from). The target of
// each of these links must be a either an Output or a AudioCapturer.
// TODO(johngro): Order this by priority. Use a fbl::WAVLTree (or some other
// form of ordered intrusive container) so that we can easily remove and
// re-insert a link if/when priority changes.
// Right now, we have no priorities, so this is just a set of
// AudioRenderer/output links.
AudioLinkSet source_links_ FXL_GUARDED_BY(links_lock_);
// The following iterator functions accept a function (see below) and call it
// sequentially with each destination link as a parameter. As described below,
// depending on which iterator is used, either every link is guaranteed to be
// included, or iteration will terminate early as soon as a task returns true.
// This iterator approach reduces our ability to use static thread analysis
// effectively, so use with care. ForEachDestLink and ForAnyDestLink each
// obtain the links_lock_ and hold it while each LinkFunction or
// LinkBoolFunction is invoked. For this reason,
// 1) Callers into the ForEachSourceLink, ForEachDestLink or ForAnyDestLink
// functions must not already hold links_lock_; additionally,
// 2) A LinkFunction or LinkBoolFunction must not
// a) attempt to obtain links_lock_ directly, nor
// b) acquire any lock marked as acquired_before(links_lock_), nor
// c) call any function which excludes links_lock_.
// The inline_functions below reserve stack space for up to four pointers.
// This can be increased as needed (but should NOT be needed any time soon).
// LinkFunction has no return value and is used with ForEach[Source|Dest]Link.
using LinkFunction =
fit::inline_function<void(const std::shared_ptr<AudioLink>& link),
sizeof(void*) * 4>;
// Same as LinkFunction, but returns bool for early termination. This
// return val is used by ForAnyDestLink (or a future ForAllDestLinks).
// Currently stack space for one ptr is provided (the one caller needs 0).
using LinkBoolFunction =
fit::inline_function<bool(const std::shared_ptr<AudioLink>& link),
sizeof(void*) * 1>;
// Link Iterators - these functions iterate upon LinkPacketSource types only.
// Run this task on AudioLinks in source_links_. All links will be called.
void ForEachSourceLink(const LinkFunction& source_task)
// Run this task on every AudioLink in dest_links_. All links will be called.
void ForEachDestLink(const LinkFunction& dest_task)
// Run this task on each dest link. If any returns 'true', ForAnyDestLink
// immediately returns 'true' without calling the remaining links. If none
// returns 'true' or if link set is empty, ForAnyDestLink returns 'false'.
bool ForAnyDestLink(const LinkBoolFunction& dest_task)
// TODO(mpuryear): it might be a good idea to introduce an auto-lock like
// object to fbl::, to behave like a lock token for situations like this. With
// proper tweaks to fbl::Mutex, this could for static analysis purposes seem
// to obtain and release a mutex without actually doing so. In debug builds,
// it could also assert that the mutex was held at object construction time.
// Pros: we regain much of the TA protection, if lambdas add one of these
// objects "holding" the proper lock at the start of their executions.
// Cons: essentially all these lambdas must capture "this", to tell the TA
// which instance of links_lock was being held. This price would be paid in
// all builds, regardless of whether code gets generated as a result.
void UnlinkCleanup(AudioLinkSet* links);
const Type type_;
bool new_links_allowed_ FXL_GUARDED_BY(links_lock_) = true;
} // namespace media::audio