blob: 2e7d06ecb243d882f4182d46fee0c5b99d50ef64 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use super::collection::{Font, FontCollection};
use super::font_info;
use super::manifest;
use failure::{format_err, Error, ResultExt};
use fdio;
use fidl;
use fidl::encoding::OutOfLine;
use fidl_fuchsia_fonts as fonts;
use fidl_fuchsia_mem as mem;
use fuchsia_async as fasync;
use futures::prelude::*;
use futures::{future, Future, FutureExt};
use log::error;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::fs::File;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::sync::Arc;
use unicase::UniCase;
/// Stores the relationship between [`Asset`] paths and IDs.
/// Should be initialized by [`FontService`].
/// `path_to_id_map` and `id_to_path_map` form a bidirectional map, so this relation holds:
/// ```
/// assert_eq!(self.path_to_id_map.get(&path), Some(&id));
/// assert_eq!(self.id_to_path_map.get(&id), Some(&path));
/// ```
struct AssetCollection {
/// Maps [`Asset`] path to ID.
path_to_id_map: BTreeMap<PathBuf, u32>,
/// Inverse of `path_to_id_map`.
id_to_path_map: BTreeMap<u32, PathBuf>,
/// Next ID to assign, autoincremented from 0.
next_id: u32,
/// Get `VMO` handle to the [`Asset`] at `path`.
fn load_asset_to_vmo(path: &Path) -> Result<mem::Buffer, Error> {
let file = File::open(path)?;
let vmo = fdio::get_vmo_copy_from_file(&file)?;
let size = file.metadata()?.len();
Ok(mem::Buffer { vmo, size })
impl AssetCollection {
fn new() -> AssetCollection {
AssetCollection {
path_to_id_map: BTreeMap::new(),
id_to_path_map: BTreeMap::new(),
next_id: 0,
/// Add the [`Asset`] found at `path` to the collection and return its ID.
/// If `path` is already in the collection, return the existing ID.
/// TODO(seancuff): Switch to updating ID of existing entries. This would allow assets to be
/// updated without restarting the service (e.g. installing a newer version of a file). Clients
/// would need to check the ID of their currently-held asset against the response.
fn add_or_get_asset_id(&mut self, path: &Path) -> u32 {
if let Some(id) = self.path_to_id_map.get(&path.to_path_buf()) {
return *id;
let id = self.next_id;
self.id_to_path_map.insert(id, path.to_path_buf());
self.path_to_id_map.insert(path.to_path_buf(), id);
self.next_id += 1;
/// Get a `Buffer` holding the `Vmo` for the [`Asset`] corresponding to `id`.
fn get_asset(&self, id: u32) -> Result<mem::Buffer, Error> {
if let Some(path) = self.id_to_path_map.get(&id) {
let buf = load_asset_to_vmo(path)
.with_context(|_| format!("Failed to load {}", path.to_string_lossy()))?;
return Ok(buf);
Err(format_err!("No asset found with id {}", id))
struct FontFamily {
name: String,
fonts: FontCollection,
fallback_group: fonts::FallbackGroup,
impl FontFamily {
fn new(name: String, fallback_group: fonts::FallbackGroup) -> FontFamily {
FontFamily { name, fonts: FontCollection::new(), fallback_group }
enum FamilyOrAlias {
/// Represents an alias to a `Family` whose name is the associated [`UniCase`]`<`[`String`]`>`.
pub struct FontService {
assets: AssetCollection,
/// Maps the font family name from the manifest (``) to a FamilyOrAlias.
families: BTreeMap<UniCase<String>, FamilyOrAlias>,
fallback_collection: FontCollection,
impl FontService {
pub fn new() -> FontService {
FontService {
assets: AssetCollection::new(),
families: BTreeMap::new(),
fallback_collection: FontCollection::new(),
/// Verify that we have a reasonable font configuration and can start.
pub fn check_can_start(&self) -> Result<(), Error> {
if self.fallback_collection.is_empty() {
return Err(format_err!("Need at least one fallback font"));
pub fn load_manifest(&mut self, manifest_path: &Path) -> Result<(), Error> {
let manifest = manifest::FontsManifest::load_from_file(&manifest_path)?;
self.add_fonts_from_manifest(manifest).with_context(|_| {
format!("Failed to load fonts from {}", manifest_path.to_string_lossy())
fn add_fonts_from_manifest(
&mut self,
mut manifest: manifest::FontsManifest,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let font_info_loader = font_info::FontInfoLoader::new()?;
for mut family_manifest in manifest.families.drain(..) {
if family_manifest.fonts.is_empty() {
let family_name = UniCase::new(;
// Get the [`FamilyOrAlias`] from `families` associated with `family_name`.
