blob: b0383c0bd173fe84994e1458a9880b5d8c4906d9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fbl/intrusive_wavl_tree.h>
#include <fbl/mutex.h>
#include <fbl/ref_counted.h>
#include <fbl/ref_ptr.h>
#include <fbl/unique_fd.h>
#include <fuchsia/media/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <rapidjson/schema.h>
#include <zircon/device/audio.h>
#include "src/lib/fxl/synchronization/thread_annotations.h"
namespace media::audio {
class AudioDevice;
class AudioDriver;
class AudioDeviceSettings
: public fbl::RefCounted<AudioDeviceSettings>,
public fbl::WAVLTreeContainable<fbl::RefPtr<AudioDeviceSettings>> {
struct GainState {
float gain_db = 0.0f;
// TODO(mpuryear): make this true, consistent w/
bool muted = false;
bool agc_enabled = false;
static fbl::RefPtr<AudioDeviceSettings> Create(const AudioDriver& drv,
bool is_input) {
return fbl::AdoptRef(new AudioDeviceSettings(drv, is_input));
static void Initialize();
// Initialize the contents of this audio driver structure from persisted
// settings on disk, or (if that fails) create a new settings file with the
// current initial settings.
zx_status_t InitFromDisk();
// Clone the contents of this AudioDeviceSettings from a different
// AudioDeviceSettings instance with the same unique id. Do not make any
// attempt to persist these settings to disk from now on.
void InitFromClone(const AudioDeviceSettings& other);
// Commit dirty settings to storage if needed, and return the next time at
// which we should commit our settings, or zx::time::infinite() if the
// settings are now clean and do not need to be committed in the future.
zx::time Commit(bool force = false);
// Simple accessors for constant properties
const audio_stream_unique_id_t& uid() const { return uid_; }
bool is_input() const { return is_input_; }
// Simple accessors for persisted properties
bool ignore_device() const { return ignore_device_; }
bool disallow_auto_routing() const { return disallow_auto_routing_; }
// Disallow copy/move construction/assignment
AudioDeviceSettings(const AudioDeviceSettings&) = delete;
AudioDeviceSettings(AudioDeviceSettings&&) = delete;
AudioDeviceSettings& operator=(const AudioDeviceSettings&) = delete;
AudioDeviceSettings& operator=(AudioDeviceSettings&&) = delete;
// Begin accessors used only from the AudioDeviceManager
// SetGainInfo
// Update the internal gain state using the supplied FIDL gain info structure,
// and return true if there was a meaningful change to the internal gain
// state which would warrant waking up the AudioDevice. Otherwise, return
// false.
bool SetGainInfo(const ::fuchsia::media::AudioGainInfo& info,
uint32_t set_flags) FXL_LOCKS_EXCLUDED(settings_lock_);
// GetGainInfo
// Fetch a copy of the current gain state packed into a FIDL structure
// suitable for reporting gain state.
void GetGainInfo(::fuchsia::media::AudioGainInfo* out_info) const
// End accessors used only from the AudioDeviceManager
// Begin accessors used only from the AudioDevice's mix domain.
// Snapshot the current gain state and return flags which indicate which of
// the gain settings have changed since the last observation.
audio_set_gain_flags_t SnapshotGainState(GainState* out_state)
// End accessors used only from the AudioDevice's mix domain.
AudioDeviceSettings(const AudioDriver& drv, bool is_input);
zx_status_t Deserialize(const fbl::unique_fd& storage);
zx_status_t Serialize();
void UpdateCommitTimeouts();
void CancelCommitTimeouts();
void CreateSettingsPath(const std::string& prefix, char* out_path,
size_t out_path_len);
static bool initialized_;
static std::unique_ptr<rapidjson::SchemaDocument> file_schema_;
const audio_stream_unique_id_t uid_;
const bool is_input_;
const bool can_mute_;
const bool can_agc_;
// Members which should only ever be accessed from the context of the
// AudioDeviceManager's message loop thread.
fbl::unique_fd storage_;
bool ignore_device_ = false;
bool disallow_auto_routing_ = false;
// Members which control the dirty/clean status of the settings relative to
// storage, and which control the Nagle-ish commit limiter.
// We introduce two absolute timeouts, next_commit_time and max_commit_time.
// When settings are clean (in sync with storage), both will be infinite.
// Anytime a change is introduced, the timeouts are updated as follows.
// 1) If max is infinite, it gets set to now + MaxUpdateDelay, otherwise it
// is
// unchanged.
// 2) next gets set to min(now + UpdateDelay, max_commit_time)
// When now >= next, it is time to commit. The general idea here is to wait
// a short amount of time before committing the settings to storage, because
// another change may be arriving very soon. This said, if the settings are
// constantly changing, they will need to eventually be committed. The
// UpdateDelay determines the maximum possible rate at which the settings
// will be committed, while MaxUpdateDelay determines the minimum commit rate
// in the event that the settings are constantly changing.
zx::time next_commit_time_ = zx::time::infinite();
zx::time max_commit_time_ = zx::time::infinite();
// The settings_lock_ protects any settings state which needs to be set by
// the AudioDeviceManager and observed atomically by the mix domain threads.
// Any state which is used only by the AudioDeviceManager, or which can be
// observed using std::atomic<>, does not need to be protected by the
// settings_lock_.
mutable fbl::Mutex settings_lock_;
GainState gain_state_ FXL_GUARDED_BY(settings_lock_);
audio_set_gain_flags_t gain_state_dirty_flags_
FXL_GUARDED_BY(settings_lock_) = static_cast<audio_set_gain_flags_t>(0);
} // namespace media::audio