blob: b230881e420c8ced365144f69aecd2b65324b24b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! Parses ELF files. For documentation on the format, see the ELF specification or
//! /usr/include/elf.h
use {
fuchsia_zircon as zx,
zerocopy::{AsBytes, FromBytes, LayoutVerified},
/// Possible errors that can occur during ELF parsing.
#[allow(missing_docs)] // No docs on individual error variants.
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
pub enum ElfParseError {
#[error("Failed to read ELF from VMO: {}", _0)]
#[error("Parse error: {}", _0)]
ParseError(&'static str),
#[error("Invalid ELF file header: {}", _0)]
InvalidFileHeader(&'static str),
#[error("Invalid ELF program header: {}", _0)]
InvalidProgramHeader(&'static str),
#[error("Multiple ELF program headers of type {} present", _0)]
impl ElfParseError {
/// Returns an appropriate zx::Status code for the given error.
pub fn as_zx_status(&self) -> zx::Status {
match self {
ElfParseError::ReadError(s) => *s,
// Not a great status to return for an invalid ELF but there's no great fit, and this
// matches elf_load.
| ElfParseError::InvalidFileHeader(_)
| ElfParseError::InvalidProgramHeader(_) => zx::Status::NOT_FOUND,
ElfParseError::MultipleHeaders(_) => zx::Status::NOT_FOUND,
trait Validate {
fn validate(&self) -> Result<(), ElfParseError>;
/// ELF identity header.
#[derive(FromBytes, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct ElfIdent {
/// e_ident[EI_MAG0:EI_MAG3]
pub magic: [u8; 4],
/// e_ident[EI_CLASS]
pub class: u8,
/// e_ident[EI_DATA]
pub data: u8,
/// e_ident[EI_VERSION]
pub version: u8,
/// e_ident[EI_OSABI]
pub osabi: u8,
/// e_ident[EI_ABIVERSION]
pub abiversion: u8,
/// e_ident[EI_PAD]
pub pad: [u8; 7],
const EI_NIDENT: usize = 16;
assert_eq_size!(ElfIdent, [u8; EI_NIDENT]);
/// ELF class, from EI_CLASS.
#[derive(FromPrimitive, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum ElfClass {
Unknown = 0,
Elf32 = 1,
Elf64 = 2,
/// ELF data encoding, from EI_DATA.
#[derive(FromPrimitive, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum ElfDataEncoding {
Unknown = 0,
LittleEndian = 1,
BigEndian = 2,
/// ELF version, from EI_VERSION.
#[derive(FromPrimitive, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum ElfVersion {
Unknown = 0,
Current = 1,
impl ElfIdent {
pub fn class(&self) -> Result<ElfClass, u8> {
pub fn data(&self) -> Result<ElfDataEncoding, u8> {
pub fn version(&self) -> Result<ElfVersion, u8> {
#[derive(FromBytes, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct Elf64FileHeader {
pub ident: ElfIdent,
pub elf_type: u16,
pub machine: u16,
pub version: u32,
pub entry: usize,
pub phoff: usize,
pub shoff: usize,
pub flags: u32,
pub ehsize: u16,
pub phentsize: u16,
pub phnum: u16,
pub shentsize: u16,
pub shnum: u16,
pub shstrndx: u16,
#[derive(FromPrimitive, Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum ElfType {
Unknown = 0,
/// ET_REL
Relocatable = 1,
Executable = 2,
/// ET_DYN
SharedObject = 3,
Core = 4,
#[derive(FromPrimitive, Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum ElfArchitecture {
Unknown = 0,
/// EM_386
I386 = 3,
/// EM_ARM
ARM = 40,
/// EM_X86_64
X86_64 = 62,
/// EM_AARCH64
AARCH64 = 183,
pub const ELF_MAGIC: [u8; 4] = *b"\x7fELF";
#[cfg(target_endian = "little")]
pub const NATIVE_ENCODING: ElfDataEncoding = ElfDataEncoding::LittleEndian;
#[cfg(target_endian = "big")]
pub const NATIVE_ENCODING: ElfDataEncoding = ElfDataEncoding::BigEndian;
#[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")]
pub const CURRENT_ARCH: ElfArchitecture = ElfArchitecture::X86_64;
#[cfg(target_arch = "aarch64")]
pub const CURRENT_ARCH: ElfArchitecture = ElfArchitecture::AARCH64;
