blob: b65f66056296f8904eef51b2a54ad552602cb1c4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use fuchsia_runtime as runtime;
use fuchsia_zircon as zx;
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use std::borrow::Borrow;
use std::ffi::CStr;
use std::ops::Deref;
use std::panic;
use tracing::error;
lazy_static! {
static ref SCOPED_JOB: Scoped<zx::Job> = initialize();
fn initialize() -> Scoped<zx::Job> {
let job = runtime::job_default().create_child_job().expect("couldn't create job");
unsafe {
// We cannot panic past this point.
#[cfg(rust_panic = "abort")]
fn install_panic_hook() {
let old_hook = panic::take_hook();
let new_hook = Box::new(move |panic_info: &panic::PanicInfo<'_>| {
#[cfg(not(rust_panic = "abort"))]
fn install_panic_hook() {
// When panic=unwind we can rely on the destructor of the individual
// processes.
extern "C" fn exit_hook() {
kill(SCOPED_JOB.0.as_ref().unwrap(), "scoped job root");
/// Installs the hooks that ensure scoped tasks are cleaned up on panic and
/// process exit.
/// Programs and tests that are multithreaded should call this before starting
/// any threads. Single-threaded programs do not have to call this, and can rely
/// on hooks being installed lazily.
/// This function can be called multiple times. It will not have any effect
/// after the first call.
pub fn install_hooks() {
let _ = &*SCOPED_JOB;
/// Returns the default job for spawning scoped processes.
/// This job is a child of the job returned by [`fuchsia_runtime::job_default`].
pub fn job_default() -> &'static Scoped<zx::Job> {
/// Creates and returns a child job of the job returned by [`job_default`].
pub fn create_child_job() -> Result<Scoped<zx::Job>, zx::Status> {
/// A convenience wrapper around [`fdio::spawn_etc`] that returns a
/// [`Scoped`].
/// Note that you must assign the return value to a local. You can use a leading
/// underscore in the name to avoid the unused variable lint, but don't use just
/// `_` or the process will be killed immediately. For example,
/// ```
/// let _process = scoped_task::spawn_etc(
/// &scoped_task::job_default(),
/// SpawnOptions::CLONE_ALL,
/// cstr!("/pkg/bin/echo"),
/// &[cstr!("hello world")],
/// None,
/// &mut [],
/// ).expect("could not spawn process");
/// ```
pub fn spawn_etc<'a>(
job: impl Borrow<&'a Scoped<zx::Job>>,
options: fdio::SpawnOptions,
path: &CStr,
argv: &[&CStr],
environ: Option<&[&CStr]>,
actions: &mut [fdio::SpawnAction<'_>],
) -> Result<Scoped<zx::Process>, (zx::Status, String)> {
fdio::spawn_etc(job.borrow().0.as_ref().unwrap(), options, path, argv, environ, actions)
/// A convenience wrapper around [`fdio::spawn`] that returns a
/// [`Scoped`].
/// Note that you must assign the return value to a local. You can use a leading
/// underscore in the name to avoid the unused variable lint, but don't use just
/// `_` or the process will be killed immediately. For example,
/// ```
/// let _process = scoped_task::spawn(
/// &scoped_task::job_default(),
/// SpawnOptions::CLONE_ALL,
/// cstr!("/pkg/bin/echo"),
/// &[cstr!("hello world")],
/// ).expect("could not spawn process");
/// ```
pub fn spawn<'a>(
job: impl Borrow<&'a Scoped<zx::Job>>,
options: fdio::SpawnOptions,
path: &CStr,
argv: &[&CStr],
) -> Result<Scoped<zx::Process>, zx::Status> {
fdio::spawn(job.borrow().0.as_ref().unwrap(), options, path, argv).map(Scoped::new)
/// Scoped wrapper for a process or job backed by a Zircon handle.
/// The process or job is killed when the wrapper goes out of scope or the
/// current process panics. See the module-level documentation for more details.
pub struct Scoped<T: zx::Task = zx::Process>(Option<T>);
impl<T: zx::Task> Scoped<T> {
fn new(process: T) -> Self {
/// Kills the process, consuming the Scoped wrapper and returning
/// the inner task object.
pub fn kill(mut self) -> Result<T, zx::Status> {
let inner = self.0.take().unwrap();
let result = inner.kill();|()| inner)
/// Consumes the Scoped wrapper and returns the inner task object. The task
/// will no longer be killed on Drop, but may still be killed on exit.
pub fn into_inner(mut self) -> T {
impl<T: zx::Task> Drop for Scoped<T> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if let Some(process) = self.0.take() {
kill(&process, "scoped task");
impl<T: zx::Task> Deref for Scoped<T> {
type Target = T;
fn deref(&self) -> &T {
fn kill<T: zx::Task>(process: &T, what: &'static str) {
let result: Result<(), zx::Status> = (|| {
process.wait_handle(zx::Signals::TASK_TERMINATED, zx::Time::INFINITE)?;
match result {
Ok(()) => {}
Err(status) => {
eprintln!("error: could not kill {what}: {status}");
error!(%status, "error: could not kill {what}");