// If the key `family_name` does not exist in `families`, insert it with a
// [`FamilyOrAlias`]`::Family` value.
// If a [`FamilyOrAlias`]`::Alias` with the same name already exists, [`Error`].
let family = match self.families.entry(family_name.clone()).or_insert_with(|| {
}) {
FamilyOrAlias::Family(f) => f,
FamilyOrAlias::Alias(other_family) => {
// Different manifest files may declare fonts for the same family,
// but font aliases cannot conflict with main family name.
return Err(format_err!(
"Conflicting font alias: {} is already declared as an alias for {}",
for font_manifest in family_manifest.fonts.drain(..) {
let asset_id = self.assets.add_or_get_asset_id(font_manifest.asset.as_path());
let buffer = self.assets.get_asset(asset_id).with_context(|_| {
format!("Failed to load font from {}", font_manifest.asset.to_string_lossy())
let info = font_info_loader
.load_font_info(buffer.vmo, buffer.size as usize, font_manifest.index)
.with_context(|_| {
"Failed to load font info from {}",
let font = Arc::new(Font::new(
if family_manifest.fallback {
// Register family aliases.
for alias in family_manifest.aliases.unwrap_or(vec![]) {
let alias_unicase = UniCase::new(alias.clone());
match self.families.get(&alias_unicase) {
None => {
.insert(alias_unicase, FamilyOrAlias::Alias(family_name.clone()));
Some(FamilyOrAlias::Family(_)) => {
return Err(format_err!(
"Can't add alias {} for {} because a family with that name already \
Some(FamilyOrAlias::Alias(other_family)) => {
// If the alias exists then it must be for the same font family.
if *other_family != family_name {
return Err(format_err!(
"Can't add alias {} for {} because it's already declared as alias \
for {}.",
/// Get font family by name.
fn match_family(&self, family_name: &UniCase<String>) -> Option<&FontFamily> {
let family = match self.families.get(family_name)? {
FamilyOrAlias::Family(f) => f,
FamilyOrAlias::Alias(a) => match self.families.get(a) {
Some(FamilyOrAlias::Family(f)) => f,
_ => panic!("Invalid font alias."),
fn match_request(&self, mut request: fonts::Request) -> Option<fonts::Response> {
request.language =|list| list.iter().map(|l| l.to_ascii_lowercase()).collect());
let matched_family = request
.and_then(|family| self.match_family(&UniCase::new(family.clone())));
let mut font = matched_family.and_then(|family| family.fonts.match_request(&request));
if font.is_none() && (request.flags & fonts::REQUEST_FLAG_NO_FALLBACK) == 0 {
// If fallback_group is not specified by the client explicitly then copy it from
// the matched font family.
if request.fallback_group == fonts::FallbackGroup::None {
if let Some(family) = matched_family {
request.fallback_group = family.fallback_group;
font = self.fallback_collection.match_request(&request);
font.and_then(|font| match self.assets.get_asset(font.asset_id) {
Ok(buffer) => Some(fonts::Response {
buffer_id: font.asset_id,
font_index: font.font_index,
Err(err) => {
error!("Failed to load font file: {}", err);
fn get_font_info(&self, family_name: String) -> Option<fonts::FamilyInfo> {
let family_name = UniCase::new(family_name);
let family = self.match_family(&family_name)?;
Some(fonts::FamilyInfo {
styles: family.fonts.get_styles().collect(),
fn handle_font_provider_request(
request: fonts::ProviderRequest,
) -> impl Future<Output = Result<(), fidl::Error>> {
match request {
fonts::ProviderRequest::GetFont { request, responder } => {
let mut response = self.match_request(request);
fonts::ProviderRequest::GetFamilyInfo { family, responder } => {
let mut font_info = self.get_font_info(family);
fonts::ProviderRequest::GetTypeface { request, responder } => {
// TODO(I18N-12): Implement changes from API review
fonts::ProviderRequest::GetFontFamilyInfo { family, responder } => {
// TODO(I18N-12): Implement changes from API review
pub fn spawn_server(font_service: Arc<FontService>, stream: fonts::ProviderRequestStream) {
// TODO(sergeyu): Consider making handle_font_provider_request() and
// load_asset_to_vmo() asynchronous and using try_for_each_concurrent()
// instead of try_for_each() here. That would be useful only if clients can
// send more than one concurrent request.
let stream_complete = stream
.try_for_each(move |request| font_service.handle_font_provider_request(request))
.map(|_| ());