impl Elf64FileHeader {
pub fn elf_type(&self) -> Result<ElfType, u16> {
pub fn machine(&self) -> Result<ElfArchitecture, u16> {
fn from_bytes(bytes: &[u8]) -> Result<LayoutVerified<&[u8], Elf64FileHeader>, ElfParseError> {
.ok_or(ElfParseError::ParseError("Failed to parse ELF64 file header"))
impl Validate for Elf64FileHeader {
fn validate(&self) -> Result<(), ElfParseError> {
if self.ident.magic != ELF_MAGIC {
return Err(ElfParseError::InvalidFileHeader("Invalid ELF magic"));
if self.ident.class() != Ok(ElfClass::Elf64) {
return Err(ElfParseError::InvalidFileHeader("Invalid ELF class"));
return Err(ElfParseError::InvalidFileHeader("Invalid ELF data encoding"));
if self.ident.version() != Ok(ElfVersion::Current) {
return Err(ElfParseError::InvalidFileHeader("Invalid ELF version"));
if self.phentsize as usize != mem::size_of::<Elf64ProgramHeader>() {
return Err(ElfParseError::InvalidFileHeader("Invalid ELF program header size"));
if self.phnum == std::u16::MAX {
return Err(ElfParseError::InvalidFileHeader(
"2^16 or more ELF program headers is unsupported",
if self.machine() != Ok(CURRENT_ARCH) {
return Err(ElfParseError::InvalidFileHeader("Invalid ELF architecture"));
if self.elf_type() != Ok(ElfType::SharedObject)
&& self.elf_type() != Ok(ElfType::Executable)
return Err(ElfParseError::InvalidFileHeader(
"Invalid or unsupported ELF type, only ET_DYN is supported",
#[derive(FromBytes, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct Elf64ProgramHeader {
pub segment_type: u32,
pub flags: u32,
pub offset: usize,
pub vaddr: usize,
pub paddr: usize,
pub filesz: u64,
pub memsz: u64,
pub align: u64,
#[derive(FromPrimitive, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum Elf64DynTag {
Null = 0,
Needed = 1,
Pltrelsz = 2,
Pltgot = 3,
Hash = 4,
Strtab = 5,
Symtab = 6,
Rela = 7,
Relasz = 8,
Relaent = 9,
Strsz = 10,
Syment = 11,
Init = 12,
Fini = 13,
Soname = 14,
Rpath = 15,
Symbolic = 16,
Rel = 17,
Relsz = 18,
Relent = 19,
Pltrel = 20,
Debug = 21,
Textrel = 22,
Jmprel = 23,
BindNow = 24,
InitArray = 25,
FiniArray = 26,
InitArraysz = 27,
FiniArraysz = 28,
Runpath = 29,
Flags = 30,
PreinitArray = 32,
PreinitArraysz = 33,
Loos = 0x6000000D,
Hios = 0x6ffff000,
Loproc = 0x70000000,
Hiproc = 0x7fffffff,
#[derive(AsBytes, FromBytes, Default, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct Elf64Dyn {
pub tag: u64,
pub value: u64,
impl Elf64Dyn {
pub fn tag(&self) -> Result<Elf64DynTag, u64> {
#[derive(FromPrimitive, Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum SegmentType {
Unused = 0,
Load = 1,
Dynamic = 2,
Interp = 3,
GnuStack = 0x6474e551,
bitflags! {
pub struct SegmentFlags: u32 {
const EXECUTE = 0b0001;
const WRITE = 0b0010;
const READ = 0b0100;
impl fmt::Display for SegmentType {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
SegmentType::Unused => write!(f, "PT_NULL"),
SegmentType::Load => write!(f, "PT_LOAD"),
SegmentType::Dynamic => write!(f, "PT_DYNAMIC"),
SegmentType::Interp => write!(f, "PT_INTERP"),
SegmentType::GnuStack => write!(f, "PT_GNU_STACK"),
impl Elf64ProgramHeader {
pub fn segment_type(&self) -> Result<SegmentType, u32> {
pub fn flags(&self) -> SegmentFlags {
// Ignore bits that don't correspond to one of the flags included in SegmentFlags
impl Validate for [Elf64ProgramHeader] {
fn validate(&self) -> Result<(), ElfParseError> {
let page_size = zx::system_get_page_size() as usize;
let mut vaddr_high: usize = 0;
for hdr in self {
if hdr.filesz > hdr.memsz {
return Err(ElfParseError::InvalidProgramHeader("filesz > memsz"));
match hdr.segment_type() {
Ok(SegmentType::Load) => {
// Virtual addresses for PT_LOAD segments should not overlap.
