blob: 4884aab9baebb4b98d893e6ec0dd9666694b9a12 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Generates a file containing static data extracted from ICU using icu_data_extractor.
# Example:
# import("//src/lib/icu/tools/static_icu_data.gni")
# import("//build/components.gni")
# import("//build/dist/resource.gni")
# static_icu_data("revision") {
# command = "tz-version"
# output = "${target_gen_dir}/revision.txt"
# }
# resource("resource") {
# sources = get_target_outputs(":revision")
# outputs = [ "data/revision.txt" ]
# }
# fuchsia_component("component") {
# deps = [ ":resource" ]
# ...
# }
# To view all the supported commands and arguments, run
# fx build host-tools/icu_data_extractor && out/default/host_x64/icu_data_extractor
# Parameters
# output:
# Required: Path to the output file. This should usually be something like
# "$target_gen_dir/myfile.txt".
# Type: file
# command:
# Required: icu_data_extractor command ("tz-version", "tz-ids")
# Type: string
# command_args:
# Optional: Additional arguments to icu_data_extractor command.
# Type: list(string)
template("static_icu_data") {
compiled_action(target_name) {
if (!defined(command_args)) {
command_args = []
tool = "//src/lib/icu/tools/extractor:icu_data_extractor"
icu_data_file = "//third_party/icu/common/icudtl.dat"
tz_res_dir = "//third_party/icu/tzres/"
inputs = [
# While these files aren't strictly the only files in tz_res_dir, in
# practice they rarely change, so it's OK to list them explicitly as
# inputs here.
outputs = [ output ]
args = [
"--icu-data-file=" + rebase_path(icu_data_file, root_build_dir),
"--tz-res-dir=" + rebase_path(tz_res_dir, root_build_dir),
"--output=" + rebase_path(output, root_build_dir),
] + command_args