if hdr.vaddr < vaddr_high {
return Err(ElfParseError::InvalidProgramHeader(
"Overlap in virtual addresses",
vaddr_high = hdr.vaddr + hdr.memsz as usize;
// Segment alignment should be a multiple of the system page size.
if hdr.align % page_size as u64 != 0 {
return Err(ElfParseError::InvalidProgramHeader(
"Alignment must be multiple of the system page size",
// Virtual addresses should be at the same page offset as their offset in the
// file.
if (hdr.vaddr % hdr.align as usize) != (hdr.offset % hdr.align as usize) {
return Err(ElfParseError::InvalidProgramHeader(
"Virtual address and offset in file are not at same offset in page",
Ok(SegmentType::GnuStack) => {
if hdr.flags().contains(SegmentFlags::EXECUTE) {
return Err(ElfParseError::InvalidProgramHeader(
"Fuchsia does not support executable stacks",
// No specific validation to perform for these.
Ok(SegmentType::Unused) | Ok(SegmentType::Interp) | Ok(SegmentType::Dynamic) => {}
// Ignore segment types that we don't care about.
Err(_) => {}
pub struct Elf64Headers {
// These headers are read straight out of a VMO and then parsed with zerocopy, so we use
// OwningRef to keep ownership of the underlying bytes and hold a reference to the parsed
// structs that will be actually used. Public accessors provide access to the parsed headers
// and hide this detail.
file_header: OwningRef<Vec<u8>, Elf64FileHeader>,
program_headers: Option<OwningRef<Vec<u8>, [Elf64ProgramHeader]>>,
// Section headers are not parsed currently since they aren't needed for the current use case,
// but could be added if needed.
impl Elf64Headers {
pub fn from_vmo(vmo: &zx::Vmo) -> Result<Elf64Headers, ElfParseError> {
// Read and parse the ELF file header from the VMO.
let file_hdr_len = mem::size_of::<Elf64FileHeader>();
let mut data = vec![0u8; file_hdr_len]; data[..], 0).map_err(|s| ElfParseError::ReadError(s))?;
let data_oref = OwningRef::new(data);
let file_header: OwningRef<Vec<u8>, Elf64FileHeader> =
data_oref.try_map(|v| Elf64FileHeader::from_bytes(v).map(|lv| lv.into_ref()))?;
// Read and parse the ELF program headers from the VMO. Also support the degenerate case
// where there are no program headers, which is valid ELF but probably not useful outside
// tests.
let mut program_headers = None;
let phdrs_size = file_header.phnum as usize * mem::size_of::<Elf64ProgramHeader>();
if phdrs_size > 0 {
let mut phdrs_data = vec![0; phdrs_size]; phdrs_data[..], file_header.phoff as u64)
.map_err(|s| ElfParseError::ReadError(s))?;
let phdrs_data_oref = OwningRef::new(phdrs_data);
let phdrs = phdrs_data_oref.try_map(|v| {
.ok_or(ElfParseError::ParseError("Failed to parse ELF64 program headers"))
.map(|lv| lv.into_slice())
program_headers = Some(phdrs);
Ok(Elf64Headers { file_header, program_headers })
pub fn file_header(&self) -> &Elf64FileHeader {
pub fn program_headers(&self) -> &[Elf64ProgramHeader] {
match &self.program_headers {
Some(own_ref) => &*own_ref,
None => &[],
/// Returns an iterator that yields all program headers of the given type.
pub fn program_headers_with_type(
stype: SegmentType,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = &Elf64ProgramHeader> {
self.program_headers().iter().filter(move |x| match x.segment_type() {
Ok(t) => t == stype,
_ => false,
/// Returns 0 or 1 headers of the given type, or Err([ElfParseError::MultipleHeaders]) if more
/// than 1 such header is present.
pub fn program_header_with_type(
stype: SegmentType,
) -> Result<Option<&Elf64ProgramHeader>, ElfParseError> {
let mut headers = self.program_headers_with_type(stype);
let header =;
if {
return Err(ElfParseError::MultipleHeaders(stype));
return Ok(header);
/// Creates an instance of Elf64Headers from in-memory representations of the ELF headers.
/// The data must have a static lifetime as it is not derived from the bytes owned by this
/// instance.
pub fn new_for_test(
file_header: &'static Elf64FileHeader,
program_headers: Option<&'static [Elf64ProgramHeader]>,
) -> Self {
Self {
file_header: OwningRef::new(Vec::new()).map(|_| file_header),
program_headers: program_headers
.map(|headers| OwningRef::new(Vec::new()).map(|_| headers)),
mod tests {
use {super::*, anyhow::Error, assert_matches::assert_matches, fdio, std::fs::File};
// These are specially crafted files that just contain a valid ELF64 file header but
// nothing else.
static HEADER_DATA_X86_64: &'static [u8] = include_bytes!("../test/elf_x86-64_file-header.bin");
static HEADER_DATA_AARCH64: &'static [u8] =
#[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")]
static HEADER_DATA: &'static [u8] = HEADER_DATA_X86_64;
#[cfg(target_arch = "aarch64")]
static HEADER_DATA: &'static [u8] = HEADER_DATA_AARCH64;
#[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")]
#[cfg(target_arch = "aarch64")]
static HEADER_DATA_WRONG_ARCH: &'static [u8] = HEADER_DATA_X86_64;
fn test_parse_file_header() -> Result<(), Error> {
let vmo = zx::Vmo::create(HEADER_DATA.len() as u64)?;
vmo.write(&HEADER_DATA, 0)?;
let headers = Elf64Headers::from_vmo(&vmo)?;
&Elf64FileHeader {
ident: ElfIdent {
magic: ELF_MAGIC,
class: ElfClass::Elf64 as u8,
data: ElfDataEncoding::LittleEndian as u8,
version: ElfVersion::Current as u8,
osabi: 0,
abiversion: 0,
pad: [0; 7],
elf_type: ElfType::SharedObject as u16,
machine: CURRENT_ARCH as u16,
version: 1,
entry: 0x10000,
phoff: 0,
shoff: 0,
flags: 0,
ehsize: mem::size_of::<Elf64FileHeader>() as u16,
phentsize: mem::size_of::<Elf64ProgramHeader>() as u16,
phnum: 0,
shentsize: 0,
shnum: 0,
shstrndx: 0,
assert_eq!(headers.program_headers().len(), 0);
fn test_parse_wrong_arch() -> Result<(), Error> {
let vmo = zx::Vmo::create(HEADER_DATA_WRONG_ARCH.len() as u64)?;
vmo.write(&HEADER_DATA, 0)?;
match Elf64Headers::from_vmo(&vmo) {
Err(ElfParseError::InvalidFileHeader(msg)) => {
assert_eq!(msg, "Invalid ELF architecture");
_ => {}
fn test_parse_program_headers() -> Result<(), Error> {
// Let's try to parse ourselves!
// Ideally we'd use std::env::current_exe but that doesn't seem to be implemented (yet?)
let file = File::open("/pkg/bin/process_builder_lib_test")?;
let vmo = fdio::get_vmo_copy_from_file(&file)?;
let headers = Elf64Headers::from_vmo(&vmo)?;
assert!(headers.program_headers().len() > 0);
assert!(headers.program_headers_with_type(SegmentType::Dynamic).count() == 1);
assert!(headers.program_headers_with_type(SegmentType::Load).count() > 1);
fn test_parse_static_pie() -> Result<(), Error> {
// Parse the statically linked PIE test binary.
let file = File::open("/pkg/bin/static_pie_test_util")?;
let vmo = fdio::get_vmo_copy_from_file(&file)?;
// Should have no PT_INTERP header, but should have PT_DYNAMIC and 1+ PT_LOAD.
let headers = Elf64Headers::from_vmo(&vmo)?;
assert!(headers.program_headers().len() > 0);
assert!(headers.program_headers_with_type(SegmentType::Dynamic).count() == 1);
assert!(headers.program_headers_with_type(SegmentType::Load).count() > 1);
fn test_parse_program_header_bad_alignment() {
let page_size = zx::system_get_page_size() as usize;
let headers = [Elf64ProgramHeader {
segment_type: SegmentType::Load as u32,
flags: (SegmentFlags::READ | SegmentFlags::EXECUTE).bits,
align: page_size as u64 + 1024,
offset: 0x1000,
vaddr: 0x1000,
paddr: 0x1000,
filesz: 0x1000,
memsz: 0x1000,
"Alignment must be multiple of the system page size"
fn test_parse_program_header_bad_offset_and_vaddr() {
let page_size = zx::system_get_page_size() as usize;
let headers = [Elf64ProgramHeader {
segment_type: SegmentType::Load as u32,
flags: (SegmentFlags::READ | SegmentFlags::EXECUTE).bits,
align: page_size as u64,
offset: 0x1001,
vaddr: 0x1002,
paddr: 0x1000,
filesz: 0x1000,
memsz: 0x1000,
"Virtual address and offset in file are not at same offset in page"